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Line 9: G_debug_flag varchar2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('PA_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');

6: G_source_type VARCHAR2(30) := '';
7: G_source_id NUMBER;
8: G_grantee_key VARCHAR2(240) := '';
9: G_debug_flag varchar2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('PA_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');
10: G_source_type_id NUMBER;
11: G_project_system_status_code VARCHAR2(30) := '';
12: G_project_roles_ins_set_id NUMBER;
13: G_project_roles_ins_set_name FND_OBJECT_INSTANCE_SETS.instance_set_name%TYPE := 'PA_PROJECT_ROLES';

Line 26: G_debug_flag := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('PA_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');

22: l_cust_id NUMBER;
24: G_responsibility_id := FND_GLOBAL.RESP_ID;
25: G_user_id := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
26: G_debug_flag := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('PA_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');
27: G_project_roles_ins_set_id := get_instance_set_id(G_project_roles_ins_set_name);
29: SELECT employee_id, person_party_id -- Bug 4527617. Replaced customer_id with person_party_id.
30: INTO l_emp_id, l_cust_id

Line 192: pa_debug.Init_err_stack ( 'Check User Privilege');

188: IF p_init_msg_list = 'Y' THEN
189: FND_MSG_PUB.initialize;
190: END IF;
192: pa_debug.Init_err_stack ( 'Check User Privilege');
193: x_msg_count :=0;
194: x_msg_data:= null;
195: x_return_status:=fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
196: x_ret_code:=fnd_api.g_true;

Line 209: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check responsibility level security: not in object instance context';

206: If nvl(p_object_key,-999) =-999 then
207: -----Not in object instance context. Check responbility level
208: ------function security
209: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check responsibility level security: not in object instance context';
210: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
211: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
212: END IF;
213: if fnd_function.test(p_privilege) then

Line 211: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

207: -----Not in object instance context. Check responbility level
208: ------function security
209: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check responsibility level security: not in object instance context';
210: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
211: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
212: END IF;
213: if fnd_function.test(p_privilege) then
214: x_ret_code:=fnd_api.g_true;
215: x_return_status:=fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;

Line 224: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check role based security';

220: return;
221: end if;
223: --------check role based security ------------
224: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check role based security';
225: -- store project system status code in global variable for instance set
226: IF p_object_name = 'PA_PROJECTS' THEN
227: select project_system_status_code into G_project_system_status_code
228: from pa_projects_all ppa,

Line 235: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

231: and ppa.project_id = p_object_key;
232: END IF;
234: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
235: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
236: END IF;
237: --dbms_output.put_line('before: calling fnd_data_sec');
238: --dbms_output.put_line('get_grantee_key:'||get_grantee_key);
239: --dbms_output.put_line('p_privilege:'||p_privilege);

Line 282: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'get secure_resp_flag';

278: ----responsibility level check
279: end if;
280: -----------End of check role based security-----------
282: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'get secure_resp_flag';
283: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
284: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
285: END IF;

Line 284: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

280: -----------End of check role based security-----------
282: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'get secure_resp_flag';
283: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
284: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
285: END IF;
287: -----check if responsibility based security is enforced
288: ---(check if any of the roles the user plays on the object

Line 321: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check responsibility level security: in object context';

317: -----1. The user plays unsecured roles (roles without menu) on the object
318: -----2. The user doesn't play any roles (instance assignment) on the object
320: if secure_resp_flag=fnd_api.g_true then
321: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check responsibility level security: in object context';
322: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
323: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
324: END IF;
325: if p_object_name='PA_PROJECTS' then

Line 323: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

320: if secure_resp_flag=fnd_api.g_true then
321: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check responsibility level security: in object context';
322: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
323: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
324: END IF;
325: if p_object_name='PA_PROJECTS' then
326: if pa_security.allow_update (p_object_key)<>'Y' then
327: x_ret_code:=fnd_api.g_false;

Line 354: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'exceptions raised';

350: return;
351: end if ;
352: Exception
353: when others then
354: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'exceptions raised';
355: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
356: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
357: END IF;
358: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg

Line 356: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

352: Exception
353: when others then
354: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'exceptions raised';
355: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
356: pa_debug.write_file('check_user_privilege: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
357: END IF;
358: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg
359: (p_pkg_name => G_PKG_NAME,
360: p_procedure_name =>'CHECK_USER_PRIVILEGE' );

Line 586: pa_debug.Init_err_stack ( 'check_confirm_asmt');

582: IF p_init_msg_list = 'T' THEN
583: FND_MSG_PUB.initialize;
584: END IF;
586: pa_debug.Init_err_stack ( 'check_confirm_asmt');
587: x_msg_count :=0;
588: x_msg_data:= null;
589: x_return_status:=fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
590: x_ret_code:=fnd_api.g_true;

Line 599: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Initialization: get resource id, resource org, project org';

595: RETURN;
596: END IF;
598: -----Initialization: get resource id, resource org, project org
599: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Initialization: get resource id, resource org, project org';
600: -- Bug 4359282 : Added check before calling pa_debug.write_file
601: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
602: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
603: END IF;

Line 600: -- Bug 4359282 : Added check before calling pa_debug.write_file

596: END IF;
598: -----Initialization: get resource id, resource org, project org
599: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Initialization: get resource id, resource org, project org';
600: -- Bug 4359282 : Added check before calling pa_debug.write_file
601: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
602: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
603: END IF;

Line 602: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

598: -----Initialization: get resource id, resource org, project org
599: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Initialization: get resource id, resource org, project org';
600: -- Bug 4359282 : Added check before calling pa_debug.write_file
601: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
602: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
603: END IF;
605: ------- Check for License
606: IF pa_product_install_utils.check_function_licensed(p_privilege) <> 'Y' THEN

Line 661: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Check if the user has resource authority on the resource';

658: /* Bug 2970209 -- Commented the code to call check_user_privilege. Now new
659: code is added in the last to check for resource autority */
660: /*------- Check if the user has resource authority on the resource
661: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Check if the user has resource authority on the resource';
662: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
664: check_user_privilege(p_privilege => p_privilege,
665: p_object_name => 'ORGANIZATION',

Line 662: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

658: /* Bug 2970209 -- Commented the code to call check_user_privilege. Now new
659: code is added in the last to check for resource autority */
660: /*------- Check if the user has resource authority on the resource
661: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Check if the user has resource authority on the resource';
662: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
664: check_user_privilege(p_privilege => p_privilege,
665: p_object_name => 'ORGANIZATION',
666: p_object_key => v_resource_org_id,

Line 696: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Check if the user is a resource super user';

692: END IF;
695: -----------Check if user is Resource Super User--------------
696: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Check if the user is a resource super user';
697: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
698: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
699: END IF;

Line 698: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

695: -----------Check if user is Resource Super User--------------
696: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Check if the user is a resource super user';
697: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
698: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
699: END IF;
701: v_resource_super_user := fnd_profile.value_specific('PA_SUPER_RESOURCE',
702: G_USER_ID,

Line 707: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check FND function security';

704: fnd_global.resp_appl_id);
705: IF v_resource_super_user = 'Y' THEN
707: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check FND function security';
709: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
710: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
711: END IF;

Line 710: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

707: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check FND function security';
709: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
710: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
711: END IF;
713: if l_fnd_function_test then
714: x_ret_code:=fnd_api.g_true;

Line 727: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Check if the user is the manager of the resource in HR hierarchy';

724: -----------End Resource Super User Check-------------------
726: ---------Check if the user is the manager of the resource in HR hierarchy
727: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Check if the user is the manager of the resource in HR hierarchy';
728: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
729: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
730: END IF;

Line 729: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

726: ---------Check if the user is the manager of the resource in HR hierarchy
727: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Check if the user is the manager of the resource in HR hierarchy';
728: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
729: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
730: END IF;
732: -- Bug 2970209 The following condition is not needed and it is unambiguoys, because we are defaulting x_ret_code as true
733: -- so this check will not be fired if v_resource_super_user <> Y

