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1 package body hr_leg_rule as
2 /* $Header: pylegrle.pkb 115.1 99/07/17 06:15:33 porting ship  $ */
3 --
4    --  these two variables cache the independent_time_periods flag
5    last_tested_business_group_id  number;
6    last_found_flag                varchar2(240);
7 --
8    function get_independent_periods
9       (l_business_group_id in number)
10    return varchar2 is
11    begin
12       /*
13          For efficiency (since the value is likely to be the same
14          for any given installation) we "cache" the flag's value
15          against business_group_id.
16       */
17       if hr_leg_rule.last_tested_business_group_id is null or
18          hr_leg_rule.last_tested_business_group_id <> l_business_group_id then
19 --
20          --  we need to fetch the value
21          begin
22             select LR.rule_mode
23             into   hr_leg_rule.last_found_flag
24             from   pay_legislation_rules LR
25             where  LR.rule_type = 'I'
26             and    LR.legislation_code =
27                (select BG.legislation_code
28                 from   per_business_groups BG
29                 where  BG.business_group_id = l_business_group_id);
30          exception
31            --  if there is no rule, we set a default (independent periods).
32            when no_data_found then hr_leg_rule.last_found_flag := 'Y';
33          end;
34 --
35          hr_leg_rule.last_tested_business_group_id := l_business_group_id;
36       end if;
37       return hr_leg_rule.last_found_flag;
38 --
39    end get_independent_periods;
40 --
41 -- Initialisation Section
42 -- ----------------------
43 --
44    begin
45       hr_leg_rule.last_tested_business_group_id := null;
46 --
47 end hr_leg_rule;