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Line 760: of op_cust_mst

757: --B1731567 - Retrieve co_code associated with cust_no to give the customer key
758: --============================================================================
759: /* bug 2245351, to carry the code forward without forking, we will eliminate the use
760: of op_cust_mst
761: the co_code should be same as g_co_code */
762: CURSOR c_customer_and_so_info (oe_line_id IN NUMBER) IS
763: SELECT oel.sold_to_org_id
764: , oel.ship_to_org_id

Line 2322: l_cust_no op_cust_mst.cust_no%TYPE;

2318: /* For the Allocation rules. */
2319: l_op_alot_prm_rec op_alot_prm%ROWTYPE;
2320: l_inventory_item_id NUMBER;
2321: l_ic_item_mst_rec GMI_Reservation_Util.ic_item_mst_rec;
2322: l_cust_no op_cust_mst.cust_no%TYPE;
2323: l_co_code op_cust_mst.co_code%TYPE; --B1731567 co_code of cust
2325: /* added by fabdi 20/08/2001 Bug 2023369 */
2326: locked_by_other_user EXCEPTION;

Line 2323: l_co_code op_cust_mst.co_code%TYPE; --B1731567 co_code of cust

2319: l_op_alot_prm_rec op_alot_prm%ROWTYPE;
2320: l_inventory_item_id NUMBER;
2321: l_ic_item_mst_rec GMI_Reservation_Util.ic_item_mst_rec;
2322: l_cust_no op_cust_mst.cust_no%TYPE;
2323: l_co_code op_cust_mst.co_code%TYPE; --B1731567 co_code of cust
2325: /* added by fabdi 20/08/2001 Bug 2023369 */
2326: locked_by_other_user EXCEPTION;
2327: PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (locked_by_other_user,-54);

Line 2370: From op_cust_mst opc

2366: AND sol.line_id = so_line_id ;
2368: Cursor get_cust_no IS
2369: Select opc.cust_no
2370: From op_cust_mst opc
2371: , sy_orgn_mst som
2372: , ic_whse_mst whse
2373: Where whse.mtl_organization_id = l_organization_id
2374: and whse.orgn_code = som.orgn_code