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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 79

Line: 84

   DELETE FROM pqh_process_log
   WHERE process_log_id IN
         ( SELECT process_log_id
             FROM pqh_process_log
           START WITH master_process_log_id IS NULL
                  AND txn_id = g_batch_id
                  AND module_cd = g_module_cd
          CONNECT BY PRIOR process_log_id = master_process_log_id
Line: 96

  insert start record in pqh_process_log with message_type_cd = 'START'
-- Insert API call
   p_validate                       => false
  ,p_process_log_id                 => l_process_log_id
  ,p_module_cd                      => g_module_cd
  ,p_txn_id                         => g_batch_id
  ,p_master_process_log_id          => null
  ,p_message_text                   => 'Process Started'
  ,p_message_type_cd                => 'START'
  ,p_batch_status                   => 'PENDING'
  ,p_batch_start_date               => sysdate
  ,p_batch_end_date                 => null
  ,p_txn_table_route_id             => null
  ,p_log_context                    => p_log_context
  ,p_information_category           => p_information_category
  ,p_information1                   => p_information1
  ,p_information2                   => p_information2
  ,p_information3                   => p_information3
  ,p_information4                   => p_information4
  ,p_information5                   => p_information5
  ,p_information6                   => p_information6
  ,p_information7                   => p_information7
  ,p_information8                   => p_information8
  ,p_information9                   => p_information9
  ,p_information10                  => p_information10
  ,p_information11                  => p_information11
  ,p_information12                  => p_information12
  ,p_information13                  => p_information13
  ,p_information14                  => p_information14
  ,p_information15                  => p_information15
  ,p_information16                  => p_information16
  ,p_information17                  => p_information17
  ,p_information18                  => p_information18
  ,p_information19                  => p_information19
  ,p_information20                  => p_information20
  ,p_information21                  => p_information21
  ,p_information22                  => p_information22
  ,p_information23                  => p_information23
  ,p_information24                  => p_information24
  ,p_information25                  => p_information25
  ,p_information26                  => p_information26
  ,p_information27                  => p_information27
  ,p_information28                  => p_information28
  ,p_information29                  => p_information29
  ,p_information30                  => p_information30
  ,p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number
  ,p_effective_date                 => sysdate
Line: 151

     we will also need this id to update in end_log

   g_master_process_log_id := l_process_log_id;
Line: 181

    ||                   PROCEDURE : insert_log

PROCEDURE insert_log
 p_message_type_cd             IN pqh_process_log.message_type_cd%TYPE,
 p_message_text                IN pqh_process_log.message_text%TYPE,
 p_information_category        IN pqh_process_log.information_category%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information1                IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information2                IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information3                IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information4                IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information5                IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information6                IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information7                IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information8                IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information9                IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information10               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information11               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information12               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information13               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information14               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information15               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information16               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information17               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information18               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information19               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information20               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information21               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information22               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information23               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information24               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information25               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information26               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information27               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information28               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information29               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL,
 p_information30               IN pqh_process_log.information1%TYPE  DEFAULT NULL
) IS

  Before inserting we check if row is already existing as the same node may have been
  called more then once
-- local variables
l_proc                    varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_log';
Line: 244

SELECT 'Y', process_log_id
FROM pqh_process_log
WHERE txn_id = p_txn_id
  AND master_process_log_id IS NOT NULL
START WITH master_process_log_id IS NULL
       AND txn_id = g_batch_id
       AND module_cd = g_module_cd
CONNECT BY prior process_log_id = master_process_log_id;
Line: 259

    We will insert error for the current level in g_log_tab

  -- for first record in g_log_tab the master is g_master_process_log_id
   l_master_process_log_id  := g_master_process_log_id;
Line: 270

     IF NVL(g_log_tab(i).insert_flag,'N') <> 'Y' THEN
     -- call insert API if  l_row_exists <> 'Y
       OPEN csr_row_exists(p_txn_id => g_log_tab(i).txn_id);
Line: 453

                g_log_tab(i).insert_flag := 'Y';
Line: 459

                 hr_utility.set_location('Inserted log  Process log id:  '||l_process_log_id,25);
Line: 495

END insert_log;
Line: 531

Line: 583

FROM pqh_process_log
WHERE message_type_cd = p_message_type_cd
START WITH master_process_log_id IS NULL AND txn_id = g_batch_id AND module_cd = g_module_cd
CONNECT BY PRIOR process_log_id = master_process_log_id;
Line: 631

    update the 'start' record for this batch with message_type_cd = 'COMPLETE' and
    update the batch_end_date with current date time

   UPDATE pqh_process_log
   SET message_type_cd = 'COMPLETE',
       message_text   = fnd_message.get_string('PQH','PQH_PROCESS_COMPLETED'),
       batch_status = l_status,
       batch_end_date  = sysdate
   WHERE process_log_id = g_master_process_log_id;