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2 /* $Header: pyiesoe.pkb 120.3 2011/01/04 13:08:18 abraghun ship $ */
3 /*
4 **
5 **  Copyright (C) 1999 Oracle Corporation
6 **  All Rights Reserved
7 **
8 **  SOE  package
9 **
10 **  Change List
11 **  ===========
12 **
13 **  Date        Author   Reference Description
14 **  -----------+--------+---------+-------------
15 **  06 NOV 2001 kavenkat  N/A        Created
16 **  05 DEC 2001 gpadmasa  N/A        Added dbdrv Commands
17 **  10 JAN 2002 gpadmasa  N/A        Modified the Fetch_Action-Id Procedures
18 **                                   to handle Iterative Engine Run Results.
19 **  12 DEC 2002 viviswan  2665701    Performance changes/nocopy changes.
20 **  13 OCT 2004 mseshadr  3922415    Modified and added new cursors so that
21 **			             SOE retrieves latest run,prepayments
22 **                                   quickpay and quickpay prepayments
23 **  21 OCT 2004 mseshadr  3922415-   Modified cur_assignment_action_id
24 **  21 FEB 2006 sgajula   4771780    replaced cur_old with cur_lat_action
25 **                                   and cur_pact_details
26 **  29 SEP 2006 rbhardwa  5574503    Modified fetch_action_id to return the
27 **                                   p_assignment_action_id for prepayments.
28 **  04 JAN 2011 abraghun  10225372   Changes to avoid impact of enabling
29 **                                   Skip Terminated Asg leg rule
30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 */
32 procedure fetch_action_id (p_session_date             in     date,
33            p_payroll_exists           in out nocopy varchar2,
34            p_assignment_action_id     in out nocopy number,
35            p_run_assignment_action_id in out nocopy number,
36            p_paye_prsi_action_id         out nocopy number,
37            p_assignment_id            in     number,
38            p_payroll_action_id        in out nocopy number,
39            p_date_earned              in out nocopy varchar2) IS
40 -- select the latest prepayments action for this individual and get the
41 -- details of the last run that that action locked
42 /*cursor csr_formula is
43 select
44         to_char(nvl(rppa.date_earned,rppa.effective_date),'YYYY/MM/DD'),
45         rpaa.payroll_action_id,
46         rpaa.assignment_action_id,
47         paa.assignment_action_id
48 from    pay_assignment_actions paa,
49         pay_payroll_actions ppa,
50         pay_assignment_actions rpaa,
51         pay_payroll_actions rppa
52 where  paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
53 and    rppa.payroll_action_id = rpaa.payroll_action_id
54 and    paa.assignment_action_id =
55         (select
56           to_number(substr(max(to_char(pa.effective_date,'J')||lpad(aa.assignment_action_id,15,'0')),8))
57           from   pay_payroll_actions pa,
58                   pay_assignment_actions aa
59           where  pa.action_type in ('U','P')
60           and    aa.action_status IN ('C','S')  --10225372
61           and   pa.payroll_action_id = aa.payroll_action_id
62           and aa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
63           and pa.effective_date <= p_session_date)
64 and    ppa.action_type in ('P', 'U')
65 and    rpaa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
66 and    rpaa.action_sequence =
67         (select max(aa.action_sequence)
68          from   pay_assignment_actions aa,
69                 pay_action_interlocks loc
70          where loc.locked_action_id = aa.assignment_action_id
71           and aa.source_action_id is null
72          and loc.locking_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id); */
74 --csrformula has been replaced by cur_old for bug 3922415
75 -- replaced cur_old with cur_lat_action and cur_pact_details 4771780
76 /*  cursor cur_old( curvar2   number)is
77          select
78          to_char(nvl(rppa.date_earned,rppa.effective_date),'YYYY/MM/DD'),
79          rpaa.payroll_action_id,
80          rpaa.assignment_action_id,
81          paa.assignment_action_id
82          from    pay_assignment_actions paa,
83                  pay_payroll_actions ppa,
84                  pay_assignment_actions rpaa,
85                  pay_payroll_actions rppa
86         where    paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
