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1 package body pay_hk_ir56_archive AS
2   --  $Header: pyhk56ar.pkb 120.3.12010000.6 2009/07/28 22:58:41 jalin ship $
4   --  Copyright (C) 1999 Oracle Corporation
5   --  All Rights Reserved
6   --
7   --  Script to create pay_hk_ir56_archive package body
8   --  for HK IR56B Archive
9   --
10   --  Change List
11   --  ===========
12   --
13   --  Date           Author         Reference Description
14   --  -----------+----------------+---------+------------------------------------------
15   --  05 Jul 2001    A Tripathi               Initial version
16   --  18 Jul 2001    A Tripathi               Added procedure to archive data for
17   --					      employee manually excluded not paid in HKD
18   -- 10 Aug 2001    A Tripathi                Modified the process_assignment cursor as per
19   -- 				  	      the code review comment
20   -- 27 Aug 2001     A Tripathi	    1955980   Removed the checks for employee paid in currency
21   --  					      other than HKD
22   -- 28 Aug 2001    A Tripathi      1961965   Changed archive_employer_details cursor
23   -- 04 Sep 2001    A Punekar                 Changed submit_report to submit controll listing
24   --					      report for magtape
25   -- 18 Sep 2001    A Tripathi      1999637   Changed archive_balance_details procedure,
26   --					      added cursor to get maximum assignment_action_id
27   -- 19 Jan 2002    A Tripath       2189121   Modified Validate_Employee to handle date track
28   --					      changes to manual exclusion
29   -- 23 Jan 2002    A Tripath       2189137   Changes done to make messages more meaningful
30   --				   	      Added g_employee_number
31   -- 25 Jan 2002    A Tripath       2189121   Corrected the date track change.
32   -- 10 Apr 2002    J Lin           2302857   1. Corrected action_type in the cursor 56_balances
33   --                                          2. return greatest of quarter_start_date and
34   --                                             basic year start date in cursor qrchive_quarter
35   --                                             _details
36   -- 29 Feb 2002    A Punekar       2263589   Modified for performance fix
37   -- 17 Sep 2002    vgsriniv        2558852   Increased the item value size for
38   --                                          storing employee details and
39   --                                          quarters info
40   -- 17 Sep 2002    vgsriniv        2558852   Increased the item value size
41   --                                          further to 150 for storing
42   --                                         other_name(first_name+middle_names)
43   --                                          of employee
44   -- 02 Dec 2002    srrajago        2689229   Included the nocopy option for 'OUT' parameter of the
45   --                                          procedure 'range_code'
46   -- 16 Dec 2002    srrajago        2701921   Modified cursor ir56_employee_info to fetch the
47   --                                          concatenated values of address_line1,address_line2 and
48   --                                          address_line3 in 'address_lines' which is stored in
49   --                                          tab_empl(13).item_value ('X_HK_RESIDENTIAL_ADDRESS_1')
50   --                                          for address_type 'HK_R' and in  tab_empl(15).item_name
51   --                                          ('X_HK_CORRESPONDENCE_ADDRESS_1') for address_type 'HK_C'.
52   -- 10 Dec 2002    srrajago        2740270   Modified the cursor process_assignments.Included a cursor
53   --                                          get_params.Assignment ids fetch is done through a
54   --                                          separate cursor check_run and stored in a PL/SQL table.
55   -- 16 Dec 2002    srrajago        2740270   Cursor check_run modified according to coding standards.
56   --                                          Exception section included in the assignment_action_code
57   --                                          section.
58   -- 22 Jan 2003    puchil          2762276   Modified the cursor ir56_employee_info to select area_code_res
59   --					      and modified tab_empl(8).item_value ('X_HK_RESIDENTIAL_ADDRESS_AREA_CODE')
60   --					      to archive area_code_res instead of town_or_city if address_type is 'HK_R'
61   -- 24 Jan 2003    srrajago        2760137   Cursor quarters_info modified to include per_all_assignments_f and
62   --                                          per_periods_of_service tables and related joins. quarters_period_start
63   --                                          and quarters_period_end have also been modified.
64   -- 27 Jan 2003    srrajago        2760137   Included nvl check for actual_termination_date in the field
65   --                                          quarters_period_end of the cursor quarters_info.
66   -- 10 Feb 2003    puchil          2778848   Changed the effective date check in cursor process_assignments
67   --                                          so as to eliminate terminated employees. Also removed the
68   --                                          check for IR56F, G in cursor as terminated employees are eliminated.
69   -- 19 Feb 2003    apunekar        2810178   Removed no. of copies passed to fnd_request.set_print_options
70   -- 20 Feb 2003    puchil          2805822   Cursor quarters_info modified to return quarters_period_start and
71   --                                          and quarters_period_end within a particular financial year.
72   -- 20 Feb 2003    puchil          2805822   Changed the cursor quarters_info to have correct date
73   --                                          i.e., from 31-01-4712 to 31-12-4712
74   -- 25 Feb 2003    apunekar        2810178   Reverted fix
75   -- 25 Feb 2003    puchil          2805822   Changed the cursor quarters_info to have date effective
76   --                                          check so as to select the correct Quarters information.
77   --                                          Also closed the Get_ManualExclusion cursor in Validate_employee
78   --                                          procedure.
79   -- 26 Feb 2003    puchil          2778848   Changed cursor ir56_Employee_info so as to eliminate the
80   --                                          check for address_type
81   -- 28 Feb 2003    srrajago        2824718   In the cursor quarters_info, included a join
82   --                                          paa.period_of_service_id = pps.period_of_service_id
83   -- 11 Mar 2003    srrajago        2829320   In the cursor ir56_Employee_info, included substr function for
84   --                                          address_lines column so that 240 characters are only fetched.
85   --                                          In the procedure Archive_Employee_details -> record type archive_rec,
86   --                                          the item_name and item_value declarations modified.
87   -- 12 Mar 2003    srrajago        2843765   In the call to pay_hk_ir56.get_emoluments, the parameter value passed
88   --                                          for balance name was 'MAGTAPE_ORSO' and 'MAGTAPE_MPF'. These have been
89   --                                          modified to 'HK_MAGTAPE_ORSO' and 'HK_MAGTAPE_MPF' respectively.
90   -- 27 Mar 2003    srrajago        2853776   Included a join in the where clause of the cursor quarters_info to
91   --                                          pick up the correct quarters balance data when reversal is run.
92   -- 15 Apr 2003    srrajago        2890935   Removed the codes that are involved in archiving
93   --                                          'X_HK_MAGTAPE_MPF_ASG_LE_YTD' and 'X_HK_MAGTAPE_ORSO_ASG_LE_YTD'.
94   -- 06 May 2003    puchil          2942797   Changed cursor ir56_Employee_info, removed column chineese_full_name,
95   --                                          and all references to it.
96   -- 06 May 2003    srrajago        2853776   Modified the sub-query in the cursor quarters_info.
97   -- 07 May 2003    shoskatt        2945151   Changed the cursor ir56_employee_info to fetch chinese_full_name. This was
98   --                                          removed w.r.t earlier fix (Bug# 2942797)
99   -- 08 May 2003    srrajago        2853776   Removed the financial year condition check from the main part of the
100   --                                          cursor quarters_info and included the same in the sub-query.
101   -- 30 May 2003    kaverma         2920731   Replaced tables per_all_assignments_f and per_all_people_f by secured views
102   --                                          per_assignments_f and per_people_f respectively form the queries
103   -- 05 Jun 2003    puchil          2949952   Archived the country value in X_HK_RES_COUNTRY
104   -- 21 Jul 2003    srrajago        3055512   Employees terminated on 31-MAR-YYYY should not be included in the archive
105   --                                          run for the year YYYY. Hence modified the cursor process_assignments by
106   --                                          including the join with actual_termination_date <> 31-Mar-YYYY.
107   -- 28 Aug 2003    srrajago        3059915   # In the cursor 'process_assignments', few joins with effective_date,
108   --                                            reporting_year and business_group_id included.Few joins with
109   --                                            pay_core_utils removed.
110   --                                          # In the cursors 'ir56_Spouse_info' and 'ir56_Employee_info',view
111   --                                            fnd_territories_vl replaced with fnd_territories_tl table and a
112   --                                            join with language also included.
113   --                                          # In the procedure 'Archive_Excep_Error_dtls', cursor 'ir56_employer_info'
114   --                                            modified.Table per_assignments_f and its related joins removed.
115   --                                            Cursor 'ir56_Employee_info' also modified.A join with period_of_service_id
116   --                                            added.
117   -- 15 Dec 2003    srrajago         3193217  Modified the procedure 'archive_balance_details'. Call to the function
118   --                                          'get_emoluments' and the return values substitution have been changed as package
119   --                                          'pay_hk_ir56' modified. Cursor 'ir56_balances' removed.
120   -- 25 May 2004    avenkatk         3642506  #In Cursor ir56_Employee_info,modified the cursor to fetch the latest Person Details.
121   --                                          #In Cursor ir56_Spouse_info,modified the cursor to fetch the latest Spouse Info Details.
122   --
123   -- 09 Dec 2004    jkarouza         3916743  Modified cursor check_run for performance improvement for Bug 3916743.
124   -- 01 Jun 2004    jlin             4396794  Replaced substr with substrb for address_lines
125   -- 27 Dec 2005    snimmala         4260143  Modified the cursor max_assign_action_id for performance improvement
126   -- 29 Dec 2005    snimmala         4260143  Modified the cursor max_assign_action_id.
127   -- 20 Jun 2008    jalin            7184102  Added ORDER BY clause into cursor quarters_info
128   -- 22 Jul 2008    jalin            7184102  ORDER BY clause should use quarter_start_date instead of b.quarter_start_date
129   -- 28 Aug 2008    tbakashi         7210187  Added the cursor ir56_Report_info for replacement details.
130   -- 18 Dec 2008    dduvvuri         7635388  Added cursor ir56f_report_date to fetch last run date of IR56F report.
131   -- 29 Jul 2009    jalin            8338664  Modified employer_name to extract 60 characters
133   --* GLobal variables (populated in archive_code procedure)
134   g_assignment_id          pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%TYPE;
135   g_assignment_action_id   pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
136   g_payroll_Action_id      pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE;
137   g_archive_message        ff_archive_items.value%TYPE := NULL;
138   g_error_in_quarter       BOOLEAN := FALSE;
139   g_business_group_id      hr_organization_units.business_group_id%TYPE;  -- for submitting the PAYHKCTL report
141   --* Bug 2189137
142   g_employee_number        per_all_people_f.employee_number%TYPE;
144    TYPE
145 	archive_rec IS RECORD (item_name  Varchar2(100),
146 			       item_value Varchar2(100));
147    TYPE
148 	archive_tab IS TABLE OF archive_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
150    tab_empr archive_tab;
151   --------------------------------------------------------------------
152   --* This procedure returns a sql string to select a range
153   --* of assignments eligible for archival.
