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APPS.OKC_REP_WF_PVT dependencies on FND_USER

Line 610: SELECT user_name FROM fnd_user fu, per_all_assignments_f asg, per_all_people_f per

608: SELECT user_name INTO l_user_name
609: FROM (
610: SELECT user_name FROM fnd_user fu, per_all_assignments_f asg, per_all_people_f per
611: WHERE asg.position_id = l_next_approvers (i).orig_system_id
612: AND per.person_id = asg.person_id
613: AND fu.employee_id = per.person_id
614: AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN per.effective_start_date AND NVL(per.effective_end_date, TRUNC( SYSDATE))

Line 931: l_recipient_name FND_USER.user_name%type;

927: l_contract_version OKC_REP_CON_APPROVALS.contract_version_num%type;
928: l_approver_record2 ame_util.approverRecord2;
929: l_approver_id number;
930: l_approval_status VARCHAR2(30);
931: l_recipient_name FND_USER.user_name%type;
932: l_action_code OKC_REP_CON_APPROVALS.action_code%type;
933: l_wf_note VARCHAR2(2000);
934: l_api_name VARCHAR2(30);
935: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);

Line 952: FROM fnd_user fu, wf_notifications wfn, fnd_user fu1

949: CURSOR notif_csr (p_notification_id NUMBER) IS
950: SELECT fu.user_id user_id, fu.user_name user_name,
951: fu1.user_id original_user_id,fu1.user_name original_user_name
952: FROM fnd_user fu, wf_notifications wfn, fnd_user fu1
953: WHERE fu.user_name = wfn.recipient_role
954: AND fu1.user_name = wfn.original_recipient
955: AND wfn.notification_id = p_notification_id ;

Line 1266: l_recipient_name FND_USER.user_name%type;

1262: l_approver_record2 ame_util.approverRecord2;
1263: l_notification_record ame_util2.notificationRecord;
1264: l_approver_id number;
1265: l_approval_status VARCHAR2(30);
1266: l_recipient_name FND_USER.user_name%type;
1267: l_action_code OKC_REP_CON_APPROVALS.action_code%type;
1268: l_wf_note VARCHAR2(2000);
1269: l_api_name VARCHAR2(30);
1270: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);

Line 1292: FROM fnd_user fu, wf_notifications wfn, fnd_user fu1

1289: CURSOR notif_csr (p_notification_id NUMBER) IS
1290: SELECT fu.user_id user_id, fu.user_name user_name,
1291: fu1.user_id original_user_id,fu1.user_name original_user_name
1292: FROM fnd_user fu, wf_notifications wfn, fnd_user fu1
1293: WHERE fu.user_name = wfn.recipient_role
1294: AND fu1.user_name = wfn.original_recipient
1295: AND wfn.notification_id = p_notification_id ;

Line 1541: FROM fnd_user

1537: --for forward action
1538: l_recipient_record2.name := l_forwardTo ;
1540: SELECT user_id INTO l_recipient_id
1541: FROM fnd_user
1542: WHERE user_name = l_recipient_record2.name;
1543: --l_recipient_record2.name := l_recipient;

Line 1689: FROM fnd_user

1685: IF (funcmode = 'FORWARD' OR funcmode = 'TRANSFER') THEN
1686: l_recipient_record2.name := wf_engine.context_new_role;
1688: SELECT user_id INTO l_recipient_id
1689: FROM fnd_user
1690: WHERE user_name = l_recipient_record2.name;
1691: --l_recipient_record2.name := l_recipient;
1693: IF funcmode = 'FORWARD' THEN