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APPS.ASO_PA_APR_WF_PVT dependencies on AME_API2

Line 342: ame_api2.getNextApprovers4( applicationIdIn=>l_application_id,

338: p_rule_list_ids=> x_rules_list_id);
339: --pp_debug('after insert rules call');
341: ame_util2.detailedApprovalStatusFlagYN := ame_util.booleanTrue;
342: ame_api2.getNextApprovers4( applicationIdIn=>l_application_id,
343: transactionIdIn=>l_object_id,
344: transactionTypeIn=>l_object_type,
345: flagapproversasnotifiedin => ame_util.booleantrue,
346: approvalProcessCompleteYNOut=>l_completeYNO,

Line 597: -- ame_api2.getNextApprovers4

593: --Function:
594: -- Workflow activity PL/SQL handler.
595: -- + This procedure is used to send the notification for the approvers.
596: -- + Iterate through the list of approvers got from the API call
597: -- ame_api2.getNextApprovers4
598: -- + Get the next approver name from the global variable g_next_approvers
599: -- and for each retrieved approver separate workflow process is kicked.
600: -- + They are marked as child of the current approval process (workflow
601: -- master detail co-ordination).

Line 1450: ame_api2.updateApprovalStatus2(

1449: -- Update the Approval status with the response from the approver.
1450: ame_api2.updateApprovalStatus2(
1451: applicationIdIn=>l_application_id,
1452: transactionIdIn=>l_object_id,
1453: transactionTypeIn=>l_object_type,
1454: approvalStatusIn => l_current_approver.approval_status,

Line 1599: ame_api2.getallapprovers7

1596: IF l_approver_response = 'APPROVED'
1597: THEN
1598: -- BEGIN
1599: ame_api2.getallapprovers7
1600: (applicationidin => 880,
1601: transactionidin => l_header_id,
1602: transactiontypein => 'Quote',
1603: approvalprocesscompleteynout => l_process_out,

Line 3151: ame_api2.clearallapprovals (

3147: end loop;
3150: -- clearing the data in AME
3151: ame_api2.clearallapprovals (
3152: applicationidin => 880,
3153: transactionidin => l_object_id,
3154: transactiontypein => 'Quote'
3155: );