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1 PACKAGE inv_detail_util_pvt AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: INVVDEUS.pls 120.7.12020000.2 2013/01/31 22:02:56 sahmahes ship $ */
3 --
4 --
5 -- File        : INVVDEUS.pls
6 -- Content     : INV_DETAIL_UTIL_PVT package spec
7 -- Description : utlitities used by the detailing engine (both inv and wms versions)
8 -- Notes       :
9 -- Modified    : 10/22/99 bitang created
10 -- Modified    : 04/04/2002 grao bug# 2286454
11 --
12 -- *****************************************************************************
13 -- * Detailing Request Information
14 -- *****************************************************************************
15 --
16 SUBTYPE g_request_line_rec_type IS mtl_txn_request_lines%ROWTYPE;
17 -- This record type stores some derived information, such as, revision
18 -- control code, etc., regarding the detailing request
19 --
20 TYPE g_request_context_rec_type IS RECORD
21   (
22    type_code                	 NUMBER,
23    transfer_flag            	 BOOLEAN,
24    transaction_action_id    	 NUMBER,
25    transaction_source_type_id    NUMBER,
26    item_revision_control    	 NUMBER,
27    item_lot_control_code    	 NUMBER,
28    item_serial_control_code 	 NUMBER,
29    lot_expiration_date      	 DATE,
30    primary_uom_code         	 VARCHAR2(3),
31    secondary_uom_code         VARCHAR2(3),
32    transaction_uom_code     	 VARCHAR2(3),
33    pick_strategy_id         	 NUMBER,
34    put_away_strategy_id     	 NUMBER,
35    txn_header_id            	 NUMBER,
36    txn_line_id              	 NUMBER,
37    txn_line_detail          	 NUMBER,
38    customer_id              	 NUMBER,
39    customer_number          	 VARCHAR2(30),
40    ship_to_location         	 NUMBER,
41    shipment_number          	 NUMBER,
42    freight_code             	 VARCHAR2(30),
43    detail_serial                 BOOLEAN,
44    item_locator_control_code     NUMBER,
45    org_locator_control_code      NUMBER,
46    posting_flag			 VARCHAR2(1),
47    detail_any_serial		 NUMBER,
48    base_uom_code		 VARCHAR2(3),
49    unit_volume			 NUMBER,
50    volume_uom_code		 VARCHAR2(3),
51    unit_weight			 NUMBER,
52    weight_uom_code    	  	 VARCHAR2(3),
53    wms_task_type		 NUMBER,
54    item_reservable_type		 NUMBER,
55    end_assembly_pegging_code	 NUMBER
56    );
57 --
58 --
59 -- The following record/table type is used to stores the levels
60 -- from which the detailing will starts.
61 -- The reason for having different levels is that the move order line
62 -- might specify a level (org,revision,lot_number,subinventory,locator)
63 -- while the reservations made for the same demand source might
64 -- exist in different level or levels.
65 -- [ Added the following two columns as a part of allocation of serial reserved items ]
66 TYPE g_detail_level_rec_type IS RECORD
67   (
68    revision          	 VARCHAR2(3),
69    lot_number        	 VARCHAR2(80),
70    subinventory_code 	 VARCHAR2(30),
71    grade_code        	 VARCHAR2(150),
72    locator_id        	 NUMBER,
73    primary_quantity  	 NUMBER,
74    transaction_quantity  NUMBER,
75    secondary_quantity    NUMBER,
76    reservation_id        NUMBER,
77    lpn_id		 NUMBER,
78    serial_number         VARCHAR2(30), /* FP: Bug 7268522 */   -- [ Added new column - serial_number  ]
79    serial_resv_flag      VARCHAR2(1)     -- [ Added new column - serial_resv_flag]
80    );
81 TYPE g_detail_level_tbl_type IS TABLE OF g_detail_level_rec_type
83 --
84 --
85 -- *****************************************************************************
86 -- * Types Used For Serial Number Detailing
87 -- *****************************************************************************
88 --
89 -- The following defines record/table type and instance
90 -- to store serial number(s) used in serial number detailing
91 TYPE g_serial_row is RECORD
92   (
93    serial_identifier	NUMBER,
94    inventory_item_id    NUMBER,
95    organization_id      NUMBER,
96    serial_number   	VARCHAR2(30)
97    );
98 --
99 TYPE g_serial_row_table is TABLE OF g_serial_row
101 --
105 TYPE g_serial_row_table_rec is RECORD (
106   inventory_item_id NUMTABTYPE
107 , organization_id   NUMTABTYPE
108 , serial_number     CHARTABTYPE30
109 , serial_status     NUMTABTYPE
110 );
112 -- Pointer to last row in g_output_serial_rows
113 g_serial_tbl_ptr 	NUMBER;
114 -- Stores serial numbers detailed
115 g_output_serial_rows	g_serial_row_table;
116 --
117 --
118 -- *****************************************************************************
119 -- * Types Used For Generating Output
120 -- *****************************************************************************
121 --
122 -- The followings define the record/table type used in
123 -- generating detailing output
124 TYPE g_output_process_rec_type IS RECORD
125   (
126    revision                 VARCHAR2(3)     ,
127    from_subinventory_code   VARCHAR2(10)    ,
128    from_locator_id          NUMBER          ,
129    to_subinventory_code     VARCHAR2(10)    ,
130    to_locator_id            NUMBER          ,
131    lot_number               VARCHAR2(80)    ,
132    lot_expiration_date      DATE            ,
133    serial_number_start      VARCHAR2(30)    ,
134    serial_number_end        VARCHAR2(30)    ,
135    transaction_quantity     NUMBER          ,
