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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

               must have the same dates are updated.
 Change List

 Version Date      Author     ER/CR No. Description of Change
 70.0    23-MAY-93 Tmathers             Date Created
 70.1    01-JUN-93 Tmathers             Changed updates to Per_people_f.
 70.4    18-OCT-93 TMathers             Changed updates to per_people_f to
 80.1                                   update all rows for a person rather than
                                        those affected by start and end dates.
 70.5    21-DEC-93 PShergill            Improved speed of check_for_entries
 70.6    18-FEB-94 TMathers             Fixed BUG B385.
 70.7    14-JUL-94 TMathers             Fixed BUG WW225779 and 225558
 70.9    23-Oct-94 TMathers             Fixed BUG WW245159.
                                        Added extrajoin to check_for_entries
                                        to stop errors when entries exist
                                        between new and old hire dates.
 70.10   15-Feb-95 TMathers             Fixed BUG WW264072 , added extra check
                                        to check_sp_placements, and added
                                        spinal points to lock_row
                                       and update hire rows.
 70.11   29-APR-95 TMathers   275487    Added check for supervisor/Payroll
                              276867    not existing, removed check_for_entries
                                        when changing hire date.
 70.12   13-Jul-95 TMathers             Added check_for_cost_alloc for
 70.13   25-JUL-95 AForte		Changed tokenised message
					to hard coded messages
					HR_7679_EMP_SUP_PAY_NOT_EXIST and
 70.14   19-Sep-95 TMathers             Fixed 308000 removed select
                                        and join on minimum date.
 70.16   25-Nov-96 VTreiger   401587	Added check for completed payroll
 					actions beteween the old and new hire dates.
 			      399253	Added check for contiguous periods
 			      		of service.
 70.17   27-Jan-97 VTreiger   399253    Check for contiguous periods of
                                        service now works for any change of
                                        the hire date value.
 110.1   28-JUL-97 Mbocutt    N/A       Changed to use language independent
					date format mask in check_for_contig_pos
 110.2   14-Oct-97 rfine      563034    Changed modified table names to
                                        include _ALL

 110.3   06-nov-97 achauhan             Added the update of the tax tables in the
                                        update_hire_records, in case of 'US Payroll'
                                        installed and change in hire date.

 110.5  8-MAY-1998 SASmith              Due to the date tracking of per_assignment_budget_values_f.
                                        Add the update to this table in case there are changes in the
                                        hire date then there will be a required change in the
                                        assignment budget values.

 110.6  22-MAY-98 Asahay     638603     modified update_hire_records
                                        to update per_applications table
                                        with DATE_END for those applicants
                                        who are hired as EMPLOYEE and not
                                        EMPLOYEE and APPLICANT.

 110.7  23-MAR-99 F.Duchene             Added a call to hr_contract_api.maintain_contracts
                                        in update_hire_records and update_appl_records
                                        to keep CTR start-dates in synch with PER and ASG

 110.8  29-FEB-2000 tclewis             removed check to determine if payroll is installed.
                                        this check is now performed in the

 115.7  02-SEP-2002 vramanai 2403885    Modified the cursor defination of 'pay' to enhance the
                                        performance of the query.

 115.8  23-MAY-2003 vramanai 2947287    Modified the cursor app in procedure update_hire_records
 				        to fetch only those records which donot have
 				        current_applicant_flag set

 115.9  26-MAY-2003 vramanai 2947287  	Corrected gscc warnings.
 115.10 13-Jan-2006 irgonzal 4894555    Perf changes. Modified update statement in
                                        update_appl_records procedure.

