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Line 419: FROM ff_contexts

415: /* cursor to get_context_of_tax_unit_id */
416: CURSOR c_context_tax_unit_id
417: IS
418: SELECT context_id
419: FROM ff_contexts
420: WHERE context_name = 'TAX_UNIT_ID';
422: /* cursor to get context of jurisdiction */
423: CURSOR c_context_jurisdiction

Line 426: FROM ff_contexts

422: /* cursor to get context of jurisdiction */
423: CURSOR c_context_jurisdiction
424: IS
425: SELECT context_id
426: FROM ff_contexts
427: WHERE context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE';
429: /* cursor to check if the state tax Rules have been added or Not. */
430: CURSOR c_chk_archive_state_code(cp_tax_unit_id number,cp_payroll_action_id number)

Line 435: ff_contexts fc3,

431: IS
432: SELECT 'Y'
433: FROM ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
434: ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
435: ff_contexts fc3,
436: ff_contexts fc2,
437: ff_archive_items target,
438: ff_database_items fdi
439: WHERE target.context1 = to_char(cp_payroll_action_id)

Line 436: ff_contexts fc2,

432: SELECT 'Y'
433: FROM ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
434: ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
435: ff_contexts fc3,
436: ff_contexts fc2,
437: ff_archive_items target,
438: ff_database_items fdi
439: WHERE target.context1 = to_char(cp_payroll_action_id)
440: /* context of payroll_action_id */

Line 486: l_context_tax_unit_id number; --ff_contexts.context_id%type;

482: l_state_tax_rules_exist CHAR(1);
483: l_person_in_state CHAR(1);
484: l_user_entity_id number;
485: l_context_jursidiction number;
486: l_context_tax_unit_id number; --ff_contexts.context_id%type;
487: l_package_error_status char(1) := 'N';
488: l_ein number;
489: l_ein_result varchar2(30);
490: BEGIN

Line 1007: 'from ff_contexts fc1, '||

1003: 'paa.tax_unit_id, '||
1004: 'faic.context , 2),0) > 0 '||
1005: 'OR '||
1006: 'exists (select ''x'' '||
1007: 'from ff_contexts fc1, '||
1008: 'ff_archive_items fai1, '||
1009: 'ff_archive_item_contexts faic1, '||
1010: 'ff_database_items fdi1 '||
1011: 'where fc1.context_name = ''JURISDICTION_CODE'' '||

Line 1075: 'from ff_contexts fc1, '||

1071: 'paa.tax_unit_id, '||
1072: 'faic.context , 2),0) > 0 '||
1073: 'OR '||
1074: 'exists (select ''x'' '||
1075: 'from ff_contexts fc1, '||
1076: 'ff_archive_items fai1, '||
1077: 'ff_archive_item_contexts faic1, '||
1078: 'ff_database_items fdi1 '||
1079: 'where fc1.context_name = ''JURISDICTION_CODE'' '||

Line 1526: from ff_contexts fc1,

1522: paa.tax_unit_id,
1523: faic.context , 2),0) > 0))
1524: OR
1525: exists (select 'x'
1526: from ff_contexts fc1,
1527: ff_archive_items fai1,
1528: ff_archive_item_contexts faic1,
1529: ff_database_items fdi1
1530: where fc1.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'

Line 1604: from ff_contexts fc1,

1600: paa.tax_unit_id,
1601: faic.context , 2),0) > 0))
1602: OR
1603: exists (select 'x'
1604: from ff_contexts fc1,
1605: ff_archive_items fai1,
1606: ff_archive_item_contexts faic1,
1607: ff_database_items fdi1
1608: where fc1.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'

Line 1681: from ff_contexts fc1,

1677: paa.tax_unit_id,
1678: faic.context , 2),0) > 0) )
1679: OR
1680: exists (select 'x'
1681: from ff_contexts fc1,
1682: ff_archive_items fai1,
1683: ff_archive_item_contexts faic1,
1684: ff_database_items fdi1
1685: where fc1.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'

Line 1758: from ff_contexts fc1,

1754: paa.tax_unit_id,
1755: faic.context , 2),0) > 0) )
1756: OR
1757: exists (select 'x'
1758: from ff_contexts fc1,
1759: ff_archive_items fai1,
1760: ff_archive_item_contexts faic1,
1761: ff_database_items fdi1
1762: where fc1.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'

Line 1857: ff_contexts fc,

1853: p_tax_unit_id number) is
1854: select to_number(fai.value) value
1855: from ff_archive_item_contexts faic,
1856: ff_archive_items fai,
1857: ff_contexts fc,
1858: ff_database_items fdi
1859: where fdi.user_name = p_user_name
1860: and fc.context_name = 'TAX_UNIT_ID'
1861: and fai.context1 = to_char(p_assignment_action_id)

Line 1873: ff_contexts fc,

1869: p_tax_unit_id number) is
1870: select to_number(fai.value) value
1871: from ff_archive_item_contexts faic,
1872: ff_archive_items fai,
1873: ff_contexts fc,
1874: ff_database_items fdi
1875: where fdi.user_name IN ('A_REGULAR_EARNINGS_PER_GRE_YTD',

Line 2371: ff_contexts fc,

2368: SELECT value
2369: INTO l_ein_val
2370: FROM ff_archive_items fai,
2371: ff_contexts fc,
2372: ff_archive_item_contexts faic
2373: WHERE fai.context1 = to_char(p_pactid)
2374: AND user_entity_id = c_id.user_entity_id
2375: AND faic.archive_item_id = fai.archive_item_id

Line 2528: ff_contexts fc3,

2524: SELECT target.value
2525: FROM
2526: ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
2527: ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
2528: ff_contexts fc3,
2529: ff_contexts fc2,
2530: ff_archive_items target,
2531: ff_database_items fdi
2532: WHERE target.context1 = to_char(cp_payroll_action_id)

Line 2529: ff_contexts fc2,

2525: FROM
2526: ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
2527: ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
2528: ff_contexts fc3,
2529: ff_contexts fc2,
2530: ff_archive_items target,
2531: ff_database_items fdi
2532: WHERE target.context1 = to_char(cp_payroll_action_id)
2533: /* context of payroll_action_id */