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Line 346: v_url := fnd_web_config.jsp_agent;

342: v_err varchar2(2000);
343: valid_agent boolean := true;
344: BEGIN
345: if agent = AOLJ_DB_POOL then
346: v_url := fnd_web_config.jsp_agent;
347: if v_url is not null then
348: v_url := v_url || 'jsp/fnd/AoljDbcPoolStatus.jsp';
349: end if;
350: elsif agent = PLSQL_AGNT then

Line 351: v_url := fnd_web_config.plsql_agent;

347: if v_url is not null then
348: v_url := v_url || 'jsp/fnd/AoljDbcPoolStatus.jsp';
349: end if;
350: elsif agent = PLSQL_AGNT then
351: v_url := fnd_web_config.plsql_agent;
352: if v_url is not null then
353: v_url := v_url || 'fnd_web.ping';
354: end if;
355: elsif agent = SERVLET_AGNT or agent = TCF then

Line 373: v_url := fnd_web_config.web_server;

369: when others then
370: null;
371: end;
372: if v_url is null then
373: v_url := fnd_web_config.web_server;
374: if v_url is not null then
375: v_url := v_url || 'oa_servlets';
376: end if;
377: end if;

Line 379: v_url := fnd_web_config.trail_slash(v_url);

375: v_url := v_url || 'oa_servlets';
376: end if;
377: end if;
378: if v_url is not null then
379: v_url := fnd_web_config.trail_slash(v_url);
380: if agent = SERVLET_AGNT then
381: v_url := v_url || 'oracle.apps.fnd.test.HelloWorldServlet';
382: elsif agent = TCF then
383: v_url := v_url || 'oracle.apps.fnd.tcf.SocketServer';

Line 387: v_url := fnd_web_config.jsp_agent;

383: v_url := v_url || 'oracle.apps.fnd.tcf.SocketServer';
384: end if;
385: end if;
386: elsif agent = JSP then
387: v_url := fnd_web_config.jsp_agent;
388: if v_url is not null then
389: v_url := v_url || 'jsp/fnd/fndping.jsp?dbc=' || fnd_web_config.database_id;
390: end if;
391: elsif agent = JTF then

Line 389: v_url := v_url || 'jsp/fnd/fndping.jsp?dbc=' || fnd_web_config.database_id;

385: end if;
386: elsif agent = JSP then
387: v_url := fnd_web_config.jsp_agent;
388: if v_url is not null then
389: v_url := v_url || 'jsp/fnd/fndping.jsp?dbc=' || fnd_web_config.database_id;
390: end if;
391: elsif agent = JTF then
392: v_url := fnd_web_config.jsp_agent;
393: if v_url is not null then

Line 392: v_url := fnd_web_config.jsp_agent;

388: if v_url is not null then
389: v_url := v_url || 'jsp/fnd/fndping.jsp?dbc=' || fnd_web_config.database_id;
390: end if;
391: elsif agent = JTF then
392: v_url := fnd_web_config.jsp_agent;
393: if v_url is not null then
394: v_url := v_url || 'jtflogin.jsp';
395: end if;
396: elsif agent = DISCOVERER then

Line 397: --v_url := fnd_web_config.web_server;

393: if v_url is not null then
394: v_url := v_url || 'jtflogin.jsp';
395: end if;
396: elsif agent = DISCOVERER then
397: --v_url := fnd_web_config.web_server;
398: --if v_url is not null then
399: -- v_url := v_url || 'servlets/discoservlet';
400: --end if;
401: v_url := fnd_profile.value('ICX_DISCOVERER_VIEWER_LAUNCHER');

Line 403: v_url := fnd_web_config.jsp_agent;

399: -- v_url := v_url || 'servlets/discoservlet';
400: --end if;
401: v_url := fnd_profile.value('ICX_DISCOVERER_VIEWER_LAUNCHER');
402: elsif agent = PHP then
403: v_url := fnd_web_config.jsp_agent;
404: if v_url is not null then
405: v_url := v_url || 'US/ICXINDEX.htm';
406: end if;
407: elsif agent = REPORT then

Line 433: v_url := fnd_web_config.trail_slash(v_launcher);

429: and pov.profile_option_id = po.profile_option_id
430: and pov.level_id = 10001;
432: if v_launcher is not null and v_server is not null then
433: v_url := fnd_web_config.trail_slash(v_launcher);
434: v_url := v_url || 'showenv?server=' || v_server;
435: end if;
436: exception
437: when others then

Line 441: v_url := fnd_web_config.web_server;

437: when others then
438: null;
439: end;
440: elsif agent = FWK then
441: v_url := fnd_web_config.web_server;
442: elsif agent = FORMS then
443: -- retrieve ICX_FORMS_LAUNCHER profile option
444: -- values to construct the reports server url.
445: declare