87         and      rppa.payroll_action_id = rpaa.payroll_action_id
88         and      paa.assignment_action_id = curvar2
89         and      ppa.action_type in ('P', 'U')
90         and      rpaa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
91         and    rpaa.action_sequence =
92                                     (select max(aa.action_sequence)
93                                      from   pay_assignment_actions aa,
94                                             pay_action_interlocks loc
95                                      where loc.locked_action_id = aa.assignment_action_id
96                                      and aa.source_action_id is null
97                                       and loc.locking_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id);
98 */
99 cursor cur_lat_action( curvar2   number)is
100 select fnd_number.canonical_to_number(substr(max(lpad(paa.action_sequence,15,'0')||
101 				          paa.assignment_action_id),16))
102 from   pay_assignment_actions paa,
103        pay_action_interlocks loc
104 where  loc.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
105   and  paa.source_action_id IS NULL
106   and  loc.locking_action_id = curvar2;
108 cursor cur_pact_details(curvar3   number) IS
109 select to_char(nvl(rppa.date_earned,rppa.effective_date),'YYYY/MM/DD'),
110          rpaa.payroll_action_id
111   from  pay_assignment_actions rpaa,
112         pay_payroll_actions rppa
113  where  rpaa.payroll_action_id = rppa.payroll_action_id
114    and  rpaa.assignment_action_id = curvar3;
117  ---This cursor is used to get the assignment action ids corresponding to the assignment Bug 3922415
118  ---The session date is used to retrieve the last date of the pay period (for the corresponding payroll id)
120  ---3922415 - This cursor is modified so that SOE does not display payroll run results when the session date is
121  ---before the date on which the payroll was run.It will display run results corresponding to prev.Payroll Run
122  ---in this case
123         cursor  cur_assignment_action_id is
124           select to_number(substr(max(to_char(pa.effective_date,'J')||lpad(aa.assignment_action_id,15,'0')),8))
125           from   pay_payroll_actions pa,
126                  pay_assignment_actions aa
127 /*3922415-       per_time_periods ptp */
128           where  pa.action_type in ('Q','R','P','U')
129           and    aa.action_status IN ('C','S') --10225372
130 /*3922415-and    ptp.payroll_id = pa.payroll_id*/
131           and    pa.payroll_action_id = aa.payroll_action_id
132           and    aa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
133 /*3922415-and    pa.effective_date <=ptp.regular_payment_date*/
134 /*3922415-and    p_session_date between ptp.start_date and  ptp.end_date;*/
135           and    pa.effective_date <=  p_session_date;
138     ---This is used to retrive the actio_type corresponding to the assignment action id found by prev cursor
140          cursor cur_action_type(curvar3 number) is
141          select distinct action_type
142 	     from   pay_payroll_actions,pay_assignment_actions
143    	     where  pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id = pay_assignment_actions.payroll_action_id
144          and    assignment_action_id =curvar3;
149 cursor csr_get_stand_run is
150       select pac.assignment_action_id
151        from  pay_assignment_actions pac,
152              pay_run_types_f prt
153        where pac.run_type_id = prt.run_type_id
154          -- Added to be driven by index bug 2665701
155          and pac.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
156          and pac.source_action_id = p_run_assignment_action_id
157          and prt.run_method='N';
160 --
161 l_payroll_exists            VARCHAR2(30);
162 l_assignment_action_id      pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
163 l_run_assignment_action_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
164 l_payroll_action_id         pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE;
165 l_date_earned               VARCHAR2(30);
166 l_end_date                  date;
167 l_action_type               varchar2(2);
168 --
169 begin
170   --
171 l_payroll_exists            := p_payroll_exists;
172 l_assignment_action_id      := p_assignment_action_id;
173 l_run_assignment_action_id  := p_run_assignment_action_id;
