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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 289

PROCEDURE update_quantities
  (  p_api_version_number    	IN  NUMBER
   , p_init_msg_lst          	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
   , x_return_status         	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   , x_msg_count             	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_msg_data              	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   , p_organization_id          IN  NUMBER
   , p_inventory_item_id        IN  NUMBER
   , p_tree_mode                IN  INTEGER
   , p_is_revision_control      IN  BOOLEAN
   , p_is_lot_control           IN  BOOLEAN
   , p_is_serial_control        IN  BOOLEAN
   , p_demand_source_type_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
   , p_demand_source_header_id  IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
   , p_demand_source_line_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
   , p_demand_source_name       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
   , p_lot_expiration_date      IN  DATE     DEFAULT NULL
   , p_revision              	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
   , p_lot_number            	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
   , p_subinventory_code     	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
   , p_locator_id            	IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
   , p_primary_quantity      	IN  NUMBER
   , p_quantity_type         	IN  INTEGER
   , p_onhand_source		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_all_subs
   , x_qoh                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_rqoh                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_qr                    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_qs                    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_att                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_atr                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , p_transfer_subinventory_code IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
   , p_cost_group_id		IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
   , p_containerized		IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_containerized_false
   , p_lpn_id			IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
   , p_transfer_locator_id	IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
  ) IS

l_sqoh    NUMBER;    -- invConv change
Line: 338

  (  p_api_version_number    	=> p_api_version_number
   , p_init_msg_lst          	=> p_init_msg_lst
   , x_return_status         	=> x_return_status
   , x_msg_count             	=> x_msg_count
   , x_msg_data              	=> x_msg_data
   , p_organization_id          => p_organization_id
   , p_inventory_item_id        => p_inventory_item_id
   , p_tree_mode                => p_tree_mode
   , p_is_revision_control      => p_is_revision_control
   , p_is_lot_control           => p_is_lot_control
   , p_is_serial_control        => p_is_serial_control
   , p_demand_source_type_id    => p_demand_source_type_id
   , p_demand_source_header_id  => p_demand_source_header_id
   , p_demand_source_line_id    => p_demand_source_line_id
   , p_demand_source_name       => p_demand_source_name
   , p_lot_expiration_date      => p_lot_expiration_date
   , p_revision              	=> p_revision
   , p_lot_number            	=> p_lot_number
   , p_subinventory_code     	=> p_subinventory_code
   , p_locator_id            	=> p_locator_id
   , p_grade_code            	=> NULL                        -- invConv change
   , p_primary_quantity         => p_primary_quantity
   , p_quantity_type            => p_quantity_type
   , p_secondary_quantity       => l_secondary_quantity        -- invConv change
   , p_onhand_source            => p_onhand_source
   , x_qoh                      => x_qoh
   , x_rqoh                     => x_rqoh
   , x_qr                       => x_qr
   , x_qs                       => x_qs
   , x_att                      => x_att
   , x_atr                      => x_atr
   , x_sqoh                     => l_sqoh     -- invConv change
   , x_srqoh                    => l_srqoh    -- invConv change
   , x_sqr                      => l_sqr      -- invConv change
   , x_sqs                      => l_sqs      -- invConv change
   , x_satt                     => l_satt     -- invConv change
   , x_satr                     => l_satr     -- invConv change
   , p_transfer_subinventory_code => p_transfer_subinventory_code
   , p_cost_group_id            => p_cost_group_id
   , p_containerized            => p_containerized
   , p_lpn_id                   => p_lpn_id
   , p_transfer_locator_id      => p_transfer_locator_id);
Line: 384

END  update_quantities;
Line: 387

PROCEDURE update_quantities
  (  p_api_version_number    	IN  NUMBER
   , p_init_msg_lst          	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
   , x_return_status         	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   , x_msg_count             	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_msg_data              	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   , p_organization_id          IN  NUMBER
   , p_inventory_item_id        IN  NUMBER
   , p_tree_mode                IN  INTEGER
   , p_is_revision_control      IN  BOOLEAN
   , p_is_lot_control           IN  BOOLEAN
   , p_is_serial_control        IN  BOOLEAN
   , p_demand_source_type_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
   , p_demand_source_header_id  IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
   , p_demand_source_line_id    IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT -9999
   , p_demand_source_name       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
   , p_lot_expiration_date      IN  DATE     DEFAULT NULL
   , p_revision              	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
   , p_lot_number            	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
   , p_subinventory_code     	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
   , p_locator_id            	IN  NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
   , p_grade_code            	IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL    -- invConv change
   , p_primary_quantity      	IN  NUMBER
   , p_quantity_type         	IN  INTEGER
   , p_secondary_quantity      	IN  NUMBER                -- invConv change
   , p_onhand_source		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_all_subs
   , x_qoh                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_rqoh                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_qr                    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_qs                    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_att                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_atr                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_sqoh                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER          -- invConv change
   , x_srqoh                  	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER          -- invConv change
   , x_sqr                    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER          -- invConv change
   , x_sqs                    	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER          -- invConv change
   , x_satt                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER          -- invConv change
   , x_satr                   	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER          -- invConv change
   , p_transfer_subinventory_code IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
   , p_cost_group_id		IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
   , p_containerized		IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_containerized_false
   , p_lpn_id			IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
   , p_transfer_locator_id	IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
  ) IS

     l_api_version_number       CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0;
Line: 433

     l_api_name                 CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Update_Quantities';
Line: 544

     INTO   l_neg_inv_rcpt
     WHERE  ORGANIZATION_ID = p_organization_id;
Line: 585

        p_api_version_number      => 1.0
      , p_init_msg_lst            => p_init_msg_lst
      , x_return_status           => l_return_status
      , x_msg_count               => x_msg_count
      , x_msg_data                => x_msg_data
      , p_tree_id                 => l_tree_id
      , p_revision                => p_revision
      , p_lot_number              => p_lot_number
      , p_subinventory_code       => p_subinventory_code
      , p_locator_id              => p_locator_id
      , p_primary_quantity        => p_primary_quantity
      , p_quantity_type           => p_quantity_type
      , p_secondary_quantity      => p_secondary_quantity       -- invConv change
      , x_qoh                     => l_qoh
      , x_rqoh                    => l_rqoh
      , x_qr                      => l_qr
      , x_qs                      => l_qs
      , x_att                     => l_att
      , x_atr                     => l_atr
      , x_sqoh                    => l_sqoh        -- invConv change
      , x_srqoh                   => l_srqoh       -- invConv change
      , x_sqr                     => l_sqr         -- invConv change
      , x_sqs                     => l_sqs         -- invConv change
      , x_satt                    => l_satt        -- invConv change
      , x_satr                    => l_satr        -- invConv change
      , p_transfer_subinventory_code => p_transfer_subinventory_code
      , p_cost_group_id		  => p_cost_group_id
      , p_containerized		  => p_containerized
      , p_lpn_id		  => p_lpn_id
      , p_transfer_locator_id	  => p_transfer_locator_id
Line: 678

END update_quantities;