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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 44

 PROCEDURE  update_revenue_and_billing(
 p_api_version	       IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT 1.0,
 p_init_msg_list	 	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_commit	         	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_validate_only	 	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_calling_module	 	 IN 	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'SELF_SERVICE',
 p_debug_mode	       IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'N',
 p_max_msg_count	 	 IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
 p_project_id	       IN	 NUMBER    ,
 p_distribution_rule         IN    VARCHAR2   ,
 p_billing_cycle_id          IN    NUMBER   ,
 p_first_bill_offset         IN    NUMBER     DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
 p_next_billing_date         OUT    NOCOPY DATE       , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 p_output_tax_code           IN    VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
 p_billing_job_group_id         IN    NUMBER   ,
 p_invoice_comment           IN    VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
 p_labor_id                     IN    NUMBER   ,
 p_non_labor_id                 IN    NUMBER   ,
 p_retention_inv_format_id   IN    VARCHAR2   ,
 p_retention_inv_format_name IN    VARCHAR2   ,
 p_retention_percent         IN    NUMBER     ,
 p_retention_output_tax_code IN    VARCHAR2   ,
 p_record_version_number	 IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT 1,
 x_return_status	             OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2   , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 x_msg_count	             OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2  , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 x_msg_data	                   OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 ) IS

  CURSOR cur_projects_all
    SELECT start_date
      FROM pa_projects_all
     WHERE project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 79

  l_api_name                CONSTANT VARCHAR(30) := 'update_revenue_and_billing';
Line: 106

       pa_debug.debug('Update Revenue and Bill Info PUB : Checking the api version number.');
Line: 123

       pa_debug.debug('Update Revenue and Bill Info PUB : Initializing message stack.');
Line: 126

Line: 203

             pa_debug.debug('Update rev and Billing Info PUB : Checking retention invoice format id');
Line: 237

                               p_commit                      =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
                               p_validate_only               =>  p_validate_only,
                               p_validation_level            =>  p_validation_level,
                               p_calling_module              =>  p_calling_module,
                               p_debug_mode                  =>  p_debug_mode,
                               p_max_msg_count	 	       =>  p_max_msg_count,
                               p_project_id                  =>  p_project_id,
                               p_distribution_rule           =>  p_distribution_rule,
                               p_billing_cycle_id            =>  p_billing_cycle_id,
                               p_first_bill_offset           =>  l_first_bill_offset,
                               p_next_billing_date           =>  l_next_billing_date,
                               p_output_tax_code             =>  l_output_tax_code,
                               p_billing_job_group_id           =>  p_billing_job_group_id,
                               p_invoice_comment             =>  l_invoice_comment,
                               p_labor_id                       =>  p_labor_id,
                               p_non_labor_id                   =>  p_non_labor_id,
                               p_retention_inv_format_id     =>  l_retention_inv_format_id,
                               p_retention_percent           =>  l_retention_percent,
                               p_retention_output_tax_code   =>  l_retention_output_tax_code,
                               p_record_version_number	 =>  p_record_version_number,
                               x_return_status	             =>  l_return_status,
                               x_msg_count	             =>  l_msg_count,
                               x_msg_data	                   =>  l_msg_data
Line: 269

       pa_debug.debug('Update reve and Bill Info PUB : checking message count');
Line: 300

                               p_procedure_name => 'update_revenue_and_Billing',
                               p_error_text     => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,240));
Line: 318

                               p_procedure_name => 'update_revenue_and_Billing',
                               p_error_text     => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,240));
Line: 322

END update_revenue_and_billing;
Line: 406

       pa_debug.debug('Update Revenue and Bill Info PUB : Checking the api version number.');
Line: 423

       pa_debug.debug('Update Revenue and Bill Info PUB : Initializing message stack.');
Line: 426

Line: 612

 PROCEDURE  update_credit_receivers(
 p_api_version	       IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT 1.0,
 p_init_msg_list	 	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_commit	         	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_validate_only	 	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_calling_module	 	 IN 	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'SELF_SERVICE',
 p_debug_mode	       IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'N',
 p_max_msg_count	 	 IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
 p_credit_receiver_id        IN    NUMBER,
 p_project_id	       IN	 NUMBER    ,
 p_task_id	         	 IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
 p_credit_type               IN    VARCHAR2   ,
 p_person_id                 IN    NUMBER     DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
 p_person_name               IN    VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
 p_emp_number                IN    VARCHAR2     DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
 p_credit_percentage         IN    NUMBER   DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
 p_transfer_to_AR            IN    VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
 p_effective_from_date         IN    DATE       ,
 p_effective_to_date           IN    DATE        DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
 p_record_version_number	 IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT 1,
 x_return_status	             OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2   , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 x_msg_count	             OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2  , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 x_msg_data	                   OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 ) AS
  l_api_name                CONSTANT VARCHAR(30) := 'update_credit_receivers';
Line: 659