154   --------------------------------------------------------------------
155   PROCEDURE range_code
156     (p_payroll_action_id   IN pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE,
157      p_sql                 OUT nocopy Varchar2) is
158   Begin
159     hr_utility.set_location('Start of range_code',1);
160     p_sql := 'SELECT distinct person_id '                            ||
161              'FROM  per_people_f ppf, '                              ||
162                     'pay_payroll_actions ppa '                       ||
163              'WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id '     ||
164              'AND    ppa.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id ' ||
165              'ORDER BY ppf.person_id';
166     hr_utility.set_location('End of range_code',2);
167   End range_code;
169   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
170   -- This is used by legislation groups to set global contexts that are
171   -- required for the lifetime of the archiving process. This is null
172   -- because there are no setup requirements, but a PROCEDURE needs to
173   -- exist in pay_report_format_mappings_f, otherwise the archiver will
174   -- assume that no archival of data is required.
175   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
176   PROCEDURE initialization_code
177     (p_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE) is
178   Begin
179     hr_utility.set_location('pyhkirar: Start of initialization_code',6);
180     g_payroll_action_id := p_payroll_action_id;
181     hr_utility.set_location('pyhkirar: End of initialization_code',7);
183   End initialization_code;
185   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
186   -- This PROCEDURE is used to restrict the Assignment Action Creation.
187   -- It calls the PROCEDURE that actually inserts the Assignment Actions.
188   -- The CURSOR SELECTs the assignments that have had any payroll
189   -- processing for the Legal Entity within the Reporting Year.
190   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
191   PROCEDURE assignment_action_code
192     (p_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE,
193      p_start_person_id    in per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE,
194      p_end_person_id      in per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE,
195      p_chunk              in number)
196   IS
197     v_next_action_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
198     v_run_action_id   pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
200     /* Following variables introduced for Bug No : 2740270 */
201     v_fin_start_date      date;
202     v_fin_end_date        date;
203     v_business_group_id   pay_payroll_actions.business_group_id%TYPE;
204     v_legal_entity_id     hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE;
205     v_reporting_year      NUMBER;
207     l_counter number:=1;
208     counter   number:=1;
209     t_aid     per_all_assignments.assignment_id%type;
211     TYPE t_assignment_list IS TABLE OF per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
212     asglist t_assignment_list;
215     CURSOR next_action_id is
216       SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.NEXTVAL
217       FROM  dual;
219     /* Introduced the following cursor get_params for Bug No : 2740270 */
221     CURSOR get_params(c_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type)
222     IS
223     SELECT  to_date('01-04-'|| to_char(to_number(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REPORTING_YEAR',legislative_parameters))
224              -1),'DD-MM-YYYY') FINANCIAL_YEAR_START
225            ,to_date('31-03-'||pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REPORTING_YEAR',legislative_parameters),'DD-MM-YYYY')
226                                FINANCIAL_YEAR_END
227            ,pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BUSINESS_GROUP_ID',legislative_parameters) BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
228            ,pay_core_utils.get_parameter('LEGAL_ENTITY_ID',legislative_parameters) LEGAL_ENTITY_ID
229            ,pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REPORTING_YEAR',legislative_parameters) REPORTING_YEAR
230     FROM    pay_payroll_actions
231     WHERE   payroll_action_id = c_payroll_Action_id;
233    /* Bug No : 2740270 - Cursor to get all the assignments in the basis year
234       for whom R,B,I,Q is run */
235     CURSOR check_run
236     ( c_business_group_id   pay_payroll_actions.business_group_id%TYPE,
237       c_legal_entity_id     hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
238       c_fin_start_date      date,
239       c_fin_end_date        date )
240     IS
241     SELECT   distinct pac.assignment_id
242     FROM     pay_payroll_actions ppa,
243              pay_payrolls_f pay,               /* Added for Bug 3916743 - performance fix. */
244              pay_assignment_actions pac
245     WHERE    ppa.action_type in ('R','B','I','Q')
246     AND      ppa.payroll_action_id = pac.payroll_action_id
247     AND      ppa.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
248     AND      pac.tax_unit_id = c_legal_entity_id
249     AND      ppa.effective_date between c_fin_start_date and c_fin_end_date
250     AND      ppa.action_status = 'C'
251     AND      pac.action_status = 'C'
252     AND      ppa.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id             /* This and next line added for Bug 3916743 */
253     AND      pay.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
254     ORDER BY pac.assignment_id;
257     /* Bug No : 2740270 - Modified cursor process_assignments. Included two in parameters c_fin_start_date and
258        c_fin_end_date. Removed per_all_people_f table and related joins modified.Checks with effective_date
259        modified with the new in parameters.Inner query modified to include joins with report type
260        'HK_IR56B_ARCHIVE' and action status with 'C' and action type with 'X'.Selection of assignments ids
261        is now done through a cursor check_run and hence that part of the query has been removed from process
262        assignments */
264     /*Bug No : 2778848 - Modified cursor process_assignments, the select statement is changed to
265       eliminate the terminated employee details, by including per_periods_of_service and checking
266       for the existance of assignment as of 31 of march. Since terminated employees are not selected, the
267       check for whether IR56F or IR56G is run becomes invalid hence this check is removed. */
269     CURSOR process_assignments
270      	(c_payroll_action_id  in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE,
271      	c_start_person_id    in per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE,
272      	c_end_person_id      in per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE,
273         c_fin_start_date     in date,
274         c_fin_end_date       in date,
275         c_business_group_id  pay_payroll_actions.business_group_id%TYPE,
276         c_legal_entity_id    hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
277         c_reporting_year     NUMBER)
278     IS
279     	SELECT DISTINCT a.assignment_id 	assignment_id
280     	FROM  per_assignments_f 	a,
281               pay_payroll_actions 	pa,
282 	      per_periods_of_service    pps
283     	WHERE pa.payroll_action_id = c_payroll_action_id
284     	AND   a.person_id BETWEEN c_start_person_id and c_end_person_id
285     	AND   a.business_group_id  = pa.business_group_id
286 	AND   TO_DATE('31-03-'||c_reporting_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY') between a.effective_start_date and a.effective_end_date
287 	AND   TO_DATE('31-03-'||c_reporting_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY') between pps.date_start
288 				 and NVL(pps.actual_termination_date, TO_DATE('31-12-4712', 'DD-MM-YYYY'))
289         AND   NVL(pps.actual_termination_date, TO_DATE('31-12-4712', 'DD-MM-YYYY')) <> TO_DATE('31-03-'||c_reporting_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY') -- Bug: 3055512
290 	AND   pps.period_of_service_id = a.period_of_service_id
291 	AND   pps.person_id = a.person_id
292  	AND NOT EXISTS		-- don't produce if they've had ir56b report produced.
293                (SELECT NULL
294              	FROM   pay_action_interlocks pai,
295                        pay_payroll_actions ppai,
296                        pay_payroll_actions ppaa,
297                        pay_assignment_actions paa
298              	WHERE  paa.assignment_id = a.assignment_id
299                 AND    ppaa.action_type='X'
300                 AND    ppaa.report_type = 'HK_IR56B_ARCHIVE'
301                 AND    ppai.action_type='X'
302                 AND    ppai.action_status='C'
303                 AND    ppaa.action_status='C'
304              	AND    ppai.report_type = 'HK_IR56B_REPORT'
305              	AND    paa.assignment_action_id = pai.locking_action_id
306              	AND    ppai.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
307              	AND    ppaa.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ACTION_ID',
308                                                 ppai.legislative_parameters)
309                 /* Start of Bug No : 3059915 */
310                 AND ppaa.business_group_id = c_business_group_id
311                 AND ppaa.business_group_id = ppai.business_group_id
312                 AND to_char(ppaa.effective_date,'YYYY') = c_reporting_year
313                 AND ppaa.effective_date    = ppai.effective_date
314                 /* End of Bug No : 3059915 */
315                 AND    pay_core_utils.get_parameter('LEGAL_ENTITY_ID',ppaa.legislative_parameters) =
316                        c_legal_entity_id
317                )
318 	 ;
320   Begin
321     hr_utility.set_location('Start of assignment_action_code '||
322   	p_payroll_action_id || ':' || p_start_person_id || ':' || p_end_person_id,3);
324    /* Bug No : 2740270 - Fetching values from the cursor get_params */
325     OPEN get_params(p_payroll_action_id);
326     FETCH get_params
327     INTO  v_fin_start_date
328          ,v_fin_end_date
329          ,v_business_group_id
330          ,v_legal_entity_id
331          ,v_reporting_year;
332     CLOSE get_params;
334      /* Bug No : 2740270 - Store all the assignment ids for which either of R,B,I.Q is run
335        for a basis year in a PL/SQL table. Once they are stored, next time onwards only
336        table is searched for the assignment ids and the query will not be executed.