174 l_payroll_action_id         := p_payroll_action_id;
175 l_date_earned               := p_date_earned;
177   --
178  /*before 3922415  open csr_formula;
179   fetch csr_formula into p_date_earned,
180        p_payroll_action_id,
181        p_run_assignment_action_id,
182        p_assignment_action_id;
184    if csr_formula%FOUND then
185      p_payroll_exists := 'TRUE';
186      open csr_get_stand_run;
187      fetch csr_get_stand_run into p_paye_prsi_action_id;
188      close csr_get_stand_run;
189   end if;
190   close csr_formula;*/
192    open cur_assignment_action_id;
193    fetch cur_assignment_action_id into l_assignment_action_id;
194    close cur_assignment_action_id;
196    open cur_action_type(l_assignment_action_id);
197    fetch cur_action_type into l_action_type;
198    close cur_action_type;
200    IF    l_action_type in ('P','U')
201       THEN
202       -- removed cur_old and split the same into two cursors which avoids non-mergeable view
203       /*
204            open cur_old(l_assignment_action_id);
205            fetch cur_old into p_date_earned,
206                                  p_payroll_action_id,
207                                  p_run_assignment_action_id,
208                                  p_assignment_action_id;
210 			      IF cur_old%FOUND
211       */
214           p_assignment_action_id := l_assignment_action_id;    /* 5574503 */
215           open cur_lat_action(l_assignment_action_id);
216 	  fetch cur_lat_action into p_run_assignment_action_id;
218 		 IF cur_lat_action%FOUND
219 				     THEN
220                          open cur_pact_details(p_run_assignment_action_id);
221 		         fetch cur_pact_details into p_date_earned,p_payroll_action_id;
222 		         close cur_pact_details;
225                           p_payroll_exists := 'TRUE';
227                           open csr_get_stand_run;
228                           fetch csr_get_stand_run into p_paye_prsi_action_id;
229                           close csr_get_stand_run;
230                   END IF;
231             close cur_lat_action;
232 	   ELSE
234 			   IF  l_action_type in ('Q','R')
236 			     THEN
237                        p_assignment_action_id:=l_assignment_action_id;
238 			   p_payroll_exists := 'TRUE';
239                        p_run_assignment_action_id := p_assignment_action_id;
240                        p_assignment_action_id := p_run_assignment_action_id;
241                        p_paye_prsi_action_id := p_run_assignment_action_id;
242                end if;
243         end if;
250         -- in out
251         l_payroll_exists            := p_payroll_exists;
252         l_assignment_action_id      := p_assignment_action_id;
253         l_run_assignment_action_id  := p_run_assignment_action_id;
254         l_payroll_action_id         := p_payroll_action_id;
255         l_date_earned               := p_date_earned;
256         -- out
257         p_paye_prsi_action_id       := null;
260 end fetch_action_id;
262 procedure fetch_action_id (  p_assignment_action_id     in out nocopy number,
263                              p_run_assignment_action_id in out nocopy number,
264                              p_paye_prsi_action_id         out nocopy number,
265                              p_assignment_id            in out nocopy number) IS
266 -- if the action is a run then return the run details
267 -- if the action is a prepayment return the latest run details locked
268 cursor csr_formula is
269 -- find what type of action this is
270       select pact.action_type , assact.assignment_id
271       from pay_assignment_actions assact,
272      pay_payroll_actions pact
273       where assact.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
274       and pact.payroll_action_id = assact.payroll_action_id;
275 cursor csr_formula_2 is
276 -- for prepayment action find the latest interlocked run
277      select assact.assignment_action_id
278      from pay_assignment_actions assact,
279           pay_action_interlocks loc
280      where loc.locking_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
281            and   assact.assignment_action_id = loc.locked_action_id
282            and   assact.source_action_id is null
283      --order by loc.locked_action_id desc ;
284    order by assact.action_sequence desc ;
