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2 /* $Header: ibyppads.pls 120.32.12020000.2 2012/08/10 07:05:53 dhati ship $ */
3 /*#
4  * The IBY_PAYMENT_ADAPTER_PUB package provides payment processing APIs.
5  * These include all standard payment APIs as well as query and batch APIs.
6  *
7  * @rep:scope public
8  * @rep:product IBY
9  * @rep:lifecycle active
10  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Processing
11  * @rep:compatibility S
13  * @rep:doccd iby120ig.pdf Implementing APIs, Oracle iPayment Implementation Guide
14  */
16 -- module name used for the application debugging framework
17 --
20 -- results interface code
21 --
24 -- constant for org_type default value
28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 	--**Defining all DataStructures required by the APIs**--
30 --  The following input and output PL/SQL record/table types are defined
31 -- to store the objects (entities) necessary for the EC-App PL/SQL APIs.
32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 --INPUT DataStructures
34   --1. Payments Related Generic Record Types
36 TYPE Payee_rec_type IS RECORD (
37         Payee_ID        VARCHAR2(80)
38         );
40 TYPE Payer_rec_type IS RECORD (
41         party_id        NUMBER(15)
42         );
43 --
44 -- Dual Payment Instrument Record type
45 --
46 TYPE DualPaymentInstr_rec_type IS RECORD (
47         PmtInstr_ID        NUMBER,
48         PmtInstr_ShortName VARCHAR2(80),
49         BnfPmtInstr_ID        NUMBER,
50         BnfPmtInstr_ShortName VARCHAR2(80)
51         );
53 TYPE PmtInstr_rec_type IS RECORD (
54         PmtInstr_ID        NUMBER,
55         PmtInstr_Type      VARCHAR2(30),
56         PmtInstr_ShortName VARCHAR2(80),
57 	DualPaymentInstr DualPaymentInstr_rec_type,
58         PmtInstr_Assignment_ID  NUMBER
59         );
61 TYPE Tangible_rec_type IS RECORD (
62 	Tangible_ID     VARCHAR2(80),
63         Tangible_Amount NUMBER,
64         Currency_Code   VARCHAR2(80),
65         RefInfo         VARCHAR2(80),
66         Memo            VARCHAR2(80),
67         Acct_Num        VARCHAR2(80),
68         OrderMedium     VARCHAR2(30),
69         EFTAuthMethod   VARCHAR2(30)
70         );
75    --2. Payment Transactions Related Record Types
76    /* PmtMode(On-line = 'ONLINE', Off-line = 'OFFLINE') */
77    --Added New field Retry_Flag (12/16/99)
78    --Added 4 new fields for PCard support (06/13/00)
79    --Added the flag AnalyzeRisk (06/29/00)
81    -- Modified the PONum field from Number to IBY_FNDCPT_TX_EXTENSIONS.PO_NUMBER%TYPE for Bug 11737441 as it can be alphanumeric too
82    -- Added Receipt_Method_Id for Bug# 14310273: 2ND RMA CM DOES NOT USE PAYMENT ROUTING RULES FOR CC PYT.
84 TYPE PmtReqTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
85         Trxn_Extension_Id           NUMBER,
86         PmtMode   	    	    VARCHAR2(30) := 'ONLINE',
87         CVV2	             	    VARCHAR2(10) := NULL,
88 	CVV2_Segment_id             NUMBER,
89 	CVV2_Length                 NUMBER,
90         Settlement_Date             DATE,
91         Auth_Type                   VARCHAR2(80),
92         Check_Flag                  VARCHAR2(30),
93         Retry_Flag                  VARCHAR2(30),
94         Org_ID                      NUMBER,
95         org_type                    VARCHAR2(30) := C_ORG_TYPE_OPERATING_UNIT,
96         NLS_LANG                    VARCHAR2(80),
98 	TaxAmount        	    NUMBER,
99 	ShipFromZip        	    VARCHAR2(80),
100 	ShipToZip        	    VARCHAR2(80),
101 	AnalyzeRisk        	    VARCHAR2(80),
102 	AuthCode                    VARCHAR2(255),
103 	VoiceAuthFlag               VARCHAR2(30),
104         TrxnRef                     VARCHAR2(240),
105         DateOfVoiceAuthorization    DATE,
106         Payment_Factor_Flag         VARCHAR2(1),
107         payment_channel_code        VARCHAR2(30),
108 	Receipt_Method_Id           NUMBER,
109 	Int_Bank_Country_Code       VARCHAR2(30),
110 	Trxn_ID                     NUMBER := NULL  -- To be used only during re-auth
111         );
113 TYPE ModTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
114         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
115         PmtMode         VARCHAR2(30),
116         Settlement_Date DATE,
117         Check_Flag      VARCHAR2(30),
118         Auth_Type       VARCHAR2(80),
119 	PONum		NUMBER,
120 	TaxAmount	NUMBER,
121 	ShipFromZip	VARCHAR2(80),
122 	ShipToZip	VARCHAR2(80)
123         );
125 TYPE CaptureTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
126 	Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
127         PmtMode         VARCHAR2(30),
128         Settlement_Date DATE,
129         Currency        VARCHAR2(80),
130         Price           NUMBER,
131         TrxnRef         VARCHAR2(240),
132         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
133         );
138 TYPE RevTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
139 	Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
140 	PmtMode         VARCHAR2(30),
141 	Rev_Type        VARCHAR2(30),
142 	Revised_Amt     NUMBER,
143         TrxnRef         VARCHAR2(240),
144 	AuthCode        VARCHAR2(80),
145 	Tracenumber     VARCHAR2(80),
146         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
147         );
149 TYPE CaptureTrxn_tbl IS TABLE of CaptureTrxn_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