337        This avoids the execution of the query for all the assignments  */
339     IF t_assignmentid_store.count = 0 THEN
340       OPEN check_run(v_business_group_id,v_legal_entity_id,v_fin_start_date,v_fin_end_date);
341       LOOP
342         FETCH check_run INTO t_aid;
343         EXIT WHEN check_run%NOTFOUND;
344         t_assignmentid_store(t_aid) := t_aid;
345       END LOOP;
346       CLOSE check_run;
347     END IF;
349    /* Bug No : 2740270 - Used bulk collect to store all the assignment ids fetched from
350       process_assignments cursor to improve performance  */
352     OPEN process_assignments(p_payroll_action_id,p_start_person_id,p_end_person_id,v_fin_start_date,v_fin_end_date,
353                              v_business_group_id,v_legal_entity_id,v_reporting_year);
354     FETCH process_assignments bulk collect INTO asglist;
355     CLOSE process_assignments;
357     FOR i IN 1..asglist.count
358     LOOP
359       IF asglist.exists(i) THEN
360         IF t_assignmentid_store.exists(asglist(i))  THEN
361            OPEN next_action_id;
362            FETCH next_action_id INTO v_next_action_id;
363            CLOSE next_action_id;
365          hr_utility.set_location('Before calling hr_nonrun_asact.insact',4);
366          hr_nonrun_asact.insact(v_next_action_id,
367                                 asglist(i),
368                                 p_payroll_action_id,
369                                 p_chunk,
370                                 null);
371          hr_utility.set_location('After calling hr_nonrun_asact.insact',4);
372         END IF;
373      END IF;
374     END LOOP;
378        IF next_action_id%ISOPEN THEN
379           CLOSE next_action_id;
380        END IF;
381        hr_utility.set_location('Exception in assignment_action_code ',20);
382        RAISE;
383   End assignment_action_code;
386   ---------------------------------
387   -- [ Archive Employee details ]
388   ---------------------------------
390   PROCEDURE Archive_Employee_details(
391      		p_business_group_id     IN hr_organization_units.business_group_id%TYPE,
392      		p_legal_entity_id       IN hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
393      		p_reporting_year        IN Varchar2)
394   IS
395     v_loop_cnt  number := 0;
397     -----------------------------------------
398     --* get employee records to archive
399     -----------------------------------------
400 /* Bug 2778848 : Removed check for address type as cursor was failing when the address type was
401    other than HK_R or HK_C. */
403 /* Bug No : 2829320 - Included substr function for address_lines column so that 240 characters are only fetched */
404 /*Bug 2942797 - Removed column chineese_full_name*/
405     CURSOR ir56_Employee_info
406       	(c_assignment_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%TYPE,
407        	c_reporting_year  Varchar2 )
408     IS
410    		papf.national_identifier 			hk_id_card_no,
411 	 	DECODE(papf.marital_status, 'M',
412                        DECODE(sex, 'F', NVL(previous_last_name, last_name), last_name)
413 		      ,last_name)				last_name,
414        		TRIM(papf.first_name||' '||papf.middle_names) 	other_name,
415                 papf.per_information5 				chinese_full_name, /* Bug 2945151 */
416        		SUBSTR(papf.sex,1,1) 				sex,
417        		DECODE(papf.marital_status,'M',2,1)             marital_status,
418        		papf.per_information1
419        		||DECODE(papf.per_information2,NULL, NULL, ' '
420        		|| ftv.territory_short_name)                    passport_info,
421                 papf.employee_number                            employee_number,
422 		pad.address_type				address_type, /* Start of Bug No : 2701921, 4396794 */
423                 substrb(decode(pad.address_line1,null,'', pad.address_line1 ||
424                         decode(pad.address_line2,null,decode(pad.address_line3,null,'',', '),', ')) ||
425                           decode(pad.address_line2,null,'', pad.address_line2 || decode(pad.address_line3,null,'',', ')) ||
426                             pad.address_line3,1,240)            address_lines, /* End of Bug : 2701921,4396794 */
427                 pad.town_or_city				town_or_city,
428 		pad.country					country,
429                 DECODE(pad.style, 'HK', ','||hrl.meaning, NULL) area_code,
430                 DECODE(pad.style, 'HK', hrl.meaning, NULL) area_code_res,/*Added for bug 2762276 to store residential address area code*/
431 		paei.aei_information1				capacity_employed,
432 		hsck.segment2					principal_emp_name,
433 		TO_CHAR(GREATEST(TO_DATE('01/04/'||
434 			TO_CHAR(TO_NUMBER(c_reporting_year)-1),'DD/MM/YYYY')
435 			,pps.date_start), 'YYYYMMDD')	 	employment_start_date,
436 		c_reporting_year||'0331'		  	employment_end_date,
437 		papf.per_information9				employee_tfn,
438 		hsck.segment5					remarks,
439        		pcr.primary_contact_flag			primary_contact_flag,
440        		NVL(pcr.contact_person_id,0)   			person_id,   -- used in spouse cursor
441        		pcr.contact_type     	   			contact_type, -- used in spouse cursor
442                 pcr.date_start					date_start
443 	FROM   	per_people_f 	        	papf,
444        		per_assignments_f 		paaf,
445 	       	fnd_territories_tl  		ftv, /*  Bug No : 3059915 */
446        		per_contact_relationships  	pcr,
447 	       	per_addresses 			pad,
448 		per_assignment_extra_info 	paei,
449 		per_periods_of_service    	pps,
450 		hr_soft_coding_keyflex 		hsck,
451 	       	hr_lookups 			hrl
452 	WHERE  	paaf.person_id = papf.person_id
453 	AND    	TO_DATE('31-03-'|| c_reporting_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY')
454        		BETWEEN   paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
455 	AND     papf.effective_end_date = NVL(pps.actual_termination_date,TO_DATE('31-12-4712','dd-mm-yyyy')) /* Bug No : 3642506*/
456 	AND    	papf.per_information2 = ftv.territory_code(+)
457         AND     ftv.language(+) = userenv('LANG') /* Bug No : 3059915 */
458         AND     pps.period_of_service_id = paaf.period_of_service_id  /* Bug No : 3059915 */
459 	AND    	papf.person_id = pcr.person_id(+)
460 	AND    	papf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
461 	AND    	pcr.business_group_id(+) = p_business_group_id  -- watch this condition
462 	AND    	NVL(pcr.date_end(+),TO_DATE('31-12-4712','dd-mm-yyyy')) =TO_DATE('31-12-4712','dd-mm-yyyy') /* Bug No : 3642506*/
463 	AND    	paaf.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
464 	AND    	papf.person_id = pad.person_id(+)
465 	AND    	NVL(pad.date_to(+),TO_DATE('31-12-4712','dd-mm-yyyy')) = TO_DATE('31-12-4712','dd-mm-yyyy') /* Bug No : 3642506*/
466 	AND    	pad.region_1 = hrl.lookup_code(+)
467 	AND    	pad.business_group_id(+) = p_business_group_id
468 	AND    	hrl.lookup_type(+)= 'HK_AREA_CODES'
469 	AND	paei.assignment_id(+) = paaf.assignment_id
470 	AND 	paei.aei_information_category(+) = 'HR_EMPLOYMENT_INFO_HK'
471 	AND 	hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id(+) = paaf.soft_coding_keyflex_id
472 	AND    	TO_DATE('31-03-'|| c_reporting_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY')
473 	   	BETWEEN nvl(hsck.start_date_active(+),to_date('01-01-1900','dd-mm-yyyy'))
474 	   	AND NVL(hsck.end_date_active(+),TO_DATE('31-12-4712','dd-mm-yyyy'))
475     	AND	pps.person_id = paaf.person_id
476 	AND    	TO_DATE('31-03-'||c_reporting_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY')
477 	   	BETWEEN pps.date_start
478 	   	AND NVL(pps.actual_termination_date,TO_DATE('31-12-4712','dd-mm-yyyy'))
479 	ORDER BY  papf.national_identifier ASC,pcr.primary_contact_flag DESC,pcr.date_start DESC;
480         --* Order by clause above insures that contact type with primary contactflag is selected
481         --* first, if more than one spouse record exists without primary contact flag then
482         --* select the spouse with earliest start date. This is used in the subsequent cursor
483         --* for getting the spouse detail for an employee
485     employee_rec  ir56_Employee_info%ROWTYPE;
487 /* 7210187 */
489   CURSOR ir56_Report_info
490       	(c_assignment_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%TYPE,
491        	c_reporting_year  Varchar2 )
492     IS
494 	substr(paei.aei_information2,1,10)      last_run_date,
495 	paei.aei_information5             	last_run_type
497 	from per_assignment_extra_info 	paei
499 	where paei.aei_information_category = 'HR_IR56B_REPORTING_INFO_HK'
500 	AND	to_number(paei.assignment_id) = c_assignment_id
501 	AND	to_number(paei.aei_information1) = c_reporting_year;
503 report_rec  ir56_Report_info%ROWTYPE;
505 /* 7210187 */
507 /* 7635388 - Cursor ir56f_report_date created to fetch the last run date of IR56F report */
508    CURSOR ir56f_report_date
509    (c_assignment_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%TYPE)
510    IS
511     SELECT	TO_CHAR(to_date(paei.aei_information2,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'),'yyyy/mm/dd')
512     FROM 	per_assignment_extra_info paei,
513                 per_assignment_info_types pait
514     WHERE	paei.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
515     AND		paei.information_type = 'HR_LE_REPORTING_HK'
516     AND		paei.information_type = pait.information_type
517     AND 	pait.active_inactive_flag = 'Y';
521     --* From above employee_info cursor, if contact_type ='S'
522     --* and and pcr.person_id is not null,then open cursor to
523     --* spouse details
525     CURSOR ir56_Spouse_info(c_person_id       per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE,
526 			    c_reporting_year  Varchar2 )
527     IS
528 	SELECT papf_spouse.last_name
529 	       || DECODE(papf_spouse.first_name, null, null, ', '
530 	       || papf_spouse.first_name)
531 	       || DECODE(papf_spouse.middle_names, null, null, ', '
532                || papf_spouse.middle_names)           		spouse_name,
533 	       papf_spouse.national_identifier spouse_hk_id,
534 	       papf_spouse.per_information1
535 	       ||DECODE(papf_spouse.per_information2,NULL, NULL, ' '
536 	       || ftv.territory_short_name)                     passport_info
537 	FROM   per_people_f		papf_spouse,
538 	       fnd_territories_tl  	ftv       /*  Bug No : 3059915 */
539         WHERE  papf_spouse.person_id = c_person_id
540 	AND    papf_spouse.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
541 	AND    papf_spouse.per_information2 = ftv.territory_code(+)
542         AND    ftv.language(+) = userenv('LANG')  /* Bug No : 3059915 */