procedure lock_row(p_person_id NUMBER
                   ,p_person_type VARCHAR2) is
l_dummy VARCHAR2(30);
Line: 117

    select 'address'
    from per_addresses pa
    where pa.person_id = p_person_id
    for update of person_id;
Line: 122

    select 'pay'
    from pay_personal_payment_methods_f pa
    where   pa.assignment_id IN (select a.assignment_id
	    from per_assignments_f a
	    where a.assignment_type = 'E'
	    and   a.person_id = p_person_id)
    for update of pa.assignment_id;
Line: 131

select 'ssp'
from   per_spinal_point_placements_f sp
where  assignment_id in (select a.assignment_id
                         from per_assignments_f a
                         where person_id = p_person_id
                         and a.assignment_type = 'E')
for update of effective_start_date;
Line: 140

select 'cost'
from   pay_cost_allocations_f cost
where  assignment_id in (select a.assignment_id
                         from per_assignments_f a
                         where person_id = p_person_id
                         and a.assignment_type = 'E')
for update of effective_start_date;
Line: 149

    select 'assignment'
    from per_assignments_f pa
    where pa.person_id = p_person_id
    for update of person_id;
Line: 154

    select 'application'
    from per_applications pa
    where pa.person_id = p_person_id
    for update of person_id;
Line: 159

    select 'person'
    from per_people_f pa
    where pa.person_id = p_person_id
    for update of person_id;
Line: 245

      SELECT 'Y'
      INTO l_act_chk
      FROM sys.dual
        (SELECT NULL
         FROM pay_payroll_actions pac,
              pay_assignment_actions act,
              per_assignments_f asg
         WHERE asg.person_id = p_person_id
           AND act.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
           AND pac.payroll_action_id = act.payroll_action_id
           AND pac.action_status = 'C'
           AND ((pac.effective_date BETWEEN p_s_start_date AND p_start_date)
            OR  (pac.date_earned BETWEEN p_s_start_date AND p_start_date)));
Line: 280

select date_start
from per_periods_of_service
ORDER BY date_start;
Line: 320

select a.payroll_id , a.supervisor_id
from   per_assignments_f a,
       per_periods_of_service p
where  a.period_of_service_id = p.period_of_service_id
and    p.period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id
and    p.date_start = a.effective_start_date;
Line: 334

     select '1'
     into l_temp
     from   sys.dual
     where exists ( select payroll_id
                    from pay_payrolls_f
                    where payroll_id = l_payroll_id
                    and p_start_date between
                     effective_start_date and effective_end_date
Line: 351

     select '1'
     into l_temp
     from   sys.dual
     where exists ( select person_id
                    from per_people_f
                    where person_id = l_supervisor_id
                    and   current_employee_flag = 'Y'
                    and  p_start_date between
                     effective_start_date and effective_end_date
Line: 376

    select 1
    into   v_dummy
    from sys.dual
    where exists (select null
                  from   pay_element_entries_f n,
                         per_periods_of_service p,
                         per_assignments_f a
                  where a.person_id = p_person_id
                  and   a.period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id
                  and   p.period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id
                  and   n.assignment_id = a.assignment_id
                  and   n.effective_start_date > p.date_start
                  and   n.effective_start_date < p_start_date);
Line: 405

   select 1
   into   v_dummy
   from sys.dual
    where exists (select 1
                 from per_spinal_point_placements_f sp,
                      per_periods_of_service p,
                      per_assignments_f a
                  where a.person_id = p_person_id
                  and   a.period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id
                  and   p.period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id
                  and   a.assignment_id = sp.assignment_id
                  and   sp.effective_start_date > p.date_start
                  and   sp.effective_start_date < p_start_date
Line: 437

   select 1
   into   v_dummy
   from sys.dual
    where exists (select 1
                 from PAY_COST_ALLOCATIONS_F ca,
                      per_periods_of_service p,
                      per_assignments_f a
                  where a.person_id = p_person_id
                  and   a.period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id
                  and   p.period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id
                  and   a.assignment_id = ca.assignment_id
                  and   ca.effective_start_date > p.date_start
                  and   ca.effective_start_date < p_start_date
Line: 470

   select 1
   into   v_dummy
   from sys.dual
   where exists (select 1
		 from per_people_f p
		 where p.effective_start_date between p_earlier_date
					      and     p_later_date
		 and   p.effective_start_date <> p_start_date
		 and p.person_id = p_person_id
Line: 500