154 TYPE ReturnTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
155         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
156         PmtMode         VARCHAR2(30),
157         Settlement_Date DATE,
158         Currency        VARCHAR2(80),
159         Price           NUMBER,
160         TrxnRef         VARCHAR2(240),
161         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
162         );
164 TYPE CancelTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
165         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
166         Req_Type        VARCHAR2(80),
167         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
168         );
170 TYPE QueryTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
171         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
172 	History_Flag    VARCHAR2(30),
173         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
174         );
176 TYPE VoidTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
177         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
178         PmtMode         VARCHAR2(30),
179         Settlement_Date DATE,
180         Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
181         TrxnRef         VARCHAR2(240),
182         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
183         );
185 TYPE CreditTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
186         PmtMode         VARCHAR2(30),
187         Settlement_Date DATE,
188         Retry_Flag      VARCHAR2(30),
189         Payer_Party_ID  NUMBER,
190         Org_ID          NUMBER,
191         org_type        VARCHAR2(30)  := C_ORG_TYPE_OPERATING_UNIT,
192         TrxnRef         VARCHAR2(240),
193         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80),
194         payment_channel_code        VARCHAR2(30),
195 		Receipt_Method_Id           NUMBER
196         );
198 --NOTE: PmtType optional field is newly added to be
199 --used only for closebatch operation.
200 TYPE BatchTrxn_rec_type IS RECORD (
201         PmtMode         VARCHAR2(30),
202         PmtType         VARCHAR2(30),
203         PmtInstrType    VARCHAR2(30),
204         Settlement_Date DATE,
205         Payee_ID        VARCHAR2(80),
206 	BEP_Suffix	VARCHAR2(80),
207 	BEP_Account	VARCHAR2(80),
208 	MerchBatch_ID   VARCHAR2(80),
209         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80),
210         Account_Profile VARCHAR2(30)
211         );
213 --3. iPayment 11i Risk Management Record Types
215 TYPE RiskInfo_rec_type IS RECORD (
216         Formula_Name         VARCHAR2(80)  := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
217         ShipToBillTo_Flag    VARCHAR2(255) := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
218         Time_Of_Purchase     VARCHAR2(80)  := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
219         Customer_Acct_Num    VARCHAR2(30)  := FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
220         -- ,
221         -- Org_ID               NUMBER        := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
222         );
224 TYPE PaymentRiskInfo_rec_type IS RECORD (
225         Formula_Name         VARCHAR2(80)  ,
226         Payee_ID             VARCHAR2(80)  ,
227         Amount               NUMBER        ,
228         Party_Id             NUMBER(15)    ,
229         PmtInstr             PmtInstr_rec_type,
230         ShipToBillTo_Flag    VARCHAR2(255) ,
231         Time_Of_Purchase     VARCHAR2(80)  ,
232         Customer_Acct_Num    VARCHAR2(30)  ,
233         AVSCode              VARCHAR2(80)  ,
234         Currency_Code        VARCHAR2(80)
236         -- ,
237         -- Org_ID               NUMBER        := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
238         );
240 TYPE AVSRiskInfo_rec_type IS RECORD (
241         Formula_Name         VARCHAR2(80)  ,
242         Payee_ID             VARCHAR2(80)  ,
243         Previous_Risk_Score  NUMBER        ,
244         AVSCode              VARCHAR2(80)
245         );
248 G_MISS_RISKINFO_REC RiskInfo_rec_type;
250 FUNCTION Is_RiskInfo_rec_Missing (
251                                   RiskInfo_rec in RiskInfo_rec_type
252                                   ) RETURN BOOLEAN;
254 -- OUTPUT value constants
255 --
263 --OUTPUT DataStructures
264 --1. iPayment Response Record Types
265 TYPE Response_rec_type IS RECORD (
266         Status          NUMBER,
267         ErrCode         VARCHAR2(80),
268         ErrMessage      VARCHAR2(255),
269         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
270         );
272 --2. OffLine Mode Response Record Types
273 TYPE OffLineResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
274         EarliestSettlement_Date   DATE,
275         Scheduled_Date            DATE
276         );
278 --3. Risk Response Record Types
279 TYPE RiskResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
280         Status                NUMBER,
281         ErrCode               VARCHAR2(80),
282         ErrMessage            VARCHAR2(255),
283         Additional_ErrMessage VARCHAR2(255),
284         Risk_Score            NUMBER,
285         Risk_Threshold_Val    NUMBER,
286         Risky_Flag            VARCHAR2(30),
287 	AVSCode_Flag	      VARCHAR2(30)
288         );
290 --4. Payment Transactions Response Record Types
291 	-- Note: Need to add EarliestSettlementDate,
292 	-- ScheduleDate later, based on BEPs.
