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Line 372: -- fnd_file.put_line procedure. When this procedure is being executed from SQL

368: --
369: -- This procedure log errors and information messages
370: -- The variable g_log_output is set to null by default. In this way when
371: -- program is executed by concurrent manager, output is printed using
372: -- fnd_file.put_line procedure. When this procedure is being executed from SQL
373: -- prompt, user(mainly programmer) can set g_log_output to any not null value
374: -- in this way log output will be printed via dbms_output.put_line because
375: -- fnd_file.put_line does not work from SQL prompt.
376: function measure_disabled(p_measure_code varchar2) return varchar2 is

Line 375: -- fnd_file.put_line does not work from SQL prompt.

371: -- program is executed by concurrent manager, output is printed using
372: -- fnd_file.put_line procedure. When this procedure is being executed from SQL
373: -- prompt, user(mainly programmer) can set g_log_output to any not null value
374: -- in this way log output will be printed via dbms_output.put_line because
375: -- fnd_file.put_line does not work from SQL prompt.
376: function measure_disabled(p_measure_code varchar2) return varchar2 is
377: x_disable_flag bic_measure_attribs.disable_flag % type;
378: begin
379: select disable_flag into x_disable_flag

Line 2467: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,substr(to_char(g_srl_no,'99') || '-'||

2463: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2464: procedure write_log (p_msg varchar2) is
2465: begin
2466: if g_log_output is null then
2467: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,substr(to_char(g_srl_no,'99') || '-'||
2468: p_msg || ': ' || g_proc_name,1,250) ||
2469: to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yy hh24:mi:ss')
2470: );
2471: end if;