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1 package fnd_ldap_user AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: AFSCOLUS.pls 120.20.12010000.6 2009/09/23 20:43:19 rsantis ship $ */
3 --
4 /*****************************************************************************/
6 -- Start of Package Globals
8 -- TDAs
10 -- type user_record_type is table of dbms_ldap.STRING_COLLECTION index by varchar2(200);
12 type ldap_user_type is record
13 (
14   user_name FND_USER.USER_NAME%TYPE,  -- may have many, we just peek one, any
15   user_guid FND_USER.USER_GUID%TYPE,
16   user_id FND_USER.USER_ID%TYPE,
17   RDN_ATT_NAME varchar2(80),
18   RDN_VALUE varchar2(4000),
19   NickName_ATT_NAME varchar2(80),
20   parent_DN varchar2(4000),
21   realmDN varchar2(4000),
22   dn varchar2(4000),
23   user_data  FND_LDAP_UTIL.ldap_record_values
24 );
26 -- End of Package Globals
27 --
28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 /*
30 ** Name      : change_password
31 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
32 ** Desc      : This function changes OID password for a user in OID.
33 ** Pre-Reqs  :
34 ** Parameters: p_user_guid: user GUID
35 **	       p_user_name : user name
36 **	       p_expire_password :
37 **             - fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_TRUE if
38 **	       password to be expired on next login (for example when
39 **             admin updates a user password)
40 **             - fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_FALSE if
41 **	       password NOT to be expired on next login (for example when
42 **             a user updates his/her own password)
43 **             x_password:
44 **             EXTERNAL or null depending on APPS_SSO_LOCAL_LOGIN profile
45 **	       x_result :
46 **	       fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_SUCCESS or
47 **             fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_FAILURE
48 ** Notes     :
49 */
50 procedure change_password(p_user_guid in raw,
51 			  p_user_name in varchar2,
52 			  p_new_pwd in varchar2,
53 			  p_expire_password in pls_integer,
54                            x_password out nocopy varchar2,
55                           x_result out nocopy pls_integer);
56 --
57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 /*
59 ** Name      : change_user_name
60 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
61 ** Desc      : This function creates a user name in OID
62 ** Pre-Reqs   :
63 ** Returns   : FND_LDAP_UTIL.G_SUCCESS if
64 **           - a user name is successfully changed in OID
65 **             FND_LDAP_UTIL.G_FAILURE if
66 **           - user name change fails
67 */
68 procedure change_user_name(p_user_guid in raw,
69                           p_old_user_name in varchar2,
70                           p_new_user_name in varchar2,
71                           x_result out nocopy pls_integer);
72 --
73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 /*
75 ** Name      : create_user
76 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
77 ** Desc      : This function creates a user in OID for the application it is
78 **             invoked from. It only creates a user if a user doesn't exists
79 **             already. If a user eixts with the same name, it will return
80 **             FND_LDAP_UTIL.G_FAILURE
81 ** Pre-Reqs   :
82 ** Parameters:
83 **
84 ** Previous version:p_ldap_user : user record. See FND_LDAP_UTIL.ldap_user_type
85 **                          for more details
86 ** Returns   : FND_LDAP_UTIL.G_SUCCESS if
87 **           - a user is successfully created in OID
88 **             FND_LDAP_UTIL.G_FAILURE if
89 **           - user creation fails
90 */
91 --
93 --function create_user(p_ldap_user in fnd_ldap_util.ldap_user_type) return pls_integer;
94 -- See private  functio
95 --- function pvt_create_user(p_ldap_user in out nocopy fnd_ldap_user.ldap_user_type) return pls_integer;
96 --
97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 /*
99 ** Name      : create_user
100 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
101 ** Desc      : This procedure creates a user in OID for the application it is
102 **             invoked from. If a user already exists with the same name, it
103 **             checks whether the profile APPS_SSO_LINK_SAME_NAMES is enabled.
104 *8	       If the profile is enabled, it simply links the users and returns
105 **	       G_SUCCESS with appropriate x_user_guid and x_password. If the
106 **	       profile is disabled, it throws an exception.