293 	-- Note: RiskRespIncluded is a flag that tells the ECAPP that the
294 	--       RiskResonse Record has some valid Risk related Response info.
296 TYPE ReqResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
297         Response          Response_rec_type,
298         OffLineResp       OffLineResp_rec_type,
299         RiskRespIncluded  VARCHAR2(30),
300         RiskResponse      RiskResp_rec_type,
301 	Trxn_ID           NUMBER,
302         Trxn_Type         NUMBER,
303         Trxn_Date         DATE,
304         Authcode          VARCHAR2(80),
305         RefCode           VARCHAR2(80),
306         AVSCode           VARCHAR2(80),
307         CVV2Result	  VARCHAR2(5),
308         PmtInstr_Type     VARCHAR2(80),
309         Acquirer          VARCHAR2(80),
310         VpsBatch_ID       VARCHAR2(80),
311         AuxMsg            VARCHAR2(255),
312         ErrorLocation     NUMBER,
313         BEPErrCode        VARCHAR2(80),
314         BEPErrMessage     VARCHAR2(255)
315         );
317 TYPE ModResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
318         Response        Response_rec_type,
319         OffLineResp     OffLineResp_rec_type,
320         Trxn_ID         NUMBER
321         );
323 TYPE VoidResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
324         Response        Response_rec_type,
325         OffLineResp     OffLineResp_rec_type,
326         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
327 	Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
328 	Trxn_Date       DATE,
329         RefCode         VARCHAR2(80),
330         PmtInstr_Type   VARCHAR2(80),
331 	ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
332         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
333         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
334         );
336 TYPE CancelResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
337         Response        Response_rec_type,
338         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
339 	ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
340         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
341         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
342         );
344 TYPE CaptureResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
345         Response        Response_rec_type,
346         OffLineResp     OffLineResp_rec_type,
347         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
348 	Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
349 	Trxn_Date       DATE,
350         PmtInstr_Type   VARCHAR2(80),
351         RefCode         VARCHAR2(80),
352         ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
353         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
357 TYPE RevResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
354         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
355         );
358         ReqResp         ReqResp_rec_type
359         );
361 TYPE CaptureRespAll_rec_type IS RECORD (
362         --Response_rec_type--
363         Status                   NUMBER,
364         ErrCode                  VARCHAR2(80),
365         ErrMessage               VARCHAR2(255),
366         NLS_LANG                 VARCHAR2(80),
367         --OffLineResp_rec_type--
368         EarliestSettlement_Date  DATE,
369         Scheduled_Date           DATE,
371         Trxn_ID                  NUMBER,
372         Trxn_Type                NUMBER,
373         Trxn_Date                DATE,
374         PmtInstr_Type            VARCHAR2(80),
375         RefCode                  VARCHAR2(80),
376         ErrorLocation            NUMBER,
377         BEPErrCode               VARCHAR2(80),
378         BEPErrMessage            VARCHAR2(255)
379         );
380 TYPE CaptureResp_tbl IS TABLE of CaptureRespAll_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
383 TYPE ReturnResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
384         Response        Response_rec_type,
385         OffLineResp     OffLineResp_rec_type,
386         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
387         Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
388         Trxn_Date       DATE,
389 	PmtInstr_Type   VARCHAR2(80),
390         RefCode         VARCHAR2(80),
391         ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
392         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
393         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
394         );
396 TYPE CreditResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
397         Response        Response_rec_type,
398         OffLineResp     OffLineResp_rec_type,
399         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
400         Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
401         Trxn_Date       DATE,
402         PmtInstr_Type   VARCHAR2(80),
403         RefCode         VARCHAR2(80),
404         ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
405         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
406         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
407         );
409 TYPE InqResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
410         Response        Response_rec_type,
411         Payer           Payer_rec_type,
412         Payee           Payee_rec_type,
413         Tangible        Tangible_rec_type,
414         PmtInstr        PmtInstr_rec_type
415         );
417 TYPE QryTrxnRespSum_rec_type IS RECORD (
418         Response        Response_rec_type,
419         ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
420         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
421         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
422         );
424 TYPE QryTrxnRespDet_rec_type IS RECORD (
425         Status          NUMBER,
426         StatusMsg       VARCHAR2(255),
427         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
428         Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
429         Trxn_Date       DATE,
430         PmtInstr_Type   VARCHAR2(80),
