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1 PACKAGE mtl_online_transaction_pub AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: INVTXNS.pls 120.1 2005/06/17 17:48:50 appldev  $ */
3 --
4 --  FUNCTION process_online
5 --
6 --    Description:
7 --
8 --    This function process transaction records in
9 --    MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table with the specified
10 --    transaction header id.
11 --
12 --    This function provides a mechanism for users to process their
13 --    transactions synchronously.
14 --
15 --    Note: The current implementation prevents users from rollback
16 --    after this function is called (and returned successfully). As
17 --    a result, a user should only call this function when he/she
18 --    is ready to commit.
19 --
20 --    Input Parameters:
21 --      p_transaction_header_id       header id of the records
22 --                                    to be processed
23 --      p_timeout                     maximum number of seconds
24 --                                    to wait before returning
25 --                                    from the funcation
26 --	p_error_code		      error code stored in
27 --			              mtl_transactions_interface table
28 --				      if there is some errors
29 --      p_error_explanation	      error description for the specified
30 --			              header id
31 --    Return:
32 --      a boolean                     TRUE if succeed, FALSE otherwise
33 --
34 --
35 --    Usage:
36 --
37 --    To use this function, a user who wants to process a single
38 --    transaction record would go through the following steps:
39 --
40 --    1. get the next value of the mtl_transactions_sequence and
41 --       use it as the transaction header id
42 --    2. insert a record into mtl_transactions_interface table,
43 --       and a record into mtl_serial_numbers_interface table if
44 --       the item is under serial control, and a record into
45 --       mtl_transaction_lot_interface table if the item is under
46 --       lot control, according to the material transaction open
47 --       interface manual. The record(s) inserted should be
48 --       populated with the transaction header id obtained from step 1
49 --    3. set the process_flag of the record(s) to 1 (ready)
50 --    4. call this function with the transaction_header_id, and the
51 --       timeout in seconds as input parameters. timeout is the maximum time
52 --       in seconds the user would wait for the function to execute before
53 --       aborting the execution
54 --    5. check return boolean to see whether the function is executed
55 --       successfully.
56 --    6. check message stack using fnd_message package for warnings and/or
57 --       errors
58 --
59 --   The possible outcome of the function call can be:
60 --
61 --   a. function call returns TRUE, no error message, transaction
62 --      record process succeeded
63 --   or
64 --   b. function call returns TRUE, with warning messages, transaction
65 --      record process succeeded
66 --   or
67 --   c. function call returns FALSE, with error message as timeout, or
68 --      validation error, or other transaction errors such as onhand
69 --      quantity is not enough to transact.
70 --
71 --   If the outcome is a or b, the process_flag column in the corresponding
72 --   records in the interface tables is set to 7 (succeeded) by
73 --   the function; otherwise, the process_flag is set to 3 (error), and
74 --   the error_code column and error_explaination column are populated
75 --   accordingly. See open interface manual for more details on these flags.
76 --
77 --   User might also want to use methods in package fnd_message, such as
78 --   fnd_message.get, to retrieve error messages in the message stack.
79 --   See Oracle(R) Applications Developer's Guide Release 11 for more
80 --   details on message dictionary api.
81 --
82 --   Users can also call this method process to process multiple transaction
83 --   records by using the same transaction header id in the records.
84 --
85 --   The transaction records will not be removed from the interface
86 --   tables by this function regardless whether the records are processed
87 --   successfully or not.
88 --
89 --   Sample Code: (!!!TO BE TESTED!!!!!)
90 --
92 --   DECLARE
93 --
94 --     m_txn_header_id NUMBER;
95 --     m_timeout       NUMBER;
96 --     m_outcome       BOOLEAN;
97 --
98 --   BEGIN
99 --
100 --     m_txn_header_id := mtl_transactions_sequence.nextval;
101 --
102 --     INSERT into mtl_transactions_interface
103 --       (...,  -- to fill in columns in mtl_transactions_interface table
104 --       transaction_header_id)
105 --     VALUES
106 --       (...,  -- user specify values
107 --       m_txn_header_id);
108 --
109 --     m_timeout := 100;
110 --     m_outcome := mtl_online_transaction_pub.process_online(
111 --                                                              m_txn_header_id
112 --                                                            , m_timeout
113 --                                                           )
114 --     IF (m_outcome == FALSE) THEN
115 --        RAISE EXCEPTION;
116 --     END IF;
117 --
118 --     dbms_output.put_line('Transaction with header id '||
119 --                           TO_CHAR(m_txn_header_id) ||
120 --                          ' has been processed successfully');
121 --   EXCEPTION
122 --
123 --       dbms_output.put_line('Failed to process the transaction');
124 --       dbms_output.put_line('Error message: '||fnd_message.get);
125 --
126 --   END;
127 --
129 FUNCTION process_online(
130                         p_transaction_header_id IN NUMBER,
131                         p_timeout in number default NULL,
132 			p_error_code out NOCOPY varchar2,
133 			p_error_explanation out NOCOPY varchar2
134                         )
136 END;