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Line 920: -- a. for handling ben_enrt_bnft and b. future completed certifications

916: order by pen.effective_start_date desc;
917: --
918: l_prtt_result c_prtt_result%rowtype;
919: -- Bug 5102337 several changes in this cursor
920: -- a. for handling ben_enrt_bnft and b. future completed certifications
921: cursor c_choice_info is
922: select pil.object_version_number,
923: epe.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,
924: pel.enrt_typ_cycl_cd,

Line 964: ben_enrt_bnft enb,

960: 'N' stage,
961: 'N' suspended,
962: epe.cryfwd_elig_dpnt_cd
963: from ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe,
964: ben_enrt_bnft enb,
965: ben_per_in_ler pil,
966: ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl pel
967: where NVL(enb.crntly_enrld_flag(+),epe.crntly_enrd_flag) = 'Y'
968: and pil.person_id = p_person_id

Line 1057: from ben_enrt_bnft enb

1053: enb.dflt_flag,
1054: enb.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
1055: enb.cvg_mlt_cd,
1056: enb.crntly_enrld_flag
1057: from ben_enrt_bnft enb
1058: where enb.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id = v_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
1059: and enb.crntly_enrld_flag = 'Y'
1060: and enb.prtt_enrt_rslt_id is not NULL
1061: and enb.ordr_num = v_bnft_ordr_num

Line 1115: ben_enrt_bnft enb

1111: ecr.rt_strt_dt_cd,
1112: ecr.rt_strt_dt_rl,
1113: nvl(ecr.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id,enb.elig_per_elctbl_chc_id) elig_per_elctbl_chc_id
1114: from ben_enrt_rt ecr,
1115: ben_enrt_bnft enb
1116: where ecr.prtt_rt_val_id = p_prtt_rt_val_id
1117: and ecr.enrt_bnft_id = enb.enrt_bnft_id (+) ;
1118: --
1119: l_ecr c_ecr%rowtype;