543 	AND    papf_spouse.effective_end_date = TO_DATE('31-12-4712','dd-mm-yyyy'); /* Bug No : 3642506 */
545    spouse_rec ir56_Spouse_info%ROWTYPE;
547    /* Bug 2558852 Increased the item_value size from 100 to 250 to
548       accomodate address details and other_name of the employee */
550    /* Bug No : 2829320 - declared item_name and item_value using %type */
552    TYPE
553 	archive_rec IS RECORD (item_name  ff_user_entities.user_entity_name%type,
554 			       item_value ff_archive_items.value%type);
555    TYPE
556 	archive_tab IS TABLE OF archive_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
557    tab_empl archive_tab;
559    tab_count Number := 1;
561    spouse_found Char(1) ;
562    printed_once Char(1) ;
564    p_value Varchar2(240);
565    l_date varchar2(40); /* 7635388 */
566 Begin
568      ---------------------------------------
569      --* Initialization section
570      ---------------------------------------
571         spouse_found := 'N';
572 	printed_once := 'N';
574     	tab_empl(1).item_name  := 'X_HK_HKID';
575       --*
576     	tab_empl(2).item_name  := 'X_HK_LAST_NAME';
577       --*
578     	tab_empl(3).item_name  := 'X_HK_OTHER_NAMES';
579       --*
580     	tab_empl(4).item_name  := 'X_HK_CHINESE_FULL_NAME';
581       --*
582     	tab_empl(5).item_name  := 'X_HK_SEX';
583       --*
584     	tab_empl(6).item_name  := 'X_HK_MARITAL_STATUS';
585       --*
586     	tab_empl(7).item_name  := 'X_HK_PASSPORT_INFO';
587       --*
588     	tab_empl(8).item_name  := 'X_HK_RESIDENTIAL_ADDRESS_AREA_CODE';
589       --*
590     	tab_empl(9).item_name  := 'X_HK_CAPACITY_EMPLOYED';
591       --*
592     	tab_empl(10).item_name  := 'X_HK_PRINCIPAL_EMPLOYER_NAME';
593       --*
594     	tab_empl(11).item_name  := 'X_HK_EMPLOYMENT_START_DATE';
596       --*
597     	tab_empl(12).item_name  := 'X_HK_EMPLOYMENT_END_DATE';
598       --*
599     	tab_empl(13).item_name  := 'X_HK_RESIDENTIAL_ADDRESS_1';
601       --*
602     	tab_empl(14).item_name  := 'X_HK_RESIDENTIAL_ADDRESS_2';
603       --*
604     	tab_empl(15).item_name  := 'X_HK_CORRESPONDENCE_ADDRESS_1';
605       --*
606     	tab_empl(16).item_name  := 'X_HK_SPOUSE_NAME';
607       --*
608     	tab_empl(17).item_name  := 'X_HK_SPOUSE_HKID';
609       --*
610 	tab_empl(18).item_name  := 'X_HK_SPOUSE_PASSPORT_INFO';
611       --*
612 	tab_empl(19).item_name  := 'X_HK_EMPLOYEE_TFN';
613       --*
614 	tab_empl(20).item_name  := 'X_HK_REMARKS';
615       --*
616     	tab_empl(21).item_name  := 'X_HK_CORRESPONDENCE_ADDRESS_2';
617       --*
618     	tab_empl(22).item_name  := 'X_HK_RES_COUNTRY';      /* 2949952 */
619       --*
620 	tab_empl(23).item_name  := 'X_HK_LAST_RUN_DATE';   /* 7210187 */
621       --*
622 	tab_empl(24).item_name  := 'X_HK_LAST_RUN_TYPE';
625      ---------------------------------------
626      --* Initialization section over
627      ---------------------------------------
632    OPEN   ir56_Employee_info(g_assignment_id,p_reporting_year);
633    LOOP
634    FETCH  ir56_Employee_info INTO employee_rec;
635    IF ir56_Employee_info%FOUND Then
638       ---------------------------------------
639       --* Prepare employee data
640       ---------------------------------------
642       /*
643          The cursor is created in such a way that for an assignment it could return
644  	 more than one row. So printed_once flag is used to avoid the archival records
645          from getting duplicated
646       */
650       IF printed_once = 'N' Then
652      	--* 'X_HK_HKID'
653     	tab_empl(1).item_value := employee_rec.hk_id_card_no;
655         --* 'X_HK_LAST_NAME'
656     	tab_empl(2).item_value := rtrim(employee_rec.last_name);
658         --* 'X_HK_OTHER_NAMES'
659     	tab_empl(3).item_value :=  employee_rec.other_name;
661         --* 'X_HK_CHINESE_FULL_NAME'
662     	tab_empl(4).item_value := employee_rec.chinese_full_name;   /*Bug 2942797*/
663                                 /*Bug 2945151 - Set the Chinese Full Name back. This was removed w.r.t
664                                   earlier Bug 2942797 */
666         --* 'X_HK_SEX'
667     	tab_empl(5).item_value := employee_rec.sex;
669         --* 'X_HK_MARITAL_STATUS'
670     	tab_empl(6).item_value := employee_rec.marital_status;
672         --* 'X_HK_PASSPORT_INFO'
673     	tab_empl(7).item_value := employee_rec.passport_info;
675         --* 'X_HK_CAPACITY_EMPLOYED'
676 	tab_empl(9).item_value :=  employee_rec.capacity_employed;
679 	tab_empl(10).item_value :=  employee_rec.principal_emp_name;
681         --* 'X_HK_EMPLOYMENT_START_DATE'
682 	tab_empl(11).item_value :=  employee_rec.employment_start_date;
684         --* 'X_HK_EMPLOYMENT_END_DATE'
685 	tab_empl(12).item_value :=  employee_rec.employment_end_date;
687         --* 'X_HK_EMPLOYEE_TFN'
688 	tab_empl(19).item_value :=  employee_rec.employee_tfn;
690         --* 'X_HK_REMARKS'
691 	tab_empl(20).item_value :=  employee_rec.remarks;
693         --* Bug 2189137
694         --* 'Employee number
695         g_employee_number := employee_rec.employee_number;
698 	printed_once := 'Y';
699      End if;
701 /* 7210187 */
703    OPEN   ir56_Report_info(g_assignment_id,p_reporting_year);
705    FETCH  ir56_Report_info INTO report_rec;
707    If ir56_Report_info%found then
709      	tab_empl(23).item_value := report_rec.last_run_date;
710 	tab_empl(24).item_value := report_rec.last_run_type;
711    else /* 7635388 - fetch the last run date of IR56F report */
712         OPEN ir56f_report_date(g_assignment_id);
713         FETCH ir56f_report_date INTO l_date;
714         if l_date is not null then
715         tab_empl(23).item_value := l_date;
716         tab_empl(24).item_value := 'REPLACEMENT';
717         end if;
718         CLOSE ir56f_report_date;
719    End If;
721    CLOSE ir56_Report_info;
723 /* 7210187 */
725      /* printed_flag is not used since the cursor may return more than one record,
726         for example address_type can have two values , HK_R and HK_C for a single
727         assignment.In that case the cursor will return 2 rows and both the values
728         need to be stored */
730      If employee_rec.address_type='HK_R' Then
731      	   --* 'X_HK_RESIDENTIAL_ADDRESS_1'
732 	   tab_empl(13).item_value := employee_rec.address_lines; /* Bug No : 2701921 */
734 	 /* Moved the following two lines from the above if block as residential address
735 	    area code requires check for address type. further, the item_value is populated
736             by area_code_res instead of town_or_city -- Bug 2762276*/
738 	   tab_empl(8).item_value :=  employee_rec.area_code_res;
740          /*Start of fix for Bug 2949952 */
741            --* 'X_HK_RESIDENTIAL_ADDRESS_2'
742     	   tab_empl(14).item_value := employee_rec.town_or_city;
744            --* 'X_HK_RES_COUNTRY'
745            tab_empl(22).item_value := employee_rec.country;
746          /*End of fix for Bug 2949952 */
748      End If;
751      If employee_rec.address_type='HK_C' Then
752     	      tab_empl(15).item_value := employee_rec.address_lines; /* Bug No : 2701921 */
753      End If;
756      If employee_rec.address_type='HK_C' Then
757         If employee_rec.country IS NULL Then
758            tab_empl(21).item_value := employee_rec.town_or_city
759 				   ||employee_rec.area_code;
760         Else
761            tab_empl(21).item_value := employee_rec.town_or_city
762 				   ||employee_rec.area_code
763 				   ||','||employee_rec.country;
764         End If;
765      End If;
768      --* Employee data over
770      ---------------------------------------
771      --* Prepare spouse data
772      ---------------------------------------
773      ---* Find the spouse detail only if 1) the person is having a spouse 2) contact type ='S'
774      ---* 3) the employee cursor may loop more than once , don't find the spouse again if found
775      ---* earlier.The order by clause in the employee cursor ensures that if the primary contact
776      ---* type is 'Y' then  that record is selected first . If the primary contact is 'Y' ,
777      ---* no need to find  other types of spouse ie. of type other than 'Y'.If no contact
778      ---* with type 'Y' exists then get any other contact type details ie. 'N'
780      If ( (employee_rec.person_id <> 0) AND (employee_rec.contact_type = 'S')
781 	   AND (spouse_found = 'N')) Then
783     	OPEN  ir56_Spouse_info(employee_rec.person_id,p_reporting_year);
784 	FETCH ir56_Spouse_info INTO spouse_rec;
785 	If ir56_Spouse_info%FOUND Then
786 	   --*'X_HK_SPOUSE_NAME'
787     	   tab_empl(16).item_value := spouse_rec.spouse_name;
789            --*'X_HK_SPOUSE_HKID'
790     	   tab_empl(17).item_value := spouse_rec.spouse_hk_id;
792     	   --* 'X_HK_SPOUSE_PASSPORT_INFO'
793     	   tab_empl(18).item_value := spouse_rec.passport_info;
795  	   spouse_found := 'Y';
796 	End If;
797 	CLOSE ir56_Spouse_info;
798      End if;
799    Else
800       --* No employee details exists
801       Exit;
802    End If;
803    END LOOP;
804    ---------------------------------------
805    --* Archive employee and spouse details
806    ---------------------------------------
808      For tab_count in 1..tab_empl.COUNT
809      LOOP
810         If tab_empl.EXISTS(tab_count) Then
811            archive_item(tab_empl(tab_count).item_name,
812                       g_assignment_action_id,
813                       tab_empl(tab_count).item_value);
815         End If;
816      END LOOP;
818    CLOSE ir56_Employee_info;
819  Exception
820     When Others Then
821 	If ir56_Employee_info%ISOPEN Then
822 	   CLOSE ir56_Employee_info;
823         End If;
824 	hr_utility.set_location('Archive_employee_details ,Exception others',20);
825 	RAISE;
826  End Archive_Employee_details;
828   ---------------------------------
829   -- [ Archive Employer details ]
830   ---------------------------------
831   PROCEDURE Archive_Employer_details  (
832      		p_business_group_id     IN hr_organization_units.business_group_id%TYPE,
833      		p_legal_entity_id       IN hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
834      		p_reporting_year        IN Varchar2)
835   IS
836     v_loop_cnt  number := 0;
838     -----------------------------------------
839     --* get employer records to archive
840     -- Bug 8338664, extract employer_name 60 characters
841     -----------------------------------------
842     CURSOR ir56_Employer_info
843       	(c_legal_entity_id  hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