107 ** Pre-Reqs  :
108 ** Parameters:
109 **	       p_user_name: user name
110 **             p_password: unencrypted password
111 **	       p_start_date: start date of the user, default sysdate
112 **	       p_end_date: end date of the user, default null
113 **             p_description: description of the user, default null
114 **             p_email_address: email address, default null
115 **             p_fax: fax, default null
116 **             p_expire_password:
117 **             - fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_TRUE if
118 **	       password to be expired on first login (for example when
119 **             admin creates a user)
120 **             - fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_FALSE if
121 **	       password NOT to be expired on first login (for example when
122 **             cerated via self service)
123 **	       x_user_guid:
124 **             GUID of the user created
125 **             x_password:
126 **             EXTERNAL or null depending on APPS_SSO_LOCAL_LOGIN profile
127 **             x_result: fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_SUCCESS
128 **	       or fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_FAILURE
129 ** Pre-Reqs   :
130 ** Throws   : user_create_failure if user creation fails
131 */
132 procedure create_user(
133                       p_realm in out nocopy varchar2,
134                      p_user_name in varchar2,
135                      p_password in varchar2,
136                      p_start_date in date default sysdate,
137                      p_end_date in date default null,
138                      p_description in varchar2 default null,
139                      p_email_address in varchar2 default null,
140                      p_fax in varchar2 default null,
141 		                 p_expire_password in pls_integer ,
142                      x_user_guid out nocopy raw,
143                      x_password out nocopy varchar2,
144                      x_result out nocopy pls_integer);
145 --
146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 /*
148 ** Name      : link_user
149 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
150 ** Desc      : This procedure links the user with a user with same name in OID.
151 **             If no user exists with the same name, it returns with G_FAILURE.
152 **             If application is not SSO enabled, it
153 **             simply returns G_SUCCESS without linking the user in OID
154 ** Pre-Reqs  :
155 ** Parameters: x_user_guid:
156 **             GUID of the user linked
157 **             x_password:
158 **             EXTERNAL or null
159 **             x_result:
160 **             FND_LDAP_WRAPPER.G_SUCCESS if
161 **           - a user is successfully linked to user in OID
162 **           - or application is not SSO enabled
163 **             FND_LDAP_WRAPPER.G_FAILURE if
164 **           - application is SSO enabled and user linking fails
165 ** Notes     :
166 */
167 procedure link_user(p_user_name in varchar2,
168                      x_user_guid out nocopy raw,
169                      x_password out nocopy varchar2,
170                      x_result out nocopy pls_integer);
171 --
172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
173 /*
174 ** Name      : unlink_user
175 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
176 ** Desc      : This procedure unsubscribes the user in OID if there is no other FND user linked
177 **	       to the same OID user
178 **             If no user exists with the same name, it returns with G_FAILURE.
179 **             If application is not SSO enabled, it
180 **             simply returns G_SUCCESS without unlinking the user in OID
181 ** Pre-Reqs  :
182 ** Parameters: p_user_guid:
183 **             GUID of the user to be unlinked
184 **             x_password:
185 **             EXTERNAL or null
186 **             x_result:
187 **             FND_LDAP_WRAPPER.G_SUCCESS if
188 **           - a user is successfully unlinked
189 **           - or application is not SSO enabled
190 **             FND_LDAP_WRAPPER.G_FAILURE if
191 **           - application is SSO enabled and user unlinking fails
192 ** Notes     :
193 */
194 procedure unlink_user(p_user_guid in fnd_user.user_guid%type,
195 		      p_user_name in varchar2,
196                       x_result out nocopy pls_integer);
197 --
198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
199 /*
200 ** Name      : user_exists
201 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
202 ** Desc      : This function creates a user in OID for the application it is
203 **             invoked from
204 ** Notes     : This API doesn't check for profile values. Use fnd_ldap_wrapper
205 ** Pre-Reqs  :
206 ** Parameters: user_name : user name
207 ** Returns   : FND_LDAP_UTIL.G_SUCCESS if
208 **           - the user exists
209 **             FND_LDAP_UTIL.G_FAILURE if
210 **           - the user doesn't exist
211 */
212 function user_exists(p_user_name in varchar2) return pls_integer;
213 function user_exists(ldap in dbms_ldap.session,p_user_name in varchar2) return pls_integer;
214 --
215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
216 /*
217 ** Name      : delete_user
218 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
219 ** Desc      : If the OID user was created from the same instance where the
220 **             fnd_user is now being rejected/released, *and* the OID user is
221 **             still inactive, then we will delete it.If either of these
222 **             criteria is not fulfilled, we can't touch the OID user even if
223 **             we delete the pending FND_USER record.
224 ** Pre-Reqs  :
225 ** Parameters: p_user_name : user name to be deleted
226 **             p_result    :
227 **             FND_LDAP_UTIL.G_SUCCESS if
228 **           - the user is successfully deleted in OID
229 **             FND_LDAP_UTIL.G_FAILURE if
230 **           - if user deletion fails
231 ** Notes     :
232 */
233 procedure delete_user(p_user_guid in  fnd_user.user_guid%type,
234                      x_result out nocopy pls_integer);
235 --
236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
237 /*
238 ** Name      : update_user : RETIRED
239 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
240 ** Desc      : This procedure updates a user in OID for the application it is
241 **             invoked from. If the user doesn't exist, it
242 **             returns with G_FAILURE.
