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1 package ame_api7 AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: ameeapi7.pkh 120.1 2006/10/05 13:59:14 avarri noship $ */
3 /*#
4  * This API package contains ancillary routines.
5  * @rep:scope public
6  * @rep:product AME
7  * @rep:displayname Ancillary Parallel Approvers Process
8 */
9 --
10 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 -- |-----------------------------< getgroupmembers1 >-------------------------|
12 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 --
14 -- {Start Of Comments}
15 /*#
16  * This API returns the approval group members display name for a given
17  * transaction.
18  *
19  * If applicationIdIn, transactionIdIn, and transactionTypeIn are null, the
20  * GROUP ID must be for a static approval group. If the group is dynamic, these
21  * three inputs must identify the transaction for which AME should calculate
22  * the group's members.
23  *
24  * <p><b>Licensing</b><br>
25  * This API is available for use with any licensed component of the e-business
26  * suite.
27  *
28  * <p><b>Prerequisites</b><br>
29  * No known prerequisites.
30  *
31  * <p><b>Post Success</b><br>
32  * The API will return the approval group members' display name.
33  *
34  * <p><b>Post Failure</b><br>
35  * The API will raise an error.
36  *
37  * @param applicationidin The fnd_application.application_id value of the
38  * originating application calling the AME API routine.
39  * @param transactiontypein This is a string parameter up to 50 bytes long. It
40  * distinguishes one transaction type from another, within a given originating
41  * application. It can be null, but you must always pass its value explicitly.
42  * @param transactionidin This is a string up to 50 bytes long. It identifies a
43  * transaction within a transaction type. Its value must not contain
44  * white-space characters, and must not be the character representation of a
45  * negative integer.
46  * @param itemclassin This specifies the Item Class name. Example: header,
47  * line item, cost center, project code and so on, for which the
48  * list of group members will be retrieved.
49  * @param itemidin Item Id in a transaction for which the list of group members
50  * will be retrieved.
51  * @param groupidin This specifies the unique identifier of Approval group.
52  * @param memberdisplaynamesout Group members' display name.
53  * @rep:displayname Get Group Members 1
55  * @rep:lifecycle active
56  * @rep:scope public
57 */
58 --
59 -- {End Of Comments}
60 --
61   procedure getGroupMembers1(applicationIdIn       in number   default null,
62                              transactionTypeIn     in varchar2 default null,
63                              transactionIdIn       in varchar2 default null,
64                              itemClassIn           in varchar2,
65                              itemIdIn              in varchar2,
66                              groupIdIn             in number,
67                              memberDisplayNamesOut out nocopy ame_util.longStringList);
68 --
69 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 -- |-----------------------------< getgroupmembers2 >-------------------------|
71 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 --
73 -- {Start Of Comments}
74 /*#
75  * This API returns the approval group members name and display name for a
76  * given transaction.
77  *
78  * This API has the same functionality as getGroupMembers1, but it also outputs
79  * the group members' wf_roles.name values. See also ame_api7.getGroupMembers1.
80  *
81  * <p><b>Licensing</b><br>
82  * This API is available for use with any licensed component of the e-business
83  * suite.
84  *
85  * <p><b>Prerequisites</b><br>
86  * No known prerequisites.
87  *
88  * <p><b>Post Success</b><br>
89  * The API will return the approval group members' role name and display name.
90  *
91  * <p><b>Post Failure</b><br>
92  * The API will raise an error.
93  *
94  * @param applicationidin The fnd_application.application_id value of the
95  * originating application calling the AME API routine.
96  * @param transactiontypein This is a string parameter up to 50 bytes long. It
97  * distinguishes one transaction type from another, within a given originating
98  * application. It can be null, but you must always pass its value explicitly.
99  * @param transactionidin This is a string up to 50 bytes long. It identifies a
100  * transaction within a transaction type. Its value must not contain
101  * white-space characters, and must not be the character representation of a
102  * negative integer.
103  * @param itemclassin This specifies the Item Class name. Example: header,
104  * line item, cost center, project code and so on, for which the
105  * list of group members will be retrieved.
106  * @param itemidin Item Id in a transaction for which the list of group members
107  * will be retrieved.
108  * @param groupidin This specifies the unique identifier of Approval group.
109  * @param membernamesout Group members' name.
110  * @param memberdisplaynamesout Group members' display name.
