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2 /* $Header: jtftrpcb.pls 120.0 2005/06/02 18:21:44 appldev ship $ */
4    --g_image_prefix varchar2(250) := '/OA_MEDIA/'||icx_sec.getid(icx_sec.pv_language_code)||'/';
5    l_user_id      number;
6    v_date_time    varchar2(30);
7    l_agent        varchar2(200);
8    ctr1           integer        := 0;
9    ctr2           integer        := 0;
10 --   G_DATE_FORMAT  varchar2(20)   := as_ofl_util_pkg.get_date_format;
13    TYPE day_TABLE IS table of varchar2(2000) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
14    TYPE year_TABLE IS table of varchar2(2000) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
16    day_data      day_table;
17    year_data     year_table;
20   procedure header is
22 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 --
24 --  PROCEDURE: header
25 --
26 --  DESCRIPTION:  This procedure is creates the descriptive header in the parameter form
27 --
28 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29    begin
30      --select to_char(sysdate,G_DATE_FORMAT) into v_date_time from dual;
31      htp.htmlopen;
32      htp.headOpen;
33      htp.title('Territory Changes Report');
34        htp.p('<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">');
35        htp.p('  function validateForm(objform) {');
36        htp.p('    var s_day = objform.p_sd_date.selectedIndex;');
37        htp.p('    var s_month = objform.p_sm_date.selectedIndex;');
38        htp.p('    var s_year = objform.p_sy_date.selectedIndex;');
39        htp.p('    var e_day = objform.p_ed_date.selectedIndex;');
40        htp.p('    var e_month = objform.p_em_date.selectedIndex;');
41        htp.p('    var e_year = objform.p_ey_date.selectedIndex;');
42        htp.p('    var p_valid = true;');
43        htp.p('       if ((s_month == "3"== "30")||(s_month == "5"== "30")');
44        htp.p('          ||(s_month == "8"== "30")||(s_month == "10"== "30")){');
45        htp.p('          alert(''Start Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
46        htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
47        htp.p('       if ((e_month == "3"== "30")||(e_month == "5"== "30")');
48        htp.p('          ||(e_month == "8"== "30")||(e_month == "10"== "30")){');
49        htp.p('          alert(''End Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
50        htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
51        htp.p('       if (s_month == "1"){');
52        htp.p('          if ((s_year == "2"||s_year == "6"||s_year == "10"||s_year == "14"||s_year == "18")');
53        htp.p('           (s_day == "29"||s_day == "30")){');
54        htp.p('          alert(''Start Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
55        htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
56        htp.p('                           }');
57        htp.p('       if (s_month == "1"){');
58        htp.p('          if ((s_year != "2" != "6" != "10" != "14" != "18")');
59        htp.p('           (s_day == "28"||s_day == "29"||s_day == "30")){');
60        htp.p('          alert(''Start Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
61        htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
62        htp.p('                           }');
63        htp.p('       if (e_month == "1"){');
64        htp.p('          if ((e_year == "2"||e_year == "6"||e_year == "10"||e_year == "14"||e_year == "18")');
65        htp.p('           (e_day == "29"||e_day == "30")){');
66        htp.p('          alert(''End Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
67        htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
68        htp.p('                           }');
69        htp.p('       if (e_month == "1"){');
70        htp.p('          if ((e_year != "2" != "6" != "10" != "14" != "18")');
71        htp.p('           (e_day == "28"||e_day == "29"||e_day == "30")){');
72        htp.p('          alert(''End Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
73        htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
74        htp.p('                           }');
75        htp.p('       if (s_year > e_year){');
76        htp.p('          alert(''Start Date must be less than End Date'');');
77        htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
78        htp.p('       if (s_year == e_year){');
79        htp.p('          if (s_month > e_month){');
80        htp.p('            alert(''Start Date must be less than End Date'');');
81        htp.p('            p_valid = false;}');
82        htp.p('          if (s_month == e_month){');
83        htp.p('            if (s_day > e_day){');
84        htp.p('              alert(''Start Date must be less than End Date'');');
85        htp.p('              p_valid = false;}');