   select 1
   into   v_dummy
   from sys.dual
   where exists (select 1
		 from per_assignments a
		 ,per_assignments_f f
		 where f.effective_start_date between  p_earlier_date
					       and     p_later_date
		 and   f.effective_start_date <> p_start_date
		 and   f.assignment_id = a.assignment_id
		 and   a.assignment_type = p_assignment_type
		 and   f.assignment_status_type_id <>
                 and f.person_id = a.person_id
		 and   a.person_id = p_person_id
Line: 537

   select 1
   into   v_dummy
   from sys.dual
   where exists (select 1
		 from per_assignments_f f
		 where f.effective_start_date between  p_earlier_date
					       and     p_later_date
		 and   f.effective_start_date <> p_s_start_date
--		 and   f.assignment_type =p_assignment_type
		 and   f.person_id = p_person_id
Line: 566

   select 1
   into   v_dummy
   from sys.dual
   where exists (select 1
		 from per_assignments_f f
		 where f.effective_start_date >= p_start_date
		 and   f.effective_start_date < p_s_start_date
		 and   f.assignment_type =p_assignment_type
		 and   f.person_id = p_person_id
Line: 685

procedure update_hire_records(p_person_id NUMBER
			  ,p_app_number VARCHAR2
			  ,p_start_date DATE
			  ,p_s_start_date DATE
			  ,p_user_id NUMBER
			  ,p_login_id NUMBER) is
l_assignment_id NUMBER;
Line: 703

select assignment_id
from   per_assignments_f a
where  a.effective_end_date   = p_s_start_date - 1
and    a.assignment_type      = 'A'
  and    a.person_id            = p_person_id;
Line: 710

select application_id
from  per_applications a
where   a.person_id = p_person_id
and     a.date_received = (
select  max(a2.date_received)
from    per_applications a2
where   a2.person_id = a.person_id
and     a2.date_received < p_start_date)
and not exists(select 1                     --bug#2947287
         from per_people_f peo
         where peo.person_id = p_person_id
         and   peo.person_id  = a.person_id
         and   peo.effective_start_date = p_s_start_date
         and   peo.current_applicant_flag = 'Y');
Line: 726

select placement_id
from   per_spinal_point_placements_f sp
where  assignment_id in (select a.assignment_id
                         from per_assignments_f a
                         where person_id = p_person_id
                         and a.assignment_type = 'E'
                         and a.effective_start_date = p_s_start_date)
and    sp.effective_start_date = p_s_start_date;
Line: 736

where  assignment_id in (select a.assignment_id
                         from per_assignments_f a
                         where person_id = p_person_id
                         and a.assignment_type = 'E'
                         and a.effective_start_date = p_s_start_date)
and    pca.effective_start_date = p_s_start_date;
Line: 747

select period_of_Service_id
from per_periods_OF_SERVICE
Line: 753

   select business_group_id
   from   per_people_f
   where person_id = p_person_id
   and rownum < 2;
Line: 759

where  assignment_id in (select a.assignment_id
                         from per_assignments_f a
                         where person_id = p_person_id
                         and a.assignment_type = 'E'
                         and a.effective_start_date = p_s_start_date)
and    abv.effective_start_date = p_s_start_date;
Line: 770

Line: 774

   update per_addresses a
   set    a.date_from = p_start_date
   where  a.date_from = p_s_start_date
   and    nvl(a.date_to,p_start_date) >= p_start_date
   and    a.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 781

Line: 782

   update pay_personal_payment_methods_f p
   set    p.effective_start_date = p_start_date
   where  p.effective_start_date = p_s_start_date
   and    p.effective_end_date >= p_start_date
   and    exists (select 1
	    from per_assignments_f a
	    where p.assignment_id = a.assignment_id
	    and   a.assignment_type = 'E'
	    and   a.person_id = p_person_id);
Line: 796

      update per_spinal_point_placements_f
      set effective_start_date = p_start_date
      where effective_start_date = p_s_start_date
      and   placement_id = l_sp_id;
Line: 801

Line: 809

Line: 815

      set effective_start_date = p_start_date
      where effective_start_date = p_s_start_date
      and   COST_ALLOCATION_ID = l_ca_id;
Line: 820