111  * @rep:displayname Get Group Members 2
113  * @rep:lifecycle active
114  * @rep:scope public
115 */
116 --
117 -- {End Of Comments}
118 --
119   procedure getGroupMembers2(applicationIdIn       in number   default null,
120                              transactionTypeIn     in varchar2 default null,
121                              transactionIdIn       in varchar2 default null,
122                              itemClassIn           in varchar2,
123                              itemIdIn              in varchar2,
124                              groupIdIn             in number,
125                              memberNamesOut        out nocopy ame_util.longStringList,
126                              memberDisplayNamesOut out nocopy ame_util.longStringList);
127 --
128 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 -- |-----------------------------< getgroupmembers3 >-------------------------|
130 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 --
132 -- {Start Of Comments}
133 /*#
134  * This API returns the approval group members name, display name and order
135  * number for a given transaction.
136  *
137  * This API has the same functionality as getGroupMembers2, but it also outputs
138  * the members' order numbers. See also ame_api7.getGroupMembers2.
139  *
140  * <p><b>Licensing</b><br>
141  * This API is available for use with any licensed component of the e-business
142  * suite.
143  *
144  * <p><b>Prerequisites</b><br>
145  * No known prerequisites.
146  *
147  * <p><b>Post Success</b><br>
148  * The API will return the approval group members' role name, display name and
149  * the order number.
150  *
151  * <p><b>Post Failure</b><br>
152  * The API will raise an error.
153  *
154  * @param applicationidin The fnd_application.application_id value of the
155  * originating application calling the AME API routine.
156  * @param transactiontypein This is a string parameter up to 50 bytes long. It
157  * distinguishes one transaction type from another, within a given originating
158  * application. It can be null, but you must always pass its value explicitly.
159  * @param transactionidin This is a string up to 50 bytes long. It identifies a
160  * transaction within a transaction type. Its value must not contain
161  * white-space characters, and must not be the character representation of a
162  * negative integer.
163  * @param itemclassin This specifies the Item Class name. Example: header,
164  * line item, cost center, project code and so on, for which the
165  * list of group members will be retrieved.
166  * @param itemidin Item Id in a transaction for which the list of group members
167  * will be retrieved.
168  * @param groupidin This specifies the unique identifier of Approval group.
169  * @param membernamesout Group members' name.
170  * @param memberordernumbersout Group members' order number.
171  * @param memberdisplaynamesout Group members' display name.
172  * @rep:displayname Get Group Members 3
174  * @rep:lifecycle active
175  * @rep:scope public
176 */
177 --
178 -- {End Of Comments}
179 --
180   procedure getGroupMembers3(applicationIdIn       in number   default null,
181                              transactionTypeIn     in varchar2 default null,
182                              transactionIdIn       in varchar2 default null,
183                              itemClassIn           in varchar2,
184                              itemIdIn              in varchar2,
185                              groupIdIn             in number,
186                              memberNamesOut        out nocopy ame_util.longStringList,
187                              memberOrderNumbersOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
188                              memberDisplayNamesOut out nocopy ame_util.longStringList);
189 --
190 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
191 -- |-----------------------------< getgroupmembers4 >-------------------------|
192 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
193 --
194 -- {Start Of Comments}
195 /*#
196  * This API returns the approval group members name, display name, order
197  * number, orig system details for a given transaction.
198  *
199  * This API has the same functionality as getGroupMembers3, but it also outputs
200  * the members' wf_roles.orig_system and wf_roles.orig_system_id values. See
201  * also ame_api7.getGroupMembers3.
202  *
203  * <p><b>Licensing</b><br>
204  * This API is available for use with any licensed component of the e-business
205  * suite.
206  *
207  * <p><b>Prerequisites</b><br>
208  * No known prerequisites.
209  *
210  * <p><b>Post Success</b><br>
211  * The API will return approval group members' role name, display name, order
212  * number, orig system and orig system id.
213  *
214  * <p><b>Post Failure</b><br>
215  * The API will raise an error.
216  *
217  * @param applicationidin The fnd_application.application_id value of the
218  * originating application calling the AME API routine.
219  * @param transactiontypein This is a string parameter up to 50 bytes long. It
220  * distinguishes one transaction type from another, within a given originating
221  * application. It can be null, but you must always pass its value explicitly.
222  * @param transactionidin This is a string up to 50 bytes long. It identifies a
223  * transaction within a transaction type. Its value must not contain
224  * white-space characters, and must not be the character representation of a
225  * negative integer.
226  * @param itemclassin This specifies the Item Class name. Example: header,
227  * line item, cost center, project code and so on, for which the
228  * list of group members will be retrieved.
