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1 package body ad_mv as
2 /* $Header: admvb.pls 120.14 2011/09/22 19:12:51 mkumandu ship $*/
4    gs_package_name_c               CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'ad_mv';
6    ga_stmt                         dbms_sql.varchar2s;
8    ga_c_stmt                       clob;
10    check_tspace_exist              varchar2(100);
12    mv_exists                       EXCEPTION;
13    PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(mv_exists, -12006);
15    -- Bug 3562360: sallamse
16    -- Removed the set_sess_parm_if_required procedure
17    -- global constants for package body
18    -- everything between 8.1.7 and 9.0.0
19    gn_limit_min_c                 CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 817;
20    gn_limit_max_c                 CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 900;
22    ls_version                     VARCHAR2(20);
23    ls_compatibility               VARCHAR2(20);
26    --
27    -- Split global statement
28    --
29    PROCEDURE split_stmt(as_stmt_i VARCHAR2)
30    IS
31      l_chunk                       VARCHAR2(256);
32      l_index                       INTEGER := 1;
33      l_pointer                     INTEGER;
34    BEGIN
35        l_pointer := NVL(ga_stmt.COUNT + 1, 1);
36        LOOP
37          l_chunk := SUBSTR(as_stmt_i, l_index, 256);
38          EXIT WHEN l_chunk IS NULL;
39          ga_stmt(l_pointer) := l_chunk;
40          l_pointer := l_pointer + 1;
41          l_index := l_index + 256;
42        END LOOP;
43    END;
46    --
47    -- This procedure will return 'Y' if db prep scripts run
48    -- Else it will return 'N'
49    --
50    FUNCTION is_edition_enabled
51    return varchar2
52    IS
53       l_enabled varchar2(1);
54       l_appsuser varchar2(30);
55     BEGIN
57    -- Get APPS Username
58       SELECT oracle_username
59       INTO   l_appsuser
60       FROM   fnd_oracle_userid
61       WHERE  read_only_flag='U';
63    -- Check the editions enabled for APPS schema
64       SELECT editions_enabled
65       INTO   l_enabled
66       FROM   dba_users
67       WHERE  username=l_appsuser;
69       return l_enabled;
70    END;
73 --
74 -- Execute the given statement
75 --
76 PROCEDURE execute_stmt(as_stmt_i clob, ab_long_stmt_i boolean)
77 is
78   ln_cursor INTEGER;
79   ln_dummy  INTEGER;
80 begin
81   IF (ab_long_stmt_i)
82   THEN
83      ln_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
84 	  dbms_sql.parse(c => ln_cursor, statement => ga_stmt
85                      , lb => 1, ub => ga_stmt.COUNT
86                      , lfflg => FALSE, language_flag => dbms_sql.native
87       );
88 	  ln_dummy := dbms_sql.execute(ln_cursor);
89 	  dbms_sql.close_cursor(ln_cursor);
90       ga_stmt.DELETE;
91   ELSE
92      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE as_stmt_i;
93   END IF;
94 end;
96    --
97    -- This procedure should not be called directly from an
98    -- external program when the statement is really long
99    -- and dbms_sql.parse() is expected to be used, i.e.
100    -- ab_long_stmt_i=TRUE. In these cases, the call should
101    -- be made to do_mv_ddl().
