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Line 728: /* Bug 13442362 13367279 Added gme_batch_steps and joins so that index on gme_batch_step_resources is used */

724: gme_debug.put_line (sql%ROWCOUNT || ' rows inserted');
725: gme_debug.put_line ('Now insert any remaining resources which was not used for any product...');
726: END IF;
728: /* Bug 13442362 13367279 Added gme_batch_steps and joins so that index on gme_batch_step_resources is used */
730: INSERT INTO gmf_batch_requirements_gtmp(
731: vib_id,
732: batch_id,

Line 771: FROM gme_material_details p, gme_batch_step_resources r, gme_batch_steps s

767: NULL,
768: gmf_vib_id_s.nextval,
769: p.organization_id,
770: l_vib_profile_value
771: FROM gme_material_details p, gme_batch_step_resources r, gme_batch_steps s
772: WHERE
773: p.batch_id = p_batch_id AND
774: s.batch_id = p_batch_id AND
775: s.batchstep_id = r.batchstep_id AND

Line 856: /* Bug 13442362 13367279 Added gme_batch_steps and joins so that index on gme_batch_step_resources is used */

852: IF g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_statement THEN
853: gme_debug.put_line ('inserting remaining resources');
854: END IF;
856: /* Bug 13442362 13367279 Added gme_batch_steps and joins so that index on gme_batch_step_resources is used */
858: INSERT INTO gmf_batch_requirements_gtmp(
859: vib_id,
860: batch_id,

Line 899: FROM gme_material_details p, gme_batch_step_resources r, gme_batch_steps s

895: NULL,
896: gmf_vib_id_s.nextval,
897: p.organization_id,
898: l_vib_profile_value
899: FROM gme_material_details p, gme_batch_step_resources r, gme_batch_steps s
900: WHERE
901: p.batch_id = p_batch_id AND
902: s.batch_id = p_batch_id AND
903: s.batchstep_id = r.batchstep_id AND