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Line 469: is required column. Since hz_locations does not

465: --togeorge 05/18/2001
466: --Bug# 1712919
467: PROCEDURE NAME: get_drop_ship_cust_locations
468: On enter po and release forms ship to location code
469: is required column. Since hz_locations does not
470: store location_code and corresponding location
471: code is null in hr_locations table, when a drop
472: ship PO/Rel is queried in the form the user wont
473: be allowed to save the records. So this procedure

Line 475: hz_locations table for this specific condition.

471: code is null in hr_locations table, when a drop
472: ship PO/Rel is queried in the form the user wont
473: be allowed to save the records. So this procedure
474: gets the concatenated address1 and city from
475: hz_locations table for this specific condition.
476: Called from POXPOPOS.pld(post_query)
478: ===========================================================================*/
479: PROCEDURE get_drop_ship_cust_locations

Line 490: --Changed hr_locations to hz_locations in the following query as hr team

486: X_progress := '010';
488: --Bug# 1852364
489: --togeorge 07/27/2001
490: --Changed hr_locations to hz_locations in the following query as hr team
491: --is going to remove union to hz_locations from hr_locations view.
492: --SELECT nvl(location_code,substr(rtrim(address_line_1)||'-'||rtrim(town_or_city),1,20)) ship_to_location_code
493: /* Bug 2313980 fixed. replaced below 'substr' with 'substrb' to take care of
494: multibyte (like japanese) scenarios.

Line 491: --is going to remove union to hz_locations from hr_locations view.

488: --Bug# 1852364
489: --togeorge 07/27/2001
490: --Changed hr_locations to hz_locations in the following query as hr team
491: --is going to remove union to hz_locations from hr_locations view.
492: --SELECT nvl(location_code,substr(rtrim(address_line_1)||'-'||rtrim(town_or_city),1,20)) ship_to_location_code
493: /* Bug 2313980 fixed. replaced below 'substr' with 'substrb' to take care of
494: multibyte (like japanese) scenarios.
495: */

Line 501: FROM hz_locations

497: -- For bug 16214305 changing following select to get max 60 characters in to location code instead of 20.
499: SELECT (substrb(rtrim(address1)||'-'||rtrim(city),1,60)) ship_to_location_code
500: INTO x_ship_to_location_code
501: FROM hz_locations
502: WHERE location_id = x_ship_to_location_id;