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Line 640: -- Hence used a Dynamic sal based on the existance of this column in ALL_TAB_COLUMNS.

636: AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
638: -- get org attributes aswell
639: -- Ib_item_instance_class column may or may not exists in mtl_system_items_b.
640: -- Hence used a Dynamic sal based on the existance of this column in ALL_TAB_COLUMNS.
642: -- For Bug 3431768
643: l_return := FND_INSTALLATION.get_app_info('INV',l_status,l_industry,l_oracle_schema);

Line 656: from all_tab_columns

652: Begin
653: /* Modified for bug 15896185 - Online patching compatible fix
654: select 'X'
655: into l_exists
656: from all_tab_columns
657: where table_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'
658: and column_name = 'IB_ITEM_INSTANCE_CLASS'
659: and OWNER = l_oracle_schema
660: and rownum < 2;

Line 665: all_tab_columns col

661: Modified for bug 15896185 - Online patching compatible fix*/
662: select 'X'
663: into l_exists
664: from user_synonyms syn,
665: all_tab_columns col
666: where syn.synonym_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'
667: and col.column_name = 'IB_ITEM_INSTANCE_CLASS'
668: and col.OWNER = l_oracle_schema
669: AND col.owner = syn.table_owner

Line 699: from all_tab_columns

695: Begin
696: /* Modified for bug 15896185 - Online patching compatible fix
697: select 'X'
698: into l_exists
699: from all_tab_columns
700: where table_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'
701: and column_name = 'CONFIG_MODEL_TYPE'
702: and OWNER = l_oracle_schema
703: and rownum < 2;

Line 708: all_tab_columns col

704: Modified for bug 15896185 - Online patching compatible fix*/
705: select 'X'
706: into l_exists
707: from user_synonyms syn,
708: all_tab_columns col
709: where syn.synonym_name = 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'
710: and col.column_name = 'CONFIG_MODEL_TYPE'
711: and col.OWNER = l_oracle_schema
712: AND col.owner = syn.table_owner