844 	 c_reporting_year   Varchar2 )
845     IS
847                substr(hou.name,1,60)                       employer_name,
848                hoi.org_information1            employer_tfn,
849                hoi.org_information2            designation,
850                p_legal_entity_id               legal_employer_id,
851                hoi.org_information3            contact_name,
852                p_reporting_year                reporting_year,
853                TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')   issue_date
854         FROM   hr_organization_information      hoi,
855                hr_organization_units            hou
856         WHERE  hoi.org_information_context = 'HK_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
857         AND    hoi.organization_id = hou.organization_id
858         AND    hoi.organization_id = c_legal_entity_id ;
860     	employer_rec ir56_employer_info%ROWTYPE;
864    tab_count 	Number := 1;
865    tab_index 	Number := 1;
867    e_employer_notfound  Exception;
868 Begin
870    if tab_empr.count = 0 then/*2263589-Store in table only once.open cursor only first time*/
872     OPEN  ir56_Employer_info(p_legal_entity_id, p_reporting_year);
874     FETCH ir56_Employer_info into employer_rec;
876     If ir56_Employer_info%FOUND Then
877         ---------------------------------------
878     	--* Prepare employer the data to arhive
879         ---------------------------------------
880       --*
881     	tab_empr(1).item_name  := 'X_HK_EMPLOYER_TFN';
882     	tab_empr(1).item_value := employer_rec.employer_tfn;
883       --*
884 	tab_empr(2).item_name  := 'X_HK_EMPLOYER_NAME';
885     	tab_empr(2).item_value := employer_rec.employer_name;
886       --*
887     	tab_empr(3).item_name  := 'X_HK_LEGAL_EMPLOYER_ID';
888     	tab_empr(3).item_value := employer_rec.legal_employer_id;
889       --*
890     	tab_empr(4).item_name  := 'X_HK_DESIGNATION';
891     	tab_empr(4).item_value := employer_rec.designation;
892       --*
893     	tab_empr(5).item_name  := 'X_HK_CONTACT';
894     	tab_empr(5).item_value := employer_rec.contact_name;
895       --*
896     	tab_empr(6).item_name  := 'X_HK_REPORTING_YEAR';
897     	tab_empr(6).item_value := employer_rec.reporting_year;
898       --*
899     	tab_empr(7).item_name  := 'X_HK_ISSUE_DATE';
900     	tab_empr(7).item_value := employer_rec.issue_date;
903      CLOSE ir56_Employer_info;
904      Else
905        CLOSE ir56_Employer_info;
906        RAISE  e_employer_notfound;
907     end if;
908 end if;
910       	--* end employer data
911        For tab_count in 1..tab_empr.COUNT
912        LOOP
913           If tab_empr.EXISTS(tab_count) Then
914 	     archive_item(tab_empr(tab_count).item_name,
915                       g_assignment_action_id,
916 		      tab_empr(tab_count).item_value);
917           End If;
918        END LOOP;
921         -------------------------------------------
922         --* Call procedure to archive employee data
923         -------------------------------------------
924 	Archive_Employee_details(
925 				p_business_group_id,
926 				p_legal_entity_id,
927 				p_reporting_year);
930   Exception
931      When e_employer_notfound then
932          hr_utility.set_location('No employee Details found for the assigment id  ',20);
933      When Others Then
934 	If ir56_Employer_info%ISOPEN Then
935 	   CLOSE ir56_Employer_info;
936         End If;
937         hr_utility.set_location('Error in archive_employee_details ',99);
938         RAISE;
939   End Archive_Employer_details;
941   ---------------------------------
942   -- [ Archive Balance details ]
943   ---------------------------------
944   PROCEDURE Archive_Balance_details(
945      		p_business_group_id     IN hr_organization_units.business_group_id%TYPE,
946      		p_legal_entity_id       IN hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
947      		p_reporting_year        IN Varchar2)
948   IS
950     CURSOR max_assign_action_id(c_assignment_id pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%TYPE,
951 			     c_reporting_year   Varchar2 )
952     IS
953           SELECT  paa.assignment_action_id
954           FROM    pay_assignment_actions paa
955           WHERE   paa.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
956            and    paa.action_sequence = (select max(paa2.action_sequence)
957                                          from   pay_assignment_actions paa2,
958                                                 pay_payroll_actions ppa
959 			                 where  paa2.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
960                                          and    ppa.payroll_action_id = paa2.payroll_action_id
961                                          and    paa2.action_status = 'C'
962                                          and    ppa.action_type in ('R', 'Q', 'B', 'I', 'V')
963    			                 and    ppa.effective_date BETWEEN TO_DATE('01-04-'|| TO_CHAR(TO_NUMBER(c_reporting_year)-1), 'DD-MM-YYYY')
964 			                 and    TO_DATE('31-03-'||c_reporting_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY'));
966     rec_max_assign_action_id max_assign_action_id%ROWTYPE;
968     l_emol_details   pay_hk_ir56.g_emol_details_tab;
969     i                Number := 1;
970     v_period_format  Varchar2(100); -- Holds the period in the format yyyymmdd-yyyymmdd
972   Begin
973     OPEN max_assign_action_id(g_assignment_id,p_reporting_year);
974     FETCH max_assign_action_id INTO rec_max_assign_action_id;
975     CLOSE max_assign_action_id;
977     l_emol_details := PAY_HK_IR56.GET_EMOLUMENTS
978 			(g_assignment_id,
979                          rec_max_assign_action_id.assignment_action_id,
980                          p_legal_entity_id,
981 		         p_reporting_year);
983     FOR i IN l_emol_details.FIRST..l_emol_details.LAST
984     LOOP
985        IF(l_emol_details.EXISTS(i)) THEN
987          archive_item('X_HK_' || l_emol_details(i).balance_name ||'_ASG_LE_YTD',
988                        g_assignment_action_id,
989                        l_emol_details(i).balance_value);
990          archive_item('X_HK_' || l_emol_details(i).balance_name ||'_DESCRIPTION',
991                        g_assignment_action_id,
992                        l_emol_details(i).particulars);
994          --* the period returned is in the format dd/mm/yyyy-dd/mm/yyyy
995          --* change it to yyyymmdd - yyyymmdd
996          If (l_emol_details(i).period_dates IS NOT NULL) THEN
997             v_period_format := substr(l_emol_details(i).period_dates,7,4)||substr(l_emol_details(i).period_dates,4,2)||
998                                substr(l_emol_details(i).period_dates,1,2)||' - '||
999 	         	       substr(l_emol_details(i).period_dates,20,4)||substr(l_emol_details(i).period_dates,17,2)||
1000                                substr(l_emol_details(i).period_dates,14,2);
1001          Else
1002 	    v_period_format := l_emol_details(i).period_dates;
1003          end If;
1005          archive_item('X_HK_' || l_emol_details(i).balance_name ||'_PERIOD',
1006                        g_assignment_action_id,
1007                        v_period_format);
1008        END IF;
1009     END LOOP;
1011   Exception
1012      When Others Then
1013         hr_utility.set_location('Error in archive_balance_details ',99);
1014         RAISE;
1015   End Archive_Balance_details;
1017   ---------------------------------
1018   -- [ Archive Quarter details ]
1019   ---------------------------------
1020   PROCEDURE Archive_Quarter_details(
1021      		p_business_group_id     IN hr_organization_units.business_group_id%TYPE,
1022      		p_legal_entity_id       IN hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
1023        		p_reporting_year        IN Varchar2)
1024   IS
1025     v_loop_cnt  number := 0;
1027 /* Bug No : 2760137 - Modified the cursor quarters_info */
1029 /* Bug No : 2805822 - Modified the cursor quarters_info, changed the decode statements for
1030    quarter_period_start and quarter_period_end which is calculated as below:-
1032    If user has entered quarter start and end dates, and either start
1033    date, end date, or both, fall within the tax year being processed
1034    The quarters period is calculated as follows:
1036    Start Date = 1-Apr Tax Year, Quarters Start Date or Hire Date
1037              (whichever is later)
1038    End Date = 31-Mar Tax Year, Quarters End Date or Termination Date
1039              (whichever is earlier)
1041    If user has entered quarter start and end dates, and both start and
1042    end date fall outside the processing year, OR if the user has not
1043    entered dates. The quarters period is calculated as follows:
1045    Start Date = 1-Apr Tax Year or Hire Date(whichever is later)
1047    End Date = 31-Mar Tax Year or Termination Date(whichever is earlier) */
1049 /* Bug No : 2805822 - Modified the cursor quarters_info, added date effective check
1050    so that quarters details for that particular financial year is selected*/
1052 /* Bug No : 2853776 - Cursor quarters_info modified -
1053    The sub query included for Bug No: 2853776 has been modified to join max action_sequence instead of
1054    max assignment action id.*/
1056 /* Bug 7184102 Added ORDER BY clause into cursor quarters_info */
1058     CURSOR quarters_info
1059       (c_assignment_id        IN pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%TYPE,
1060        c_assignment_action_id IN pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE)
1061     IS
1062       SELECT b.assignment_id assignment_id,
1063              b.SOURCE_ID      source_id,
1064    	     b.QUARTERS_ADDRESS   quarters_address,
1065    	     b.QUARTERS_NATURE	   quarters_nature,
1066 	     to_char(decode(to_date(max(b.quarters_period_start),'DD/MM/YYYY'), null,
1067 	        greatest(max(pps.date_start),to_date(to_char(to_number(p_reporting_year)-1)||'0401', 'YYYYMMDD')),
1068 		decode(greatest(to_date(max(b.quarters_period_start),'DD/MM/YYYY'), to_date(p_reporting_year||'0331', 'YYYYMMDD')),
1069 	           to_date(max(b.quarters_period_start),'DD/MM/YYYY'),
1070 		   greatest(max(pps.date_start),to_date(to_char(to_number(p_reporting_year)-1)||'0401', 'YYYYMMDD')),
1071 		   greatest(max(pps.date_start),to_date(to_char(to_number(p_reporting_year)-1)||'0401', 'YYYYMMDD'), to_date(max(b.quarters_period_start),'DD/MM/YYYY')))), 'YYYYMMDD') quarters_period_start,
1072   	    to_char(decode(to_date(max(b.quarters_period_end),'DD/MM/YYYY'), null,
