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Line 141: delete from hr_pump_batch_lines where batch_line_id = blid;

137: else
139: end if;
140: if blid is not null then
141: delete from hr_pump_batch_lines where batch_line_id = blid;
142: delete from hr_pump_batch_exceptions
143: where source_type = 'BATCH_LINE' and source_id = blid;
144: end if;
145: insert into hr_pump_batch_lines

Line 145: insert into hr_pump_batch_lines

141: delete from hr_pump_batch_lines where batch_line_id = blid;
142: delete from hr_pump_batch_exceptions
143: where source_type = 'BATCH_LINE' and source_id = blid;
144: end if;
145: insert into hr_pump_batch_lines
146: (batch_id
147: ,batch_line_id
148: ,business_group_name
149: ,api_module_id

Line 203: ,nvl(blid,hr_pump_batch_lines_s.nextval)

199: ,pval048
200: ,pval049)
201: values
202: (p_batch_id
203: ,nvl(blid,hr_pump_batch_lines_s.nextval)
204: ,p_data_pump_business_grp_name
205: ,3864
206: ,'U'
207: ,p_user_sequence

Line 353: from hr_pump_batch_lines l

349: l.pval046 p46,
350: l.pval047 p47,
351: decode(l.pval048,cn,vn,l.pval048) p48,
352: decode(l.pval049,cn,vn,l.pval049) p49
353: from hr_pump_batch_lines l
354: where l.batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id;
355: --
356: c cr%rowtype;
357: l_validate boolean := false;

Line 369: hr_utility.set_message_token('TABLE','HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINES');

365: open cr;
366: fetch cr into c;
367: if cr%notfound then
368: hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_50326_DP_NO_ROW');
369: hr_utility.set_message_token('TABLE','HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINES');
370: hr_utility.set_message_token('COLUMN','P_BATCH_LINE_ID');
371: hr_utility.set_message_token('VALUE',p_batch_line_id);
372: hr_utility.raise_error;
373: end if;

Line 384: hr_utility.set_message_token('TABLE','HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINES');

380: hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_50327_DP_TYPE_ERR');
381: hr_utility.set_message_token('TYPE','BOOLEAN');
382: hr_utility.set_message_token('PARAMETER','P_PRADD_OVLAPVAL_OVERRIDE');
383: hr_utility.set_message_token('VALUE',c.p2);
384: hr_utility.set_message_token('TABLE','HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINES');
385: hr_utility.raise_error;
386: end if;
387: --
388: if c.p48 is null then

Line 460: update hr_pump_batch_lines l set

456: hr_data_pump.api_trc_off;
457: --
458: iuk(p_batch_line_id,c.p46,L_ADDRESS_ID);
459: --
460: update hr_pump_batch_lines l set
461: l.pval046 = decode(c.p46,null,cn,c.p46),
462: l.pval047 = decode(c.p47,null,cn,c.p47)
463: where l.rowid = c.myrowid;
464: --