Line: 837

Line: 844

      set effective_start_date         = p_start_date
      where effective_start_date       = p_s_start_date
      and effective_end_date           >= p_start_date
      and   ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALUE_ID = l_abv_id;
Line: 858

Line: 863

   update per_assignments_f a
   set    a.effective_start_date = p_start_date,
	  a.last_update_date     = sysdate,
	  a.last_updated_by      = p_user_id,
	  a.last_update_login    = p_login_id
   where  a.effective_start_date = p_s_start_date
   and    a.assignment_type      = 'E'
   and    a.person_id            = p_person_id;
Line: 873

Line: 879

Line: 887

Line: 899

         hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE', 'update_hire_records');
Line: 920

Line: 926

              update per_assignments_f a
               set   a.effective_end_date   = p_start_date - 1,
    	             a.last_update_date     = sysdate,
            	     a.last_updated_by      = p_user_id,
        	     a.last_update_login    = p_login_id
              where  a.effective_end_date   =
        	    (select max(a2.effective_end_date)
        	     from   per_assignments_f a2
        	     where  a2.assignment_id = a.assignment_id
        	     and    a2.assignment_type = 'A')
              and    a.assignment_id        = l_assignment_id;
Line: 939

Line: 953

       update  per_applications a1
       set     a1.date_end = p_start_date - 1
       where   a1.application_id = l_application_id
/* Fix for Bug 673066 */
        and not exists (select 1
                        from per_people_f peo
                        where peo.person_id = p_person_id
                        and   a1.person_id  = peo.person_id
                        and   peo.effective_start_date = p_s_start_date
                        and   peo.current_applicant_flag = 'Y');
Line: 965

Line: 968

Line: 977

Line: 978

   update per_people_f p
   set p.start_date =decode(p.start_date,p_s_start_date, p_start_date,
   p.effective_start_date =decode(p.effective_start_date,
	       p_s_start_date, p_start_date, p.effective_start_date),
   p.effective_end_date =decode(p.effective_end_date,
	       p_s_start_date - 1, p_start_date - 1, p.effective_end_date),
   p.last_update_date     = sysdate,
   p.last_updated_by      = p_user_id,
   p.last_update_login    = p_login_id
   where p.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 991

Line: 1059

procedure update_appl_records(p_person_id NUMBER
			  ,p_start_date DATE
			  ,p_s_start_date DATE
			  ,p_user_id NUMBER
			  ,p_login_id NUMBER) is
-- Update the addresses that start at the old hire date
-- Providing that the addresses end date is either equal to
-- the new start date or greater than it.
Line: 1070

   update per_addresses a
   set    a.date_from = p_start_date
   where  a.date_from = p_s_start_date
   and    nvl(a.date_to,p_start_date) >= p_start_date
   and    a.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 1077

Line: 1078

   update per_assignments_f a
   set    a.effective_start_date = p_start_date,
          a.last_update_date     = sysdate,
	  a.last_updated_by      = p_user_id,
	  a.last_update_login    = p_login_id
   where  a.effective_start_date   = p_s_start_date
   and    a.assignment_type      = 'A'
   and    a.person_id            = p_person_id
   and    EXISTS  -- #4894555
          (select a2.assignment_id
             from   per_assignments_f a2
             where  a2.assignment_id = a.assignment_id
             and    a2.assignment_type = 'A'
             group by a2.assignment_id
             having max(a2.effective_start_date)=  a.effective_start_date);
Line: 1096

Line: 1100

Line: 1102

   update per_people_f p
   set p.start_date =decode(p.start_date,p_s_start_date, p_start_date,
   p.effective_start_date =decode(p.effective_start_date,
			p_s_start_date, p_start_date, p.effective_start_date),
   p.effective_end_date =decode(p.effective_end_date,
	       p_s_start_date - 1, p_start_date - 1, p.effective_end_date),
   p.last_update_date     = sysdate,
   p.last_updated_by      = p_user_id,
   p.last_update_login    = p_login_id
   where p.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 1115
