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Line 1073: wms_rules_b wrb,

1069: INTO l_serial_object_used
1070: FROM wms_selection_criteria_txn wsc,
1071: wms_strategies_b wsb,
1072: wms_strategy_members wsm,
1073: wms_rules_b wrb,
1074: wms_restrictions r,
1075: wms_sort_criteria s,
1076: wms_rule_consistencies c,
1077: wms_parameters_b p

Line 2041: FROM wms_db_objects wdo, wms_parameters_b wpb, wms_rules_b wrb

2037: , wpb.column_name
2038: , wpb.expression
2039: , wpb.data_type_code
2040: , wdo.table_alias -- alias n.a. for multi object based parameters
2041: FROM wms_db_objects wdo, wms_parameters_b wpb, wms_rules_b wrb
2042: WHERE wrb.rule_id = p_rule_id
2043: AND wpb.parameter_id = wrb.qty_function_parameter_id
2044: AND wdo.db_object_id(+) = wpb.db_object_id;

Line 8433: -- Rule record has to exist in WMS_RULES_B uniquely

8429: -- WMS_TRX_DETAILS_TMP_V identified by line type code = 1
8430: -- and parameters p_transaction_temp_id and p_type_code
8431: -- ( base tables are MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP and
8432: -- WMS_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP, respectively );
8433: -- Rule record has to exist in WMS_RULES_B uniquely
8434: -- identified by parameter p_rule_id;
8435: -- Package WMS_RULE_(RULEID) must exist;
8436: -- If picking, quantity tree has to exist, created through
8437: -- INV_Quantity_Tree_PVT.Create_Tree and uniquely identified

Line 8692: FROM wms_rules_b

8688: -- works.
8689: CURSOR c_allocation_mode IS
8690: SELECT allocation_mode_id
8691: , qty_function_parameter_id
8692: FROM wms_rules_b
8693: WHERE rule_id = l_rule_id;
8695: --cursor used to determine if rule has any consistency requirements
8696: CURSOR l_consist IS

Line 14756: -- Pre-reqs : one record in WMS_RULES_B uniquely identified by parameter

14752: -- API name : CheckSyntax
14753: -- Type : Private
14754: -- Function : This wrapper on Generate_Rule_Package is
14755: -- called from the WMS_RULES form
14756: -- Pre-reqs : one record in WMS_RULES_B uniquely identified by parameter
14757: -- p_rule_id
14758: -- Input Parameters :
14759: -- p_api_version Standard Input Parameter
14760: -- p_init_msg_list Standard Input Parameter

Line 15161: l_type_code wms_rules_b.type_code%TYPE;

15157: l_cost_group_id wms_transactions_temp.from_cost_group_id%TYPE;
15158: l_possible_quantity wms_transactions_temp.primary_quantity%TYPE;
15159: --
15160: -- other variables
15161: l_type_code wms_rules_b.type_code%TYPE;
15162: l_package_name VARCHAR2(128);
15163: l_pack_sql VARCHAR2(32000);
15164: l_pack_body_sql VARCHAR2(32000);
15165: --

Line 15176: FROM wms_rules_b mpr

15172: -- cursor for validation of input parameters and pre-requisites
15173: CURSOR rule IS
15174: SELECT type_code
15175: , allocation_mode_id
15176: FROM wms_rules_b mpr
15177: WHERE mpr.rule_id = p_rule_id;
15178: --
15179: BEGIN
15180: --

Line 16466: WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wms_rules_b rules

16462: l_count := 0;
16463: BEGIN
16464: SELECT 1 INTO l_count
16465: FROM dual
16466: WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wms_rules_b rules
16467: WHERE rules.type_code = 7
16468: AND rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
16469: AND (organization_id = -1
16470: OR organization_id IN (SELECT mmtt.organization_id

Line 16593: FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_op_plans_b wop, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt

16589: SELECT rules.rule_id
16590: , mmtt.organization_id
16591: , mmtt.wms_task_type
16592: , rules.type_hdr_id
16593: FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_op_plans_b wop, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
16594: WHERE rules.type_code = 7
16595: AND rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
16596: AND rules.type_hdr_id = wop.operation_plan_id
16597: AND wop.system_task_type = NVL(mmtt.wms_task_type, wop.system_task_type)

Line 16808: WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wms_rules_b rules

16804: l_count := 0;
16805: BEGIN
16806: SELECT 1 INTO l_count
16807: FROM dual
16808: WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wms_rules_b rules
16809: WHERE rules.type_code = 3
16810: AND rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
16811: AND (organization_id = -1
16812: OR organization_id IN (SELECT mmtt.organization_id

Line 16940: FROM wms_rules_b rules, bom_standard_operations bso , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt

