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Line 4: type l_bus_codes is table of fnd_lookup_values.lookup_code%type index by binary_integer;

1: package body FV_CCR_DATA_LOAD_PKG AS
2: /* $Header: FVCCRLDB.pls 120.11.12020000.3 2013/02/12 21:10:00 snama ship $*/
4: type l_bus_codes is table of fnd_lookup_values.lookup_code%type index by binary_integer;
6: --sthota
7: type l_vendor_ids is table of fv_ccr_vendors.vendor_id%type index by binary_integer;
8: vendor_ids l_vendor_ids;

Line 27: CURSOR c_bus_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_BUSINESS_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');

23: naic_code l_bus_codes;
24: fsc_code l_bus_codes;
25: psc_code l_bus_codes;
27: CURSOR c_bus_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_BUSINESS_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
28: CURSOR c_sic_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_SIC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
29: CURSOR c_naic_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_NAICS_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
30: CURSOR c_fsc_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_FSC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
31: CURSOR c_psc_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_PSC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');

Line 28: CURSOR c_sic_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_SIC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');

24: fsc_code l_bus_codes;
25: psc_code l_bus_codes;
27: CURSOR c_bus_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_BUSINESS_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
28: CURSOR c_sic_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_SIC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
29: CURSOR c_naic_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_NAICS_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
30: CURSOR c_fsc_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_FSC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
31: CURSOR c_psc_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_PSC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');

Line 29: CURSOR c_naic_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_NAICS_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');

25: psc_code l_bus_codes;
27: CURSOR c_bus_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_BUSINESS_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
28: CURSOR c_sic_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_SIC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
29: CURSOR c_naic_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_NAICS_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
30: CURSOR c_fsc_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_FSC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
31: CURSOR c_psc_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_PSC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
33: PROCEDURE INSERT_TEMP_DATA( p_record_type number,

Line 30: CURSOR c_fsc_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_FSC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');

27: CURSOR c_bus_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_BUSINESS_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
28: CURSOR c_sic_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_SIC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
29: CURSOR c_naic_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_NAICS_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
30: CURSOR c_fsc_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_FSC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
31: CURSOR c_psc_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_PSC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
33: PROCEDURE INSERT_TEMP_DATA( p_record_type number,
34: p_duns varchar2,

Line 31: CURSOR c_psc_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_PSC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');

27: CURSOR c_bus_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_BUSINESS_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
28: CURSOR c_sic_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_SIC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
29: CURSOR c_naic_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_NAICS_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
30: CURSOR c_fsc_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_FSC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
31: CURSOR c_psc_codes IS SELECT lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values where lookup_type = 'FV_PSC_TYPE' and language = userenv('LANG');
33: PROCEDURE INSERT_TEMP_DATA( p_record_type number,
34: p_duns varchar2,
35: p_reference1 varchar2,

Line 70: select lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values

66: )
67: IS
69: CURSOR c_lookup_info(c_type varchar2, c_code varchar2) IS
70: select lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values
71: where lookup_type = c_type
72: and lookup_code = c_code
73: and language = userenv('LANG');

Line 82: l_lookup_code fnd_lookup_values.lookup_code%type;

78: message_text varchar2(2000);
79: message_action varchar(2000);
80: l_token varchar2(100);
82: l_lookup_code fnd_lookup_values.lookup_code%type;
85: l_errbuf := 'Start - > find code ';
86: FV_UTILITY.LOG_MESG(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, 'find code ',l_errbuf);