       pa_debug.debug('Update credit receivers PUB : Checking the api version number.');
Line: 676

       pa_debug.debug('Update credit receivers PUB : Initializing message stack.');
Line: 679

   pa_debug.init_err_stack('PA_BILLING_SETUP_PUB.update_credit receivers');
Line: 717

                pa_debug.debug('UPDATE CREDIT RECEIVERS : Validating person id');
Line: 746

                                  p_commit	         	 =>    FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                  p_validate_only	 	 =>    p_validate_only,
                                  p_validation_level	       =>    p_validation_level,
                                  p_calling_module	 	 =>    p_calling_module,
                                  p_debug_mode	             =>    p_debug_mode,
                                  p_max_msg_count	 	 =>    p_max_msg_count,
                                  p_credit_receiver_id       =>    p_credit_receiver_id,
                                  p_project_id	             =>    p_project_id,
                                  p_task_id	         	 =>    l_task_id,
                                  p_credit_type              =>    p_credit_type,
                                  p_person_id                =>    l_person_id,
                                  p_credit_percentage        =>    l_credit_percentage,
                                  p_transfer_to_AR           =>    p_transfer_to_AR,
                                  p_effective_from_date      =>    p_effective_from_date,
                                  p_effective_to_date        =>    l_effective_to_date,
                                  p_record_version_number    =>    p_record_version_number,
                                  x_return_status	       =>    l_return_status,
                                  x_msg_count	             =>    l_msg_count,
                                  x_msg_data	             =>    l_msg_data
Line: 770

       pa_debug.debug('UPDATE CREDIT RECEIVERS PUB : checking message count');
Line: 802

                               p_procedure_name => 'UPDATE_CREDIT_RECEIVERS',
                               p_error_text     => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,240));
Line: 820

                               p_procedure_name => 'UPDATE_CREDIT_RECEIVERS',
                               p_error_text     => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,240));
Line: 825

END update_credit_receivers;
Line: 859

 PROCEDURE  delete_credit_receivers(
 p_api_version	       IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT 1.0,
 p_init_msg_list	 	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_commit	         	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_validate_only	 	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_calling_module	 	 IN 	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'SELF_SERVICE',
 p_debug_mode	       IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'N',
 p_max_msg_count	 	 IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
 p_credit_receiver_id        IN    NUMBER,
 p_project_id	       IN	 NUMBER    ,
 p_task_id	         	 IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
 p_credit_type           IN    VARCHAR2   ,
 p_person_id             IN    NUMBER     DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
 p_person_name           IN    VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
 p_effective_from_date   IN    DATE       ,
 p_record_version_number	 IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT 1,
 x_return_status	             OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2   , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 x_msg_count	             OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2  , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 x_msg_data	                   OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895

 ) AS
  l_api_name                CONSTANT VARCHAR(30) := 'delete_credit_receivers';
Line: 901

       pa_debug.debug('Delete credit receivers PUB : Checking the api version number.');
Line: 918

       pa_debug.debug('Delete credit receivers PUB : Initializing message stack.');
Line: 921

   pa_debug.init_err_stack('PA_BILLING_SETUP_PUB.Delete_credit receivers');
Line: 944

                pa_debug.debug('UPDATE CREDIT RECEIVERS : Validating person id');
Line: 963

                                  p_commit	         	 =>    FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                  p_validate_only	 	 =>    p_validate_only,
                                  p_validation_level	       =>    p_validation_level,
                                  p_calling_module	 	 =>    p_calling_module,
                                  p_debug_mode	             =>    p_debug_mode,
                                  p_max_msg_count	 	 =>    p_max_msg_count,
                                  p_credit_receiver_id       =>    p_credit_receiver_id,
                                  p_project_id	             =>    p_project_id,
                                  p_task_id	         	 =>    l_task_id,
                                  p_credit_type              =>    p_credit_type,
                                  p_person_id                =>    l_person_id,
                                  p_effective_from_date      =>    p_effective_from_date,
                                  p_record_version_number    =>    p_record_version_number,
                                  x_return_status	       =>    l_return_status,
                                  x_msg_count	             =>    l_msg_count,
                                  x_msg_data	             =>    l_msg_data
Line: 984

       pa_debug.debug('DELETE CREDIT RECEIVERS PUB : checking message count');
Line: 1015

                               p_procedure_name => 'DELETE_CREDIT_RECEIVERS',
                               p_error_text     => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,240));
Line: 1033

                               p_procedure_name => 'DELETE_CREDIT_RECEIVERS',
                               p_error_text     => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,240));
Line: 1036

