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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 37

   l_last_update_date           DATE := FND_API.G_MISS_DATE;
Line: 38

   l_last_updated_by            NUMBER := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM;
Line: 39

   l_last_update_login          NUMBER := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM;
Line: 62

      SELECT wip_entity_id
        , wip_line_id
        , wip_repetitive_schedule_id
        , wip_operation_seq_num
        , wip_resource_seq_num
        , transaction_date
        , creation_date
        , created_by
        , item_id
        , last_update_date
        , last_updated_by
        , last_update_login
        , to_organization_id
        , reason_id
        , source_doc_unit_of_measure
        , comments
        , po_header_id
        , po_line_id
        , po_unit_price
        , quantity
        , unit_of_measure
        , primary_unit_of_measure
        , currency_code
        , currency_conversion_type
        , currency_conversion_rate
        , currency_conversion_date
        INTO l_wip_entity_id
        , l_wip_line_id
        , l_wip_repetitive_schedule_id
        , l_wip_operation_seq_num
        , l_wip_resource_seq_num
        , l_transaction_date
        , l_creation_date
        , l_created_by
        , l_item_id
        , l_last_update_date
        , l_last_updated_by
        , l_last_update_login
        , l_organization_id
        , l_reason_id
        , l_source_doc_unit_of_measure
        , l_comments
        , l_po_header_id
        , l_po_line_id
        , l_po_unit_price
        , l_quantity
        , l_unit_of_measure
        , l_primary_unit_of_measure
        , l_currency_code
        , l_currency_conversion_type
        , l_currency_conversion_rate
        , l_currency_conversion_date
        WHERE interface_transaction_id = g_Res_rec.source_line_id;
Line: 151

      IF g_RCV_txn.last_update_date IS NULL THEN
         g_RCV_txn.Last_Update_Date := l_last_update_date;
Line: 154

      IF g_RCV_txn.last_updated_by IS NULL THEN
         g_RCV_txn.Last_Updated_By := l_last_updated_by;
Line: 157

      IF g_RCV_txn.last_update_login IS NULL THEN
         g_RCV_txn.Last_Update_Login := l_last_update_login;
Line: 226

      SELECT activity_id
        , resource_id
        , usage_rate_or_amount
        , basis_type
        , autocharge_type
        , uom_code
        , standard_rate_flag
        INTO l_activity_id
        , l_resource_id
        , l_usage_rate_or_amount
        , l_basis_type
        , l_autocharge_type
        , l_uom_code
        , l_std_rate_flag
        FROM wip_operation_resources
        WHERE wip_entity_id = g_Res_rec.wip_entity_id
        AND   organization_id = g_Res_rec.organization_id
        AND   operation_seq_num = g_Res_rec.operation_seq_num
        AND   resource_seq_num = g_Res_rec.resource_seq_num
        AND   (repetitive_schedule_id IS NULL
               OR repetitive_schedule_id = g_Res_rec.repetitive_schedule_id);
Line: 310

      SELECT pd.project_id
        , pd.task_id
        , nonrecoverable_tax
        , quantity_ordered
        INTO l_project_id
        , l_task_id
        , l_nonrecoverable_tax
        , l_quantity_ordered
        FROM po_distributions_all pd,
        rcv_transactions_interface rti
        WHERE rti.po_distribution_id = pd.po_distribution_id
        AND   rti.interface_transaction_id = g_Res_rec.source_line_id;
Line: 341

         select UNIT_MEAS_LOOKUP_CODE
         into l_po_uom
         from po_lines_all
         where po_line_id = g_RCV_txn.po_line_id;
Line: 377

      SELECT resource_code
        , resource_type
        INTO l_resource_code
        , l_resource_type
        FROM bom_resources br
        WHERE br.resource_id = g_Res_rec.resource_id;
Line: 419

      SELECT oap.acct_period_id
        INTO   l_acct_period_id
        FROM   org_acct_periods oap
        WHERE  oap.organization_id = g_Res_rec.organization_id
        AND    oap.period_close_date is null
        AND    trunc(g_Res_rec.transaction_date) between
               trunc(oap.period_start_date) and
Line: 481

      SELECT activity
        INTO g_Res_rec.activity_name
        FROM cst_activities
        WHERE activity_id = g_Res_rec.activity_id;
Line: 523

      SELECT msi.outside_operation_uom_type
      INTO l_uom_basis
      FROM mtl_system_items msi
      WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = g_RCV_txn.item_id
      AND   msi.organization_id = g_RCV_txn.organization_id;
Line: 550

       into l_po_uom
       from po_lines_all
       where po_line_id = g_RCV_txn.po_line_id;
Line: 595