431         Currency        VARCHAR2(80),
432 	Price           NUMBER,
433         RefCode         VARCHAR2(80),
434         AuthCode        VARCHAR2(80),
435         AVSCode         VARCHAR2(80),
436         Acquirer        VARCHAR2(80),
437         VpsBatch_ID     VARCHAR2(80),
438         AuxMsg          VARCHAR2(255),
439         ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
440         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
441         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255)
442         );
444 TYPE QryTrxnRespDet_tbl_type IS TABLE OF QryTrxnRespDet_rec_type
448 --5. Batch Payment Transactions Response Record Types
450 TYPE BatchRespSum_rec_type IS RECORD (
451         Response         Response_rec_type,
452         OffLineResp      OffLineResp_rec_type,
453         NumTrxns         NUMBER,
454         MerchBatch_ID    VARCHAR2(80),
455         BatchState       NUMBER,
456         BatchDate        DATE,
457         Credit_Amount    NUMBER,
458         Sales_Amount     NUMBER,
459         Batch_Total      NUMBER,
460         Payee_ID         VARCHAR2(80),
461         VpsBatch_ID      VARCHAR2(80),
462         GWBatch_ID       VARCHAR2(80),
463 	Currency         VARCHAR2(80),
464         ErrorLocation    NUMBER,
465         BEPErrCode       VARCHAR2(80),
466         BEPErrMessage    VARCHAR2(255)
467         );
469 TYPE BatchRespDet_rec_type IS RECORD (
470         Trxn_ID         NUMBER,
471         Trxn_Type       NUMBER,
472         Trxn_Date       DATE,
473         Status          NUMBER,
474         ErrorLocation   NUMBER,
475         BEPErrCode      VARCHAR2(80),
476         BEPErrMessage   VARCHAR2(255),
477         NLS_LANG        VARCHAR2(80)
478         );
480 TYPE SecureCVVResp_rec_type IS RECORD (
481         Response        Response_rec_type,
482         Segment_ID      NUMBER
483 	);
486 TYPE BatchRespDet_tbl_type IS TABLE OF BatchRespDet_rec_type
489 --6. Utility Table Type
490 /* Note: This is a utility table to be used for storing names,
491    values of name-value pairs. */
494 -- Misc. constants
495 --
500 ---------------------------------------------------------------
501                       -- API Signatures--
502 ---------------------------------------------------------------
503 /*#
504  * The OraPmtReq API Submits a credit card/purchase card authorization request.
505  * This API can also be used to transfer funds from a bank account,
506  * such as ACH payment requests and to verify the bank account information.
507  *
508  * This API is available in overloaded form without risk-related
512  * @param p_init_msg_list required by API standard; use FND_API.G_FALSE by
509  * input parameters.
510  *
511  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
513  *     default
514  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
515  *     by default
516  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
517  *     by default
518  * @param p_ecapp_id product identifier of the calling application
519  * @param p_payee_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payee
520  * @param p_payer_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payer
521  * @param p_pmtinstr_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payment
522  * instrument. A payment instrument can be a credit card, purchase card, debit
523  * card  or bank account. Instrument registration is required before
524  * calling this API.
525  * @param p_tangible_rec entity that stores the attributes of an order or bill.
526  *     The tangible identifier is used to identify a transaction, so it must be unique
527  *     for a given payee.
528  * @param p_pmtreqtrxn_rec entity that stores the attributes of the
529  *     authorization request. This entity is used in specifying whether
530  *     authorization is online or offline, the type of the authorization
531  *     (authonly, authcapture, or verify for ACH), etc...
532  * @param p_riskinfo_rec entity that stores the risk management attributes
533  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure -
534  *     'S' indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
535  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
536  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
537  * @param x_reqresp_rec entity that stores the attrbutes of the authorization
538  *     response
539  * @rep:scope public
540  * @rep:displayname Perform Credit Card Authorization or ACH Transfer
542  */
543 --1. OraPmtReq
544   PROCEDURE OraPmtReq (	p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
545 			p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
546 			p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
547 			p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
548 			p_ecapp_id 		IN 	NUMBER,
549 			p_payee_rec 		IN	Payee_rec_type,
550 			p_payer_rec  	        IN	Payer_rec_type,
551 			p_pmtinstr_rec 	        IN	PmtInstr_rec_type,
552 			p_tangible_rec	 	IN	Tangible_rec_type,
553 			p_pmtreqtrxn_rec 	IN	PmtReqTrxn_rec_type,
554 			p_riskinfo_rec		IN	RiskInfo_rec_type
556 			x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
557 			x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
558 			x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
559 			x_reqresp_rec		OUT NOCOPY ReqResp_rec_type
560 			);
562   PROCEDURE OraPmtReverse (p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
563 			   p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
564 			   p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
565 			   p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
566 			   p_ecapp_id 		IN 	NUMBER,
567           		   p_rev_trxn_rec   	IN	RevTrxn_rec_type,
568 			   x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
569 			   x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
570 			   x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
571 			   x_revresp_rec	OUT NOCOPY RevResp_rec_type
572 			  );
574 /*#
575  * The OraPmtMod API Modifies an existing, deferred, scheduled payment request.