1073 	        least(to_date(p_reporting_year||'0331', 'YYYYMMDD'), nvl(max(pps.actual_termination_date), to_date('31-12-4712', 'DD-MM-YYYY'))),
1074 		decode(least(to_date(max(b.quarters_period_end),'DD/MM/YYYY'), to_date(to_char(to_number(p_reporting_year)-1)||'0401', 'YYYYMMDD')),
1075 	           to_date(max(b.quarters_period_end),'DD/MM/YYYY'),
1076 		   least(to_date(p_reporting_year||'0331', 'YYYYMMDD'), nvl(max(pps.actual_termination_date), to_date('31-12-4712', 'DD-MM-YYYY'))),
1077 		   least(to_date(max(b.quarters_period_end),'DD/MM/YYYY'), nvl(max(pps.actual_termination_date), to_date('31-12-4712', 'DD-MM-YYYY')), to_date(p_reporting_year||'0331', 'YYYYMMDD')))), 'YYYYMMDD') quarters_period_end,
1081 	     max(b.QUARTERS_EE_TO_ER)       QUARTERS_EE_TO_ER
1082        FROM  pay_hk_ir56_quarters_info_v   b,
1083              per_periods_of_service        pps,
1084              per_assignments_f             paa
1085        WHERE b.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
1086          AND paa.assignment_id = b.assignment_id
1087          AND paa.person_id     = pps.person_id
1088          AND paa.period_of_service_id = pps.period_of_service_id  /* Bug No : 2824718 */
1089          AND b.action_sequence        = (SELECT max(action_sequence)
1090                                            FROM pay_hk_ir56_quarters_info_v
1091                                           WHERE assignment_id = b.assignment_id
1092                                             AND source_id     = b.source_id /* Bug No : 2853776 */
1093                                             AND start_date between
1094                                                 to_date('01/04/'||to_char(to_number(p_reporting_year)-1),'DD/MM/YYYY')
1095                                                 AND to_date('31/03/'||p_reporting_year,'DD/MM/YYYY')
1096                                             AND end_date between
1097                                                 to_date('01/04/'||to_char(to_number(p_reporting_year)-1),'DD/MM/YYYY')
1098                                                 AND to_date('31/03/'||p_reporting_year,'DD/MM/YYYY'))
1099        GROUP BY
1100               b.assignment_id,
1101               b.SOURCE_ID,
1102    	      b.QUARTERS_ADDRESS,
1103    	      b.QUARTERS_NATURE,
1104           quarters_period_start,
1105           quarters_period_end
1106        ORDER BY quarters_period_start,quarters_period_end;  /* Bug 7184102 */
1108    quarters_rec quarters_info%rowtype;
1110    /* Bug 2558852 Increased the item_value size from 100 to 150 to
1111       accomodate quarters address which can exceed 100 characters */
1112    TYPE
1113 	archive_rec IS RECORD (item_name  Varchar2(100),
1114 			       item_value Varchar2(150));
1115    TYPE
1116 	archive_tab IS TABLE OF archive_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
1117    tab_quarter archive_tab;
1119    tab_count Number := 1;
1121  Begin
1123      ---------------------------------------
1124      --* Initialization section
1125      ---------------------------------------
1126     -------------
1127     --* Quarter 1
1128     -------------
1129     tab_quarter(1).item_name   := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_PROVIDED';
1130     --*
1131     tab_quarter(2).item_name   := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_1_ADDRESS';
1132     --*
1133     tab_quarter(3).item_name   := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_1_NATURE';
1134     --*
1135     tab_quarter(4).item_name   := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_1_PERIOD';
1136     --*
1137     tab_quarter(5).item_name   := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_1_ER_TO_LL_LE_YTD';
1138     --*
1139     tab_quarter(6).item_name   := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_1_EE_TO_LL_LE_YTD';
1140     --*
1141     tab_quarter(7).item_name   := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_1_REFUND_TO_EE_LE_YTD';
1142     --*
1143     tab_quarter(8).item_name   := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_1_EE_TO_ER_LE_YTD';
1145     -------------
1146     --* Quarter 2
1147     -------------
1148     tab_quarter(9).item_name   := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_2_ADDRESS';
1149     --*
1150     tab_quarter(10).item_name  := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_2_NATURE';
1151     --*
1152     tab_quarter(11).item_name  := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_2_PERIOD';
1153     --*
1154     tab_quarter(12).item_name  := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_2_ER_TO_LL_LE_YTD';
1155     --*
1156     tab_quarter(13).item_name  := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_2_EE_TO_LL_LE_YTD';
1157     --*
1158     tab_quarter(14).item_name  := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_2_REFUND_TO_EE_LE_YTD';
1159     --*
1160     tab_quarter(15).item_name  := 'X_HK_QUARTERS_2_EE_TO_ER_LE_YTD';
1161     --*
1163     g_error_in_quarter := FALSE;
1165     OPEN quarters_info(g_assignment_id,g_assignment_action_id);
1166     FETCH quarters_info INTO quarters_rec;
1167     If quarters_info%FOUND Then
1168     	--*
1169     	tab_quarter(1).item_value   := 1;
1170     	--*
1171     	tab_quarter(2).item_value   :=  quarters_rec.quarters_address ; -- check it
1172     	--*
1173     	tab_quarter(3).item_value   := quarters_rec.quarters_nature;
1174     	--*
1175     	tab_quarter(4).item_value   := quarters_rec.QUARTERS_PERIOD_START||'-'
1176 				       ||quarters_rec.QUARTERS_PERIOD_END   ;
1177     	--*
1178     	tab_quarter(5).item_value   := quarters_rec.QUARTERS_ER_TO_LANDLORD;
1179     	--*
1180     	tab_quarter(6).item_value   := quarters_rec.QUARTERS_EE_TO_LANDLORD;
1181     	--*
1182     	tab_quarter(7).item_value   := quarters_rec. QUARTERS_REFUND_TO_EE;
1183     	--*
1184     	tab_quarter(8).item_value   := quarters_rec.QUARTERS_EE_TO_ER;
1185     	--*
1187         --* Fetch again to get the second quarter detail if exists
1189         FETCH quarters_info into quarters_rec;
1190         If quarters_info%FOUND then
1191            --*
1192            tab_quarter(9).item_value    := quarters_rec.quarters_address ;  --  check it
1193     	   --*
1194 	   tab_quarter(10).item_value   := quarters_rec.quarters_nature;
1195     	   --*
1196 	   tab_quarter(11).item_value   := quarters_rec.QUARTERS_PERIOD_START||'-'
1197 		  	                   ||quarters_rec.QUARTERS_PERIOD_END   ;
1198     	   --*
1199 	   tab_quarter(12).item_value   := quarters_rec.QUARTERS_ER_TO_LANDLORD;
1200     	   --*
1201 	   tab_quarter(13).item_value   := quarters_rec.QUARTERS_EE_TO_LANDLORD;
1202     	   --*
1203 	   tab_quarter(14).item_value   := quarters_rec.QUARTERS_REFUND_TO_EE;
1204     	   --*
1205 	   tab_quarter(15).item_value   := quarters_rec.QUARTERS_EE_TO_ER;
1206         End If;
1208         --* If more than 2 quarters exists then its an error
1209         FETCH quarters_info into quarters_rec;
1210         If quarters_info%FOUND Then
1211 	    --* If the employee is having more than 2 quaretrs then archive message need to be
1212             --* populated but the record need to be archived
1213            g_archive_message := g_assignment_action_id||':Employee number '
1214 		              ||g_employee_number||' has more than two quarters locations.';
1215 	   g_error_in_quarter := TRUE;
1217         End if;
1218     Else
1219        --* If no quarters exists then set X_HK_QUARTERS_PROVIDED to 0
1220        tab_quarter(1).item_value   := 0;
1221     End if;
1223     --* Archive Quarter details
1224     For tab_count in 1..tab_quarter.COUNT
1225     LOOP
1226        If tab_quarter.EXISTS(tab_count) Then
1227           archive_item(tab_quarter(tab_count).item_name,
1228 	            g_assignment_action_id,
1229                     tab_quarter(tab_count).item_value);
1231        End If;
1232     END LOOP;
1234     CLOSE quarters_info;
1236   Exception
1237      When Others Then
1238 	If quarters_info%ISOPEN Then
1239 	   CLOSE quarters_info;
1240         End If;
1241         hr_utility.set_location('Error in archive_quarter_details ',99);
1242         RAISE;
1243   End Archive_Quarter_details;
1246   ---------------------------------
1247   -- [ Archive Overseas details ]
1248   ---------------------------------
1250   PROCEDURE Archive_Overseas_Details(
1251      		p_business_group_id     IN hr_organization_units.business_group_id%TYPE,
1252      		p_legal_entity_id       IN hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
1253      		p_reporting_year        IN Varchar2)
1254   IS
1255     v_loop_cnt  number := 0;
1257   CURSOR os_info (c_assignment_id in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%TYPE)
1258   IS
1259       SELECT *
1260       FROM   pay_hk_ir56_overseas_concern_v
1261       WHERE  assignment_id = c_assignment_id
1262       AND    tax_reporting_year = p_reporting_year;
1264     os_rec os_info%ROWTYPE;
1266     e_More_Than_1_Overseas_conc Exception;
1268     p_Value Varchar2(240);
1270  Begin
1272     OPEN os_info(g_assignment_id);
1273     FETCH os_info into os_rec;
1274     If os_info%FOUND Then
1275        archive_item('X_HK_OVERSEAS_CONCERN',g_assignment_action_id,1);
1276        archive_item('X_HK_OVERSEAS_AMOUNT',g_assignment_action_id,os_rec.overseas_amount_message);
1277        archive_item('X_HK_OVERSEAS_NAME',g_assignment_action_id,os_rec.overseas_name);
1278        archive_item('X_HK_OVERSEAS_ADDRESS',g_assignment_action_id,os_rec.overseas_address);
1279     Else
1280        archive_item('X_HK_OVERSEAS_CONCERN',g_assignment_action_id,0);
1281        archive_item('X_HK_OVERSEAS_AMOUNT',g_assignment_action_id,NULL);
1282        archive_item('X_HK_OVERSEAS_NAME',g_assignment_action_id, NULL);
1283        archive_item('X_HK_OVERSEAS_ADDRESS',g_assignment_action_id,NULL);
1284     End If;
1286     --* If the employee is having more than 1 overseas concrens then archive message
1287     --* need to be populated but rest the record need to be archived
1288     FETCH os_info into os_rec;
1289     If os_info%FOUND Then
1290        --* If the message is not pupulated for Quarter then only archive the
1291        --* message for overseas concern.We can have only one message per employee
1292        If g_error_in_quarter = FALSE Then
1293           g_archive_message := g_assignment_action_id||':Employee number '
1294 		              ||g_employee_number||' has multiple overseas concern details';
