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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 102

      select ost.organization_structure_id
      from   per_organization_structures 	ost
      where  ost.organization_structure_id 	= cp_str_id
      and    ost.business_group_id         	= cp_bus_id;
Line: 113

      select spr.view_all_organizations_flag
      ,      spr.organization_structure_id
      from   per_security_profiles 		spr
      ,      per_sec_profile_assignments 	spa
      where  spr.security_profile_id           = spa.security_profile_id
      and    spa.user_id                       = cp_user_id
      and    spa.responsibility_id             = cp_resp_id
      and    spa.responsibility_application_id = cp_appl_id
      and    spa.security_group_id             = cp_secg_id;
Line: 128

	select	 view_all_organizations_flag
	from	per_security_profiles
	where	security_profile_id	= cp_security_profile_id;
Line: 136

      select ost.organization_structure_id
      from   per_organization_structures	ost
      where  ost.business_group_id      	= cp_bus_id
      and    ost.primary_structure_flag 	= 'Y';
Line: 305

    select	value
    from	  per_assignment_budget_values_f
    where	  assignment_id	= p_assignment_id
    and	    unit = p_budget_metric
    and     p_session_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 437

  select sum(ev.screen_entry_value)
  into l_hours_worked
  from  pay_element_entry_values_f ev,
        pay_element_entries_f ee
  where ev.element_entry_id = ee.element_entry_id and
        ee.assignment_id = p_assign_id and
        (ev.input_value_id,ee.element_link_id) in
        ( select iv.input_value_id,el.element_link_id
          from pay_element_types_f et,
               pay_input_values_f iv,
               pay_element_links_f el
          where iv.name = 'Hours' and
                et.element_name = 'Overtime' and
                iv.element_type_id = et.element_type_id and
                et.element_type_id = el.element_type_id and
                p_earned_date between et.effective_start_date and et.effective_end_date and
                p_earned_date between iv.effective_start_date and iv.effective_end_date and
                p_earned_date between el.effective_start_date and el.effective_end_date
        ) and
        p_earned_date between ee.effective_start_date and ee.effective_end_date and
        exists (select null
                from pay_element_entry_values_f ev2,
                     pay_element_entries_f ee2
                where ev2.element_entry_id = ee2.element_entry_id and
                      ee2.assignment_id = p_assign_id and
                      ev2.screen_entry_value = to_char(p_multiple) and
                      ev2.element_entry_id = ev.element_entry_id and
                      (ev2.input_value_id,ee2.element_link_id) in
                      ( select iv2.input_value_id,el2.element_link_id
                        from pay_element_types_f et2,
                             pay_input_values_f iv2,
                             pay_element_links_f el2
                        where iv2.element_type_id = et2.element_type_id and
                              et2.element_type_id = el2.element_type_id and
                              iv2.name = 'Multiple' and
                              et2.element_name = 'Overtime' and
                              p_earned_date between et2.effective_start_date and et2.effective_end_date and
                              p_earned_date between iv2.effective_start_date and iv2.effective_end_date and
                              p_earned_date between el2.effective_start_date and el2.effective_end_date
                      ) and
                      p_earned_date between ee2.effective_start_date and  ee2.effective_end_date
Line: 500

select ast.per_system_status status
,      asg.effective_start_date
,      asg.effective_end_date
,      asg.organization_id
from	 per_assignment_status_types ast
,      per_all_assignments_f asg
where	 asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
and	   asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and	   asg.effective_start_date	<= p_period_end_date
order by asg.effective_start_date desc;
Line: 512

select per.start_date
from	 per_all_people_f		per
,      per_all_assignments_f		asg
where	asg.person_id	= per.person_id
and	p_period_end_date between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date
and	p_period_end_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
and	asg.assignment_id	= p_assignment_id;
Line: 521

select pos.actual_termination_date
,      pos.leaving_reason
,      decode( pos.actual_termination_date,
      		null, 'Not Terminated',
      		decode( floor(
            months_between( pos.actual_termination_date, pos.date_start ) / 12 ),
                  0, '<1 Year',
            			1, '1-3 Years',
            			2, '1-3 Years',
      			      3, '3-5 Years',
             			4, '3-5 Years',
			            '5 Years+'))			service_band
from	 per_periods_of_service		pos
,      per_all_assignments_f		asg
where	 asg.period_of_service_id	= pos.period_of_service_id
and	   p_period_start_date-1 between asg.effective_start_date	and asg.effective_end_date
and	asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 737

      select org_param_id
      from   hri_org_params
      where  organization_id = cp_organization_id
      and    organization_process = 'SINR';
Line: 809

  select meaning
  from   hr_lookups
  where  lookup_type = 'LEAV_REAS'
  and    lookup_code = p_leaving_reason;
Line: 950

