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Line 115: -- process only the records in csi_txn_errors with processed_flag = 'R'

111: debug(' ');
112: debug('START resubmit_errors-'||p_option||'-'||to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
114: IF p_option = 'SELECTED' THEN
115: -- process only the records in csi_txn_errors with processed_flag = 'R'
116: resubmit_error_txns(errbuf,retcode,p_option);
117: ELSIF p_option = 'ALL' THEN
118: -- process all records in csi_txn_errors processed_flag in ('E', 'R')
119: resubmit_error_txns(errbuf,retcode,p_option);

Line 118: -- process all records in csi_txn_errors processed_flag in ('E', 'R')

114: IF p_option = 'SELECTED' THEN
115: -- process only the records in csi_txn_errors with processed_flag = 'R'
116: resubmit_error_txns(errbuf,retcode,p_option);
117: ELSIF p_option = 'ALL' THEN
118: -- process all records in csi_txn_errors processed_flag in ('E', 'R')
119: resubmit_error_txns(errbuf,retcode,p_option);
120: ELSIF p_option = 'WAITING' THEN
121: -- process only the records in csi_txn_errors with processed_flag = 'W'
122: resubmit_error_txns(errbuf,retcode,'W');

Line 121: -- process only the records in csi_txn_errors with processed_flag = 'W'

117: ELSIF p_option = 'ALL' THEN
118: -- process all records in csi_txn_errors processed_flag in ('E', 'R')
119: resubmit_error_txns(errbuf,retcode,p_option);
120: ELSIF p_option = 'WAITING' THEN
121: -- process only the records in csi_txn_errors with processed_flag = 'W'
122: resubmit_error_txns(errbuf,retcode,'W');
123: ELSIF p_option = 'FAILED_IN_Q' THEN
124: -- dequeueus the CSI messages in SFM queue with the status in (FAILED, REJECTED)
125: process_failed_in_q;

Line 141: p_error_rec IN csi_txn_errors%rowtype,

137: resubmit_error_txns(errbuf,retcode,'W');
138: END Resubmit_Waiting_Txns;
140: PROCEDURE resubmit(
141: p_error_rec IN csi_txn_errors%rowtype,
142: x_return_status OUT nocopy varchar2,
143: x_error_message OUT nocopy varchar2)
144: IS
145: l_trx_error_rec csi_datastructures_pub.transaction_error_rec;

Line 162: UPDATE csi_txn_errors

158: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
160: fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
162: UPDATE csi_txn_errors
163: SET processed_flag = 'Y'
164: WHERE transaction_error_id = p_error_rec.transaction_error_id;
166: OPEN c_txn_info(p_error_rec.transaction_type_id);

Line 252: FROM csi_txn_errors cte,

248: l_val_2 varchar2(1);
250: CURSOR resubmit_csr IS
251: SELECT cte.*
252: FROM csi_txn_errors cte,
253: mtl_material_transactions mmt
254: WHERE cte.processed_flag IN (l_val_1,l_val_2)
255: AND cte.inv_material_transaction_id = mmt.transaction_id(+)
256: ORDER BY mmt.creation_date asc , mmt.transaction_id asc;

Line 300: DELETE from csi_txn_errors

296: debug(' status : SUCCESS');
297: debug(' END '||error_rec.source_type||'-'||to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
299: /* Added by epajaril for 11.5.10 enhancement */
300: DELETE from csi_txn_errors
301: WHERE transaction_error_id = error_rec.transaction_error_id;
303: WHEN process_failure THEN

Line 313: UPDATE csi_txn_errors

309: debug(' status : FAILED AGAIN');
310: debug(' error : '||l_error_message);
311: debug(' END '||error_rec.source_type||'-'||to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
313: UPDATE csi_txn_errors
314: SET processed_flag = 'E',
315: error_text = l_error_message ,
316: last_update_date = sysdate,
317: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,