136    primary_quantity         NUMBER          ,
137    secondary_quantity       NUMBER          ,
138    grade_code               VARCHAR2(150)          ,
139    pick_rule_id             NUMBER          ,
140    put_away_rule_id         NUMBER          ,
141    reservation_id           NUMBER          ,
142    from_cost_group_id	    NUMBER          ,
143    to_cost_group_id	    NUMBER	    ,
144    lpn_id		    NUMBER
145    );
146 TYPE g_output_process_tbl_type IS TABLE OF g_output_process_rec_type
148 g_output_process_tbl g_output_process_tbl_type;
149 g_output_process_tbl_size INTEGER;
150 --used to enabled WMS run time logging
151 g_insert_lot_flag NUMBER;
152 g_insert_serial_flag NUMBER;
153 g_transaction_header_id NUMBER;
154 g_mo_transaction_date DATE;
155 --
156 -- *****************************************************************************
157 -- * Procedures and Functions
158 -- *****************************************************************************
159 --
160 -- *****************************************************************************
161 -- * Validation Related Procedures
162 -- *****************************************************************************
163 --
164 -- Description
165 --   1. validate move order line id
166 --   2. fetch move order line into g_mtl_txn_request_lines_rec
167 --   3. compute and return request context and request line record
168 --
169 PROCEDURE validate_and_init
170   (x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
171    p_request_line_id    IN  NUMBER,
172    p_suggest_serial     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
173    x_request_line_rec   OUT NOCOPY g_request_line_rec_type,
174    x_request_context    OUT NOCOPY g_request_context_rec_type,
175    p_wave_simulation_mode IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N'
176    );
177 --
178 -- *****************************************************************************
179 -- * Serial Number Detailing Related Procedures
180 -- *****************************************************************************
181 --
182 -- Description
183 --   Initialize the internal table that stores the serial numbers detailed
184 --   to empty
185 PROCEDURE init_output_serial_rows;
186 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 -- What does it do:
188 -- Given the item/organization, inventory controls, quantity for a autodetailed
189 -- row and also from/to serial number range info,
190 -- it fetches and populates available serial numbers into g_output_serial_rows.
191 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 --
193 PROCEDURE get_serial_numbers (
194   p_inventory_item_id       IN         NUMBER
195 , p_organization_id         IN         NUMBER
196 , p_revision                IN         VARCHAR2
197 , p_lot_number              IN         VARCHAR2
198 , p_subinventory_code       IN         VARCHAR2
199 , p_locator_id              IN         NUMBER
200 , p_required_sl_qty         IN         NUMBER
201 , p_from_range              IN         VARCHAR2
202 , p_to_range                IN         VARCHAR2
203 , p_unit_number             IN         VARCHAR2
204 , p_detail_any_serial       IN         NUMBER
205 , p_cost_group_id           IN         NUMBER
206 , p_transaction_type_id     IN         NUMBER
207 , x_available_sl_qty        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
208 , x_serial_index            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
209 , x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
210 , x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
211 , x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
212 , p_demand_source_type_id   IN         NUMBER   := null
213 , p_demand_source_header_id IN         NUMBER   := null
214 , p_demand_source_line_id   IN         NUMBER   := null
215 );
217 --
218 --  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
219 --  What does it do:
220 --  Sees if the passed serial number exists in our memory structure,
221 --  g_output_serial_rows.
222 --  If found, x_found = TRUE, else FALSE.
223 --  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
224 PROCEDURE search_serial_numbers
225   (  p_inventory_item_id  IN   NUMBER
226    , p_organization_id    IN   NUMBER
227    , p_serial_number      IN   VARCHAR2
228    , x_found              OUT  NOCOPY BOOLEAN
229    , x_return_status      OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
230    , x_msg_count	  OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
231    , x_msg_data           OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
232    );
233 --
234 --
235 --  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 --  What does it do:
237 --  Adds the passed serial number to our memory structure for storing
238 --  detailed serial numbers.
239 --  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 PROCEDURE add_serial_number(
241     p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER
242    ,p_organization_id   IN NUMBER
243    ,p_serial_number     IN VARCHAR2
244    ,x_serial_index      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
245    );
247 --  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 --  What does it do:
249 --  Locks the serial number passed in to keep it from being used by
250 --  other concurrent processes.