285 cursor csr_formula_3 is
286 -- for run action check if its been prepaid
287       select assact.assignment_action_id
288       from pay_assignment_actions assact,
289      pay_payroll_actions pact,
290      pay_action_interlocks loc
291       where loc.locked_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
292             and   assact.assignment_action_id = loc.locking_action_id
293             and   pact.payroll_action_id = assact.payroll_action_id
294             and   pact.action_type in ('P','U') /* prepayments only */
295       order by assact.action_sequence desc  ;
296 cursor csr_get_stand_run is
297       select pac.assignment_action_id
298        from  pay_assignment_actions pac,
299              pay_run_types_f prt
300        where pac.run_type_id = prt.run_type_id
301        -- Added to be driven by index bug 2665701
302          and pac.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
303          and pac.source_action_id = p_run_assignment_action_id
304          and prt.run_method='N';
305   --
306   l_action_type varchar2(1);
307   --
308   l_assignment_action_id      pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
309   l_run_assignment_action_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
310   l_assignment_id             per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE;
311   --
312   begin
313   --
314   l_assignment_action_id      := p_assignment_action_id;
315   l_run_assignment_action_id  := p_run_assignment_action_id;
316   l_assignment_id             := p_assignment_id;
317   --
318     open csr_formula;
319     fetch csr_formula into l_action_type, p_assignment_id;
320     close csr_formula;
321   --
322     if l_action_type in ('P', 'U') then
323        open csr_formula_2;
324        fetch csr_formula_2 into p_run_assignment_action_id;
325                open csr_get_stand_run;
326                fetch csr_get_stand_run into p_paye_prsi_action_id;
327                close csr_get_stand_run;
328        close csr_formula_2;
329        -- if its a run action it may or may not have been prepaid
330     else
331       p_run_assignment_action_id := p_assignment_action_id;
332       begin
333     open csr_formula_3;
334     fetch csr_formula_3 into p_assignment_action_id;
335     IF csr_formula_3%NOTFOUND then
336       p_assignment_action_id := p_run_assignment_action_id;
337     END IF;
338     close csr_formula_3;
339     p_paye_prsi_action_id := p_run_assignment_action_id;
340       end;
341     end if;
345         -- in out
346         p_assignment_action_id      := l_assignment_action_id;
347         p_run_assignment_action_id  := l_run_assignment_action_id;
348         p_assignment_id             := l_assignment_id;
349         -- out
350         p_paye_prsi_action_id       := null;
352 END fetch_action_id;
354 function business_currency_code
355     (p_business_group_id  in hr_organization_units.business_group_id%type)
356   return fnd_currencies.currency_code%type is
358     v_currency_code  fnd_currencies.currency_code%type;
360 /*  cursor currency_code
361       (c_business_group_id  hr_organization_units.business_group_id%type) is
362     select fcu.currency_code
363     from   hr_organization_information hoi,
364            hr_organization_units hou,
365            fnd_currencies fcu
366     where  hou.business_group_id       = c_business_group_id
367     and    hou.organization_id         = hoi.organization_id
368     and    hoi.org_information_context = 'Business Group Information'
369     and    fcu.issuing_territory_code  = hoi.org_information9;
370 */
372 --   cursor currency_code modified for Performance Fix 2665701
373     cursor currency_code
374       (c_business_group_id  hr_organization_units.business_group_id%type) is
375     select /*+ USE_NL(fcu hoi) */
376            fcu.currency_code
377     from   hr_organization_information hoi,
378            fnd_currencies fcu
379     where  hoi.organization_id         = c_business_group_id
380     and    hoi.org_information_context = 'Business Group Information'
381     and    fcu.issuing_territory_code  = hoi.org_information9;
384 begin
385   open currency_code (p_business_group_id);
386   fetch currency_code into v_currency_code;
387   close currency_code;
389   return v_currency_code;
390 end business_currency_code;