229  * @param itemidin Item Id in a transaction for which the list of group members
230  * will be retrieved.
231  * @param groupidin This specifies the unique identifier of Approval group.
232  * @param membernamesout Group members' name.
233  * @param memberordernumbersout Group members' order number.
234  * @param memberdisplaynamesout Group members' display name.
235  * @param memberorigsystemidsout Group members' orig system id.
236  * @param memberorigsystemsout Group members' orig system, for example,
237  * FND_USR, PER, POS and so on.
238  * @rep:displayname Get Group Members 4
240  * @rep:lifecycle active
241  * @rep:scope public
242 */
243 --
244 -- {End Of Comments}
245 --
246   procedure getGroupMembers4(applicationIdIn        in number   default null,
247                              transactionTypeIn      in varchar2 default null,
248                              transactionIdIn        in varchar2 default null,
249                              itemClassIn            in varchar2,
250                              itemIdIn               in varchar2,
251                              groupIdIn              in number,
252                              memberNamesOut         out nocopy ame_util.longStringList,
253                              memberOrderNumbersOut  out nocopy ame_util.idList,
254                              memberDisplayNamesOut  out nocopy ame_util.longStringList,
255                              memberOrigSystemIdsOut out nocopy ame_util.idList,
256                              memberOrigSystemsOut   out nocopy ame_util.stringList);
257 --
258 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 -- |----------------------------< getattributevalue >-------------------------|
260 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
261 --
262 -- {Start Of Comments}
263 /*#
264  * This API returns the value of an attribute for a given transaction.
265  *
266  * This API outputs attributeValue1Out, attributeValue2Out, and
267  * attributeValue3Out the values of the attribute with the name attributeNameIn
268  * for the item with ID itemIdIn, for the input transaction. An attribute is
269  * always associated with an item class, and attribute names are unique across
270  * item classes, so it is not necessary to input the item class. If the
271  * attribute pertains to the header item class, itemIdIn should have the same
272  * value as transactionIdIn. For all attribute types other than currency
273  * attributes, attributeValue1Out contains the attribute's value, and
274  * attributeValue2Out and attributeValue3Out are null. For currency attributes,
275  * attributeValue1Out is the amount, attributeValue2Out is the General Ledger
276  * currency code, and attributeValue3Out is the General Ledger conversion type.
277  *
278  * <p><b>Licensing</b><br>
279  * This API is available for use with any licensed component of the e-business
280  * suite.
281  *
282  * <p><b>Prerequisites</b><br>
283  * No known prerequisites.
284  *
285  * <p><b>Post Success</b><br>
286  * The API will return the value of the attribute.
287  *
288  * <p><b>Post Failure</b><br>
289  * The API will raise an error.
290  *
291  * @param applicationidin The fnd_application.application_id value of the
292  * originating application calling the AME API routine.
293  * @param transactiontypein This is a string parameter up to 50 bytes long. It
294  * distinguishes one transaction type from another, within a given originating
295  * application. It can be null, but you must always pass its value explicitly.
296  * @param transactionidin This is a string up to 50 bytes long. It identifies a
297  * transaction within a transaction type. Its value must not contain
298  * white-space characters, and must not be the character representation of a
299  * negative integer.
300  * @param attributenamein This specifies the Attribute name.
301  * @param itemclassin This specifies the attributes' Item Class name.
302  * Example: header, line item, cost center, projects and so on.
303  * @param itemidin Item id corresponding to the item class, to that
304  * the attribute belongs.
305  * @param attributevalue1out Attribute value.
306  * @param attributevalue2out For non-currency attribute type, it will contain
307  * null and for currency type it will contain General Ledger currency code.
308  * @param attributevalue3out For non-currency attribute type, it will contain
309  * null and for currency type it will contain General Ledger conversion type.
310  * @rep:displayname Get Attribute Value
312  * @rep:lifecycle active
313  * @rep:scope public
314 */
315 --
316 -- {End Of Comments}
317 --
318   procedure getAttributeValue( applicationIdIn in number,
319                                transactionTypeIn in varchar2,
320                                transactionIdIn in varchar2,
321                                attributeNameIn in varchar2,
322                                itemClassIn in varchar2,
323                                itemIdIn in varchar2,
324                                attributeValue1Out out nocopy varchar2,
325                                attributeValue2Out out nocopy varchar2,
326                                attributeValue3Out out nocopy varchar2);
327 --
328 end ame_api7;