576  * Payment requests can only be modified before requests are sent to the payment system.
577  *
578  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
579  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE by default
580  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL by default
581  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
582  * @param p_payee_rec record that stores the attributes of the payee
583  * @param p_payer_rec record that stores the attributes of the payer
584  * @param p_pmtinstr_rec record that stores the attributes of the payment instrument. A payment instrument can be a credit card, purchase card or bank account
585  * @param p_tangible_rec record that stores the attributes of an order or bill. The tangible identifier is used to identify a transaction, so it must be unique for a given payee.
586  * @param p_ModTrxn_rec record that specifies the request to modify, as well as containing request attributes, which over-write those originally submitted
587  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure 'S' indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
588  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
589  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
590  * @param x_modresp_rec record that stores the attributes of the modification response
591  *  The result of the modification request is returned in parameter x_modresp_rec
592  * @rep:scope public
593  * @rep:lifecycle active
594  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Modification
595  * @rep:compatibility S
597  */
598 --2. OraPmtMod
599   PROCEDURE OraPmtMod ( p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
600 			p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
601 			p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
602 			p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
603 			p_ecapp_id 		IN 	NUMBER,
604 			p_payee_rec 		IN	Payee_rec_type,
605 			p_payer_rec 		IN	Payer_rec_type,
606 			p_pmtinstr_rec 	        IN	PmtInstr_rec_type,
607 			p_tangible_rec 		IN	Tangible_rec_type,
608 			p_ModTrxn_rec 	        IN	ModTrxn_rec_type,
609 			x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
610 			x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
611 			x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
612 			x_modresp_rec		OUT NOCOPY ModResp_rec_type
613 			);
615 /*#
616  * The OraPmtCanc API Cancels an existing, deferred, scheduled payment
617  * request while the request is still in Pending status.
618  *
619  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
623  * @param p_canctrxn_rec record which identifies the request to cancel
620  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE by default
621  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL by default
622  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
624  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S' indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
625  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
626  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
627  * @param x_cancresp_rec record that stores the attributes of the cancellation response
628  *  The result of the cancellation request is returned in parameter x_modresp_rec
629  * @rep:scope public
630  * @rep:lifecycle active
631  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Cancellation
632  * @rep:compatibility S
634  */
635 --3. OraPmtCanc
636   PROCEDURE OraPmtCanc ( p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
637 			 p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
638 			 p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
639 			 p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
640 			 p_ecapp_id		IN	NUMBER,
641 			 p_canctrxn_rec		IN	CancelTrxn_rec_type,
642 			 x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
643 			 x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
644 			 x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
645 			 x_cancresp_rec		OUT NOCOPY CancelResp_rec_type
646 			 );
648 /*#
649  * The OraPmtQryTrxn API Queries the status of a payment request that was submitted to
650  * a payment system. The payment system is contacted by a call to this API, and the
651  * data that the API returns is stored in the Oracle Payments schema.  This API
652  * synchronizes Oracle Payments' data with the payment system.
653  *
654  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
655  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE by default
656  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL by default
657  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
658  * @param p_querytrxn_rec record which identifies the request to query
659  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure 'S' indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
660  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
661  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
662  * @param x_qrytrxnrespsum_rec record which stores a query result summary
663  * @param x_qrytrxnrespdet_tbl record that stores a collection of query result details; multiple details will be returned if the history flag is turned on, one for every distinct request type associated with the given transaction identifier
664  *  The result of the query request is returned in the two query response parameters
665  * @rep:scope public
666  * @rep:lifecycle active
667  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Query
668  * @rep:compatibility S
670  */
671 --4. OraPmtQryTrxn
672   PROCEDURE OraPmtQryTrxn ( p_api_version	   IN	NUMBER,
673 			    p_init_msg_list	   IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
674 			    p_commit		   IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
675 			    p_validation_level	   IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
676 			    p_ecapp_id		   IN 	NUMBER,
677 			    p_querytrxn_rec 	   IN	QueryTrxn_rec_type,
678 			    x_return_status	   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
679 			    x_msg_count	           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
680 			    x_msg_data		   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
681 			    x_qrytrxnrespsum_rec   OUT NOCOPY QryTrxnRespSum_rec_type,
682 			    x_qrytrxnrespdet_tbl   OUT NOCOPY QryTrxnRespDet_tbl_type
683 			    );
685 /*#
686  * The OraPmtCapture API Submits a credit card/purchase card capture request.
