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APPS.PN_AM_WF dependencies on FND_USER

Line 424: FROM pn_leases_all pla, pn_lease_details_all plda, fnd_user f

420: SELECT f.user_name, pla.lease_num, plda.lease_commencement_date,
421: plda.lease_termination_date
422: INTO l_requester, l_lease_number, l_commencement_date,
423: l_termination_date
424: FROM pn_leases_all pla, pn_lease_details_all plda, fnd_user f
425: WHERE pla.lease_id = plda.lease_id
426: AND pla.lease_id = p_lease_id
427: AND pla.last_updated_by = f.user_id
428: AND pla.org_id = plda.org_id;

Line 744: CURSOR fnd_users_csr (c_user_id NUMBER)

740: SELECT NAME, display_name
741: FROM wf_roles
742: WHERE orig_system_id = c_emp_id AND orig_system = c_system;
744: CURSOR fnd_users_csr (c_user_id NUMBER)
745: IS
746: SELECT user_name, description, employee_id
747: FROM fnd_user
748: WHERE user_id = c_user_id;

Line 747: FROM fnd_user

744: CURSOR fnd_users_csr (c_user_id NUMBER)
745: IS
746: SELECT user_name, description, employee_id
747: FROM fnd_user
748: WHERE user_id = c_user_id;
750: l_user VARCHAR2 (50);
751: l_desc VARCHAR2 (100);

Line 755: [Step 1] First check if p_user_id is for an FND user.

751: l_desc VARCHAR2 (100);
752: l_emp NUMBER;
753: BEGIN
754: /* The logic for retrieving a wf user follows this hierarchy:
755: [Step 1] First check if p_user_id is for an FND user.
756: [Step 2] If FND user found, then find if attached to a HR person
757: [Step 3] If Step 2 is TRUE then get user where orig system is 'PER'
758: based on the HR person id (l_emp)
759: [Step 4] If Step 2 TRUE but l_emp is NULL therefore not attached

Line 756: [Step 2] If FND user found, then find if attached to a HR person

752: l_emp NUMBER;
753: BEGIN
754: /* The logic for retrieving a wf user follows this hierarchy:
755: [Step 1] First check if p_user_id is for an FND user.
756: [Step 2] If FND user found, then find if attached to a HR person
757: [Step 3] If Step 2 is TRUE then get user where orig system is 'PER'
758: based on the HR person id (l_emp)
759: [Step 4] If Step 2 TRUE but l_emp is NULL therefore not attached
760: to a HR person, use the FND user as is.

Line 760: to a HR person, use the FND user as is.

756: [Step 2] If FND user found, then find if attached to a HR person
757: [Step 3] If Step 2 is TRUE then get user where orig system is 'PER'
758: based on the HR person id (l_emp)
759: [Step 4] If Step 2 TRUE but l_emp is NULL therefore not attached
760: to a HR person, use the FND user as is.
761: [Step 5] If FND user not found, then check if the p_user_id passed
762: is indeed for a HR person that is attached to an FND user.
763: [Step 6] If FND user not found and PER user not found, check if the
764: p_user_id pertains to a HR person not attached to an FND user.

Line 761: [Step 5] If FND user not found, then check if the p_user_id passed

757: [Step 3] If Step 2 is TRUE then get user where orig system is 'PER'
758: based on the HR person id (l_emp)
759: [Step 4] If Step 2 TRUE but l_emp is NULL therefore not attached
760: to a HR person, use the FND user as is.
761: [Step 5] If FND user not found, then check if the p_user_id passed
762: is indeed for a HR person that is attached to an FND user.
763: [Step 6] If FND user not found and PER user not found, check if the
764: p_user_id pertains to a HR person not attached to an FND user.
765: [Step 7] Finally, this is an invalid user, user the sysadmin user.

Line 762: is indeed for a HR person that is attached to an FND user.

