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Line 299: , gl_period_statuses gps

295: in (select xcb.application_id , xcb.ledger_id , xcb.code_combination_id , xcb.party_id, NVL (xcb.party_site_id, -9999)
296: , NVL (xcb.party_type_code, ' '),xcb.effective_period_num
297: from
298: xla_control_balances xcb
299: , gl_period_statuses gps
300: where
301: gps.effective_period_num = xcb.effective_period_num
302: and gps.application_id = 101
303: and gps.ledger_id = xcb.ledger_id

Line 321: , gl_period_statuses gps

317: in (select xcb.application_id , xcb.ledger_id , xcb.code_combination_id , xcb.party_id, NVL (xcb.party_site_id, -9999)
318: , NVL (xcb.party_type_code, ' '),xcb.effective_period_num
319: from
320: xla_control_balances xcb
321: , gl_period_statuses gps
322: where
323: gps.effective_period_num = xcb.effective_period_num
324: and gps.application_id = 101
325: and gps.ledger_id = xcb.ledger_id

Line 364: ,gl_period_statuses glp

360: (SELECT beginning_balance_dr
361: ,beginning_balance_cr
362: ,glp.effective_period_num
363: FROM xla_control_balances xcb
364: ,gl_period_statuses glp
365: WHERE xcb.period_name = glp.period_name
366: AND xcb.ledger_id = glp.ledger_id
367: AND glp.application_id = 101
368: AND xcb.ledger_id = glp.ledger_id

Line 397: ,gl_period_statuses glp

393: UPDATE xla_ctrl_balances_int xib
394: SET existing_effective_period_num =
395: ( SELECT min(glp.effective_period_num) effective_period_num
396: FROM xla_control_balances xcb
397: ,gl_period_statuses glp
398: WHERE xcb.period_name = glp.period_name
399: AND xcb.ledger_id = glp.set_of_books_id
400: AND glp.application_id = 101
401: AND xib.application_id = xcb.application_id

Line 438: FROM gl_period_statuses glp

434: ,existing_effective_period_num) =
435: ( SELECT 0,
436: 0,
437: max(glp.effective_period_num)
438: FROM gl_period_statuses glp
439: WHERE xib.ledger_id = glp.set_of_books_id
440: AND glp.application_id = 101
441: AND glp.adjustment_period_flag = 'N')
442: WHERE message_codes IS NULL

Line 498: ,gl_period_statuses glp

494: ,glp.period_year
495: ,glp.period_num
496: ,glp.effective_period_num
497: FROM xla_ctrl_balances_int xin
498: ,gl_period_statuses glp
499: WHERE xin.ledger_id = glp.set_of_books_id
500: AND xin.period_name = glp.period_name
501: AND glp.application_id = 101
502: AND xin.message_codes IS NULL

Line 810: ,gl_period_statuses glp1

806: ,DECODE(glp1.period_num,1,'Y','N') first_period_flag
807: ,glp1.period_year
808: ,glp1.effective_period_num
809: FROM xla_ctrl_balances_int xin
810: ,gl_period_statuses glp1
811: ,xla_control_balances xcb
812: where
813: xcb.application_id = xin.application_id
814: AND xcb.ledger_id = xin.ledger_id

Line 868: ,gl_period_statuses glp

864: ,l_array_party_site_id
865: ,l_array_period_num
866: FROM xla_ctrl_balances_int xib
867: ,xla_control_balances xcb
868: ,gl_period_statuses glp
869: WHERE xib.application_id = xcb.application_id
870: AND xib.ledger_id = xcb.ledger_id
871: AND xib.code_combination_id = xcb.code_combination_id
872: AND xib.party_type_code = xcb.party_type_code

Line 898: FROM gl_period_statuses

894: AND party_type_code = l_array_party_type_code(i)
895: AND party_id = l_array_party_id(i)
896: AND NVL(party_site_id,-999) = l_array_party_site_id(i)
897: AND period_name IN (SELECT period_name
898: FROM gl_period_statuses
899: WHERE set_of_books_id = l_array_ledger_id(i)
900: AND application_id =101
901: AND effective_period_num < l_array_period_num(i))
902: AND beginning_balance_dr = 0

Line 1057: ,gl_period_statuses glp

1053: ,ap_suppliers aps
1054: ,ap_supplier_sites_all apsa
1055: ,hz_parties hzp
1056: ,hz_cust_accounts hca
1057: ,gl_period_statuses glp
1058: ,gl_period_statuses glp2
1059: ,(SELECT hcs.site_use_id party_site_id
1060: ,hca.cust_account_id party_id
1061: ,hcs.site_use_code site_use_code

Line 1058: ,gl_period_statuses glp2

1054: ,ap_supplier_sites_all apsa
1055: ,hz_parties hzp
1056: ,hz_cust_accounts hca
1057: ,gl_period_statuses glp
1058: ,gl_period_statuses glp2
1059: ,(SELECT hcs.site_use_id party_site_id
1060: ,hca.cust_account_id party_id
1061: ,hcs.site_use_code site_use_code
1062: FROM hz_cust_site_uses_all hcs

Line 1085: ,gl_period_statuses glp

1081: ,xal.party_site_id
1082: ,MIN(glp.effective_period_num) effective_period_num
1083: FROM xla_ae_headers xah
1084: ,xla_ae_lines xal
1085: ,gl_period_statuses glp
1086: ,xla_ctrl_balances_int xib
1087: WHERE xah.application_id = xal.application_id
1088: AND xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
1089: AND glp.period_name = xah.period_name