16936: SELECT rules.rule_id
16937: , rules.type_hdr_id /* Added this Column */
16938: , mmtt.organization_id
16939: , mmtt.wms_task_type
16940: FROM wms_rules_b rules, bom_standard_operations bso , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
16941: WHERE rules.type_code = 3
16942: AND rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
16943: AND rules.type_hdr_id = bso.standard_operation_id
16944: AND bso.wms_task_type = NVL(mmtt.wms_task_type, bso.wms_task_type)

Line 16952: FROM wms_rules_b rules, bom_standard_operations bso

16948: ORDER BY rules.rule_weight DESC, rules.creation_date;
16950: /*CURSOR c_rules_new IS
16951: SELECT rules.rule_id , rules.type_hdr_id
16952: FROM wms_rules_b rules, bom_standard_operations bso
16953: WHERE rules.type_code = 3
16954: AND rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
16955: AND rules.type_hdr_id = bso.standard_operation_id
16956: AND bso.wms_task_type = NVL(p_wms_task_type, bso.wms_task_type)

Line 17062: FROM wms_rules_b

17058: WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id;
17059: /*
17060: UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
17061: SET mmtt.standard_operation_id = (SELECT type_hdr_id
17062: FROM wms_rules_b
17063: WHERE rule_id = l_rule_id)
17064: WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id
17065: */

Line 17208: UPDATE wms_rules_b

17205: PROCEDURE calcruleweight(p_rule_id NUMBER) IS
17206: BEGIN
17208: UPDATE wms_rules_b
17209: SET rule_weight = (SELECT 100 * COUNT(parameter_id)
17210: FROM (SELECT DISTINCT rules.rule_id
17211: , par.parameter_id
17212: FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_restrictions rest, wms_parameters_b par

Line 17212: FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_restrictions rest, wms_parameters_b par

17208: UPDATE wms_rules_b
17209: SET rule_weight = (SELECT 100 * COUNT(parameter_id)
17210: FROM (SELECT DISTINCT rules.rule_id
17211: , par.parameter_id
17212: FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_restrictions rest, wms_parameters_b par
17213: WHERE rules.rule_id = p_rule_id
17214: AND rules.rule_id = rest.rule_id(+)
17215: AND rest.parameter_id = par.parameter_id(+)
17216: AND (NVL(par.use_for_tt_assn_flag, 'Y') = 'Y'

Line 17290: FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_label_formats wl, wms_label_requests wlr

17286: , rules.rule_weight
17287: , rules.type_hdr_id
17288: , wl.label_format_name
17289: , wl.document_id
17290: FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_label_formats wl, wms_label_requests wlr
17291: WHERE rules.type_code = 4
17292: AND rules.type_hdr_id = wl.label_format_id
17293: AND wl.label_format_id = NVL(wlr.label_format_id, wl.label_format_id)
17294: AND NVL(format_disable_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE --Bug #3452076

Line 17323: FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_label_formats wl, wms_label_requests wlr

17319: BEGIN
17320: SAVEPOINT assignlabelsp;
17321: ----
17322: SELECT count(rules.rule_id ) into ll_ctr
17323: FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_label_formats wl, wms_label_requests wlr
17324: WHERE rules.type_code = 4
17325: AND rules.type_hdr_id = wl.label_format_id
17326: AND wl.label_format_id = NVL(wlr.label_format_id, wl.label_format_id)
17327: AND NVL(format_disable_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE --Bug # 3452076

Line 17551: FROM wms_rules_b

17547: l_return_code NUMBER;
17549: CURSOR l_enabled_rules IS
17550: SELECT rule_id
17551: FROM wms_rules_b
17552: WHERE enabled_flag = 'Y'
17553: ORDER BY rule_id;
17554: BEGIN
17555: --fnd_file.put_names('genall.log', 'genall.out', '/home/jcearley/work/');

Line 18323: -- Rule record has to exist in WMS_RULES_B uniquely

18319: -- WMS_TRX_DETAILS_TMP_V identified by line type code = 1
18320: -- and parameters p_transaction_temp_id and p_type_code
18321: -- ( base tables are MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP and
18322: -- WMS_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP, respectively );
18323: -- Rule record has to exist in WMS_RULES_B uniquely
18324: -- identified by parameter p_rule_id;
18325: -- Package WMS_RULE_(RULEID) must exist;
18326: -- If picking, quantity tree has to exist, created through
18327: -- INV_Quantity_Tree_PVT.Create_Tree and uniquely identified

Line 18533: FROM wms_rules_b

18529: -- works.
18530: CURSOR c_allocation_mode IS
18531: SELECT allocation_mode_id
18532: , qty_function_parameter_id
18533: FROM wms_rules_b
18534: WHERE rule_id = l_rule_id;
18536: --cursor used to determine if rule has any consistency requirements
18537: CURSOR l_consist IS