758: based on the HR person id (l_emp)
759: [Step 4] If Step 2 TRUE but l_emp is NULL therefore not attached
760: to a HR person, use the FND user as is.
761: [Step 5] If FND user not found, then check if the p_user_id passed
762: is indeed for a HR person that is attached to an FND user.
763: [Step 6] If FND user not found and PER user not found, check if the
764: p_user_id pertains to a HR person not attached to an FND user.
765: [Step 7] Finally, this is an invalid user, user the sysadmin user.

Line 763: [Step 6] If FND user not found and PER user not found, check if the

759: [Step 4] If Step 2 TRUE but l_emp is NULL therefore not attached
760: to a HR person, use the FND user as is.
761: [Step 5] If FND user not found, then check if the p_user_id passed
762: is indeed for a HR person that is attached to an FND user.
763: [Step 6] If FND user not found and PER user not found, check if the
764: p_user_id pertains to a HR person not attached to an FND user.
765: [Step 7] Finally, this is an invalid user, user the sysadmin user.
767: */

Line 764: p_user_id pertains to a HR person not attached to an FND user.

760: to a HR person, use the FND user as is.
761: [Step 5] If FND user not found, then check if the p_user_id passed
762: is indeed for a HR person that is attached to an FND user.
763: [Step 6] If FND user not found and PER user not found, check if the
764: p_user_id pertains to a HR person not attached to an FND user.
765: [Step 7] Finally, this is an invalid user, user the sysadmin user.
767: */
768: -- 1st Check fnd users

Line 768: -- 1st Check fnd users

764: p_user_id pertains to a HR person not attached to an FND user.
765: [Step 7] Finally, this is an invalid user, user the sysadmin user.
767: */
768: -- 1st Check fnd users
769: OPEN fnd_users_csr (p_user_id);
771: FETCH fnd_users_csr
772: INTO l_user, l_desc, l_emp;

Line 769: OPEN fnd_users_csr (p_user_id);

765: [Step 7] Finally, this is an invalid user, user the sysadmin user.
767: */
768: -- 1st Check fnd users
769: OPEN fnd_users_csr (p_user_id);
771: FETCH fnd_users_csr
772: INTO l_user, l_desc, l_emp;

Line 771: FETCH fnd_users_csr

767: */
768: -- 1st Check fnd users
769: OPEN fnd_users_csr (p_user_id);
771: FETCH fnd_users_csr
772: INTO l_user, l_desc, l_emp;
774: IF fnd_users_csr%NOTFOUND
775: THEN

Line 774: IF fnd_users_csr%NOTFOUND

771: FETCH fnd_users_csr
772: INTO l_user, l_desc, l_emp;
774: IF fnd_users_csr%NOTFOUND
775: THEN
776: -- 2nd check if id passed belongs to an employee rather then fnd user
777: OPEN wf_roles_csr (p_user_id, 'PER');

Line 776: -- 2nd check if id passed belongs to an employee rather then fnd user

772: INTO l_user, l_desc, l_emp;
774: IF fnd_users_csr%NOTFOUND
775: THEN
776: -- 2nd check if id passed belongs to an employee rather then fnd user
777: OPEN wf_roles_csr (p_user_id, 'PER');
779: FETCH wf_roles_csr
780: INTO l_user, l_desc;

Line 786: -- Maybe a HR user not attached to FND user

782: IF wf_roles_csr%NOTFOUND
783: THEN
784: CLOSE wf_roles_csr;
786: -- Maybe a HR user not attached to FND user
787: OPEN wf_roles_csr (p_user_id, 'HZ_PARTY');
789: FETCH wf_roles_csr
790: INTO l_user, l_desc;

Line 798: CLOSE fnd_users_csr;

794: CLOSE wf_roles_csr;
795: END IF;
796: END IF;
798: CLOSE fnd_users_csr;
800: -- if l_emp is not null then the user is attached to an employee
801: IF l_emp IS NOT NULL
802: THEN