687  * A previously authorized payment request is a prerequisite for a capture.
688  *
689  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
690  * @param p_init_msg_list required by API standard; use FND_API.G_FALSE by
691  *     default
692  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
693  *     by default
694  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
695  *     by default
696  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
697  * @param p_capturetrxn_rec entity that stores the attributes of the capture
698  *     request
699  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S'
700  *     indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
701  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
702  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
703  * @param x_capresp_rec entity that stores the attributes of the capture
704  *     response
705  * @rep:scope public
706  * @rep:displayname Perform Credit Card Capture
708  */
709 --5. OraPmtCapture
710   PROCEDURE OraPmtCapture ( p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
711 			    p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
712 			    p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
713 			    p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
714 			    p_ecapp_id 		IN	NUMBER,
715 			    p_capturetrxn_rec 	IN	CaptureTrxn_rec_type,
716 			    x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
717 			    x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
718 			    x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
719 			    x_capresp_rec	OUT NOCOPY CaptureResp_rec_type
720 			    );
722 /*#
723  * The OraPmtReturn API Submits a credit card/purchase card return funds
724  * (refund) request. This transaction moves money from the merchant's account
725  * to the customer's account. As the refund is made against a previously
726  * submitted capture, you must submit the tangible identifier of the previous capture
727  * in this request.
728  *
729  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
733  *     by default
730  * @param p_init_msg_list required by API standard; use FND_API.G_FALSE by
731  *     default
732  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
734  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
735  *     by default
736  * @param p_ecapp_id the product id of the calling application
737  * @param p_returntrxn_rec entity that stores the attributes of the return
738  *     request
739  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S'
740  *     indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
741  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
742  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
743  * @param x_retresp_rec entity that stores the attributes of the return response
744  * @rep:scope public
745  * @rep:displayname Perform Credit Card Return
747  */
749 --6. OraPmtReturn
750   PROCEDURE OraPmtReturn ( p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
751 			   p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
752 			   p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
753 			   p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
754 			   p_ecapp_id 		IN	NUMBER,
755 			   p_returntrxn_rec 	IN	ReturnTrxn_rec_type,
756 			   x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
757 			   x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
758 			   x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
759 			   x_retresp_rec	OUT NOCOPY ReturnResp_rec_type
760 			   );
762 /*#
763  * The oraPmtVoid API Voids a previously submitted capture request. Only
764  * those captures that are pending in Oracle iPayment can be voided. Captures
765  * that were already submitted to a credit card processor/gateway cannot be
766  * voided.
767  *
768  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
769  * @param p_init_msg_list required by API standard;use FND_API.G_FALSE by
770  *     default
771  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
772  *     by default
773  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
774  *     by default
775  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
776  * @param p_voidtrxn_rec entity that stores the attributes of the void request
777  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S'
778  *     indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
779  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
780  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
781  * @param x_voidresp_rec entity that stores the attributes of the void response
782  * @rep:scope public
783  * @rep:displayname Perform Credit Card Void
785  */
787 --7. OraPmtVoid
788   PROCEDURE OraPmtVoid ( p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
789 			 p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
790 			 p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
791 			 p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
792 			 p_ecapp_id		IN	NUMBER,
793 			 p_voidtrxn_rec 	IN	VoidTrxn_rec_type,
794 			 x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
795 			 x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
796 			 x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
797 			 x_voidresp_rec	        OUT NOCOPY VoidResp_rec_type
798 			 );
800 /*#
801  * The oraPmtCredit API Submits a credit card/purchase card refund request.
802  * This transaction moves funds from the merchant's account to the customer's
803  * account. A credit transaction can be made without reference to any previous
804  * capture transaction.
805  *
806  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
807  * @param p_init_msg_list required by API standard; use FND_API.G_FALSE
808  *     by default
809  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
810  *     by default
811  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
812  *     by default
813  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
814  * @param p_payee_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payee
815  * @param p_pmtinstr_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payment
816  *     instrument
817  * @param p_tangible_rec entity that stores the attributes of an order or bill.
818  *     The tangible id is used to identify a transaction, so it must be unique
819  *     for a given payee.