1295        End If;
1296     End If;
1297     CLOSE os_info;
1298   Exception
1299      When Others Then
1300 	If os_info%ISOPEN Then
1301 	   CLOSE os_info;
1302         End If;
1303         hr_utility.set_location('Error in archive_quarter_details ',99);
1304         RAISE;
1305   End Archive_Overseas_Details;
1307   Procedure Archive_Excep_Error_dtls(
1308 		p_business_group_id     IN hr_organization_units.business_group_id%TYPE,
1309      		p_legal_entity_id       IN hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
1310      		p_reporting_year        IN Varchar2)
1311   IS
1312     CURSOR ir56_Employer_info
1313       	(c_legal_entity_id  hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
1314 	 c_reporting_year   Varchar2 )
1315     IS
1317 	       hou.name 			employer_name,
1318 	       hoi.org_information1 		employer_tfn,
1319 	       p_reporting_year  		reporting_year
1320         FROM   hr_organization_information 	hoi,
1321                hr_organization_units 		hou
1322         WHERE  hoi.org_information_context = 'HK_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
1323         AND    hoi.organization_id = hou.organization_id
1324         AND    hoi.organization_id = c_legal_entity_id ;
1326     	employer_rec ir56_employer_info%ROWTYPE;
1328     CURSOR ir56_Employee_info
1329       	(c_assignment_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%TYPE,
1330        	c_reporting_year  Varchar2 )
1331     IS
1333 	        papf.national_identifier 			hk_id_card_no,
1334 	 	DECODE(papf.marital_status, 'M',
1335                        DECODE(sex, 'F', NVL(previous_last_name, last_name), last_name)
1336 		      ,last_name)				last_name,
1337        		TRIM(papf.first_name||' '||papf.middle_names) 	other_name
1338 	FROM   	per_people_f 		        papf,
1339        		per_assignments_f 		paaf,
1340 		per_periods_of_service    	pps
1341 	WHERE  	paaf.person_id = papf.person_id
1342 	AND    	TO_DATE('31-03-'|| c_reporting_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY')
1343        		BETWEEN   paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
1344 	AND    	TO_DATE('31-03-'|| c_reporting_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY')
1345 	   	BETWEEN   papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
1346 	AND    	papf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
1347 	AND    	paaf.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
1348     	AND	pps.person_id = paaf.person_id
1349         AND     pps.period_of_service_id = paaf.period_of_service_id /* Bug No : 3059915 */
1350 	AND    	TO_DATE('31-03-'||c_reporting_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY')
1351 	   	BETWEEN pps.date_start
1352 	   	AND NVL(pps.actual_termination_date,TO_DATE('31-12-4712','dd-mm-yyyy'));
1354        employee_rec  ir56_Employee_info%ROWTYPE;
1356    TYPE
1357 	archive_rec IS RECORD (item_name  Varchar2(100),
1358 			       item_value Varchar2(100));
1359    TYPE
1360 	archive_tab IS TABLE OF archive_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
1362    tab_exception archive_tab;
1364    tab_count 	Number := 1;
1365    tab_index 	Number := 1;
1367    e_employer_notfound  Exception;
1368    e_employee_notfound  Exception;
1369 Begin
1371     OPEN  ir56_Employer_info(p_legal_entity_id, p_reporting_year);
1372     FETCH ir56_Employer_info into employer_rec;
1374     If ir56_Employer_info%FOUND Then
1375         --------------------------------------------
1376     	--* Prepare employer/employee data to arhive
1377         --------------------------------------------
1378       --*
1379     	tab_exception(1).item_name  := 'X_HK_EMPLOYER_TFN';
1380     	tab_exception(1).item_value := employer_rec.employer_tfn;
1381       --*
1382 	tab_exception(2).item_name  := 'X_HK_EMPLOYER_NAME';
1383     	tab_exception(2).item_value := employer_rec.employer_name;
1384       --*
1385     	tab_exception(3).item_name  := 'X_HK_REPORTING_YEAR';
1386     	tab_exception(3).item_value := employer_rec.reporting_year;
1388         OPEN   ir56_Employee_info(g_assignment_id,p_reporting_year);
1389         FETCH  ir56_Employee_info INTO employee_rec ;
1390 	If ir56_Employee_info%FOUND Then
1391         --*
1392     	   tab_exception(4).item_name  := 'X_HK_LAST_NAME';
1393     	   tab_exception(4).item_value := employee_rec.last_name;
1394         --*
1395 	   tab_exception(5).item_name  := 'X_HK_OTHER_NAMES';
1396     	   tab_exception(5).item_value := employee_rec.other_name;
1397         --*
1398     	   tab_exception(6).item_name  := 'X_HK_HKID';
1399     	   tab_exception(6).item_value := employee_rec.hk_id_card_no;
1401    	   --* Archive the details prepared above
1402        	   For tab_count in 1..tab_exception.COUNT
1403            LOOP
1404               If tab_exception.EXISTS(tab_count) Then
1405 	         archive_item(tab_exception(tab_count).item_name,
1406                       g_assignment_action_id,
1407 		      tab_exception(tab_count).item_value);
1408                End If;
1409            END LOOP;
1410         Else
1411    	   CLOSE ir56_Employee_info;
1412 	   RAISE e_employee_notfound;
1413         End If;
1414      Else
1415        CLOSE  ir56_Employer_info;
1416        RAISE  e_employer_notfound;
1417      End If;
1419      CLOSE ir56_Employee_info;
1420      CLOSE ir56_Employer_info;
1422   Exception
1423      When e_employer_notfound then
1424          hr_utility.set_location('From Archive_excp:No employer Details found ',20);
1425      When e_employee_notfound then
1426          hr_utility.set_location('From Archive_excp:No employee Details found  ',20);
1427      When Others Then
1428 	If ir56_Employer_info%ISOPEN Then
1429 	   CLOSE ir56_Employer_info;
1430         End If;
1431 	If ir56_Employee_info%ISOPEN Then
1432 	   CLOSE ir56_Employee_info;
1433         End If;
1434         hr_utility.set_location('Error in archive_employee_details ',99);
1435         RAISE;
1436   End Archive_Excep_Error_dtls;
1439   --------------------------------------------------
1440   --* This function validates
1441      --* Person is manually excluded
1442   --------------------------------------------------
1444   Function Validate_Employee(p_reporting_year IN Varchar2)  Return Number
1445   IS
1447    Cursor Get_ManualExclusion(p_assignment_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE)
1448    IS
1449    SELECT pap.employee_number
1450    FROM   per_assignments_f  a,
1451           hr_soft_coding_keyflex  sck,
1452           per_people_f            pap
1453    WHERE  a.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
1454    AND    a.soft_coding_keyflex_id = sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
1455    AND    pap.person_id = a.person_id
1456    AND    TO_DATE('31/03'||p_reporting_year,'DD/MM/YYYY')
1457           BETWEEN a.effective_start_date AND a.effective_end_date
1458    AND    NVL(sck.segment3, 'Y')  = 'N';
1461     l_employee_number per_all_people_f.employee_number%TYPE;
1463   Begin
1464       --* Find whether person is manually excluded
1465       OPEN  Get_ManualExclusion(g_assignment_id);
1466       FETCH Get_ManualExclusion INTO l_employee_number;
1467       If Get_ManualExclusion%FOUND Then
1468          g_employee_number := l_employee_number;
1469          g_archive_message := g_assignment_action_id||':Employee number '
1470 		    ||g_employee_number||' has been manually excluded';
1471          CLOSE Get_ManualExclusion;
1472          RETURN 0;
1473       End If;
1475       CLOSE Get_ManualExclusion; /*Bug 2805822*/
1476       RETURN 1;
1477   Exception
1478       When Others Then
1479         NULL;
1480   End Validate_Employee;
1483   PROCEDURE Archive_Info
1484   (
1485      p_business_group_id     IN hr_organization_units.business_group_id%TYPE,
1486      p_legal_entity_id       IN hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
1487      p_reporting_year        IN Varchar2)
1488   IS
1489     res Number;
1490   Begin
1491      ----------------------------------------------------------------
1492      --* Validate_Employee checks whether the emplyee is manually
1493      --* excluded.
1494      --* If so then message is set in HK_ARCHIVE_MESSAGE it
1495      --* returns value 0 and the assignment is not processed.
1496      --* Note : For employees having more than 2 Quartyers
1497      --* and more than 1 overseas concerns message is still
1498      --* populated in HK_ARCHIVE_MESSAGE but the assignment is
1499      --* not prevented from the archival.So these cases are not handled
1500      --* in this functions . They are handled in there respective procs
1501      ------------------------------------------------------------------
1504      res := Validate_Employee(p_reporting_year);
1505      If res = 1 Then
1506         --* Archive Employer details calls Archive_Employee_Details internally
1507         g_archive_message := NULL;
1508 	Archive_Employer_details(
1509 			      p_business_group_id,
1510 			      p_legal_entity_id,
1511 			      p_reporting_year) ;
1512         Archive_Balance_details(
1513 			     p_business_group_id,
1514 			     p_legal_entity_id,
1515 			     p_reporting_year) ;
1516         Archive_Quarter_details(
1517 			     p_business_group_id,
1518 			     p_legal_entity_id,
1519 			     p_reporting_year) ;
1520         Archive_Overseas_details(
1521 			      p_business_group_id,
1522 			      p_legal_entity_id,
1523 			      p_reporting_year) ;
1525         archive_item('X_HK_SHEET_NO', g_assignment_action_id,0);
1527       	archive_item('X_HK_ARCHIVE_MESSAGE',
1528                       g_assignment_action_id,
1529 		      g_archive_message);
1531      Else
1532         --* Archive only the details needed to print on the
1533         --* exception listing report when the employee is manually excluded
1534 	--* 1) employer TFN 2) employer name 3) reporting year 4) employee last name
1535         --* 5) employee other names 6) employee hkid
1536          Archive_Excep_Error_dtls(
1537 			      p_business_group_id,
1538 			      p_legal_entity_id,
1539 			      p_reporting_year) ;
1540       	archive_item('X_HK_ARCHIVE_MESSAGE',
1541                       g_assignment_action_id,
1542 		      g_archive_message);
1544      End if;
1545   End archive_info;
1547   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1548   -- SELECTs the SRS parameters for the archive and calls other PROCEDUREs
1549   -- to archive the data in groups because depending on the data,
1550   -- different parameters are required.