Line 770: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check role based security';

766: -- end if;
767: -------------End of check HR hierarchy---------------------
768: -- Bug 2970209 Added role based security here
769: --------check role based security ------------
770: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check role based security';
771: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
772: pa_debug.write_file('check_confirm_asmt: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
773: END IF;

Line 772: pa_debug.write_file('check_confirm_asmt: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

768: -- Bug 2970209 Added role based security here
769: --------check role based security ------------
770: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check role based security';
771: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
772: pa_debug.write_file('check_confirm_asmt: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
773: END IF;
775: --dbms_output.put_line('p_privilege IS : ' || p_privilege);
776: --dbms_output.put_line('v_resource_org_id IS : ' || v_resource_org_id);

Line 826: pa_debug.G_err_stage := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200);

824: Exception
825: when others then
826: pa_debug.G_err_stage := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200);
827: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
828: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
829: END IF;
830: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg

Line 828: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

824: Exception
825: when others then
826: pa_debug.G_err_stage := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200);
827: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
828: pa_debug.write_file( 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
829: END IF;
830: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg
831: (p_pkg_name => G_PKG_NAME,
832: p_procedure_name =>'CHECK_CONFIRM_ASMT' );

Line 1972: pa_debug.Init_err_stack ( 'Check_Access_Exist');

1968: BEGIN
1969: --Clear the global PL/SQL message table
1970: FND_MSG_PUB.initialize;
1972: pa_debug.Init_err_stack ( 'Check_Access_Exist');
1974: Init_global;
1975: x_ret_code := FND_API.G_TRUE;
1976: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;

Line 1988: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'get objects primary keys information';

1984: RETURN;
1985: END IF;
1986: ------- End check for License
1988: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'get objects primary keys information';
1989: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1990: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
1991: END IF;
1992: get_pk_information(p_object_name ,

Line 1990: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

1986: ------- End check for License
1988: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'get objects primary keys information';
1989: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
1990: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
1991: END IF;
1992: get_pk_information(p_object_name ,
1993: l_db_pk1_column ,
1994: l_db_pk2_column ,

Line 2002: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check access from responsibility level';

1998: l_aliased_pk_column ,
1999: l_aliased_ik_column ,
2000: l_db_object_name);
2002: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check access from responsibility level';
2003: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2004: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
2005: END IF;
2006: IF fnd_function.test(p_privilege) THEN

Line 2004: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

2000: l_db_object_name);
2002: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'check access from responsibility level';
2003: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2004: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
2005: END IF;
2006: IF fnd_function.test(p_privilege) THEN
2007: --Adding the below code for the bug 3137696
2008: x_ret_code := FND_API.G_TRUE;

Line 2021: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'checking allow_update in case of PA_PROJECTS';

2017: g_source_type||''','||l_db_pk1_column||')=''T'''||
2018: ' AND pa_security.allow_update('||l_db_pk1_column||')=''Y'''||
2019: ' AND ROWNUM=1';
2021: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'checking allow_update in case of PA_PROJECTS';
2022: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2023: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
2024: END IF;

Line 2023: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

2019: ' AND ROWNUM=1';
2021: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'checking allow_update in case of PA_PROJECTS';
2022: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2023: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
2024: END IF;
2026: PA_SECURITY.Initialize(X_user_id =>G_user_id ,
2027: X_calling_module => 'PAXPREPR');

Line 2045: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'checking check_sec_by_resp';

2041: g_user_id||','''||p_object_name||''','''||
2042: g_source_type||''','||l_db_pk1_column||')=''T'''||
2043: ' AND ROWNUM=1';
2045: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'checking check_sec_by_resp';
2046: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2047: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
2048: END IF;

Line 2047: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

2043: ' AND ROWNUM=1';
2045: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'checking check_sec_by_resp';
2046: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2047: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
2048: END IF;
2050: PA_SECURITY.Initialize(X_user_id =>G_user_id ,
2051: X_calling_module => 'PAXPREPR');

Line 2064: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'get predicate from fnd_data_security';

