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1 PACKAGE okl_subsidy_pool_trx_pvt AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: OKLRSIXS.pls 120.1 2005/07/08 23:55:08 cklee noship $ */
4   subtype sixv_rec_type is OKL_SIX_PVT.sixv_rec_type;
5   subtype sixv_tbl_type is OKL_SIX_PVT.sixv_tbl_type;
6   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
8   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
11   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
13   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
14   G_PKG_NAME                     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(200) := 'OKL_SUBSIDY_POOL_TRX_PVT';
15   G_APP_NAME                     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(3)   := OKL_API.G_APP_NAME;
16   G_API_TYPE                     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)  := '_PVT';
20   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21   -- PROCEDURE create_pool_transaction
22   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23   -- Start of comments
24   --
25   -- Procedure Name  : create_pool_transaction
26   -- Description     : This procedure is a wrapper that creates transaction
27   --                   records for subsidy pool. Note that this procedure will
28   --                   not report any error if the subsidy is not attached with
29   --                   a pool
30   --
31   -- Business Rules  : this procedure is used to add to pool balance or reduce
32   --                   from pool balance. the trx_type_code determines this
33   --                   action. This procedure inserts records into the
34   --                   OKL_TRX_SUBSIDY_POOLS table irrespective of trx_type_code
35   --                   . records can never be updated or deleted from this table
36   --                   .
37   --
38   --                   The following rules will be validated before create a
39   --                   transaction:
40   --
41   --                   1. The subsidy pool is active.
42   --
43   --                   2. The subisdy pool is not expired -- the effectve to
44   --                      date of the pool must equal or greater than the
45   --                      current date.
46   --                      System will by pass the expiration check if
47   --                      TRX_TYPE_CODE = 'ADDITION', since this action will
48   --                      not reduce the pool balance, but it can be used for
49   --                      reporting purpose.
50   --
51   --                   3. The pool balance must not less than zero after the
52   --                      reduction of the transaction.
53   --
54   --                   4. The asset subsidy transaction date must within the
55   --                      subsidy dates as well as subisdy pool dates.
56   --
57   --                   5. Validate if the ADDITION operation on the subsidy pool
58   --                      to reduce the balance that less than zero.
59   --                      Logical speaking, caller should pass the original
60   --                      REDUCTION subsidy pool amount, this check will avoid
61   --                      un-normal operation of the pool transaction.
62   --
63   --                   6. Valiadte if conversion rate is available when system
64   --                      convert from the ransaction currency to the pool
65   --                      curreny.
66   --
67   --                   7. System will use OKL standard API:
68   --                      okl_accounting_util.cross_currency_round_amount
69   --                      to round subisdy amount.
70   --
71   -- Parameters      : required parameters are below:
72   --                   1) TRX_TYPE_CODE: Subsidy Pool tansaction type
73   --                     'ADDITION'  - add the subsidy amount to the pool
74   --                     'REDUCTION' - reduce the subsidy amount from the pool
75   --                      Note: refer from fnd lookups type:
76   --                      OKL_SUB_POOL_LINE_TYPE
77   --
78   --                   2) SOURCE_TYPE_CODE: Source entity type
79   --                     'LEASE_CONTRACT'    - Contract
80   --                     'SALES_QUOTE'       - Quote
81   --                     'LEASE_APPLICATION' - Lease Application
82   --                      Note: refer from fnd lookups type:
83   --                      OKL_SUB_POOL_TRX_SOURCE_TYPE
84   --
85   --                   3) SOURCE_OBJECT_ID: Source entity PK
86   --
87   --                   4) DNZ_ASSET_NUMBER: OKL asset number/Fixed asset number
88   --                      Note: This asset number may not exists in fixed asset
89   --                      for Sales Quote, Lease App, or contract before book.
90   --
91   --                   5) VENDOR_ID: Vendor PK
92   --                      Note: refer from PO_VENDORS.vendor_id
93   --
94   --                   6) SOURCE_TRX_DATE: Source instance transaction date
95   --                       For Sales Quote and Lease Application: Asset expected
96   --                       start date
97   --                       For Lease contract:
98   --                          Activates a contract -- Asset start date
99   --                          Rebooks a contarct   -- Rebook transaction date
100   --                          Splits a contract    -- Split date
101   --                          Reverse a contarct   -- Reversal date
102   --                       Note: Validate if the source transaction date is
103   --                         between the effective dates of subsidy and the
104   --                         subsidy pool in that order.