102    --
103    PROCEDURE create_mv (
104      as_mview_name_i               VARCHAR2
105    , as_stmt_i                     VARCHAR2
106    , ab_long_stmt_i                BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
107    )
108    IS
109      ls_name_c                     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := gs_package_name_c || '.' || 'create_mv';
110      ls_dummy                      VARCHAR2(1);
111      ln_resource_status            INTEGER;
112      l_db_version                  VARCHAR2(30);
113      l_statement                   VARCHAR2(500);
114      ln_cursor                     INTEGER;
115      ln_dummy                      INTEGER;
116    BEGIN
118      g_edition_enabled := is_edition_enabled;
119      -- Is the mview 'partially' created? If so, it has to be dropped
120      -- IF (as_mview_name_i IS NOT NULL)
121      -- THEN
122      BEGIN
123        SELECT 'x'
124          INTO ls_dummy
125          FROM user_tables
126             , user_mviews
127         WHERE table_name = mview_name
128           AND mview_name = create_mv.as_mview_name_i
129           AND NOT EXISTS (
130                 SELECT null
131                   FROM user_objects
132                  WHERE object_type = 'MATERIALIZED VIEW'
133                    AND object_name = table_name
134                    AND object_name = create_mv.as_mview_name_i
135               )
136        ;
137        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW ' || as_mview_name_i;
138      EXCEPTION
140        THEN null;
141      END;
142      -- END IF;
144      IF (g_edition_enabled = 'N')
145      THEN
146      BEGIN
148        BEGIN
149          l_statement := 'select version from v$instance';
150          execute immediate l_statement into l_db_version;
151        EXCEPTION
152          when others then
153   	     raise_application_error(-20000,
154 	      'Unable to get the DB Version.');
155        END;
157        -- Bug 3562360: sallamse
158        -- Moved  setting "_mv_refresh_selections" session parameter
159        -- to init section of the package body
160        execute_stmt(as_stmt_i, ab_long_stmt_i);
161      EXCEPTION
162        WHEN mv_exists
163        THEN null;
164        WHEN OTHERS
165        THEN
166             ga_stmt.DELETE;
167             RAISE;
168      END;
169      ELSE
170        BEGIN
171          -- Install MV and MVQ
172          IF (ab_long_stmt_i)
173          THEN
174             ad_zd_mview.INSTALL_MVQ_ARCH(ga_c_stmt);
175          ELSE
176             ad_zd_mview.INSTALL_MVQ_ARCH(as_stmt_i);
177          END IF;
179          ga_c_stmt := '';
180        EXCEPTION
181          WHEN OTHERS THEN
182             ga_c_stmt := '';
183             raise;
184        END;
185      END IF;
188    END create_mv;
190    -- Bug 3562360: sallamse
191    -- Created wraper procedure as Java JDBC driver does not support
192    -- passing boolean parameters in PL/SQL Stored Procedures.
193    --
194    -- This procedure should not be called directly from an
195    -- external program when the statement is really long
196    -- and dbms_sql.parse() is expected to be used, i.e.
197    -- ab_long_stmt_i=1.  In these cases, the call should
198    -- be made to do_mv_ddl2().
199    --
200    PROCEDURE create_mv2 (
201      as_mview_name_i               VARCHAR2
202    , as_stmt_i                     VARCHAR2
203    , ab_long_stmt_i                INTEGER DEFAULT 0
204    )
205    IS
206    BEGIN
207      IF (ab_long_stmt_i=1) THEN
208        create_mv(as_mview_name_i, as_stmt_i, TRUE);
209      ELSE
210        create_mv(as_mview_name_i, as_stmt_i, FALSE);
211      END IF;
212    END create_mv2;
214    --
215    -- This procedure should not be called directly from an
216    -- external program when the statement is really long
217    -- and dbms_sql.parse() is expected to be used, i.e.
218    -- ab_long_stmt_i=TRUE. In these cases, the call should
219    -- be made to do_mv_ddl().
220    --
221    PROCEDURE mv_ddl (
222      as_mview_name_i               VARCHAR2
223    , as_stmt_i                     VARCHAR2
224    , ab_long_stmt_i                BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
225    )
226    IS
227      ls_name_c                     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := gs_package_name_c || '.' || 'mv_ddl';
231      ln_dummy                      INTEGER;
228      ls_dummy                      VARCHAR2(1);
229      ln_resource_status            INTEGER;
230      ln_cursor                     INTEGER;
232    BEGIN
234      BEGIN
235        IF (ab_long_stmt_i)
236        THEN
237          ln_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
238          dbms_sql.parse(c => ln_cursor, statement => ga_stmt
239                        , lb => 1, ub => ga_stmt.COUNT
240                        , lfflg => FALSE, language_flag => dbms_sql.native
241          );
242          ln_dummy := dbms_sql.execute(ln_cursor);
243          dbms_sql.close_cursor(ln_cursor);
244          ga_stmt.DELETE;
245        ELSE
246          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE as_stmt_i;
247        END IF;
248      EXCEPTION
249        WHEN OTHERS
250        THEN
251             ga_stmt.DELETE;
252             RAISE;
253      END;
255    END mv_ddl;
257    PROCEDURE alter_mv (
258      as_mview_name_i               VARCHAR2
259    , as_stmt_i                     VARCHAR2
260    )
261    IS
262    BEGIN
263      g_edition_enabled := is_edition_enabled;
264      mv_ddl(as_mview_name_i, as_stmt_i);
265    END alter_mv;
267    PROCEDURE drop_mv (
268      as_mview_name_i               VARCHAR2
269    , as_stmt_i                     VARCHAR2
270    )
271    IS
272      e_mv_nofound exception;
273      PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_mv_nofound, -12003);
274    BEGIN
275      g_edition_enabled := is_edition_enabled;
276      begin
277         mv_ddl(as_mview_name_i, as_stmt_i);
278      exception when e_mv_nofound
279      then
280         if g_edition_enabled = 'Y'
281         then
282            ad_zd_mview.drop_mvq(p_mvname=>as_mview_name_i);
283         end if;
284         raise;
285      end;
287      if g_edition_enabled = 'Y'
288      then
289         ad_zd_mview.drop_mvq(p_mvname=>as_mview_name_i);
290      end if;
291    END drop_mv;
293    --
294    -- This procedure allows really long statements to be
295    -- executed by preparing ga_stmt before dbms_sql.parse()
296    -- is called in other procedures.