END delete_credit_receivers;
Line: 1275

 PROCEDURE  update_billing_assignments(
 p_api_version	       IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT 1.0,
 p_init_msg_list	 	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_commit	         	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_validate_only	 	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_calling_module	 	 IN 	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'SELF_SERVICE',
 p_debug_mode	       IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'N',
 p_max_msg_count	 	 IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
 p_project_id	       IN	 NUMBER    ,
 p_task_id	         	 IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
 p_billing_extension_id    IN    NUMBER   ,
 p_billing_assignment_id    IN    NUMBER   ,
 p_amount                    IN    NUMBER     ,
 p_percent                   IN    NUMBER     ,
 p_active                    IN    VARCHAR2    DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
 p_record_version_number	 IN	 NUMBER    DEFAULT 1,
 x_return_status	             OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2   , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 x_msg_count	             OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2  , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 x_msg_data	                   OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 ) IS
  l_api_name                CONSTANT VARCHAR(30) := 'update_billing_assignments';
Line: 1318

       pa_debug.debug('update_billing_assignments PUB : Checking the api version number.');
Line: 1335

       pa_debug.debug('update_billing_assignments PUB : Initializing message stack.');
Line: 1338

Line: 1369

                                  p_commit	         	 =>    FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                  p_validate_only	 	 =>    p_validate_only,
                                  p_validation_level	       =>    p_validation_level,
                                  p_calling_module	 	 =>    p_calling_module,
                                  p_debug_mode	             =>    p_debug_mode,
                                  p_max_msg_count	 	 =>    p_max_msg_count,
                                  p_project_id	             =>    p_project_id,
                                  p_task_id	         	 =>    l_task_id,
                                  p_billing_extension_id     =>    p_billing_extension_id,
                                  p_billing_assignment_id     =>   p_billing_assignment_id,
                                  p_record_version_number    =>    p_record_version_number,
                                  p_amount                   =>    l_amount ,
                                  p_percent                  =>    l_percent,
                                  p_active                   =>    p_active,
                                  x_return_status	       =>    l_return_status,
                                  x_msg_count	             =>    l_msg_count,
                                  x_msg_data	             =>    l_msg_data
Line: 1391

       pa_debug.debug('UPDATE BILLING ASSIGNMENTS PUB : checking message count');
Line: 1422

                               p_procedure_name => 'update_billing_assignments',
                               p_error_text     => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,240));
Line: 1440

                               p_procedure_name => 'update_billing_assignments',
                               p_error_text     => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,240));
Line: 1443

END update_billing_assignments;
Line: 1473

 PROCEDURE  delete_billing_assignments(
 p_api_version	       IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT 1.0,
 p_init_msg_list	 	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_commit	         	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_validate_only	 	 IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_calling_module	 	 IN 	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'SELF_SERVICE',
 p_debug_mode	       IN	 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT 'N',
 p_max_msg_count	 	 IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
 p_project_id	       IN	 NUMBER    ,
 p_task_id	         	 IN	 NUMBER     DEFAULT FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
 p_billing_extension_id    IN    NUMBER   ,
 p_billing_assignment_id    IN    NUMBER   ,
 p_record_version_number	 IN	 NUMBER    DEFAULT 1,
 x_return_status	             OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2   , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 x_msg_count	             OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2  , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 x_msg_data	                   OUT 	 NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
 ) IS
  l_api_name                CONSTANT VARCHAR(30) := 'delete_billing_assignments';
Line: 1513

       pa_debug.debug('delete_billing_assignments PUB : Checking the api version number.');
Line: 1530

       pa_debug.debug('delete_billing_assignments PUB : Initializing message stack.');
Line: 1533

Line: 1550

                                  p_commit	         	 =>    FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                  p_validate_only	 	 =>    p_validate_only,
                                  p_validation_level	       =>    p_validation_level,
                                  p_calling_module	 	 =>    p_calling_module,
                                  p_debug_mode	             =>    p_debug_mode,
                                  p_max_msg_count	 	 =>    p_max_msg_count,
                                  p_project_id	             =>    p_project_id,
                                  p_task_id	         	 =>    l_task_id,
                                  p_billing_extension_id     =>    p_billing_extension_id,
                                  p_billing_assignment_id     =>    p_billing_assignment_id,
                                  p_record_version_number    =>    p_record_version_number,
                                  x_return_status	       =>    l_return_status,
                                  x_msg_count	             =>    l_msg_count,
                                  x_msg_data	             =>    l_msg_data
Line: 1569

       pa_debug.debug('DELETE BILLING ASSIGNMENTS PUB : checking message count');
Line: 1600

                               p_procedure_name => 'delete_billing_assignments',
                               p_error_text     => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,240));
Line: 1618

                               p_procedure_name => 'delete_billing_assignments',
                               p_error_text     => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,240));
Line: 1621

END delete_billing_assignments;