              SELECT rti.primary_quantity
              INTO   l_po_qty
              FROM   mtl_system_items msi, rcv_transactions_interface rti
              WHERE  msi.inventory_item_id = rti.item_id
              AND    msi.organization_id = rti.to_organization_id
              AND    rti.interface_transaction_id = g_Res_rec.source_line_id;
Line: 627

        select round(l_actual_resource_rate,nvl(fc.extended_precision,5))
          into l_actual_resource_rate
          from fnd_currencies fc
          where currency_code = g_RCV_txn.currency_code;*/
Line: 639

        select we.hourly_labor_rate
        into l_actual_resource_rate
        from wip_employee_labor_rates we
        where we.employee_id = g_Res_rec.employee_id
        and we.organization_id = g_Res_rec.organization_id
        and we.effective_date = (select max(we1.effective_date)
                                 from wip_employee_labor_rates we1
                                 where we1.effective_date < sysdate
                                 and we1.employee_id = g_Res_rec.employee_id
                                 and we1.organization_id = g_Res_rec.organization_id);
Line: 767

      SELECT user_name
        INTO g_Res_rec.created_by_name
        FROM fnd_user
        WHERE user_id = g_Res_rec.created_by;
Line: 972

         SELECT department_code
           INTO l_dept_code
           FROM bom_departments
           WHERE department_id = g_Res_rec.department_id;
Line: 1001

           SELECT department_id
           INTO   l_dept_id
           FROM   wip_operations
           WHERE  wip_entity_id = g_Res_rec.wip_entity_id
           AND    operation_seq_num = g_Res_rec.operation_seq_num
           AND    organization_id = g_Res_rec.organization_id
           AND    (repetitive_schedule_id IS NULL
                  OR repetitive_schedule_id = g_Res_rec.repetitive_schedule_id);
Line: 1096

FUNCTION Get_Last_Updated_By

   IF g_Res_rec.last_updated_by IS NOT NULL THEN
      RETURN g_Res_rec.last_updated_by;
Line: 1108

      IF g_RCV_txn.last_updated_by IS NOT NULL THEN
         RETURN g_RCV_txn.last_updated_by;
Line: 1112

         RETURN g_RCV_txn.last_updated_by;
Line: 1123

END Get_Last_Updated_By;
Line: 1125

FUNCTION Get_Last_Updated_By_Name

   IF g_Res_rec.last_updated_by_name IS NOT NULL THEN
      RETURN g_Res_rec.last_updated_by_name;
Line: 1134

   IF g_Res_rec.last_updated_by IS NOT NULL THEN
      SELECT user_name
        INTO g_Res_rec.last_updated_by_name
        FROM fnd_user
        WHERE user_id = g_Res_rec.last_updated_by;
Line: 1140

      RETURN g_Res_rec.last_updated_by_name;
Line: 1149

END Get_Last_Updated_By_Name;
Line: 1151

FUNCTION Get_Last_Update_Date
RETURN DATE /*Fix Bug 8971751(FP 8933207)*/

   IF g_Res_rec.last_update_date IS NOT NULL THEN
      RETURN g_Res_rec.last_update_date;
Line: 1163

     IF g_RCV_txn.last_update_date IS NOT NULL THEN
        RETURN g_RCV_txn.last_update_date;
Line: 1167

        RETURN g_RCV_txn.last_update_date;
Line: 1178

END Get_Last_Update_Date;
Line: 1193

      SELECT line_code
        INTO l_line_code
        FROM wip_lines
        WHERE line_id = g_Res_rec.line_id
        AND   organization_id = g_Res_rec.organization_id;
Line: 1295

      SELECT organization_code
        INTO g_Res_rec.organization_code
        FROM mtl_parameters
        WHERE organization_id = g_Res_rec.organization_id;
Line: 1628

         SELECT reason_name
           INTO l_reason_name
           FROM mtl_transaction_reasons
           WHERE reason_id = g_Res_rec.reason_id;
Line: 1656

      SELECT   rp.receiving_account_id
        INTO   g_Res_rec.receiving_account_id
        FROM   rcv_parameters rp
        WHERE  rp.organization_id = g_Res_rec.organization_id;
Line: 1983

      SELECT msi.outside_operation_uom_type, rti.primary_quantity
        INTO l_uom_basis, l_po_qty
        FROM mtl_system_items msi, rcv_transactions_interface rti
        WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = rti.item_id
        AND   msi.organization_id = rti.to_organization_id
        AND   rti.interface_transaction_id = g_Res_rec.source_line_id;
Line: 2299

    g_Res_rec.last_updated_by := Get_Last_Updated_By;
Line: 2300

    g_Res_rec.last_updated_by_name := Get_Last_Updated_By_Name;
Line: 2309

    g_Res_rec.last_update_date := Get_Last_Update_Date;
Line: 2320

    IF g_Res_rec.last_updated_by IS NULL THEN
        g_Res_rec.last_updated_by := NULL;
Line: 2324

    IF g_Res_rec.last_update_date IS NULL THEN
        g_Res_rec.last_update_date := Sysdate;
Line: 2328

    IF g_Res_rec.last_update_login IS NULL THEN
        g_Res_rec.last_update_login := NULL;
Line: 2342

    IF g_Res_rec.program_update_date IS NULL THEN
        g_Res_rec.program_update_date := Sysdate;