86        htp.p('                                 }');
87        htp.p('                             }');
88      --  htp.p('              alert(''Start Date must be less than End Date'');');
90        htp.p('       if (p_valid){');
91        htp.p('          objform.submit();}');
92        htp.p('}');
93        htp.p('</script>');
94      htp.headClose;
95      htp.bodyopen(cattributes=>'bgcolor="#CCCCCC"');
96      htp.tableOpen('border="0"  ');
97      htp.tableRowOpen( calign => 'TOP' );
98 --     htp.tableData( htf.img(curl=>g_image_prefix||'oppty.gif'));
99      htp.tableData( '<FONT size=+1 face="times new roman">' || 'Territory Changes Report', cnowrap => 'TRUE');
100      htp.tableData(htf.bold(v_date_time),calign => 'right',ccolspan => '110');
101      htp.tableRowClose;
102      htp.tableClose;
103      htp.tableOpen(  cattributes => 'border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=561' );
104      htp.tableRowOpen( cvalign => 'top' );
105      htp.tableData( ' ', ccolspan => '2', cattributes => ' height=9');
106      htp.tableData( '<FONT face="Times New Roman">' ||htf.bold( 'Please specify the criteria and select OK.  ') ||
107                     '</FONT>', calign => 'center', crowspan => '2', ccolspan => '110', cattributes => ' width=346');
108      htp.tableData( ' ', ccolspan => '6');
109      htp.Br;
110      htp.tableRowClose;
111      htp.tableClose;
112      htp.bodyClose;
113      htp.headClose;
114      htp.htmlClose;
115    end;
116 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 procedure terr_changes_paramform is
119 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
120 --
121 --  PROCEDURE: Territory Changes
122 --
123 --  DESCRIPTION:  This procedure is main body of the parameter form
124 --
125 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
126    /*
127    cursor cur_get_manager is
128    select distinct ltrim(rtrim(ppf.last_name))||', ' ||ltrim(rtrim(ppf.first_name)) manager_name ,
129           ppf.person_id manager_person_id
130    from per_people_f ppf,
131         as_sales_groups asg
132    where asg.manager_person_id =    ppf.person_id
133    and asg.enabled_flag = 'Y'
134    and trunc(sysdate) between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
135    and trunc(sysdate)<=  nvl(asg.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate) )
136     order by ltrim(rtrim(ppf.last_name))||', ' ||ltrim(rtrim(ppf.first_name)) ;
137     */
138    day_counter NUMBER := 1;
139    year_counter  NUMBER := 1990;
144     FOR i IN 1..31 LOOP
145        if day_counter <= 9  then
146          day_data(i) := '0'||day_counter;
147          day_counter := day_counter +1;
148        else
149          day_data(i) := to_char(day_counter);
150          day_counter := day_counter +1;
151        end if;
152     END LOOP;
154     FOR i IN 1..21 LOOP
155          year_data(i) := to_char(year_counter);
156          year_counter := year_counter +1;
157     END LOOP;
159     if (icx_sec.validateSession(c_function_code => 'JTF_TERR_CHGS_RPT', c_validate_only => 'Y')) then
160        header;
162        l_user_id := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_USER_ID);
163        -------------------- Returns login user Id--------------------------
164        htp.FormOpen(owa_util.Get_Owa_Service_Path||'JTF_TERR_changes_report_PVT.report_wrapper',
165                              cattributes => ' NAME="param"');
166        htp.htmlopen;
167        htp.headOpen;
168        htp.title('Territory Changes Report');
169        htp.headClose;
170        htp.bodyopen(cattributes=>'bgcolor="#CCCCCC"');
171        htp.tableopen;
172        htp.tableRowOpen( cvalign => 'top' );
173        htp.tableData( ' ', cattributes => ' height=9');
174        htp.tableData( '<FONT size=2 face="Times New Roman">' || '</FONT>', calign => 'right', crowspan => '2', ccolspan => '3', cattributes => ' width=154');
175        htp.tableData( ' ');
176        htp.tableRowClose;
177        htp.tableClose;
178        htp.tableOpen(cattributes=>'width="600" ');
179         -- OUTPUT FORMAT FIELD
180        htp.tableRowOpen();
181        htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%"valign="top">Select Output Format</td>');
182        htp.p('<td>');
183        htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_response">');
184        htp.FormSelectOption('Excel');
185        htp.FormSelectOption('HTML',cselected => 'TRUE');
186        htp.FormSelectClose;
187        htp.tableRowClose;
190      htp.tableRowOpen();
191        htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%" valign="top">Manager/Group</td>');
192        htp.p('<td>');
193        htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_manager"  >');
194        FOR rec_get_manager IN cur_get_manager LOOP
