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Line 690: FROM fnd_user fuser,

686: l_lead_workflow_id number;
688: CURSOR lc_get_user_type (pc_user_id NUMBER) IS
689: SELECT extn.category
690: FROM fnd_user fuser,
691: jtf_rs_resource_extns extn
692: WHERE fuser.user_id = pc_user_id
693: AND fuser.user_id = extn.user_id;

Line 995: l_fnd_user_id number;

991: l_cm_origin_tbl pv_assignment_pub.g_varchar_table_type := pv_assignment_pub.g_varchar_table_type();
993: l_rs_id number;
994: l_person_id number;
995: l_fnd_user_id number;
996: l_fnd_username varchar2(1000);
998: l_indirectly_managed varchar2(1);
999: l_decision_maker_flag varchar2(1);

Line 996: l_fnd_username varchar2(1000);

993: l_rs_id number;
994: l_person_id number;
995: l_fnd_user_id number;
996: l_fnd_username varchar2(1000);
998: l_indirectly_managed varchar2(1);
999: l_decision_maker_flag varchar2(1);
1000: l_person_name varchar2(1000);

Line 1014: cu.user_name logon_user -- cm fnd_user exists

1010: cj.category user_type,
1011: cj.source_id party_id,
1012: cj.source_name name, -- cm name (use in error message)
1013: cu.user_id userid,
1014: cu.user_name logon_user -- cm fnd_user exists
1015: FROM
1016: jtf_rs_resource_extns cj,
1017: fnd_user cu
1018: WHERE

Line 1017: fnd_user cu

1013: cu.user_id userid,
1014: cu.user_name logon_user -- cm fnd_user exists
1015: FROM
1016: jtf_rs_resource_extns cj,
1017: fnd_user cu
1018: WHERE
1019: cj.resource_id = pc_rs_id
1020: AND cj.user_id = cu.user_id (+)
1021: AND (cu.end_date > sysdate OR cu.end_date IS NULL);

Line 1035: fnd_user usr

1031: jtf_rs_resource_extns extn,
1032: per_all_people_f per,
1033: jtf_rs_role_relations rel,
1034: jtf_rs_roles_b role,
1035: fnd_user usr
1036: WHERE
1037: pt_acc.partner_id = pc_partner_id and
1038: pt_acc.partner_id = pt_prof.partner_id and
1039: pt_prof.status = 'A' and

Line 1067: fnd_user usr

1063: pv_partner_profiles a,
1064: hz_relationships b,
1065: jtf_rs_resource_extns c,
1066: as_accesses_all d,
1067: fnd_user usr
1068: where
1069: a.partner_id = pc_partner_id and
1070: a.partner_party_id = b.object_id and
1071: b.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES' and

Line 1094: fnd_user usr

1090: FROM
1091: pv_partner_profiles prof,
1092: hz_relationships pr2,
1093: jtf_rs_resource_extns pj,
1094: fnd_user usr
1095: WHERE
1096: prof.partner_id = pc_partner_id
1097: and prof.partner_party_id = pr2.object_id
1098: and pr2.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'

Line 1359: fetch lc_get_person_details into l_rs_id, l_usertype, l_person_id, l_person_name, l_fnd_user_id, l_fnd_username;

1356: l_rs_id := null;
1358: open lc_get_person_details ( pc_rs_id => l_cm_rs_id_tbl(i) );
1359: fetch lc_get_person_details into l_rs_id, l_usertype, l_person_id, l_person_name, l_fnd_user_id, l_fnd_username;
1360: close lc_get_person_details;
1362: if l_rs_id is null then

Line 1369: elsif l_fnd_username is null then

1365: fnd_message.SET_TOKEN('P_RESOURCE_ID' ,l_cm_rs_id_tbl(i));
1366: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1367: l_pt_ok_flag := false;
1369: elsif l_fnd_username is null then
1371: fnd_message.SET_NAME('PV', 'PV_NO_LOGON_ACCT');
1372: fnd_message.SET_TOKEN('P_USER' ,l_person_name);
1373: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;

Line 1402: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).user_id := l_fnd_user_id;

