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Line 2822: l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'okl.plsql.OKL_ASSET_SUBSIDY_PVT.VALIDATE_SUBSIDY_POOL_APPLIC';

2818: lv_subsidy_name okl_subsidies_b.name%TYPE;
2819: lv_subsidy_pool_name okl_subsidy_pools_v.subsidy_pool_name%TYPE;
2820: --END: 09/29/2005 bug#4634871
2822: l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'okl.plsql.OKL_ASSET_SUBSIDY_PVT.VALIDATE_SUBSIDY_POOL_APPLIC';
2823: l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
2824: is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
2826: --START: 09-Dec-2005 cklee - Fixed bug#4874385 |

Line 2838: is_debug_statement_on := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);

2835: -- check if debug is enabled
2836: l_debug_enabled := okl_debug_pub.check_log_enabled;
2837: -- check for logging on STATEMENT level
2838: is_debug_statement_on := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
2840: -- cklee: 06/29/2005
2841: -- l_applicable is used for the resturn status of the function. Do not confuse
2842: -- with the name of the variable. So, if l_applicable = 'Y' means subsidy is

Line 2852: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,

2849: IF(l_applicable = 'Y' AND lx_subsidy_pool_id IS NOT NULL)THEN
2850: -- write to log
2851: IF(NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
2852: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,
2853: l_module,
2854: 'subsidy '||p_subsidy_id||' is attached to subsidy pool '||lx_subsidy_pool_id
2855: );
2856: END IF; -- end of NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on

Line 2867: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,

2863: );
2864: IF(l_applicable = 'N')THEN
2865: -- write to log
2866: IF(NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
2867: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,
2868: l_module,
2869: 'subsidy pool '||lx_subsidy_pool_id||' is not active'
2870: );
2871: END IF; -- end of NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on

Line 2945: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,

2941: );
2942: IF(l_applicable = 'N')THEN
2943: -- write to log
2944: IF(NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
2945: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,
2946: l_module,
2947: 'conversion basis does not exist for subsidy pool '||lx_subsidy_pool_id||' on '||trunc(sysdate)||
2948: ' between trx currency code '||lv_asset_curr_code||' and pool currency '||lx_sub_pool_curr_code
2949: );

Line 2966: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,

2962: --END: 09/29/2005 bug#4634871
2963: END IF;
2964: -- write to log
2965: IF(NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
2966: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,
2967: l_module,
2968: 'conversion rate '|| lx_conversion_rate||' for pool '||lx_subsidy_pool_id||' on '||trunc(sysdate)||
2969: ' between trx currency code '||lv_asset_curr_code||' and pool currency '||lx_sub_pool_curr_code
2970: );

Line 2979: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,

2975: ,x_pool_balance => lx_sub_pool_balance);
2976: IF(l_applicable = 'N')THEN
2977: -- write to log
2978: IF(NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
2979: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,
2980: l_module,
2981: 'subsidy pool balance is not valid before add '||lx_sub_pool_balance
2982: );
2983: END IF; -- end of NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on

Line 3024: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,

3020: ,x_msg_data => lx_msg_data);
3022: -- write to log
3023: IF(NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
3024: okl_debug_pub.log_debug(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,
3025: l_module,
3026: 'okl_asset_subsidy_pvt.is_balance_valid_after_add returned with '|| lx_return_status||' x_msg_data '||lx_msg_data
3027: );
3028: END IF;