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Line 129: per_assignments_f ASG

125: PRIOR organization_id_parent = organization_id_child
126: START
127: WITH organization_id_child = (SELECT POS.organization_id
128: FROM hr_all_positions_f POS,
129: per_assignments_f ASG
130: WHERE ASG.rowid = p_ASG_rowid
131: AND ASG.position_id = POS.position_id
132: AND p_effective_date BETWEEN POS.effective_start_date
133: AND POS.effective_end_date)

Line 163: per_assignments_f ASG

159: ELSIF l_result IS NULL AND p_mode = 'PARENTS' THEN
160: SELECT POS.organization_id
161: INTO l_result
162: FROM hr_all_positions_f POS,
163: per_assignments_f ASG
164: WHERE ASG.rowid = p_ASG_rowid
165: AND ASG.position_id = POS.position_id
166: AND p_effective_date BETWEEN POS.effective_start_date
167: AND POS.effective_end_date;

Line 475: FROM per_people_f PER, per_assignments_f ASG

471: PROCEDURE process(p_breakdown_criteria_id IN NUMBER := NULL) IS
472: CURSOR c_emp IS
473: SELECT PER.rowid PER_rowid, ASG.rowid ASG_rowid,
474: PER.person_id, PER.sex
475: FROM per_people_f PER, per_assignments_f ASG
476: WHERE l_effective_date BETWEEN PER.effective_start_date
477: AND PER.effective_end_date
478: AND PER.person_id = ASG.person_id
479: AND l_effective_date BETWEEN ASG.effective_start_date