105   --
106   --                   7) SUBSIDY_ID: Subsidy entity PK
107   --                      Note: 1. refer from OKL_SUBSIDIES_B.ID.
108   --                            2. Subsidy may or may not associate with a
109   --                               subsidy pool. Subisdy can associate with a
110   --                               pool at a time.
111   --
112   --                   8) TRX_REASON_CODE: Subsidy pool transaction reason.
113   --                       'ACCEPTE_QUOTE'        -  Accepted Sales Quote
114   --                       'ACCEPT_LEASE_APP'     -  Accepted Lease Application
115   --                       'ACTIVATE_CONTRACT'    -  Activate Lease Contract
116   --                       'APPROVE_LEASE_APP'    -  Approve Lease Application
117   --                       'APPROVE_QUOTE'        -  Approve Sales Quote
118   --                       'CANCEL_LEASE_OPP'     -  Cancel Lease Opportunity
119   --                       'CANCEL_QUOTE'         -  Cancel Sales Quote
120   --                       'REBOOK_CONTRACT'      -  Rebook Lease Contract
121   --                       'REVERSE_CONTRACT'     -  Reverse Lease Contract
122   --                       'SPLIT_CONTRACT'       -  Split Lease Contract
123   --                       'UPDATE_APPROVED_QUOTE'-  Update Approved Sales Quote
124   --                       'UPDATE_LEASE_APP'     -  Update Lease Application
125   --                       'WITHDRAW_LEASE_APP'   -  Withdraw Lease Application
126   --                      Note: refer from fnd lookups type:
127   --                        OKL_SUB_POOL_TRX_REASON_TYPE
128   --
129   --                   9) TRX_CURRENCY_CODE: Asset subisdy currency
130   --                      Note: refer from gl_currencies
131   --
132   --                   10) TRX_AMOUNT: Asset subisdy amount
133   --
134   --                   11) SUBSIDY_POOL_AMOUNT: Converted subsidy amount based
135   --                       on the corresponding subisdy pool currency and
136   --                       conversion type.
137   --                       If TRX_TYPE_CODE = 'ADDITION', then this column is
138   --                       required.
139   --                       For example, there is a subisdy pool amount USD $501
140   --                       when Quote XYZ approved. User cancel the lease
141   --                       opportunity, Hence, we need to get the original
142   --                       converted subsidy pool amount when add back to the
143   --                       pool. This will avoid the converson or rounding issue
144   --                       by the different time frames when revese the original
145   --                       amount to the pool.
146   --
147   --                   12) CONVERSION_RATE: Conversion rate from the transaction
148   --                       currency to the pool currency.
149   --                       API caller responsible to get the conversion rate
150   --                       from the original transaction when add back the
151   --                       subsidy amount to the pool.
152   --                       Please see 11) for the example.
153   --
154   --                   13) SUBSIDY_POOL_CURRENCY_CODE: pool currency.
155   --                       API caller responsible to get the pool currency
156   --                       from the original transaction when add back the
157   --                       subsidy amount to the pool.
158   --                       Please see 11) for the example.
159   --
160   -- Version         : 1.0
161   -- History         : 01-FEB-2005 SJALASUT created
162   --                   07-July-2005 cklee Added more details information for
163   --                   the API
164   -- End of comments
165   PROCEDURE create_pool_transaction(p_api_version   IN 	NUMBER,
166                                     p_init_msg_list IN  VARCHAR2,
167                                     x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
168                                     x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
169                                     x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
170                                     p_sixv_rec      IN  sixv_rec_type,
171                                     x_sixv_rec      OUT NOCOPY sixv_rec_type);
173   PROCEDURE create_pool_transaction(p_api_version   IN 	NUMBER,
174                                     p_init_msg_list IN  VARCHAR2,
175                                     x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
176                                     x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
177                                     x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
178                                     p_sixv_tbl      IN  sixv_tbl_type,
179                                     x_sixv_tbl      OUT NOCOPY sixv_tbl_type);
181 END okl_subsidy_pool_trx_pvt;