2060: END IF;*/
2061: END IF;
2064: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'get predicate from fnd_data_security';
2065: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2066: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
2067: END IF;
2068: fnd_data_security.get_security_predicate(

Line 2066: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

2064: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'get predicate from fnd_data_security';
2065: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2066: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
2067: END IF;
2068: fnd_data_security.get_security_predicate(
2069: p_api_version => l_api_version,
2070: p_function => p_privilege,

Line 2100: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'open cursor for dynamic sql';

2096: --Bug 2603255, selecting from db_object table instead of dual
2097: -- l_predicate := 'SELECT 1 FROM DUAL WHERE '||l_predicate;
2098: l_predicate := 'SELECT 1 FROM '||l_db_object_name||' WHERE '||l_predicate;
2100: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'open cursor for dynamic sql';
2101: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2102: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
2103: END IF;
2104: OPEN l_cur FOR l_predicate;

Line 2102: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

2098: l_predicate := 'SELECT 1 FROM '||l_db_object_name||' WHERE '||l_predicate;
2100: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'open cursor for dynamic sql';
2101: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2102: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
2103: END IF;
2104: OPEN l_cur FOR l_predicate;
2105: FETCH l_cur INTO l_dummy;
2106: IF l_cur%NOTFOUND THEN

Line 2118: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'exceptions raised';

2114: CLOSE l_cur; -- Bug #2994870: closing the cursor.
2118: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'exceptions raised';
2119: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2120: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
2121: END IF;
2122: x_ret_code := FND_API.G_FALSE;

Line 2120: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);

2118: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'exceptions raised';
2119: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2120: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG', pa_debug.G_err_stage);
2121: END IF;
2122: x_ret_code := FND_API.G_FALSE;
2123: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
2124: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get

Line 2739: pa_debug.Init_err_stack ( 'GET_RESP_WITH_ACCESS');

2735: l_appl_short_name VARCHAR2(50);
2737: Begin
2739: pa_debug.Init_err_stack ( 'GET_RESP_WITH_ACCESS');
2741: x_msg_count := 0;
2742: x_msg_data := null;
2743: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;

Line 2751: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG',' p_privilege '||p_privilege||' l_user_id '||l_user_id);

2747: l_old_resp_appl_id := FND_GLOBAL.RESP_APPL_ID;
2748: l_user_id := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
2750: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2751: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG',' p_privilege '||p_privilege||' l_user_id '||l_user_id);
2752: END IF;
2753: --Get the responsibility that has access to view budget.
2754: FOR user_resp_rec IN user_resp_csr(l_user_id) LOOP

Line 2772: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG',' resp_id '||user_resp_rec.responsibility_id||' l_ret_code '||l_ret_code);

2768: ,x_msg_count => x_msg_count
2769: ,x_msg_data => x_msg_data
2770: );
2771: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2772: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG',' resp_id '||user_resp_rec.responsibility_id||' l_ret_code '||l_ret_code);
2773: END IF;
2774: IF l_ret_code = 'T' THEN
2775: x_resp_key := user_resp_rec.responsibility_key;
2776: x_appl_short_name := user_resp_rec.application_short_name;

Line 2790: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG',' x_has_access '||x_has_access);

2786: x_appl_short_name := '';
2787: END IF;
2789: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2790: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG',' x_has_access '||x_has_access);
2791: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG',' x_resp_key '||x_resp_key||' x_appl_short_name '||x_appl_short_name);
2792: END IF;
2794: FND_GLOBAL.Apps_Initialize

Line 2791: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG',' x_resp_key '||x_resp_key||' x_appl_short_name '||x_appl_short_name);

2787: END IF;
2789: IF G_debug_flag = 'Y' THEN
2790: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG',' x_has_access '||x_has_access);
2791: pa_debug.write_file('check_access_exist: ' || 'LOG',' x_resp_key '||x_resp_key||' x_appl_short_name '||x_appl_short_name);
2792: END IF;
2794: FND_GLOBAL.Apps_Initialize
2795: ( user_id => l_user_id