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Line 33: , FND_USER usr

30: CURSOR c_mobile( b_user_name VARCHAR2 ) IS
33: , FND_USER usr
34: WHERE usr.USER_NAME = b_user_name
35: AND usr.user_id = jre.user_id;
37: r_mobile c_mobile%ROWTYPE;

Line 116: , fnd_user usr

112: IS
113: SELECT jre.resource_id
114: , usr.user_id
115: FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns jre
116: , fnd_user usr
117: , wf_notifications wfn
118: WHERE wfn.recipient_role = usr.user_name
119: AND usr.user_id = jre.user_id
120: AND jre.category = 'EMPLOYEE'

Line 128: , fnd_user usr

125: CURSOR c_get_sender( b_notification_id NUMBER ) IS
126: SELECT jre.resource_id
127: FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns jre
128: , fnd_user usr
129: , wf_notification_attributes wna
130: WHERE wna.name = 'SENDER'
131: AND wna.text_value = usr.user_name
132: AND usr.user_id = jre.user_id

Line 162: /*** Call FND_USER Hook to make sure the recipient gets replicated as well. ***/

158: , p_pk1_name => g_pk1_name
159: , p_pk1_num_value => p_notification_id
160: , p_resource_id => r_get_recipient.resource_id
161: );
162: /*** Call FND_USER Hook to make sure the recipient gets replicated as well. ***/
163: CSL_FND_USER_ACC_PKG.Insert_User (r_get_recipient.user_id, r_get_recipient.resource_id);
164: END IF;
165: END IF;
166: CLOSE c_get_recipient;

Line 163: CSL_FND_USER_ACC_PKG.Insert_User (r_get_recipient.user_id, r_get_recipient.resource_id);

159: , p_pk1_num_value => p_notification_id
160: , p_resource_id => r_get_recipient.resource_id
161: );
162: /*** Call FND_USER Hook to make sure the recipient gets replicated as well. ***/
163: CSL_FND_USER_ACC_PKG.Insert_User (r_get_recipient.user_id, r_get_recipient.resource_id);
164: END IF;
165: END IF;
166: CLOSE c_get_recipient;
167: /*Check if sender also needs this record*/

Line 180: /*** Call FND_USER Hook to make sure the recipient gets replicated as well. ***/

176: , p_pk1_num_value => p_notification_id
177: , p_resource_id => r_get_sender.resource_id
178: );
179: /*Record should ge to the sender, user is user of notification record*/
180: /*** Call FND_USER Hook to make sure the recipient gets replicated as well. ***/
181: CSL_FND_USER_ACC_PKG.Insert_User (r_get_recipient.user_id, r_get_sender.resource_id);
182: END IF;
183: END IF;
184: CLOSE c_get_sender;

Line 181: CSL_FND_USER_ACC_PKG.Insert_User (r_get_recipient.user_id, r_get_sender.resource_id);

177: , p_resource_id => r_get_sender.resource_id
178: );
179: /*Record should ge to the sender, user is user of notification record*/
180: /*** Call FND_USER Hook to make sure the recipient gets replicated as well. ***/
181: CSL_FND_USER_ACC_PKG.Insert_User (r_get_recipient.user_id, r_get_sender.resource_id);
182: END IF;
183: END IF;
184: CLOSE c_get_sender;
185: END IF;