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Line 47: ap_awt_tax_rates atr

43: atr.start_date,
44: atr.end_date
45: FROM ap_tax_codes atc,
46: ap_awt_group_taxes agt,
47: ap_awt_tax_rates atr
48: WHERE agt.group_id = nvl(p_group_id, group_id)
49: AND atc.name = agt.tax_name
50: AND atc.tax_id = p_tax_id
51: AND atc.tax_type = 'AWT'

Line 63: FROM ap_awt_tax_rates atr, igi_cis_tax_treatment_h his

61: Cursor C_Tax_Names(p_new_grp_id in ap_awt_groups.group_id%Type) Is
62: SELECT atr.*
63: FROM ap_awt_tax_rates atr, igi_cis_tax_treatment_h his
64: WHERE his.new_group_id = p_new_grp_id
65: AND atr.tax_rate_id = his.tax_rate_id
66: AND atr.priority = 1
67: ORDER BY atr.vendor_id, atr.vendor_site_id;

Line 69: l_new_tax_rate_id ap_awt_tax_rates.tax_rate_id%Type;

65: AND atr.tax_rate_id = his.tax_rate_id
66: AND atr.priority = 1
67: ORDER BY atr.vendor_id, atr.vendor_site_id;
69: l_new_tax_rate_id ap_awt_tax_rates.tax_rate_id%Type;
71: Begin
72: -- Process the latest Valid Tax Rate
73: For C_Tax_Info_Rec in C_Tax_Info Loop

Line 93: UPDATE ap_awt_tax_rates

89: Debug(l_state_level, 'Update_Rates', 'Vendor Site Id : ' || C_Tax_Names_Rec.vendor_site_id );
90: Debug(l_state_level, 'Update_Rates', 'Tax Code : ' || C_Tax_Names_Rec.tax_name);
91: -- Debug Messages
93: UPDATE ap_awt_tax_rates
94: SET priority = priority + 1
95: WHERE vendor_id = C_Tax_Names_Rec.vendor_id
96: AND vendor_site_id = C_Tax_Names_Rec.vendor_site_id
97: AND tax_name = C_Tax_Names_Rec.tax_name;

Line 110: UPDATE ap_awt_tax_rates

107: --Fetch the start date of the record which has the current tax name and
108: --is of priority 2
109: -- Update the end date of the record to start date of the new rate - 1
110: UPDATE ap_awt_tax_rates
111: SET end_date = C_Tax_Info_Rec.start_date
112: WHERE tax_rate_id = C_Tax_Names_Rec.tax_rate_id;
114: -- Debug Messages

Line 123: SELECT ap_awt_tax_rates_s.nextval

119: End If;
120: -- Debug Messages
122: -- Generate a new sequence for the new certificate record.
123: SELECT ap_awt_tax_rates_s.nextval
124: INTO l_new_tax_rate_id
125: FROM dual;
127: --Insert a new certificate record for the new record with priority 1

Line 128: Insert Into ap_awt_tax_rates(

124: INTO l_new_tax_rate_id
125: FROM dual;
127: --Insert a new certificate record for the new record with priority 1
128: Insert Into ap_awt_tax_rates(
129: tax_rate_id
130: ,tax_name
131: ,tax_rate
132: ,rate_type

Line 223: UPDATE ap_awt_tax_rates

220: End Loop; -- C_Tax_Names
222: -- Update all the 0 priority records to 1
223: UPDATE ap_awt_tax_rates
224: SET priority = priority + 1
225: WHERE (vendor_id, vendor_site_id, tax_rate_id) in
226: (SELECT atr.vendor_id , atr.vendor_site_id, atr.tax_rate_id
227: FROM ap_awt_tax_rates atr, igi_cis_tax_treatment_h his

Line 227: FROM ap_awt_tax_rates atr, igi_cis_tax_treatment_h his

223: UPDATE ap_awt_tax_rates
224: SET priority = priority + 1
225: WHERE (vendor_id, vendor_site_id, tax_rate_id) in
226: (SELECT atr.vendor_id , atr.vendor_site_id, atr.tax_rate_id
227: FROM ap_awt_tax_rates atr, igi_cis_tax_treatment_h his
228: WHERE new_group_id = C_Tax_Info_Rec.group_id
229: AND atr.tax_rate_id = his.tax_rate_id
230: AND priority = 0 );