195            htp.FormSelectOption(rec_get_manager.manager_name,cattributes => ' value= '||rec_get_manager.manager_person_id);
196        END LOOP;
197      htp.FormSelectClose;
198      htp.p('</td>');
199     htp.tableRowClose;
200 */
202         htp.tableRowOpen();
203         htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="32%" valign="top">Earliest Change Date</td>');
204         htp.p('<td>');
205         htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_sd_date">');
206         --  htp.FormSelectOption('   ');
207         FOR i IN 1..day_data.count  LOOP
208             htp.FormSelectOption(day_data(i),
209             cattributes => ' value= '||day_data(i),
210 			cselected => 'TRUE' );
211         END LOOP;
212         htp.FormSelectClose;
213         htp.p('-');
215         htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_sm_date">');
216         htp.FormSelectOption('JAN',cselected => 'TRUE');
217         htp.FormSelectOption('FEB');
218         htp.FormSelectOption('MAR');
219         htp.FormSelectOption('APR');
220         htp.FormSelectOption('MAY');
221         htp.FormSelectOption('JUN');
222         htp.FormSelectOption('JUL');
223         htp.FormSelectOption('AUG');
224         htp.FormSelectOption('SEP');
225         htp.FormSelectOption('OCT');
226         htp.FormSelectOption('NOV');
227         htp.FormSelectOption('DEC');
228         htp.FormSelectClose;
229         htp.p('-');
230         htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_sy_date">');
231         --  htp.FormSelectOption('   ');
232         FOR i IN 1..year_data.count  LOOP
233             htp.FormSelectOption(year_data(i),
234 			cattributes => ' value= '||year_data(i));
235         END LOOP;
236         htp.FormSelectClose;
237         htp.p('</td>');
238         htp.tableRowClose;
241         htp.tableRowOpen();
242         htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="32%" valign="top">Latest Change Date</td>');
243         htp.p('<td>');
244         htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_ed_date">');
245         --  htp.FormSelectOption('   ');
246         FOR i IN 1..day_data.count  LOOP
247             htp.FormSelectOption(day_data(i),
248 			cattributes => ' value= '||day_data(i),
249 			cselected => 'TRUE' );
250         END LOOP;
251         htp.FormSelectClose;
252         htp.p('-');
254         htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_em_date">');
255         htp.FormSelectOption('JAN',cselected => 'TRUE');
256         htp.FormSelectOption('FEB');
257         htp.FormSelectOption('MAR');
258         htp.FormSelectOption('APR');
259         htp.FormSelectOption('MAY');
260         htp.FormSelectOption('JUN');
261         htp.FormSelectOption('JUL');
262         htp.FormSelectOption('AUG');
263         htp.FormSelectOption('SEP');
264         htp.FormSelectOption('OCT');
265         htp.FormSelectOption('NOV');
266         htp.FormSelectOption('DEC');
267         htp.FormSelectClose;
268         htp.p('-');
270         htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_ey_date">');
271         --  htp.FormSelectOption('   ');
272         FOR i IN 1..year_data.count  LOOP
273             htp.FormSelectOption(year_data(i),
274             cattributes => ' value= '||year_data(i));
275         END LOOP;
276         htp.FormSelectClose;
277         htp.p('</td>');
278         htp.tableRowClose;
280         htp.tableClose;
281         htp.Br;
282         htp.Br;
283         htp.Br;
284         footer;
285         htp.FormClose;
286         htp.bodyclose;
287         htp.htmlclose;
288     else
289         htp.p('Invalid session');
290     end if;
291     exception
292         when others then
293             htp.p(SQLERRM);
294 END terr_changes_paramform;
296  procedure footer is
297  BEGIN
298       l_agent := owa_util.get_cgi_env('SCRIPT_NAME');
299       htp.htmlopen;
300       htp.tableRowOpen;
301       htp.tableData( htf.hr, crowspan => '1', ccolspan => '190', cnowrap => 'TRUE');
302       htp.tableRowClose;
303       htp.tableOpen( calign => 'center', cattributes => ' border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2' );
304       htp.tableRowOpen;
305       htp.formOpen( curl => l_agent||'/JTF_TERR_CHANGES_report_PVT.report_wrapper', cmethod => 'GET',
306                               cattributes => ' NAME="MyForm" TARGET="_top"');
308       htp.p('<td>');
309       htp.p('<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="OK" onClick="validateForm(document.param)">');
310       htp.p('</td>');
311       htp.tableData( '<INPUT type=button value="Cancel" onClick="history.back()" onMouseOver="window.status="Cancel";return true">');
312       htp.tableRowClose;
313       htp.tableClose;
314       htp.htmlClose;
315    END footer;
316 END;