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1 package hr_chkfmt AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: pychkfmt.pkh 115.2 2003/01/27 17:40:16 dsaxby ship $ */
3    --------------------------- checkformat -----------------------------------
4    /*
5       NAME
6          checkformat - checks format of various inputs.
8          Entry point for the checkformat routine.
9          Is used to check the validity of the following formats:
10          CHAR           : arbitrary string of characters.
11          UPPER          : converts string to upper case.
12          LOWER          : converts string to lower case.
13          INITCAP        : init caps string.
14          INTEGER        : checks that input is integer.
15          NUMBER         : checks input is valid decimal number.
16          TIMES          : checks input is valid time.
17          DATE           : checks input is valid date (DD-MON-YYYY).
18          HOURS          : checks input is valid number of hours.
19          DB_ITEM_NAME   : checks input is valid database item name.
20          PAY_NAME       : checks input is valid payroll name.
21          NACHA          : checks input contains valid nacha digits.
22          KANA           : checks input is kana character.
23       NOTES
24          This procedure is called directly from FF RSP user exit.
25          See checkformat.txt for further information on calling
26          and using checkformat.
27    */
28    procedure checkformat
29    (
30       value   in out nocopy varchar2,
31       format  in            varchar2,
32       output  in out nocopy varchar2,
33       minimum in            varchar2,
34       maximum in            varchar2,
35       nullok  in            varchar2,
36       rgeflg  in out nocopy varchar2,
37       curcode in            varchar2
38    );
39 --
40    --------------------------- changeformat -----------------------------------
41    /*
42       NAME
43          changeformat - converts from internal to external formats.
45          Is called when you need to convert from a format that is
46          held in one format internally but which needs to be
47          displayed in another format.
48       NOTES
49          Currently, this procedure only changes the H_HHMM format
50          from internal decimal to external HH:MM type.
51    */
52    function changeformat
53    (
54       input   in     varchar2, -- the input format.
55       format  in     varchar2, -- indicates the format to convert to.
56       curcode in     varchar2  -- currency code for money formatting.
57    ) return varchar2;
58    pragma restrict_references (changeformat, WNDS, WNPS);
59    procedure changeformat
60    (
61       input   in            varchar2, -- the input format.
62       output     out nocopy varchar2, -- the output formatted.
63       format  in            varchar2, -- indicates the format to convert to.
64       curcode in            varchar2  -- currency code for money formatting.
65    );
66 end hr_chkfmt;