1551   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1553   PROCEDURE archive_code
1554     (p_assignment_action_id  in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE,
1555      p_effective_date        in date)
1556   IS
1557      v_person_id              per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE;
1558      v_assignment_id          per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE;
1559      v_business_group_id      hr_organization_units.business_group_id%TYPE;
1560      v_legal_entity_id        pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%TYPE;
1561      v_reporting_year         varchar2(4);
1562      v_archive_date           pay_payroll_actions.effective_date%TYPE;
1564     CURSOR archive_parameters
1565       (c_assignment_action_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE)
1566     IS
1567       SELECT paa.person_id,
1568              pac.assignment_id,
1569              pay_core_utils.get_parameter('BUSINESS_GROUP_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters),
1570              pay_core_utils.get_parameter('LEGAL_ENTITY_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters),
1571              pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REPORTING_YEAR',ppa.legislative_parameters),
1572              effective_date
1573       FROM   pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
1574              pay_assignment_actions pac,
1575              per_assignments_f  paa
1576       WHERE  pac.assignment_action_id = c_assignment_action_id
1577       AND    ppa.payroll_action_id    = pac.payroll_action_id
1578       AND    paa.assignment_id        = pac.assignment_id;
1580    e_No_Assignment_Found Exception;
1582   Begin
1583      hr_utility.set_location('pyhkirar: Start of archive_code',10);
1585      OPEN archive_parameters (p_assignment_action_id);
1586      FETCH archive_parameters INTO v_person_id,
1587     				v_assignment_id,
1588     				v_business_group_id,
1589     				v_legal_entity_id,
1590     				v_reporting_year,
1591     				v_archive_date;
1592      If archive_parameters%FOUND Then
1593         hr_utility.set_location('pyhkirar: Person Id: ' || to_char(v_person_id) ,100);
1595         --* set the global value for assignment_id
1596         g_assignment_id := v_assignment_id;
1598         --* set the global value for business_group_id
1599         g_business_group_id := v_business_group_id;
1601         --* set the global value for assignment_action_id
1602         g_assignment_action_id := p_assignment_action_id;
1604         If g_assignment_id IS NOT NULL Then
1605        	   Archive_Info(v_business_group_id,v_legal_entity_id, v_reporting_year);
1606         Else
1607            CLOSE archive_parameters;
1608            RAISE e_No_Assignment_Found;
1609         End if;
1610      End If;
1612      CLOSE archive_parameters;
1614      hr_utility.set_location('pyhkirar: End of archive_code',20);
1615   Exception
1616      When e_No_Assignment_Found Then
1617 	hr_utility.set_location('Exception: ARCHIVE_CODE,:No assignment id for assignment action id '||
1618 					p_assignment_action_id,20);
1619      When Others Then
1620 	If archive_parameters%ISOPEN Then
1621 	   CLOSE archive_parameters;
1622         End If;
1623         hr_utility.set_location('Error in archive_code ',99);
1624         RAISE;
1625   End archive_code;
1628   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1629   -- Calls the archive utility to actually perform the archive of the item.
1630   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1632   PROCEDURE archive_item
1633      (p_user_entity_name      IN ff_user_entities.user_entity_name%TYPE,
1634       p_assignment_action_id  IN pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE,
1635       p_archive_value         IN ff_archive_items.value%TYPE)
1636   IS
1637      v_user_entity_id         ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%TYPE;
1638      v_archive_item_id        ff_archive_items.archive_item_id%TYPE;
1639      v_object_version_number  ff_archive_items.object_version_number%TYPE;
1640      v_some_warning           boolean;
1642   CURSOR user_entity_id(c_user_entity_name ff_user_entities.user_entity_name%TYPE)
1643   IS
1644      SELECT user_entity_id
1645      FROM   ff_user_entities
1646      WHERE  user_entity_name = c_user_entity_name;
1648   Begin
1649      hr_utility.set_location('Start of archive_item',10);
1651      OPEN user_entity_id (p_user_entity_name);
1652      FETCH user_entity_id into v_user_entity_id;
1653      If user_entity_id%FOUND Then
1655         ff_archive_api.create_archive_item
1656     	    (p_validate              => false                    -- boolean  in default
1657     	    ,p_archive_item_id       => v_archive_item_id        -- number   out
1658     	    ,p_user_entity_id        => v_user_entity_id         -- number   in
1659     	    ,p_archive_value         => p_archive_value          -- varchar2 in
1660     	    ,p_archive_type          => 'AAP'                    -- varchar2 in default
1661     	    ,p_action_id             => p_assignment_action_id   -- number   in
1662     	    ,p_legislation_code      => 'HK'                     -- varchar2 in
1663     	    ,p_object_version_number => v_object_version_number  -- number   out
1664     	    ,p_context_name1         => 'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID'   -- varchar2 in default
1665     	    ,p_context1              => p_assignment_action_id   -- varchar2 in default
1666     	    ,p_some_warning          => v_some_warning);         -- boolean  out
1668     	hr_utility.set_location('End of archive_item',20);
1669     Else
1670 	hr_utility.set_location('User entity not found :'||p_user_entity_name,20);
1671     End If;
1672     CLOSE user_entity_id;
1674   Exception
1675      When Others Then
1676 	If user_entity_id%ISOPEN Then
1677 	   CLOSE user_entity_id;
1678         End If;
1679         hr_utility.set_location('Error in archive_item ',99);
1680         RAISE;
1681   End archive_item;
1683   ------------------------------
1684   -- [ Submit the report ]
1685   ------------------------------
1687   (p_archive_or_magtape    in varchar2) RETURN Number
1688   IS
1689   l_count                NUMBER := 0;
1690   l_payroll_action_id    pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE;
1691   l_archive_action_id    pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE;
1693   l_number_of_copies     NUMBER := 0;/*Reverted fix for 2810178 */
1694   l_request_id           NUMBER := 0;
1695   l_print_return         BOOLEAN;
1696   l_report_short_name    varchar2(30);
1698   l_formula_id   number ;
1700   l_error_text          varchar2(255) ;
1701   e_missing_formula     exception ;
1702   e_submit_error        exception ;
1704   -- Cursor to get the report print options.
1706   cursor csr_get_print_options(p_payroll_action_id NUMBER) IS
1707     SELECT printer,
1708           print_style,
1709           decode(save_output_flag, 'Y', 'TRUE', 'N', 'FALSE') save_output
1710     FROM  pay_payroll_actions pact,
1711           fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
1712     WHERE fcr.request_id = pact.request_id
1713     AND   pact.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
1715   rec_print_options  csr_get_print_options%ROWTYPE;
1717   cursor get_archive_id is
1718           select distinct ppa3.payroll_action_id
1719           from
1720            pay_payroll_actions ppa,   -- Magtape payroll action
1721            pay_payroll_actions ppa2,  -- Report payroll action
1722            pay_payroll_actions ppa3  -- Archive payroll action
1723            where  ppa.payroll_action_id = pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
1724            and    ppa2.payroll_action_id =pay_core_utils.get_parameter('REPORT_ACTION_ID', ppa.legislative_parameters)
1725            and    ppa3.payroll_action_id =pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ACTION_ID', ppa2.legislative_parameters);
1730 begin
1732    -- Get all of the parameters needed to submit the report. Parameters defined
1733    -- in the concurrent program definition are passed through here by the PAR
1734    -- process. End the loop by the exception clause because we don't know
1735    -- what order the parameters will be in.
1737    -- Default the parameters in case they are not found.
1738   hr_utility.set_location('Submit report called',1);
1740   l_archive_action_id := 0;
1742   Begin
1743      LOOP
1744         l_count := l_count + 1;
1745         if pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_names(l_count) = 'TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID' then
1746            if  p_archive_or_magtape = 'MAGTAPE' then
1747               OPEN get_archive_id;
1748               FETCH get_archive_id into l_archive_action_id;
1749            else
1750               l_archive_action_id := to_number(pay_mag_tape.internal_prm_values(l_count));
1751            end if;
1752         end if;
1753      END LOOP;
1754   Exception
1755      When no_data_found then
1756         hr_utility.set_location('No data found',1);
1757         NULL;
1758      When value_error then
1759         hr_utility.set_location('Value error',1);
1760         NULL;
1761   End;
1762   -- Default the number of report copies to 0.
1763   l_number_of_copies := 0;/*Reverted fix for 2810178 */
1764   -- Set up the printer options.
1766   OPEN  csr_get_print_options(l_archive_action_id);
1767   FETCH csr_get_print_options INTO rec_print_options;
1768   CLOSE csr_get_print_options;
1770   hr_utility.set_location('fnd_request.set_print_options',1);
1772 /*Reverted fix for 2810178 */
1773   l_print_return := fnd_request.set_print_options
1774                     (printer        => rec_print_options.printer,
1775                      style          => rec_print_options.print_style,
1776                      copies         => l_number_of_copies,
1777                      save_output    => hr_general.char_to_bool(rec_print_options.save_output),
1778                      print_together => 'N');
1780   l_report_short_name := 'PAYHKCTL';
1782   -- Submit the report
1784   Begin
1786      -- Need to supply the parameters with keywords because it's a postscript report
1787      -- and the option version=2.0b set in the SRS definition uses a keyword, hence
1789      hr_utility.set_location('fnd_request.submit_request',1);
1791      l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request
1792             (application => 'PAY',
1793              program     => l_report_short_name,
1794              argument1   => 'P_ARCHIVE_ACTION_ID='||l_archive_action_id,
1795              argument2   => 'P_ARCHIVE_OR_MAGTAPE='||p_archive_or_magtape,
1796              argument3   => 'P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID='||g_business_group_id);
1798     -- If an error submitting report then get message and put to log.
1800     hr_utility.set_location('l_request_id : '||l_request_id,1);
1802     If l_request_id = 0 Then
1803       RAISE e_submit_error;
1804     End If;
1805     RETURN l_request_id;
1806   Exception
1807      When e_submit_error then
1808        ROLLBACK ;
1809        raise_application_error(-20001, 'Could Not submit report') ;
1810        Return 0;
1811     When others then
1812        ROLLBACK;
1813        raise_application_error(-20001, sqlerrm) ;
1814        Return 0;
1815   End;
1817 End submit_report;
1819 End pay_hk_ir56_archive;