Line: 951

Line: 966

    select ose.organization_id_parent
    from   per_org_structure_elements ose
    where  ose.org_structure_element_id = GetOrgStructElement;
Line: 975

    select TREE.organization_id_start
    from   hr_organization_units org
    ,     (select  ele.organization_id_parent organization_id_start
           from    per_org_structure_elements ele
           where   cp_organization_process in ('ISNR', 'ISRO')
           connect by prior ele.organization_id_child = ele.organization_id_parent
           and     ele.org_structure_version_id = cp_org_structure_version_id
           start with ele.organization_id_parent = cp_organization_id
           and     ele.org_structure_version_id = cp_org_structure_version_id) TREE
    where  TREE.organization_id_start = org.organization_id
    select TREE.organization_id_start
    from   hr_organization_units org
    ,     (select  ele.organization_id_child organization_id_start
           from    per_org_structure_elements ele
           where   cp_organization_process in ('ISNR', 'ISRO')
           connect by prior ele.organization_id_child = ele.organization_id_parent
           and     ele.org_structure_version_id = cp_org_structure_version_id
           start with ele.organization_id_parent = cp_organization_id
           and     ele.org_structure_version_id = cp_org_structure_version_id) TREE
    where  TREE.organization_id_start = org.organization_id
    select org.organization_id organization_id_start
    from   hr_organization_units org
    where  org.organization_id = cp_organization_id
    order by 1;
Line: 1007

    select TREE.organization_id_group
    ,      TREE.organization_id_child
    from   hr_organization_units org
    ,     (select  cp_organization_id_start  organization_id_group
           ,       ele.organization_id_child organization_id_child
           from    per_org_structure_elements ele
           where   cp_organization_process in ('SIRO', 'ISRO')
           connect by prior ele.organization_id_child = ele.organization_id_parent
           and     ele.org_structure_version_id = cp_org_structure_version_id
           start with ele.organization_id_parent = cp_organization_id_start
           and     ele.org_structure_version_id = cp_org_structure_version_id) TREE
    where  TREE.organization_id_child = org.organization_id
    select org.organization_id organization_id_group
    ,      org.organization_id organization_id_child
    from   hr_organization_units org
    where  org.organization_id = cp_organization_id_start
    order by 1,2;
Line: 1050

Line: 1051

Line: 1138

    select ose.org_structure_element_id
    from   per_organization_structures ost
    ,      per_org_structure_versions  osv
    ,      per_org_structure_elements  ose
    where  ost.business_group_id       = cp_bus_id
    and    ost.organization_structure_id = cp_str_id
    and    ost.organization_structure_id = osv.organization_structure_id
    and    osv.org_structure_version_id  = ose.org_structure_version_id
    and    trunc(sysdate) between nvl(osv.date_from,trunc(sysdate)) and nvl(osv.date_to,sysdate)
    and    not exists
             ( select null
               from   per_org_structure_elements ose2
               where  ose2.org_structure_version_id = osv.org_structure_version_id
               and    ose.organization_id_parent    = ose2.organization_id_child );
Line: 1191

    select osv.org_structure_version_id
    from   per_organization_structures ost
    ,      per_org_structure_versions  osv
    where  ost.business_group_id       = cp_bus_id
    and    ost.organization_structure_id = cp_str_id
    and    ost.organization_structure_id = osv.organization_structure_id
    and    trunc(sysdate) between nvl(osv.date_from,trunc(sysdate)) and nvl(osv.date_to,sysdate);
Line: 1241

    select v.org_structure_version_id
    from   per_organization_structures s
    ,      per_org_structure_versions v
    where  s.business_group_id       = cp_bus_id
    and    s.organization_structure_id = cp_str_id
    and    s.organization_structure_id = v.organization_structure_id
    and    trunc(sysdate) between nvl(v.date_from,trunc(sysdate)) and nvl(v.date_to,sysdate);
Line: 1317

FUNCTION get_poplist(p_select_statement VARCHAR2
                    ,p_parameter_list   VARCHAR2
                    ,p_parameter_name   VARCHAR2
                    ,p_parameter_value  VARCHAR2
                    ,p_report_name      VARCHAR2
                    ,p_report_link VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
l_poplist VARCHAR2(32767);
Line: 1325

l_new_select_statement VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 1343

Line: 1345

Line: 1579

      select  country
      from    hr_locations
      where   location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 1584

      select  pos.location_id
      from    hr_locations		loc
             ,per_positions		pos
      where  pos.position_id = p_position_id
      and    pos.location_id = loc.location_id;
Line: 1592

      select  org.location_id
      from    hr_locations		loc
             ,hr_organization_units	org
      where  org.organization_id = p_organization_id
      and    org.location_id     = loc.location_id;
Line: 1600

      select  bg.location_id
      from    hr_locations		loc
             ,per_business_groups	bg
      where  bg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      and    bg.location_id       = loc.location_id;
Line: 1660