243 ** Pre-Reqs  :
244 ** Parameters: p_user_guid: user GUID
245 **	       p_user_name: user name
246 **             p_password: unencrypted password
247 **	       p_start_date: start date of the user, default sysdate
248 **	       p_end_date: end date of the user, default null
249 **             p_description: description of the user, default null
250 **             p_email_address: email address, default null
251 **             p_fax: fax, default null
252 **             x_password:
253 **             EXTERNAL or null depending on APPS_SSO_LOCAL_LOGIN profile
254 **	       x_result:
255 **             FND_LDAP_UTIL.G_SUCCESS if
256 **           - the user is successfully updated in OID
257 **             FND_LDAP_UTIL.G_FAILURE if
258 **           - user update fails
259 ** Notes     :
260 **     This is an old siganture. mainly we always need to know if we expire the password or not.
261 ** THis supposed only to be called from FND_LDAP_WRAPPER.
262 procedure update_user(p_user_guid in raw,
263                      p_user_name in varchar2,
264                      p_password in varchar2 default null,
265                      p_start_date in date default null,
266                      p_end_date in date default null,
267                      p_description in varchar2 default null,
268                      p_email_address in varchar2 default null,
269                      p_fax in varchar2 default null,
270 	 	                 x_password out nocopy varchar2,
271                      x_result out nocopy pls_integer);
272 */
274 --
275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
276 /*
277 ** Name      : update_user
278 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
279 ** Desc      : This procedure updates a user in OID for the application it is
280 **             invoked from. If the user doesn't exist, it
281 **             returns with G_FAILURE.
282 ** Pre-Reqs  :
283 ** Parameters: p_user_guid: user GUID
284 **	       p_user_name: user name
285 **             p_password: unencrypted password
286 **	       p_start_date: start date of the user, default sysdate
287 **	       p_end_date: end date of the user, default null
288 **             p_description: description of the user, default null
289 **             p_email_address: email address, default null
290 **             p_fax: fax, default null
291 **             p_expire_password:
292 **             - fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_TRUE if
293 **	       password to be expired on next login (for example when
294 **             admin updates a user password)
295 **             - fnd_ldap_wrapper.G_FALSE if
296 **	       password NOT to be expired on next login (for example when
297 **             a user updates his/her own password)
298 **             x_password:
299 **             EXTERNAL or null depending on APPS_SSO_LOCAL_LOGIN profile
300 **	       x_result:
301 **             FND_LDAP_UTIL.G_SUCCESS if
302 **           - the user is successfully updated in OID
303 **             FND_LDAP_UTIL.G_FAILURE if
304 **           - user update fails
305 ** Notes     :
306 */
308 procedure update_user(p_user_guid in raw,
309                      p_user_name in varchar2,
310                      p_password in varchar2 default null,
311                      p_start_date in date default null,
312                      p_end_date in date default null,
313                      p_description in varchar2 default null,
314                      p_email_address in varchar2 default null,
315                      p_fax in varchar2 default null,
316 		                 p_expire_password in pls_integer,
317    		               x_password out nocopy varchar2,
318                      x_result out nocopy pls_integer) ;
320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
321 /*
322 ** Name      : get_user_guid_and_count
323 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
324 ** Desc      : This procedure retrieves GUID from OID for the given userid
325 ** Pre-Reqs  :
326 ** Parameters: p_user_name: user name
327 ** Parameters: out the number of entries fuond
328 ** Notes     :
329 */
330  function get_user_guid_and_count(p_user_name in varchar2, n out nocopy pls_integer) return varchar2;
331 --
332 --
333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
334 /*
335 ** Name      : get_user_guid
336 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
337 ** Desc      : This procedure retrieves GUID from OID for the given user
338 ** Pre-Reqs  :
339 ** Parameters: p_user_name: user name
340 ** Notes     :
341 */
342 --function get_user_guid(p_user_name in varchar2) return raw;
343 --function get_user_guid(p_ldap_session in   dbms_ldap.session, p_user_name in varchar2) return raw ;
344 --function get_user_guid(p_ldap_session in   dbms_ldap.session, p_user_name in varchar2, dn out nocopy varchar2) return raw ;
346 --
347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
348 /*
349 ** Name      : get_attribute_value
350 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
351 ** Desc      : This procedure retrieves value for an attribute from OID given a **             user name
352 ** Pre-Reqs  :
353 ** Parameters: p_user_name: user name
354 **             p_attribute_name: attribute name
355 ** Notes     : DEPRECATED, Reason: is to costly to located the user record using just the username
356 **
357 */
358 /*
359    function get_attribute_value(p_user_name in varchar2, p_attribute_name in varchar2) return varchar2;
360 */
361 --
365 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
363 /*
364 ** Name      : user_exists_with_filter
366 ** Desc      : This function queries the the OID based on the search filter constructed from the
367                input attribute name and value pair.