297    --
298    -- If the calling program needs to call this procedure
299    -- several times to pass a single statement, make sure
300    -- that ab_execute_i is set to FALSE for all calls except
301    -- for the last one where it should be set to TRUE.
302    --
303    PROCEDURE do_mv_ddl (
304      an_operation_i                PLS_INTEGER
305    , as_mview_name_i               VARCHAR2
306    , as_stmt_i                     VARCHAR2
307    , ab_execute_i                  BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL
308    )
309    IS
310    BEGIN
312      g_edition_enabled := is_edition_enabled;
313      IF (an_operation_i NOT IN (ad_mv.mv_create, ad_mv.mv_alter, ad_mv.mv_drop))
314      THEN
315        RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20003, 'do_mv_ddl: unsupported operation');
316      END IF;
318       -- Split only if db is prepared.
319      IF (g_edition_enabled = 'N')
320      THEN
321          split_stmt(as_stmt_i);
322      ELSE
323          ga_c_stmt := ga_c_stmt||as_stmt_i;
324      END IF;
326      IF (ab_execute_i IS NULL OR ab_execute_i)
327      THEN
328        IF (an_operation_i = ad_mv.mv_create)
329        THEN
330          create_mv(as_mview_name_i, as_stmt_i, ab_execute_i);
331        ELSIF (an_operation_i = ad_mv.mv_drop)
332        then
333          declare
334            e_mv_nofound exception;
335            PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_mv_nofound, -12003);
336          BEGIN
337            g_edition_enabled := is_edition_enabled;
338            begin
339              mv_ddl(as_mview_name_i, as_stmt_i);
340            exception when e_mv_nofound
341            then
342              if g_edition_enabled = 'Y'
343              then
344                ad_zd_mview.drop_mvq(p_mvname=>as_mview_name_i);
345              end if;
346              raise;
347            end;
348            if g_edition_enabled = 'Y'
349            then
350              ad_zd_mview.drop_mvq(p_mvname=>as_mview_name_i);
351            end if;
352          end;
353        ELSIF (an_operation_i = ad_mv.mv_alter)
354        THEN
355          mv_ddl(as_mview_name_i, as_stmt_i, ab_execute_i);
356        END IF;
357      END IF;
358    END do_mv_ddl;
360    -- Bug 3562360: sallamse
361    -- Created wraper procedure as Java JDBC driver does not support
362    -- passing boolean parameters in PL/SQL Stored Procedures.
363    --
364    -- If the calling program needs to call this procedure
365    -- several times to pass a single statement, make sure
366    -- that ab_execute_i is set to 0 for all calls except
367    -- for the last one where it should be set to 1.
368    --
369    PROCEDURE do_mv_ddl2 (
370      an_operation_i                PLS_INTEGER
371    , as_mview_name_i               VARCHAR2
372    , as_stmt_i                     VARCHAR2
376    BEGIN
373    , ab_execute_i                  INTEGER DEFAULT NULL
374    )
375    IS
377      IF (ab_execute_i IS NULL)
378      THEN
379        do_mv_ddl(an_operation_i, as_mview_name_i, as_stmt_i);
380      ELSIF (ab_execute_i=1) THEN
381        do_mv_ddl(an_operation_i, as_mview_name_i, as_stmt_i, TRUE);
382      ELSE
383        do_mv_ddl(an_operation_i, as_mview_name_i, as_stmt_i, FALSE);
384      END IF;
385    END do_mv_ddl2;
388   dbms_utility.db_version(ls_version, ls_compatibility);
389   IF (TO_NUMBER(TRANSLATE(SUBSTR(ls_version, 1, 5), '@.', '@')) BETWEEN
390     gn_limit_min_c AND gn_limit_max_c)
391   THEN
392     EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SESSION SET "_mv_refresh_selections"=TRUE';
393   END IF;
394   ad_tspace_util.get_tablespace_name('BIS','SUMMARY','Y',check_tspace_exist,g_mv_data_tablespace);
395   g_mv_index_tablespace := g_mv_data_tablespace;
396 END ad_mv;