        'select loc.' || g_region_segment ||
        ' from hr_locations loc' ||
        ' where loc.location_id = :p_location_id'
      using p_location_id;
Line: 1676

          'select loc.' || g_region_segment ||
          ' ,loc.location_id' ||
          ' from hr_locations loc' ||
          ' ,    per_positions pos' ||
          ' where loc.location_id = pos.location_id' ||
          ' and pos.position_id = :p_position_id'
        using p_position_id;
Line: 1692

            'select loc.' || g_region_segment ||
            ' ,loc.location_id' ||
            ' from hr_locations loc' ||
            ' ,    hr_organization_units hou' ||
            ' where loc.location_id = hou.location_id' ||
            ' and hou.organization_id = :p_organization_id'
          using p_organization_id;
Line: 1707

            'select loc.' || g_region_segment ||
            ' ,loc.location_id' ||
            ' from hr_locations loc' ||
            ' ,    per_business_groups bgr' ||
            ' where loc.location_id = bgr.location_id' ||
            ' and bgr.organization_id = :p_business_group_id'
          using p_business_group_id;
Line: 1763

      select nvl(ter.parent_territory_code,'Unassigned')
      from bis_territory_hierarchies_v ter
      ,    hr_locations loc
      where ter.child_territory_code(+) = loc.country
      and   decode(ter.parent_territory_type,null,'AREA'
                               ,ter.parent_territory_type) = 'AREA'
      and   loc.location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 1773

      select nvl(ter.parent_territory_code, 'Unassigned')
      from bis_territory_hierarchies_v ter
      ,    hr_locations loc
      ,    per_positions pos
      where ter.child_territory_code(+) = loc.country
      and   decode(ter.parent_territory_type,null,'AREA'
                               ,ter.parent_territory_type) = 'AREA'
      and   pos.location_id = loc.location_id
      and   pos.position_id = p_position_id;
Line: 1785

      select nvl(ter.parent_territory_code, 'Unassigned')
      from bis_territory_hierarchies_v ter
      ,    hr_locations loc
      ,    hr_organization_units hou
      where ter.child_territory_code(+) = loc.country
      and   decode(ter.parent_territory_type,null,'AREA'
                               ,ter.parent_territory_type) = 'AREA'
      and   hou.location_id = loc.location_id
      and   hou.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1799

      select ter.parent_territory_code
      from bis_territory_hierarchies_v ter
      ,    hr_locations loc
      ,    per_business_groups bgr
      where ter.child_territory_code = loc.country
      and   ter.parent_territory_type = 'AREA'
      and   bgr.location_id = loc.location_id
      and   bgr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1810

      select loc.country
      from hr_locations loc
      where loc.location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 1816

      select loc.country
      from hr_locations loc
      ,    per_positions pos
      where loc.location_id = pos.location_id
      and   pos.position_id = p_position_id;
Line: 1824

      select loc.country
      from hr_locations loc
      ,    hr_organization_units hou
      where loc.location_id = hou.location_id
      and   hou.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1832

      select loc.country
      from hr_locations loc
      ,    per_business_groups bgr
      where loc.location_id = bgr.location_id
      and bgr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1919

                     'select loc.'||g_region_segment||
                     ' from hr_locations loc'||
                     ' where loc.location_id = :p_location_id'
           using p_location_id;
Line: 1933

                       'select loc.'||g_region_segment||
                       ' from hr_locations loc'||
                       ' ,    per_positions pos'||
                       ' where loc.location_id = pos.location_id'||
                       ' and pos.position_id = :p_position_id'
             using p_position_id;
Line: 1950

                         'select loc.'||g_region_segment||
                         ' from hr_locations loc'||
                         ' ,    hr_organization_units hou'||
                         ' where loc.location_id = hou.location_id'||
                         ' and hou.organization_id = :p_organization_id'
               using p_organization_id;
Line: 1967

                           'select loc.'||g_region_segment||
                           ' from hr_locations loc'||
                           ' ,    per_business_groups bgr'||
                           ' where loc.location_id = bgr.location_id'||
                           ' and bgr.organization_id = :p_business_group_id'
                 using p_business_group_id;
Line: 1998

      select bfm.application_column_name
      from  bis_flex_mappings_v    bfm
      ,     bis_dimensions         bd
      where bfm.dimension_id     = bd.dimension_id
      and   bd.short_name        = 'GEOGRAPHY'
      and   bfm.level_short_name = 'REGION'
      and   bfm.application_id   = 800;
Line: 2057

      select formula_name
      from   ff_formulas_f
      where  formula_id = p_formula_id;
Line: 2080

      select formula_id
      from   ff_compiled_info_f
      where  formula_id = p_formula_id;