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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 89

Line: 491

function check_selection_rule
    (p_person_selection_rule_id in number,
     p_person_id                in number,
     p_business_group_id        in number,
     p_effective_date           in date) return boolean is
  l_outputs       ff_exec.outputs_t;
Line: 499

  l_package varchar2(80) := g_package||'.check_selection_rule';
Line: 503

  if p_person_selection_rule_id is null then
    return true;
Line: 515

      (p_formula_id     => p_person_selection_rule_id,
       p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
       p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
       p_assignment_id  => l_assignment_id,
       p_param1         => 'BEN_IV_PERSON_ID',         -- Bug 5331889
       p_param1_value   => to_char(p_person_id));
Line: 533

Line: 540

end check_selection_rule;
Line: 589

  select 1 ordr_num ,
       FROM    ben_lee_rsn_f leer, ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f petc
      WHERE    leer.ler_id = p_ler_id
        AND    leer.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
        AND    c_effective_date BETWEEN leer.effective_start_date
                   AND leer.effective_end_date
        AND    leer.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id = petc.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
        AND    petc.pl_id = c_pl_id
        AND    petc.enrt_typ_cycl_cd = 'L'                        -- life event
        AND    petc.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
        AND    c_effective_date BETWEEN petc.effective_start_date
                   AND petc.effective_end_date
   select 2 ordr_num ,
       FROM    ben_lee_rsn_f leer, ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f petc
      WHERE    leer.ler_id = p_ler_id
        AND    leer.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
        AND    c_effective_date BETWEEN leer.effective_start_date
                   AND leer.effective_end_date
        AND    leer.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id = petc.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
        AND    petc.pgm_id = c_pgm_id
        AND    petc.enrt_typ_cycl_cd = 'L'                        -- life event
        AND    petc.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
        AND    c_effective_date BETWEEN petc.effective_start_date
                   AND petc.effective_end_date
   order by 1 ;
Line: 844

  select formula_id
  FROM     ben_lee_rsn_f leer,
           ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f petc,
           ben_lee_rsn_rl_f lrr
  WHERE    leer.ler_id = p_ler_id
  AND      l_effective_date BETWEEN leer.effective_start_date		-- 12715758
              AND leer.effective_end_date
  AND      leer.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id = petc.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
  AND      petc.pgm_id = l_pgm_id
  AND      petc.enrt_typ_cycl_cd = 'L'
  AND      l_effective_date BETWEEN petc.effective_start_date		-- 12715758
              AND petc.effective_end_date
  and      l_effective_date between									-- 12715758
              lrr.effective_start_date and lrr.effective_end_date
  and      lrr.lee_rsn_id=leer.lee_rsn_id
  and      lrr.business_group_id=leer.business_group_id
  order by ordr_to_aply_num;
Line: 865

  select formula_id
  FROM     ben_lee_rsn_f leer,
           ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f petc,
           ben_lee_rsn_rl_f lrr
  WHERE    leer.ler_id = p_ler_id
  AND      l_effective_date BETWEEN leer.effective_start_date       -- 12715758
              AND leer.effective_end_date
  AND      leer.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id = petc.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id
  AND      petc.pl_id = l_pl_id
  AND      petc.enrt_typ_cycl_cd = 'L'
  AND      l_effective_date BETWEEN petc.effective_start_date		-- 12715758
              AND petc.effective_end_date
  and      l_effective_date between									-- 12715758
              lrr.effective_start_date and lrr.effective_end_date
  and      lrr.lee_rsn_id=leer.lee_rsn_id
  and      lrr.business_group_id=leer.business_group_id
  order by ordr_to_aply_num;
Line: 884

  select formula_id
  from ben_schedd_enrt_rl_f lrr,
       ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f pet,
       ben_enrt_perd enp
  where  pet.pgm_id = l_pgm_id
   and   l_effective_date					-- 12715758
           between pet.effective_start_date
           and     pet.effective_end_date
   and   pet.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id =
   -- PB : 5422 :
   and    enp.asnd_lf_evt_dt  = p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
   /* 5422 : PB :and   enp.strt_dt = (select enp1.strt_dt
                        from   ben_enrt_perd enp1
                        where  enp1.enrt_perd_id
                               = p_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id) */
   and   enp.business_group_id   =
   and   l_effective_date between			-- 12715758
           lrr.effective_start_date and lrr.effective_end_date
   and   lrr.enrt_perd_id=enp.enrt_perd_id
   and   lrr.business_group_id=enp.business_group_id
  order by ordr_to_aply_num;
Line: 909

