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Line 182: from ra_customer_trx_lines_all

178: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
179: --or rcta.interface_header_context = 'OFI TAX IMPORT'--Added by zhiwei for Bug#12615714 on 20110629
180: or exists(
181: select 1
182: from ra_customer_trx_lines_all
183: where customer_trx_id = rcta.customer_trx_id
184: and nvl( global_attribute_category,'###') = 'JG.IN.ARXTWMAI.OFI TAX IMPORT'
185: )
186: ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 344: from ra_customer_trx_lines_all

340: --Added by zhiwei for Bug#12615714 begin
341: -------------------------------------------
342: select count(1)
343: into ln_open_api
344: from ra_customer_trx_lines_all
345: where customer_trx_id = I.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID
346: and nvl( global_attribute_category,'###') = 'JG.IN.ARXTWMAI.OFI TAX IMPORT';
347: ------------------------------------------
348: --Added by zhiwei for Bug#12615714 end


619: WHERE customer_trx_id = NO
620: AND supp_inv_type = STAT;
622: CURSOR get_inv_line( ino NUMBER,
624: )
625: IS /* Modified by Ramananda for removal of SQL LITERALs :bug#4428980*/
627: b.customer_trx_line_id,

Line 651: ra_customer_trx_lines_all b,

647: /* Bug 4224466. Added by LGOPALSA */
648: a.invoice_currency_code
649: ,b.global_attribute_category --Added by zhiwei for Bug#12615714
650: FROM ra_customer_trx_all a,
651: ra_customer_trx_lines_all b,
652: mtl_system_items c,
653: jai_ar_trx_sup_inv_t d, -- added by sriram - bug # 3143813 - 19/09/2003
654: jai_ar_trxs jat /* added the table and join condition - aiyer for the fwd porting bug 5225768*/
655: WHERE a.customer_trx_id = b.customer_trx_id

Line 768: p_interface_line_attribute3 RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.interface_line_attribute3%TYPE ,

764: || If the split has happened at the time of shipment, this cursor will take care of the multiple lines
765: || to get the total quantity and total tax amount
766: */
767: CURSOR c_get_so_picking_lines(
768: p_interface_line_attribute3 RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.interface_line_attribute3%TYPE ,
769: p_interface_line_attribute6 RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.interface_line_attribute6%TYPE ,
770: p_inventory_item_id RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.inventory_item_id%TYPE
771: )
772: IS

Line 769: p_interface_line_attribute6 RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.interface_line_attribute6%TYPE ,

765: || to get the total quantity and total tax amount
766: */
767: CURSOR c_get_so_picking_lines(
768: p_interface_line_attribute3 RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.interface_line_attribute3%TYPE ,
769: p_interface_line_attribute6 RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.interface_line_attribute6%TYPE ,
770: p_inventory_item_id RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.inventory_item_id%TYPE
771: )
772: IS

Line 770: p_inventory_item_id RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.inventory_item_id%TYPE

766: */
767: CURSOR c_get_so_picking_lines(
768: p_interface_line_attribute3 RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.interface_line_attribute3%TYPE ,
769: p_interface_line_attribute6 RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.interface_line_attribute6%TYPE ,
770: p_inventory_item_id RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.inventory_item_id%TYPE
771: )
772: IS
774: SUM(a.quantity), SUM(a.tax_amount),

Line 818: - modified cursor GET_INV_LINE to filter out Modifier lines from RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table and added a

814: Supplementary invoices in Ar are generated for all items in the invoice even though they are not part of the new price list. This has been rectified
815: by adding joins between the inventory item of the invoice and inventory item in the pricelist for price list types of mapping.
817: 4. 28/03/2004 Vijay Shankar for bug # 3515883, Version: 619.1
818: - modified cursor GET_INV_LINE to filter out Modifier lines from RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table and added a
819: seperate code that reduces/adds discounts/surcharges from actual item price.
820: Added Cursor c_adjustment_details and required variables for discounts/surchages calculation
821: - Cursor C_PRICE_LIST_INFO is modified to use qp_list_lines_v View instead of qp_list_lines and qp_pricing_attributes tables.
822: Added inventory_item_id, Start and end date checks to where clause on qp_list_lines_v

Line 824: Also removed the usage of RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table from the query which is redundant

820: Added Cursor c_adjustment_details and required variables for discounts/surchages calculation
821: - Cursor C_PRICE_LIST_INFO is modified to use qp_list_lines_v View instead of qp_list_lines and qp_pricing_attributes tables.
822: Added inventory_item_id, Start and end date checks to where clause on qp_list_lines_v
823: - Query to fetch details from JAI_OM_WSH_LINES_ALL is modified by adding Order_line_id filter.
824: Also removed the usage of RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table from the query which is redundant
826: 5. 15/03/2005 Bug 4224466. Added by LGOPALSA. Version 115.2
827: Added rounding code for Exist and new Sales amount.

Line 882: warehouse_id of ra_customer_trx_lines_all. Included a join condition for organization_id of mtl_system_items and jai_ar_trx.

878: (result of split) to get the Total Quantity and Total Tax Amount. (11i bug 4764676, Fwd porting bug 4955151)
880: 4. Bug 5104197:-
881: Modified the cursor get_inv_line. Removed the join condition for organization_id of mtl_system_items and
882: warehouse_id of ra_customer_trx_lines_all. Included a join condition for organization_id of mtl_system_items and jai_ar_trx.
883: This has been done because there are cases where the warehouse_id in the ra_customer_trx_lines_all is null. Hence removed that link.
884: (11i bug 5104197, fwd porting bug 5225768)

Line 883: This has been done because there are cases where the warehouse_id in the ra_customer_trx_lines_all is null. Hence removed that link.

880: 4. Bug 5104197:-
881: Modified the cursor get_inv_line. Removed the join condition for organization_id of mtl_system_items and
882: warehouse_id of ra_customer_trx_lines_all. Included a join condition for organization_id of mtl_system_items and jai_ar_trx.
883: This has been done because there are cases where the warehouse_id in the ra_customer_trx_lines_all is null. Hence removed that link.
884: (11i bug 5104197, fwd porting bug 5225768)
887: 25-June-2007 Bgowrava for Bug#6139693, File Version 120.12

Line 1112: FROM ra_customer_trx_lines_all

1108: v_modifier_percentage := 0;
1109: v_statement_id := '16';
1110: FOR dis IN (SELECT customer_trx_line_id, to_number(interface_line_attribute11) price_adjustment_id
1111: --, line_number, unit_standard_price, unit_selling_price, extended_amount, revenue_amount
1112: FROM ra_customer_trx_lines_all
1113: WHERE interface_line_attribute11 <> '0'
1114: AND interface_line_attribute6 = I.interface_line_attribute6
1115: AND customer_trx_id = fetch_inv.customer_trx_id
1116: AND line_type = 'LINE')