820  * @param p_credittrxn_rec entity that stores the attributes of the credit
821  *     request
822  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S'
823  *     indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
824  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
825  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
826  * @param x_creditresp_rec entity that stores the attributes of the credit
827  *     response
828  * @rep:scope public
829  * @rep:displayname Perform a Credit Card Refund
831  */
833 --8. OraPmtCredit
834   PROCEDURE OraPmtCredit ( p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
835 			   p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
836 			   p_commit		IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
837 			   p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
838 			   p_ecapp_id 		IN	NUMBER,
839 			   p_payee_rec 		IN	Payee_rec_type,
840 			   p_pmtinstr_rec 	IN	PmtInstr_rec_type,
841 			   p_tangible_rec	IN	Tangible_rec_type,
842 			   p_credittrxn_rec 	IN	CreditTrxn_rec_type,
843 			   x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
844 			   x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
845 			   x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
846 			   x_creditresp_rec	OUT NOCOPY CreditResp_rec_type
847 			   );
849 /*#
850  * The OraPmtInq API Queries the details of a payment transaction. The results  returned
851  * are payment transactions that are currently stored in the product schema.
855  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL by default
852  *
853  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
854  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE by default
856  * @param p_ecapp_id the product id of the calling application
857  * @param p_tid transaction identifier of the transaction to query
858  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure 'S' indicates a success, 'U' indicates an error
859  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
860  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
861  * @param x_inqresp_rec record which stores the inquiry result
862  *  The result of the query request is returned in the two query response parameters
863  * @rep:scope public
864  * @rep:lifecycle active
865  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Inquiry
866  * @rep:compatibility S
868  */
869 --9. OraPmtInq
870   PROCEDURE OraPmtInq ( p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
871 			p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
872 			p_commit	        IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
873 			p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
874 			p_ecapp_id		IN	NUMBER,
875 			p_tid			IN	NUMBER,
876 			x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
877 			x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
878 			x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
879 			x_inqresp_rec		OUT NOCOPY InqResp_rec_type
880 			);
882 /*#
883  * The OraPmtCloseBatch API Closes a batch of transactions, which might be a mandatory
884  * step for final settlement of funds, depending on the payment system.
885  *
886  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
887  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE by default
888  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL by default
889  * @param p_ecapp_id product identifier of the calling application
890  * @param p_batchtrxn_rec record that defines the batch, particularly its name and its owning payee
891  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S' indicates success, 'U' an error
892  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
893  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
894  * @param x_closebatchrespsum_rec record that stores the batch close result summary
895  * @param x_closebatchrespdet_tbl record that stores a collection of batch close result details, with one detail for every payment transaction within the batch
896  *  The result of the batch close request is returned in the two batch close response parameters
897  * @rep:scope public
898  * @rep:lifecycle active
899  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Batch Close
900  * @rep:compatibility S
902  */
903 --10. OraPmtCloseBatch
904   PROCEDURE OraPmtCloseBatch ( p_api_version	       IN	NUMBER,
905 		   	       p_init_msg_list	       IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
906 			       p_commit		       IN	VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
907 			       p_validation_level      IN       NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
908 			       p_ecapp_id	       IN	NUMBER,
909 			       p_batchtrxn_rec	       IN	BatchTrxn_rec_type,
910 			       x_return_status	       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
911 			       x_msg_count	       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
912 			       x_msg_data	       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
913 			       x_closebatchrespsum_rec OUT NOCOPY BatchRespSum_rec_type,
914 			       x_closebatchrespdet_tbl OUT NOCOPY BatchRespDet_tbl_type
915 			   );
917 /*#
918  * The OraPmtQueryBatch API Queries a previously closed batch of transactions, which
919  * may be required for the transactions to achieve a Final status.
920  *
921  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
922  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE by default
923  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL by default
924  * @param p_ecapp_id the product identifier of the calling application
925  * @param p_batchtrxn_rec record that identifies the batch to query
926  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S' indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
927  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
928  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
929  * @param x_qrybatchrespsum_rec record that stores the batch query summary
930  * @param x_qrybatchrespdet_tbl record that stores a collection of transaction details, with one for every payment transaction within the batch
931  *  The result of the batch query request is returned in the two batch query response parameters
932  * @rep:scope public
933  * @rep:lifecycle active
934  * @rep:displayname Credit Card Payment Batch Query
935  * @rep:compatibility S
937  */
938 --11. OraPmtQueryBatch
939   PROCEDURE OraPmtQueryBatch ( p_api_version	     IN	  NUMBER,
940 		   	       p_init_msg_list	     IN	  VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
941 			       p_commit		     IN	  VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
942 			       p_validation_level    IN	  NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
943    			       p_ecapp_id	     IN	  NUMBER,
944 			       p_batchtrxn_rec	     IN	  BatchTrxn_rec_type,
945 			       x_return_status	     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
946 			       x_msg_count	     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
947 			       x_msg_data	     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
948 			       x_qrybatchrespsum_rec OUT NOCOPY BatchRespSum_rec_type,
949 			       x_qrybatchrespdet_tbl OUT NOCOPY BatchRespDet_tbl_type
950 			    );
952 /*#
953  * Submits a credit card/purchase card authorization request. This API can
954  * also be used to transfer funds from a bank account (ACH payment requests).