  select formula_id
  from ben_schedd_enrt_rl_f lrr,
       ben_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_f pet,
       ben_enrt_perd enp
  -- CWB changes
  where  pet.pl_id = l_pl_id
   and   l_effective_date				-- 12715758
           between pet.effective_start_date
           and     pet.effective_end_date
   and   pet.popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id =
   -- PB : 5422 :
   and    enp.asnd_lf_evt_dt  = p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
   /* and   enp.strt_dt = (select enp1.strt_dt
                        from   ben_enrt_perd enp1
                        where  enp1.enrt_perd_id
                               = p_popl_enrt_typ_cycl_id) */
   and   enp.business_group_id   =
   and   l_effective_date between			-- 12715758
           lrr.effective_start_date and lrr.effective_end_date
   and   lrr.enrt_perd_id=enp.enrt_perd_id
   and   lrr.business_group_id=enp.business_group_id
  order by ordr_to_aply_num;
Line: 982

        for l_person_selection in c_schedd_enrt_rl_pgm loop
          if l_person_selection.formula_id is not null then
            if check_selection_rule
              (p_person_selection_rule_id =>l_person_selection.formula_id,
               p_person_id                =>p_person_id,
               p_business_group_id        =>p_business_group_id,
               p_effective_date           =>l_effective_date) then  -- 12715758 changed p_effective_date to l_effective_date
              hr_utility.set_location('Rule passed for pgm',15);
Line: 997

        for l_person_selection in c_lee_rsn_rl_pgm loop
          if l_person_selection.formula_id is not null then
            if check_selection_rule
              (p_person_selection_rule_id =>l_person_selection.formula_id,
               p_person_id                =>p_person_id,
               p_business_group_id        =>p_business_group_id,
               p_effective_date           =>l_effective_date) then  -- 12715758 changed p_effective_date to l_effective_date
              hr_utility.set_location('Rule passed for pgm',15);
Line: 1219

	  --If the Compensation object is first ineligible or still ineligible then inserting the
	  --comp object into globle variables to check whether any future records are there in
	  -- ben_elig_per_f and ben_elig_opt_f tables of the same compensation object.
      if p_comp_obj_tree(l_treeele_num).oipl_id is null then
Line: 1389

	  --If the Compensation object is first ineligible or still ineligible then inserting the
	  --comp object into globle variables to check whether any future records are there in
	  -- ben_elig_per_f and ben_elig_opt_f tables of the same compensation object.
      if p_comp_obj_tree(l_treeele_num).oipl_id is null then
Line: 1443

          for l_person_selection in c_schedd_enrt_rl_plnip loop
            if l_person_selection.formula_id is not null then
              if check_selection_rule
                (p_person_selection_rule_id =>l_person_selection.formula_id,
                 p_person_id                =>p_person_id,
                 p_business_group_id        =>p_business_group_id,
                 p_effective_date           =>l_effective_date) then     -- 12715758 changed p_effective_date to l_effective_date
                hr_utility.set_location('Rule passed for pgm',15);
Line: 1458

          for l_person_selection in c_lee_rsn_rl_plnip loop
            if l_person_selection.formula_id is not null then
              if check_selection_rule
                (p_person_selection_rule_id =>l_person_selection.formula_id,
                 p_person_id                =>p_person_id,
                 p_business_group_id        =>p_business_group_id,
                 p_effective_date           =>l_effective_date) then     -- 12715758 changed p_effective_date to l_effective_date
                hr_utility.set_location('Rule passed for pgm',15);
Line: 1578

	  --If the Compensation object is first ineligible or still ineligible then inserting the
	  --comp object into globle variables to check whether any future records are there in
	  -- ben_elig_per_f and ben_elig_opt_f tables of the same compensation object.
      if p_comp_obj_tree(l_treeele_num).oipl_id is null then