1398: x_rs_details_tbl.extend;
1399: l_rs_details_tbl_cnt := l_rs_details_tbl_cnt + 1;
1401: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).notification_type := pv_assignment_pub.g_notify_type_matched_to;
1402: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).user_id := l_fnd_user_id;
1403: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).person_id := l_person_id;
1404: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).person_type := l_usertype;
1405: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).decision_maker_flag := l_decision_maker_flag;
1406: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).user_name := l_fnd_username;

Line 1406: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).user_name := l_fnd_username;

1402: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).user_id := l_fnd_user_id;
1403: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).person_id := l_person_id;
1404: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).person_type := l_usertype;
1405: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).decision_maker_flag := l_decision_maker_flag;
1406: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).user_name := l_fnd_username;
1407: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).resource_id := l_rs_id;
1409: end if;

Line 1507: fetch lc_get_person_details into l_rs_id, l_usertype, l_person_id, l_person_name, l_fnd_user_id, l_fnd_username;

1503: fnd_msg_pub.Add;
1504: END IF;
1506: open lc_get_person_details (pc_rs_id => l_pt_user_rs_id_tbl(i) );
1507: fetch lc_get_person_details into l_rs_id, l_usertype, l_person_id, l_person_name, l_fnd_user_id, l_fnd_username;
1508: close lc_get_person_details;
1510: IF fnd_msg_pub.Check_Msg_Level (fnd_msg_pub.G_MSG_LVL_DEBUG_LOW) THEN
1511: fnd_message.Set_Name('PV', 'PV_DEBUG_MESSAGE');

Line 1512: fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT', 'Resource ID '||l_rs_id ||' '||l_person_name||' '|| l_fnd_username );

1508: close lc_get_person_details;
1510: IF fnd_msg_pub.Check_Msg_Level (fnd_msg_pub.G_MSG_LVL_DEBUG_LOW) THEN
1511: fnd_message.Set_Name('PV', 'PV_DEBUG_MESSAGE');
1512: fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT', 'Resource ID '||l_rs_id ||' '||l_person_name||' '|| l_fnd_username );
1513: fnd_msg_pub.Add;
1514: END IF;
1515: if l_fnd_username is null then

Line 1515: if l_fnd_username is null then

1511: fnd_message.Set_Name('PV', 'PV_DEBUG_MESSAGE');
1512: fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT', 'Resource ID '||l_rs_id ||' '||l_person_name||' '|| l_fnd_username );
1513: fnd_msg_pub.Add;
1514: END IF;
1515: if l_fnd_username is null then
1517: fnd_message.SET_NAME('PV', 'PV_PT_CONTACT_NO_LOGON');
1518: fnd_message.SET_TOKEN('P_PT_RESOURCE_ID' ,l_pt_user_rs_id_tbl(i));
1519: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;

Line 1541: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).user_id := l_fnd_user_id;

1537: x_rs_details_tbl.extend;
1538: l_rs_details_tbl_cnt := l_rs_details_tbl_cnt + 1;
1540: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).notification_type := pv_assignment_pub.g_notify_type_offered_to;
1541: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).user_id := l_fnd_user_id;
1542: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).person_id := l_person_id;
1543: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).person_type := l_usertype;
1544: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).decision_maker_flag := 'Y';
1545: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).user_name := l_fnd_username;

Line 1545: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).user_name := l_fnd_username;

1541: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).user_id := l_fnd_user_id;
1542: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).person_id := l_person_id;
1543: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).person_type := l_usertype;
1544: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).decision_maker_flag := 'Y';
1545: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).user_name := l_fnd_username;
1546: x_rs_details_tbl(l_rs_details_tbl_cnt).resource_id := l_pt_user_rs_id_tbl(i);
1548: end if;
1549: end if;

Line 1659: 'from jtf_rs_resource_extns a, fnd_user b ' ||

1655: -- else we will use the group_id from jtf_rs_group_members
1657: l_get_person_info_sql varchar2(500) :=
1658: 'select a.category, b.user_name, a.source_id ' ||
1659: 'from jtf_rs_resource_extns a, fnd_user b ' ||
1660: 'where a.resource_id = :p_resource_id and a.user_id = b.user_id ' ;
1662: l_get_pt_org_info_sql varchar2(800) :=
1663: 'select re.source_id from jtf_rs_resource_extns re where re.resource_id = :p_resource_id ';