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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 9

                  If a record is found, then only the data in FND_LOBS is deleted, and reinserted with empty_blob.
                  In case match is not found, an additional step is performed to insert data into fnd_documents and fnd_attached_documents
                  also. This is done by calling fnd_attached_documents_pkg.Insert_Row.

 Parameters              Type  Required   Description and Purpose
 ==========              ====  ========   =======================
 p_doc_category_name   VARCHAR   YES      identifier in FND_LOBS
 p_entity_name         VARCHAR   YES      identifier in FND_LOBS
 p_file_name           VARCHAR   YES      Name of the attachment
 p_file_content_type   VARCHAR   YES      Content type of the attachment
 p_CR_id               VARCHAR   YES      primary key 1 value (Change req id)
 p_CR_version_number   VARCHAR   YES      primary key 1 value (Version number)
 p_file_id             NUMBER     NO      file_id in FND_LOBS

procedure create_fnd_attachment
      p_doc_category_name      varchar,
      p_entity_name            varchar,
      p_file_name              fnd_lobs.file_name%type,
      p_file_content_type      fnd_lobs.file_content_type%type,
      p_CR_id                  varchar,
      p_CR_version_number      varchar,
      p_file_id  IN OUT nocopy number)

x_Rowid                varchar2(100);
Line: 50

l_call_Insert_Row      boolean := False;
Line: 67

 SELECT category_id
    into l_category_id
    from fnd_document_categories
    where name = l_doc_category_name;*/
Line: 87

   Next value of X_media_id is derived, and l_call_Insert_Row is set to True to invoke fnd_attached_documents_pkg.Insert_Row to insert
   new records into fnd_documents and fnd_attached_documents.

   Otherwise p_file_id conatins the file_id of the existing attachment, which is then deleted and record is inserted only into FND_LOBS.
    if p_file_id is null then

        SELECT fnd_lobs_s.nextval
        INTO X_media_id
        FROM dual;
Line: 98

         l_call_Insert_Row := TRUE;
Line: 101

    /*  delete the existing attachment from fnd_lobs */

       delete from fnd_lobs
       where file_id = p_file_id;
Line: 107

        l_call_Insert_Row := False;
Line: 114

       INSERT INTO fnd_lobs (
          , File_name
          , file_content_type
          , upload_date
          , expiration_date
          , program_name
          , program_tag
          , file_data
          , language
          , oracle_charset
          , file_format)
          ( x_media_id
          , l_file_name
          , l_file_content_type
          , sysdate
          , null
          , 'PA_PCO_REPORT'
          , null
          , l_blob_data
          , null
          , null
          , 'binary');
Line: 139

     pa_debug.debug('400: After Insertion into fnd_lobs ');
Line: 141

     select fnd_attached_documents_s.nextval
     into l_attached_document_id
     from dual;
Line: 146

 /*  l_call_Insert_Row would be true only if its the first call for this version of the change request to create an attachment.
    Only in that case, there is a need to insert records into fnd_documents and fnd_attached_documents
     if (l_call_Insert_Row) then
        pa_debug.debug('500: Calling fnd_attached_documents_pkg.Insert_Row');
Line: 152

                      X_Rowid                      =>  X_Rowid
                    , X_attached_document_id       =>  l_attached_document_id
                    , X_document_id                =>  X_document_id
                    , X_creation_date              =>  SYSDATE
                    , X_created_by                 =>  1
                    , X_last_update_date           =>  SYSDATE
                    , X_last_updated_by            =>  1
                    , X_last_update_login          =>  1
                    , X_seq_num                    =>  10
                    , X_entity_name                =>  l_entity_name
                    , X_column1                    =>  NULL
                    , X_pk1_value                  =>  p_CR_id
                    , X_pk2_value                  =>  p_CR_version_number
                    , X_pk3_value                  =>  NULL
                    , X_pk4_value                  =>  NULL
                    , X_pk5_value                  =>  NULL
                    , X_automatically_added_flag   =>  'N'
                  /*  columns necessary for creating a document on the fly */
                 , X_datatype_id                    => 6
                 , X_category_id                    => l_category_id
                 , X_security_type                  => 1
                 , X_publish_flag                   => 'Y'
                 , X_usage_type                     => 'S'
                 , X_language                       => NULL
                 , X_media_id                       => X_media_id
                 , X_doc_attribute_Category         =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute1                 =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute2                 =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute3                 =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute4                 =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute5                 =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute6                 =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute7                 =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute8                 =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute9                 =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute10                =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute11                =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute12                =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute13                =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute14                =>  NULL
                 , X_doc_attribute15                =>  NULL
Line: 196

        pa_debug.debug('600: After call to fnd_attached_documents_pkg.Insert_Row ');
Line: 245

        select media_id
        into l_file_id
        from fnd_documents doc,
             fnd_attached_documents ad
        where ad.document_id = doc.document_id
          and ad.entity_name = p_entity_name
          and nvl(ad.pk1_value,'-99')   = nvl(p_pk1_value,nvl(ad.pk1_value,'-99'))
          and nvl(ad.pk2_value,'-99')   = nvl(p_pk2_value,nvl(ad.pk2_value,'-99'))
          and nvl(ad.pk3_value,'-99')   = nvl(p_pk3_value,nvl(ad.pk3_value,'-99'))
          and nvl(ad.pk4_value,'-99')   = nvl(p_pk4_value,nvl(ad.pk4_value,'-99'))
          and nvl(ad.pk5_value,'-99')   = NVL(p_pk5_value,nvl(ad.pk5_value,'-99'));