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Line 1070: po_vendors pv,

1066: from
1067: po_headers_all pha,
1068: po_lines_all pla,
1069: po_line_locations_all plla,
1070: po_vendors pv,
1071: po_vendor_sites_all pvs,
1072: hr_locations_all_tl hrl,
1073: hz_locations hz
1074: where pha.segment1 = plnt.po_number

Line 1174: po_vendors pv,

1170: po_headers_all pha,
1171: po_releases_all pra,
1172: po_lines_all pla,
1173: po_line_locations_all plla,
1174: po_vendors pv,
1175: po_vendor_sites_all pvs,
1176: hr_locations_all_tl hrl,
1177: hz_locations hz
1178: where pha.segment1 = plnt.po_number

Line 2972: select 1 from hz_party_sites ps,hz_party_site_uses psu,po_vendors pov

2968: select pht.line_number,pht.ship_from_location_code
2969: from pos_exasn_headers pht
2970: where pht.ship_from_location_code is not null
2971: and not exists (
2972: select 1 from hz_party_sites ps,hz_party_site_uses psu,po_vendors pov
2973: where ps.party_site_id = psu.party_site_id
2974: and psu.site_use_type = 'SUPPLIER_SHIP_FROM'
2975: and ps.party_id = pov.party_id
2976: and pov.vendor_id= pht.vendor_id