955  *
956  * This API is available in overloaded form with risk related input parameters.
957  *
958  * @param p_api_version version of the API; use 1.0 by default
962  *     by default
959  * @param p_init_msg_list required by API standard; use FND_API.G_FALSE by
960  *     default
961  * @param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
963  * @param p_validation_level validation level; use FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
964  *     by default
965  * @param p_ecapp_id the product id of the calling application
966  * @param p_payee_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payee
967  * @param p_payer_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payer
968  * @param p_pmtinstr_rec entity that stores the attributes of the payment
969  *     instrument. A payment instrument can be a credit card, purchase card
970  *     or bank account
971  * @param p_tangible_rec entity that stores the attributes of an order or bill.
972  *     The tangible identifier is used to identify a transaction, so it must be unique
973  *     for a given payee.
974  * @param p_pmtreqtrxn_rec entity that stores the attributes of the
975  *     authorization request. This entity is used in specifying whether
976  *     authorization is online or offline, the type of the authorization
977  *     (authonly or authcapture), etc...
978  * @param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S'
979  *     indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
980  * @param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
981  * @param x_msg_data contains the error messages
982  * @param x_reqresp_rec entity that stores the attrbutes of the authorization
983  *     response
984  * @rep:scope public
985  * @rep:displayname Perform Credit Card Authorization or ACH Transfer
987  */
989 --12. OraPmtReq (Overloaded: NO RISK PARAMETER)
990   PROCEDURE OraPmtReq ( p_api_version           IN      NUMBER,
991                         p_init_msg_list         IN      VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
992                         p_commit                IN      VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
993                         p_validation_level      IN      NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
994                         p_ecapp_id              IN      NUMBER,
995                         p_payee_rec             IN      Payee_rec_type,
996                         p_payer_rec             IN      Payer_rec_type,
997                         p_pmtinstr_rec          IN      PmtInstr_rec_type,
998                         p_tangible_rec          IN      Tangible_rec_type,
999                         p_pmtreqtrxn_rec        IN      PmtReqTrxn_rec_type,
1000                         x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1001                         x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1002                         x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1003                         x_reqresp_rec           OUT NOCOPY ReqResp_rec_type
1004                         );
1005 --13. OraRiskEval ( PaymentRiskInfo ) With No AVS
1007   PROCEDURE OraRiskEval (  p_api_version           IN      NUMBER,
1008                            p_init_msg_list         IN      VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
1009                            p_commit                IN      VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
1010                            p_validation_level      IN      NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
1011                            p_ecapp_id              IN      NUMBER,
1012                            p_payment_risk_info     IN      PaymentRiskInfo_rec_type,
1013                            x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1014                            x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1015                            x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1016                            x_risk_resp             OUT NOCOPY RiskResp_rec_type
1017                         );
1019 --14. OraRiskEval ( AVSRiskInfo ) With AVS; overloaded
1021   PROCEDURE OraRiskEval (  p_api_version           IN      NUMBER,
1022                            p_init_msg_list         IN      VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
1023                            p_commit                IN      VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
1024                            p_validation_level      IN      NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
1025                            p_ecapp_id              IN      NUMBER,
1026                            p_avs_risk_info         IN      AVSRiskInfo_rec_type,
1027                            x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1028                            x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1029                            x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1030                            x_risk_resp             OUT NOCOPY RiskResp_rec_type
1031                         );
1032 --15. OraCCBatchCapture
1033   PROCEDURE OraCCBatchCapture (  p_api_version           IN       NUMBER,
1034                                  p_init_msg_list         IN       VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
1035                                  p_commit                IN       VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
1036                                  p_validation_level      IN       NUMBER  := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
1037                                  p_ecapp_id              IN       NUMBER,
1038                                  p_capturetrxn_rec_tbl   IN       CaptureTrxn_tbl,
1039                                  x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1040                                  x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1041                                  x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1042                                  x_capresp_rec_tbl       OUT NOCOPY CaptureResp_tbl
1043   );
1046  -- Secures a CVV value and returns the segment_ID.
1047  -- param p_commit commit not implemented in these APIs; use FND_API.G_FALSE
1048  --        by default
1049  -- param x_return_status indicates the return status of the procedure; 'S'
1050  --        indicates success, 'U' indicates an error
1051  -- param x_msg_count holds the number of error messages in the message list
1052  -- param x_msg_data contains the error messages
1053  -- param x_resp_rec entity that stores the attrbutes of the
1054  --        response
1055  -- scope: private
1057 --16. OraSecureExtension
1058   PROCEDURE OraSecureExtension (p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
1059                                 p_cvv                   IN  VARCHAR2,
1060                                 x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1061                                 x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1062                                 x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1063                                 x_resp_rec              OUT NOCOPY SecureCVVResp_rec_type
1064                                );