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Line 46: range_id jl_co_gl_mg_ranges.range_id%TYPE,

42: reported_value jl_co_gl_mg_configs.reported_value%TYPE,
43: nit_id jl_co_gl_nits.nit_id%TYPE,
44: config_id jl_co_gl_mg_configs.config_id%TYPE,
45: literal_literal_id jl_co_gl_mg_configs.literal_literal_id%TYPE,
46: range_id jl_co_gl_mg_ranges.range_id%TYPE,
47: send_back_flag jl_co_gl_mg_lines.send_back_flag%TYPE,
48: origin jl_co_gl_mg_lines.origin%TYPE,
49: amount jl_co_gl_mg_lines.first_reported_value%TYPE
50: );

Line 462: and jl_co_gl_mg_ranges (accounting ranges) tables

458: x_mg_hdr_count NUMBER;
460: /********************************************************************
461: Cursor to select rows from jl_co_gl_mg_literals, jl_co_gl_mg_configs
462: and jl_co_gl_mg_ranges (accounting ranges) tables
463: ********************************************************************/
465: CURSOR literal_cur IS

Line 477: FROM jl_co_gl_mg_ranges mgr,

473: mgc.movement_type movement_type,
474: mgc.threshold_value rep_threshold_value,
475: mgc.literal_literal_id literal_literal_id,
476: mgr.range_id range_id
477: FROM jl_co_gl_mg_ranges mgr,
478: jl_co_gl_mg_configs mgc,
479: jl_co_gl_mg_literals mgl
480: WHERE mgr.config_id = mgc.config_id
481: AND mgc.literal_id = mgl.literal_id

Line 495: x_range_id jl_co_gl_mg_ranges.range_id%TYPE) IS

491: Cursor for selecting rows from jl_co_gl_trx table
492: *************************************************/
494: CURSOR trx_cur (x_movement_type jl_co_gl_mg_configs.movement_type%TYPE,
495: x_range_id jl_co_gl_mg_ranges.range_id%TYPE) IS
497: SELECT t.nit_id nit_id,
498: DECODE(x_movement_type,
499: '1', SUM(NVL(t.accounted_dr, 0)),

Line 533: jl_co_gl_mg_ranges r

529: --AND t.code_combination_id IN
530: AND exists
531: (SELECT 1
532: FROM gl_code_combinations cc,
533: jl_co_gl_mg_ranges r
534: WHERE cc.code_combination_id = t.code_combination_id
535: AND r.range_id = x_range_id
536: AND cc.chart_of_accounts_id = sob1.chart_of_accounts_id
537: AND NVL(cc.segment1,0) BETWEEN NVL(r.segment1_low,0) AND NVL(r.segment1_high,0)

Line 578: x_range_id jl_co_gl_mg_ranges.range_id%TYPE) IS

574: -- Bug 4018828 - Comment out the join to period_name in the subquery retrieving
575: -- the max period num. This ensures that only the balances for last active
576: -- period for which there exists transactions are taken into account
577: CURSOR bal_cur (x_movement_type jl_co_gl_mg_configs.movement_type%TYPE,
578: x_range_id jl_co_gl_mg_ranges.range_id%TYPE) IS
580: SELECT b.nit_id nit_id,
581: DECODE(x_movement_type,
582: '5', SUM(NVL(b.begin_balance_dr, 0)) - SUM(NVL(b.begin_balance_cr, 0)) +

Line 622: jl_co_gl_mg_ranges r,

618: )
619: AND b.code_combination_id IN
620: (SELECT code_combination_id
621: FROM gl_code_combinations cc,
622: jl_co_gl_mg_ranges r,
623: gl_sets_of_books sob3
624: WHERE r.range_id = x_range_id
625: AND cc.chart_of_accounts_id = sob3.chart_of_accounts_id
626: AND sob3.set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id