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Line 1: Package Body OKS_OMINT_PUB AS

1: Package Body OKS_OMINT_PUB AS
2: /* $Header: OKSPOMIB.pls 120.25.12020000.2 2013/02/01 08:46:30 mchandak ship $ */

Line 1668: This function OKS_OMINT_PUB.Get_quantity is called by Pricing engine to prorate the price breaks if

1664: END Interface_Service_Order_Lines;
1666: /*
1667: Important Note regarding bug#5330614 , Dated 14-JUN-2006
1668: This function OKS_OMINT_PUB.Get_quantity is called by Pricing engine to prorate the price breaks if
1669: the prorate option is set to 'ALL' for the usage. This function should not be changed and should remain
1670: as is as it is needed for proration of price breaks.
1671: OKS_OMINT_PUB.Get_target_duration function is called by pricing engine to determine the
1672: duration between pair of passed service dates and in case of usage, this function will return NULL.

Line 1671: OKS_OMINT_PUB.Get_target_duration function is called by pricing engine to determine the

1667: Important Note regarding bug#5330614 , Dated 14-JUN-2006
1668: This function OKS_OMINT_PUB.Get_quantity is called by Pricing engine to prorate the price breaks if
1669: the prorate option is set to 'ALL' for the usage. This function should not be changed and should remain
1670: as is as it is needed for proration of price breaks.
1671: OKS_OMINT_PUB.Get_target_duration function is called by pricing engine to determine the
1672: duration between pair of passed service dates and in case of usage, this function will return NULL.
1673: */
1675: FUNCTION get_quantity(p_start_date IN DATE,

Line 1800: OKS_OMINT_PUB.Get_target_duration function is called by pricing engine to determine the

1796: */
1798: /*
1799: Important Note regarding bug#5330614 dated 14-JUN-2006 :
1800: OKS_OMINT_PUB.Get_target_duration function is called by pricing engine to determine the
1801: duration between pair of passed service dates and in case of usage this function will return NULL.
1802: The function OKS_OMINT_PUB.Get_quantity is called by Pricing engine to prorate the price breaks if
1803: the prorate option is set to 'ALL' for the usage.
1804: */

Line 1802: The function OKS_OMINT_PUB.Get_quantity is called by Pricing engine to prorate the price breaks if

1798: /*
1799: Important Note regarding bug#5330614 dated 14-JUN-2006 :
1800: OKS_OMINT_PUB.Get_target_duration function is called by pricing engine to determine the
1801: duration between pair of passed service dates and in case of usage this function will return NULL.
1802: The function OKS_OMINT_PUB.Get_quantity is called by Pricing engine to prorate the price breaks if
1803: the prorate option is set to 'ALL' for the usage.
1804: */
1805: FUNCTION get_target_duration ( p_start_date IN DATE DEFAULT NULL,
1806: p_end_date IN DATE DEFAULT NULL,


2374: --end 4897884
2375: END Available_Services;