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Line 3118: from mfg_lookups lu,

3114: begin
3115: -- Should have at most one match
3116: select distinct lu.meaning
3117: into p_txn_type
3118: from mfg_lookups lu,
3119: mtl_material_transactions mmt
3120: where mmt.move_transaction_id = p_move_id
3121: and mmt.organization_id = l_org_id
3122: and mmt.transaction_source_id = l_wip_entity_id

Line 3132: from mfg_lookups

3128: -- no inv txn involved; just a plain move txn
3129: when no_data_found then
3130: select meaning
3131: into p_txn_type
3132: from mfg_lookups
3133: where lookup_type = 'WIP_MOVE_TRANSACTION_TYPE'
3134: and lookup_code = wip_constants.move_txn;
3135: when others then
3136: p_txn_type := -1;