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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

   v_SelectStmt         VARCHAR2(3000);
Line: 53

      SELECT language_code INTO l_base_lang FROM fnd_languages
      WHERE installed_flag = 'B';
Line: 79

/*      v_SelectStmt := 'SELECT DISTINCT hcas.language ' ||
         'FROM hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas,' ||
             ' hz_party_sites hps,'||
             ' wsh_new_deliveries wnd,' ||
             ' wsh_delivery_legs  wdl,' ||
             ' wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda, ' ||
             ' wsh_locations wl ' ||
         'WHERE wdl.delivery_id(+) = wnd.delivery_id ' ||
         'AND   wnd.delivery_id = wda.delivery_id '||
         'AND   wl.wsh_location_id = wnd.ultimate_dropoff_location_id ' ||
         'AND   wl.location_source_code = ''HZ'' ' ||
         'AND   hps.location_id = wl.source_location_id ' ||
         'AND   hcas.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id ' ||
         'AND   nvl(wnd.SHIPMENT_DIRECTION , ''O'') IN (''O'', ''IO'') ' ;  -- J inbound logistics jckwok*/
Line: 96

      v_SelectStmt := 'SELECT DISTINCT loc.language ' ||
          v_FROM ||
         'AND   loc.location_id = wnd.ultimate_dropoff_location_id ' ||
	 'AND   wnd.delivery_id = wda.delivery_id '||
         'AND   nvl(wnd.SHIPMENT_DIRECTION , ''O'') IN (''O'', ''IO'') ' ;  -- J inbound logistics jckwok
Line: 103

         v_SelectStmt := v_SelectStmt|| ' AND   wnd.organization_id = :p_organization_id ';
Line: 107

         v_SelectStmt := v_SelectStmt||
           ' AND wda.delivery_detail_id IS NOT NULL';
Line: 113

         v_SelectStmt := v_SelectStmt||' AND wdl.delivery_leg_id in '||
                   '(select distinct delivery_leg_id from wsh_delivery_legs '||
                   'where pick_up_stop_id in (select stop_id from '||
                   'wsh_trip_stops where trip_id  = :p_trip_id))';
Line: 120

         v_SelectStmt := v_SelectStmt||' AND wdl.pick_up_stop_id = :p_trip_stop_id';
Line: 126

         v_SelectStmt := v_SelectStmt||' AND wnd.delivery_id = :p_delivery_id';
Line: 133

         v_SelectStmt := v_SelectStmt||' AND wnd.ship_method_code = :p_freight_carrier';
Line: 139

            v_SelectStmt := v_SelectStmt||' AND wdl.delivery_leg_id IN '||
                   '(select distinct delivery_leg_id from wsh_delivery_legs '||
                   'where pick_up_stop_id in (select stop_id from '||
                   'wsh_trip_stops where planned_departure_date '||
                   '<= :p_departure_date_high))'; -- bug 1566422
Line: 145

            v_SelectStmt := v_SelectStmt||' AND wdl.delivery_leg_id IN '||
                   '(select distinct delivery_leg_id from wsh_delivery_legs '||
                   'where pick_up_stop_id in (select stop_id from '||
                   'wsh_trip_stops where planned_departure_date '||
                   '>= :p_departure_date_low))'; -- bug 1566422
Line: 151

            v_SelectStmt := v_SelectStmt||' AND wdl.delivery_leg_id in '||
                   '(select distinct delivery_leg_id from wsh_delivery_legs '||
                   'where pick_up_stop_id in (select stop_id from '||
                   'wsh_trip_stops where planned_departure_date '||
                   'BETWEEN :p_departure_date_low AND :p_departure_date_high))'; -- bug 1566422
Line: 162

           v_SelectStmt := v_SelectStmt||' AND nvl(wnd.confirm_date,sysdate) <= p_doc_param_info.p_delivery_date_high ';        ELSIF p_doc_param_info.p_delivery_date_high IS NULL THEN
Line: 163

           v_SelectStmt := v_SelectStmt||' AND nvl(wnd.confirm_date,sysdate) >= p_doc_param_info.p_delivery_date_low ';
Line: 165

           v_SelectStmt := v_SelectStmt||' AND nvl(wnd.confirm_date,sysdate) '||
                            'between :p_delivery_date_low AND :p_delivery_date_high ';
Line: 172

          v_SelectStmt := v_SelectStmt||' AND wdl.delivery_leg_id = :p_delivery_leg_id';
Line: 179

      DBMS_SQL.PARSE(l_CursorID, v_SelectStmt, DBMS_SQL.V7);
Line: 523

                select nls_language, nls_territory
                  into x_nls_lang(i).nls_language, x_nls_lang(i).nls_territory
                  from fnd_languages
                 where language_code = x_nls_lang(i).lang_code;
Line: 537

                select nls_language
                  into x_nls_lang(i).nls_language
                  from fnd_languages
                 where language_code = x_nls_lang(i).lang_code;