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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 32

   select item_type, item_key
   into p_item_type,p_item_key
   from wf_items
   where user_key=to_char(p_transaction_id)
   and rownum<2;
Line: 125

     select  ias.notification_id notification_id
     from   wf_item_activity_statuses ias,
            wf_notifications ntf
     where   ias.item_type = itemtype
     and     ias.item_key   =itemkey
     and   ias.notification_id is not null
     and     ntf.notification_id  = ias.notification_id
     and    ntf.status='OPEN'
     select  ias.notification_id notification_id
     from   wf_item_activity_statuses_h ias,
        wf_notifications ntf
     where   ias.notification_id is not null
     and ias.item_type = itemtype
     and     ias.item_key   =itemkey
     and     ntf.notification_id  = ias.notification_id
     and    ntf.status='OPEN' ;
Line: 189

    select  1
    into    dummy
    from    sys.dual
    where   exists  ( select null
                      from   wf_notifications
                      where  notification_id = nid
                      and    status   = 'OPEN'
Line: 326

lv_selected_func_prompt  fnd_form_functions_vl.USER_FUNCTION_NAME%type;
Line: 352

     select * into lr_hr_api_transaction_rec from hr_api_transactions
     where transaction_id=ln_transaction_id;
Line: 371

   select USER_FUNCTION_NAME into lv_selected_func_prompt
   from fnd_form_functions_vl fffv
   where fffv.function_id=lr_hr_api_transaction_rec.FUNCTION_ID;
Line: 388

       lv_selected_func_prompt:= lv_selected_func_prompt||' - ' ||lr_hr_api_transaction_rec.section_display_name;
Line: 423

  l_current_person_id := lr_hr_api_transaction_rec.SELECTED_PERSON_ID;
Line: 480

       select decode(
         ,'FN',full_name,first_name||' '|| last_name||' '||suffix) FULL_NAME
       into l_current_disp_name
       from per_all_people_f
       where person_id=l_current_person_id
       and trunc(sysdate) between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 491

                SELECT varchar2_value into l_current_disp_name
                FROM hr_api_transaction_values
                WHERE transaction_step_id IN
                (SELECT transaction_step_id
                FROM hr_api_transaction_steps
                WHERE transaction_id = ln_transaction_id
                AND api_name = 'HR_PROCESS_PERSON_SS.PROCESS_API')
                AND name = 'P_FULL_NAME'
                AND 'NEW' =
                (SELECT varchar2_value
                FROM hr_api_transaction_values
                WHERE transaction_step_id IN
                (SELECT transaction_step_id
                FROM hr_api_transaction_steps
                WHERE transaction_id = ln_transaction_id
                AND api_name = 'HR_PROCESS_PERSON_SS.PROCESS_API')
                AND name = 'P_ACTION_TYPE');
Line: 525

Line: 562

     select fffv.user_function_name,hat.section_display_name
     into lv_subject,lv_section_display_name
     from hr_api_transactions hat,fnd_form_functions_vl fffv
     where hat.transaction_id=p_transaction_id
     and   hat.function_id=fffv.function_id;
Line: 637

      select item_type,item_key
      into p_itemType,p_itemKey
      from wf_items
      where user_key=to_char(p_transaction_id)
      and item_type=nvl(p_itemType,'HRSFL')
      and end_date is null
      and rownum<2;
Line: 676

  select hr_workflow_item_key_s.nextval
  into   p_itemKey
  from   sys.dual;
Line: 703

      select * into lr_hr_api_transaction_rec from hr_api_transactions
      where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 782

Line: 824

  function getSFLStatusForUpdate(
     p_currentTxnStatus in varchar2,
     p_proposedTxnStatus in varchar2) RETURN VARCHAR2
  --local variables
  c_updateStatus hr_api_transactions.status%type;
Line: 854

            c_updateStatus:= 'YS';
Line: 857

Line: 863

            c_updateStatus:= 'YS';
Line: 868

Line: 872

Line: 875

Line: 880

   return c_updateStatus;
Line: 884

  end getSFLStatusForUpdate;
Line: 905

     select * into lr_hr_api_transaction_rec from hr_api_transactions
     where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 939

         select * into lr_hr_api_transaction_rec
         from hr_api_transactions
         where transaction_id=p_transaction_id;
Line: 977

           SELECT process_activity
           into ln_activity_id
              (select process_activity
                WHERE  ias.item_type          = lr_hr_api_transaction_rec.item_type
                 and    ias.item_key           = lr_hr_api_transaction_rec.item_type
                 and    ias.activity_status    = 'NOTIFIED'
                 and    ias.process_activity   in (
                                                 select  wpa.instance_id
                                                 FROM    WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES     WPA,
                                                         WF_ACTIVITY_ATTRIBUTES    WAA,
                                                         WF_ACTIVITIES             WA,
                                                         WF_ITEMS                  WI
                                                 WHERE   wpa.process_item_type   = ias.item_type
                                                 and     wa.item_type           = wpa.process_item_type
                                                 and     wa.name                = wpa.activity_name
                                                 and     wi.item_type           = ias.item_type
                                                 and     wi.item_key            = ias.item_key
                                                 and     wi.begin_date         >= wa.begin_date
                                                 and     wi.begin_date         <  nvl(wa.end_date,wi.begin_date+1)
                                                 and     waa.activity_item_type  = wa.item_type
                                                 and     waa.activity_name       = wa.name
                                                 and     waa.activity_version    = wa.version
                                                 and     waa.type                = 'FORM'
               order by begin_date desc)
           where rownum<=1;
Line: 1071

            select item_type, item_key
            into lv_sfl_item_type,lv_sfl_item_key
            from wf_items
            where user_key=to_char(p_transaction_id)
            --and   parent_item_type=nvl(p_approvalItemType,parent_item_type)
            --and   parent_item_key=nvl(p_approvalItemKey,parent_item_key)
            and rownum<2;
Line: 1127

            select item_type, item_key
            into lv_sfl_item_type,lv_sfl_item_key
            from wf_items
            where user_key=to_char(p_transaction_id)
            and rownum<2;