251 --  --------------------------------------------------------------------------
252 FUNCTION lock_serial_number(
253    p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER
254   ,p_serial_number     IN VARCHAR2
257 -- *****************************************************************************
258 -- * Output generation
259 -- *****************************************************************************
260 --
261 -- Description
262 --   Initialize the output table to empty
263 PROCEDURE init_output_process_tbl;
264 --
265 -- Description
266 --   add a output record to the output table
267 PROCEDURE add_output ( p_output_process_rec IN g_output_process_rec_type);
268 --
269 -- Description
270 --   generate the suggestion records in transaction temporary tables
271 PROCEDURE process_output
272   (x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
273    p_request_line_rec IN  g_request_line_rec_type,
274    p_request_context  IN  g_request_context_rec_type,
275    p_plan_tasks       IN  BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
276    );
277 --
278 -- *****************************************************************************
279 -- * Some Useful Helpers
280 -- *****************************************************************************
281 -- compute the levels to start detailing using the transaction
282 -- request info and reservations
283 -- Added x_remaining_quantity as part of the bug fix for 2286454
284 PROCEDURE compute_pick_detail_level
285   ( x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
286   , p_request_line_rec      IN  g_request_line_rec_type
287   , p_request_context       IN  g_request_context_rec_type
288   , p_reservations          IN  inv_reservation_global.mtl_reservation_tbl_type
289   , x_detail_level_tbl      IN OUT NOCOPY  g_detail_level_tbl_type
290   , x_detail_level_tbl_size OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
291   , x_remaining_quantity    OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
292   );
293 -- Overloaded version for multi-UOM
294 PROCEDURE compute_pick_detail_level
295   ( x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
296   , p_request_line_rec      IN  g_request_line_rec_type
297   , p_request_context       IN  g_request_context_rec_type
298   , p_reservations          IN  inv_reservation_global.mtl_reservation_tbl_type
299   , x_detail_level_tbl      IN OUT NOCOPY  g_detail_level_tbl_type
300   , x_detail_level_tbl_size OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
301   , x_remaining_quantity    OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
302   , x_remaining_sec_qty     OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
303    );
304 --
305 -- Name        : split_prefix_num
306 -- Function    : Separates prefix and numeric part of a serial number
307 -- Pre-reqs    : none
308 -- Parameters  :
309 --  p_serial_number        in     varchar2
310 --  p_prefix               in/out varchar2      the prefix
311 --  x_num                  out    varchar2(30)  the numeric portion
312 -- Notes       : privat procedure for internal use only
313 --               needed only once serial numbers are supported
314 --
315 PROCEDURE split_prefix_num
316   ( p_serial_number        IN     VARCHAR2
317    ,p_prefix               IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
318    ,x_num                  OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
319    );
320 --
321 -- Subtract two serial numbers and return the difference
322 FUNCTION subtract_serials
323   (p_operand1      IN VARCHAR2,
324    p_operand2      IN VARCHAR2
326 --
327 FUNCTION get_lot_expiration_date
328   (p_organization_id IN NUMBER,
329    p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER,
330    p_lot_number IN VARCHAR2)
333 FUNCTION is_sub_loc_lot_trx_allowed(
334          p_transaction_type_id  IN      NUMBER
335         ,p_organization_id      IN      NUMBER
336         ,p_inventory_item_id    IN      NUMBER
337         ,p_subinventory_code    IN      VARCHAR2
338         ,p_locator_id           IN      NUMBER
339         ,p_lot_number           IN      VARCHAR2
340         ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
342 FUNCTION is_serial_trx_allowed(
343          p_transaction_type_id  IN      NUMBER
344         ,p_organization_id      IN      NUMBER
345         ,p_inventory_item_id    IN      NUMBER
346         ,p_serial_status        IN      NUMBER
347         ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
349 PROCEDURE build_sql (
350         x_return_status         OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2
351        ,x_sql_statement         OUT     NOCOPY LONG);
352 FUNCTION is_sub_loc_lot_reservable(
353          p_organization_id            IN NUMBER
354         ,p_inventory_item_id          IN NUMBER
355         ,p_subinventory_code          IN VARCHAR2
356         ,p_locator_id                 IN NUMBER
357         ,p_lot_number                 IN VARCHAR2
359 FUNCTION get_organization_code(
360          p_organization_id            IN NUMBER
361          )
362 Return VARCHAR2;
364 -- LPN Status Project
365 FUNCTION is_onhand_status_trx_allowed(
366     p_transaction_type_id  IN NUMBER
367    ,p_organization_id   IN NUMBER
368    ,p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER
369    ,p_subinventory_code IN VARCHAR2
370    ,p_locator_id     IN NUMBER
371    ,p_lot_number     IN VARCHAR2
372    ,p_lpn_id         IN NUMBER
374 -- LPN Status Project
376 PROCEDURE set_mo_transact_date (
377         p_date    IN   DATE);
379 PROCEDURE clear_mo_transact_date;
381 END inv_detail_util_pvt;