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Line 47: delete from ame_temp_old_approver_lists

43: transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
44: transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
45: ameAppId := ame_admin_pkg.getApplicationId(fndAppIdIn => applicationIdIn,
46: transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
47: delete from ame_temp_old_approver_lists
48: where
49: application_id = ameAppId and
50: transaction_id = transactionIdIn;
51: delete from ame_temp_insertions

Line 1656: from ame_temp_old_approver_lists

1652: if clearChainStatusYNIn = ame_util.booleanFalse then
1653: /* Check whether any chain-of-authority approvers have acted on the transaction's chain */
1654: select count(*)
1655: into tempCount
1656: from ame_temp_old_approver_lists
1657: where
1658: application_id = ameApplicationId and
1659: transaction_id = transactionIdIn and
1660: item_class = approverIn.item_class and

Line 1673: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists set

1669: end if;
1670: else /* clearChainStatusYNIn = 'Y' */
1671: /* Clear the status of the relevant chain for all approvers who have responded and have an approval
1672: approver category. Approvers with a status of 'NOTIFIED' will not be cleared */
1673: update ame_temp_old_approver_lists set
1674: approval_status = ame_util.nullStatus
1675: where
1676: application_id = ameApplicationId and
1677: transaction_id = transactionIdIn and