368 ** Pre-Reqs   :
369 ** Parameters : p_attr_name, p_attr_value
370 ** Notes      : REMOVED
371 */
372 --function user_exists_with_filter(p_attr_name in varchar2, p_attr_value in varchar2) return pls_integer;
373 --
374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 /*
376 ** Name      : validate_login
377 ** Type      : Public, FND Internal
378 ** Desc      : This procedure validates a user for a given password
379 **             Calling this API with invalid password will eventually LOCK the OiD Account.
380 **             It will return VALID only when the password is valid and the OiD Account is active and enabled.
381 **             When return INVALID will put on the FND Stack one of the following error codes
382 **                       FND_SSO_USER_PASSWD_EMPTY: wrong call parameters
383 **                       FND-9903: when OiD Setup is not correct
384 **                       FND_SSO_INV_AUTH_MODE: OiD SSL setup is incorrect
385 **                       FND_SSO_SYSTEM_NOT_AVAIL: Cannot connect to OiD
386 **                       FND-9914: Unexpected error connecting to OiD
387 **                       FND_SSO_NOT_LINKED: the given user name has no SSO associated
388 **                       FND_SSO_USER_NOT_FOUND: FND_USER.USER_GUID is invalid or corrupted
389 **                       FND_APPL_LOGIN_FAILED: Invalid Passowrd or unmanaged error validing password.
390 **                       FND_SSO_LOCKED: SSO Account is locked
391 **
392 **
393 **                       Only if the password is CORRECT , may fail with the following errors
394 **
395 **                       FND_SSO_NOT_ACTIVE: end_date is before today or start date is in the future.
396 **                       FND_SSO_PASSWORD_EXPIRED: SSO password is expired
397 **                       FND_SSO_USER_DISABLED:  SSO account is disabled
398 **
399 ** Pre-Reqs  :
400 ** Parameters: p_user_name: user name
401 **             p_password: password
402 ** Notes     :
403 */
404 function validate_login(p_user_name in varchar2, p_password in varchar2) return pls_integer;
405 --
409 --type ldap_attribute_name_length as varchar2(200);
406 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
410 --type ldap_attribute_val_type is varchar2(32000);
416 /*
417 *
418 * API for intermediate LDAP_USER TDA
420 */
422 PROCEDURE setAttribute( usr in out nocopy ldap_user_type,
423        attName in   varchar2,
424        attVal in   varchar2,
425        replaceIt in boolean default false );
426 PROCEDURE deleteAttribute( usr in out nocopy ldap_user_type,
427        attName in varchar2,
428        attVal in  varchar2 );
429 PROCEDURE deleteAttribute( usr in out nocopy ldap_user_type,
430        attName in  varchar2);
432 FUNCTION getAttribute( usr in out nocopy ldap_user_type,
433        attName in varchar2,
434        attValIdx in pls_integer default 0 ) return varchar2;
436 FUNCTION attributePresent( usr in out nocopy ldap_user_type,
437        attName in varchar2) return boolean;
439 /*
440 Record iteration: functions to traverse all the record ant its values,
441 , for example for printing.
442 */
443 FUNCTION firstValue(usr in out nocopy ldap_user_type,
444        attName in out nocopy varchar2,
445        attValue in out nocopy varchar2,
446        handle in out nocopy pls_integer ) return boolean; -- false when record is empty
448 /**
449 ** FND - ATG Internal : do not use
450 ** Used by : FND_LDAP_USER
451 */
453 FUNCTION nextValue(usr in out nocopy ldap_user_type,
454        attName in out nocopy varchar2,
455        attValue in out nocopy varchar2,
456        handle in out nocopy pls_integer ) return boolean; -- true if returned fields contains data
459 function get_username_from_guid(p_guid in fnd_user.user_guid%type)
460     return varchar2;
463 /**
464 ** FND - ATG Internal : do not use
465 ** Used by : FND_OID_PLUG
466 */
467 FUNCTION SearchUser (  username_z in varchar2,
468     p_ldap_user IN OUT nocopy fnd_ldap_user.ldap_user_type)  return boolean;
470 -- LEGACY
473 /**
474 ** FND - ATG Internal : do not use
475 ** Used by : FND_OID_PLUG
476 */
477 FUNCTION getNickNameAttr( username_z in varchar2) return varchar2;
480 function CanSync ( p_user_id in pls_integer, p_user_name in varchar2 ) return boolean;
482 end fnd_ldap_user;